542 research outputs found

    La corruzione privata e la riforma dell'art. 2635 c.c.

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    L'articolo esplora il trattamento penale dei fatti di corruzione privata, anche alla luce della recente legge n. 190/2012. Due le tesi principali sostenute: 1) contrariamente a quel che si crede, nel nostro ordinamento esiste gi\ue0 (ed esisteva anche prima del 2012) una incriminazione - sia pur non diretta - dei fatti di corruzione privata; 2) la riforma del 2012 cambia l'offensita' tipica dei reati di cui all'art. 2635 c.c., affiancando alla tutela del patrimonio, una tutela della concorrenza quale interesse dei consumatori.The paper explores the Italian discipline on private bribery, which has recently undergone significant reform through law no. 190/2012


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    Da tempo si discute se il paternalismo penale costituisca un principio di crimina- lizzazione compatibile con gli assunti di fondo del pensiero liberale. Nell\u2019articolo si sostiene che, in realt\ue0, esso non costituisce un autonomo principio di criminaliz- zazione. Dopo aver distinto tra p. tutorio e p. dispotico, vi si mostra, innanzitutto, come il primo sia manifestazione del principio del danno. Anche il secondo, si sostiene, costituisce un finto avversario per il liberalismo: le incriminazioni che ne costituirebbero espressione o hanno un fondamento moralistico (e andrebbero perci\uf2 \u2018combattute\u2019 come forme di moralismo giuridico) oppure sviluppano, anche esse, la stessa logica del principio del danno. In realt\ue0, \ue8 proprio quest\u2019ultimo a costituire, ai fini di una giusta criminalizzazione, un fondamento assai pi\uf9 incerto di quanto non credano gli antipaternalisti. Vi si propone poi una critica del concetto di \u2018p. indiretto\u2019, e della visione \u2014 inadeguata \u2014 che esso presuppone dell\u2019istituto del consenso dell\u2019offeso. Se ne trae la conclusione che la gran parte dei problemi ricondotti al \u2018p. penale\u2019 andrebbero pi\uf9 propriamente affrontati come parte della pi\uf9 generale discussione sul cosiddetto \u2018diritto a sbagliare\u2019.The compatibility between so-called penal paternalism and liberalism has been long discussed. The aim of this article is to show that p. p. does not actually represent an autonomous principle of criminalization. First of all, after having made a distinction between tutelary and despotic p., it is argued that the first one is nothing but a specific manifestation of the harm principle. As to the second, it is argued that struggling with it is a kind of shadow-boxing: criminal norms usually seen as tokens of it are instead expressions either of legal moralism (and should be dealt with as such) or (as is for tutelary paternalism) of the harm principle. In these last cases, the problem is that the harm principle itself is a far less stable ground for criminalization than antipaternalists seem to believe. Moreover, the article provides a critical account of the antipaternalists\u2019 view on consent. The conclusion is thereby drawn that what in fact the debate on p. p. calls for is a thorough discussion of whether individuals have a \u2018right to do wrong\u2019 (even when this \u2018wrong\u2019 consists in self harming)


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    Il libro ambisce a fornire una interpretazione innovativa della scriminante dell''esercizio di un diritto (art. 51 c.p.), quale espressione dei principi di sussidiariet\ue0 del diritto penale e del favor libertatis. Sullo sfondo, una critica - di teoria generale del diritto - al dogma della coerenza e unitarieta'' dell''ordinamento giuridico. Nella seconda parte, vengono infine esposte le ricadute operative del ragionamento

    On the optimal indoor air conditions for sars-cov-2 inactivation. An enthalpy-based approach

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    In the CoViD-19 pandemic, the precautionary approach suggests that all possible measures should be established and implemented to avoid contagion, including through aerosols. For indoor spaces, the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 could be mitigated not only via air changes, but also by heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems maintaining thermodynamic conditions possibly adverse to the virus. However, data available in literature on virus survival were never treated aiming to this. In fact, based on comparisons in terms of specific enthalpy, a domain of indoor comfort conditions between 50 and 60 kJ/kg is found to comply with this objective, and an easy-to-use relationship for setting viable pairs of humidity and temperature using a proper HVAC plant is proposed. If confirmed via further investigations on this research path, these findings could open interesting scenarios on the use of indoor spaces during the pandemic

    Predicting sars-cov-2 weather-induced seasonal virulence from atmospheric air enthalpy

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    Following the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, several studies have examined the possibility of correlating the virulence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, to the climatic conditions of the involved sites; however, inconclusive results have been generally obtained. Although neither air temperature nor humidity can be independently correlated with virus viability, a strong relationship between SARS-CoV-2 virulence and the specific enthalpy of moist air appears to exist, as confirmed by extensive data analysis. Given this framework, the present study involves a detailed investigation based on the first 20-30 days of the epidemic before public health interventions in 30 selected Italian provinces with rather different climates, here assumed as being representative of what happened in the country from North to South, of the relationship between COVID-19 distributions and the climatic conditions recorded at each site before the pandemic outbreak. Accordingly, a correlating equation between the incidence rate at the early stage of the epidemic and the foregoing average specific enthalpy of atmospheric air was developed, and an enthalpy-based seasonal virulence risk scale was proposed to predict the potential danger of COVID-19 outbreak due to the persistence of weather conditions favorable to SARS-CoV-2 viability. As an early detection tool, an unambiguous risk chart expressed in terms of coupled temperatures and relative humidity (RH) values was provided, showing that safer conditions occur in the case of higher RHs at the highest temperatures, and of lower RHs at the lowest temperatures. Despite the complex determinism and dynamics of the pandemic and the related caveats, the restriction of the study to its early stage allowed the proposed risk scale to result in agreement with the available infectivity data highlighted in the literature for a number of cities around the world

    Mutational analysis of the rolA gene of Agrobacterium rhizogenes in tobacco: function of the rolA pre-mRNA intron and rolA proteins defective in their biological activity.

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    The rolA gene of Agrobacterium rhizogenes contains in its untranslated leader region a spliceosomal intron, which is spliced in Arabidopsis and in Nicotiana tabacum. Expression under the control of the 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus of a rolA gene derivative defective in splicing still causes alterations of growth in transgenic tobacco plants. Splicing of rolA mRNA is required for efficient expression of the rolA phenotype in vivo. Moreover, splicing is required for efficient in vitro translation of the rolA mRNA. In contrast, expression of a 35S-rolA gene derivative with the ATG initiation codon replaced by ATA does not cause any phenotypical alteration. Mutations leading to amino acid substitutions at positions 37 and 40 of the rolA coding region were isolated as null mutants in Arabidopsis plants transgenic for the rolA gene. However, when expressed in tobacco under the control of the 35S promoter, they cause a rolA phenotype reduced in the expressivity of its traits. The molecular characterization of rolA mutants might be useful for understanding the biochemical function of the rolA protein

    Theoretical Estimation of CO2 Compression and Transport Costs for an Hypothetical Carbon and Capture & Storage Requalification of the Saline Joniche Power Plant Project

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    SEI S.p.a. presented a project to build a 1320 MW coal-fired power plant in Saline Joniche, on the Southern tip of Calabria Region, Italy, in 2008. A gross early evaluation about the possibility to add CCS (CO2 Capture & Storage) was performed too. The project generated widespread opposition among environmental associations, citizens and local institutions in that period, against the coal use to produce energy, as a consequence of its GHG clima-alterating impact. Moreover the CCS (also named Carbon Capture & Storage or more recently CCUS: Carbon Capture-Usage-Storage) technology was at that time still an unknown and “mysterious” solution for the GHG avoiding to the atmosphere.   The present study concerns the sizing of the compression and transportation system of the CCS section, included in the project presented at the time by SEI Spa; the sizing of the compression station and the pipeline connecting the plant to the possible Fosca01 offshore injection site previously studied as a possible storage solution, as part of a coarse screening of CO2 storage sites in the Calabria Region. This study takes into account the costs of construction, operation and maintenance (O&M) of both the compression plant and the sound pipeline, considering the gross static storage capacity of the Fosca01 reservoir as a whole as previously evaluated

    L'importanza di ventilare gli ambienti chiusi per combattere il Covid

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    Il paternalismo giuridico tra principio del danno e moralismo giuridico. Alcune riflessioni a partire dal libro di Giorgio Maniaci

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    Nell’articolo si sostiene che il paternalismo giuridico non costituisce un autonomo principio di criminalizzazione. A tal fine, si analizza il ruolo dell’immoralità dell’atto nel funzionamento dei tre princìpi di criminalizzazione del moralismo giuridico, del principio del danno e del paterna- lismo giuridico: la tesi è che, al di là delle apparenze, tutti e tre questi princìpi suppongano che l’immoralità dell’atto costituisca l’oggetto intenzionale di una criminalizzazione legittima. Que- sta tesi è sostenuta, dapprima, con riferimento specifico al principio del danno, del quale si pro- spettano diversi possibili tipi di moralizzazione, e poi, più diffusamente, con riferimento al pa- ternalismo giuridico; nel farlo, si mostra, facendo leva sulla ricostruzione critica effettuata da Giorgio Maniaci nel suo libro, che tutti i possibili argomenti a sostegno del paternalismo giuri- dico non sono, in effetti, che variazioni sul principio del danno o argomenti meramente e diret- tamente moralistici.The article argues that legal paternalism does not constitute an autonomous principle of criminalisation. To this end, the article analyses the role of the immorality of the act in the functioning of the three principles of criminalisation of legal moralism, harm principle, and legal paternalism: the thesis is that, beyond appearances, all three of these principles assume that the immorality of the act constitutes the intentional object of legitimate criminalisation. This thesis is argued, firstly, with specific reference to the harm principle, of which various possible types of moralisation are envisaged, and then, more widely, with reference to legal paternalism. In doing so, it is shown, relying on the critical reconstruction carried out by Giorgio Maniaci in his book, that all the possible arguments in support of legal paternalism are in fact nothing more than variations on the harm principle or merely and directly moralistic arguments


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    In questo articolo sottopongo ad alcune considerazioni critiche la tesi di Brigaglia secondo la quale il Foucault degli anni ’80 avrebbe maturato ed esplicitato una concezione del potere, neutrale e pragmatica, qualitativamente molto diversa da quella, conflittualista e ultra-radicale, che attraverserebbe invece i suoi lavori degli anni ’70. In contrario, sosterrò che, pur con diverse accentazioni, il pensiero di Foucault è costantemente informato all’idea secondo cui ogni relazione di potere comporta sempre un agonismo, attuale o anche solo potenziale, che ha come contraltare una resistenza, anche questa attuale o potenziale, del bersaglio; sosterrò, altresì, che questa dinamica potere-resistenza consente di rinvenire già negli scritti anni ’70 gli spunti di una concezione della libertà come costruzione di sé, indagata a fondo da Foucault solo negli anni ’80, e che ciò ci dà una chiave di lettura interessante dell’assunto foucaultiano secondo cui «il potere costituisce il soggetto». Contrariamente a quanto argomenta Brigaglia, sosterrò, inoltre, che un concetto meramente neutrale di potere è inutile.In this paper, I scrutinize Marco Brigaglia’s thesis according to which the conception of power defended by Michel Foucault in the eighties was sharply different from the one he had been relying on in his prior work during the seventies. Against this view, I argue that the Foucaultian concept of power has always been informed by the idea of agonism, which revolves around a relationship power-resistance; I also argue that this dynamic power-resistance provides us with an interesting interpretation of Foucault’s renowned notion that power constitutes the subject
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