462 research outputs found

    Efficacia di una terapia senza bendaggio con gel a base di trealosio ialuronato sodico carbomero, nella riparazione del danno corneale epiteliale di tipo meccanico vs terapia a base di pomata antibiotica oftalmica con bendaggio

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    Introduzione: la superficie oculare è una complessa unità funzionale, il cui normale funzionamento è regolato dal sistema nervoso, particolarmente espresso a livello corneale. Diverse patologie possono portare ad una alterazione della superficie oculare e tra queste le patologie traumatiche della superficie oculare. In caso di trauma lo scopo principale della terapia della superficie oculare è di riparare il danno epiteliale. L’effetto protettivo e riparativo di una formulazione in gel a base di trealosio/ialuronato sodico/carbomero può trovare una valida applicazione nei processi di riparazione di danno epiteliale. Scopo: valutare l’efficacia riparativa nei confronti del danno epiteliale di tipo meccanico, di una formulazione in gel a base di trealosio/ialuronato sodico/carbomero, senza bendaggio oculare in confronto ad una terapia topica antibiotica con bendaggio oculare. Materiali e metodi: studio osservazionale condotto su 262 pazienti afferiti presso la clinica Oculistica di Roma nel periodo maggio 2014 – giugno 2017 per una lesione corneale e/o corneo-congiuntivale di natura da corpo estraneo o per abrasione corneale traumatica. È stata ottenuta l’approvazione del Comitato Etico ed il consenso informato dei pazienti. Il primo gruppo era costituito da 158 pazienti sottoposti a rimozione di corpo estraneo corneale e trattati per 7 giorni con le seguenti modalità: 83 pazienti con una formulazione in gel a base di trealosio/ialuronato sodico/carbomero quattro volte al giorno senza bendaggio oculare; 75 pazienti con una terapia topica antibiotica quattro volte al giorno con bendaggio oculare. Il secondo gruppo costituito da 104 pazienti con abrasione corneale e trattati con le stesse modalità descritte nel primo gruppo di pazienti (50 vs 54 rispettivamente). Risultati: dopo 4 giorni di trattamento la percentuale di guarigione dei pazienti trattati con la formulazione in gel a base di trealosio/ialuronato sodico/carbomero rispetto ai pazienti trattati con terapia topica antibiotica era significativamente superiore in entrambi i gruppi (73% vs 32%; p<0,01 Gruppo 1) (78% vs 29%; p<0,01 Gruppo 2). La differenza si è mantenuta anche dopo 7 giorni di trattamento (98% vs 91%; p<0,01 Gruppo 1) (100% vs 87% Gruppo 2; p<0,01). Una differenza statisticamente significativa dopo 4 giorni di trattamento è stata riscontrata per i parametri soggettivi come dolore (0,22 vs 0,47; p<0,01 Gruppo 1) (0.1 vs 0.5; p<0,01 Gruppo 2), bruciore (0,23 vs 0,79; p<0,01 Gruppo 1) (0.1 vs 0.8; p<0,01 Gruppo 2) e sensazione di corpo estraneo (0,51 vs 1,37; p<0,01 Gruppo 1) (0.4 vs 1.8; p<0,01 gruppo 2). Conclusioni: la terapia con una formulazione in gel a base di trealosio/ialuronato sodico/carbomero senza bendaggio sembra una valida alternativa all’applicazione di pomata oftalmica antibiotica con bendaggio.Introduction: The ocular surface is a complex functional unit whose normal functions are regulated by the nervous system, particularly expressed at the corneal level. Various diseases, and also traumatic injuries, can lead to the alteration of the ocular surface. In case of trauma, the main purpose of ocular surface therapy is to repair the epithelial damage. A gel formulation based on trehalose/sodium hyaluronate/carbomer may represent a valid strategy to help the epithelial repair processes, thanks to its protective and repairing action. Aim: To evaluate the effect of a gel formulation based on trehalose/sodium hyaluronate/carbomer without eye patching compared to topical antibiotic therapy with eye patching, in recovering epithelial damage caused by mechanical injury. Materials and methods: An observational study involving 262 patients referred to the Ophthalmology Clinic in Rome between May 2014 and June 2017 for corneal and/or cornealconjunctival lesion caused by a foreign body or by traumatic corneal abrasion. Ethical approval was obtained , and only consenting subjects were involved. The first group involved 158 patients who underwent corneal foreign body removal and were treated for 7 days as follows: 83 patients received a gel formulation based on trehalose/sodium hyaluronate/carbomer four times a day, without occlusive eye patch; 75 patients were treated with topical antibiotic therapy four times a day and occlusive eye patch. The second group included 104 patients with corneal abrasion who underwent the same treatments described for the first group of patients (50 vs 54 patients, respectively). Results: After 4 days of treatment, the recovery rate was significantly higher in both groups of patients treated with the gel formulation based on trehalose/sodium hyaluronate/carbomer, compared to patients treated with topical antibiotic therapy (73% vs 32%, p<0.01; Group 1) (78% vs 29%, p<0.01; Group 2). The difference was maintained even after 7 days of treatment (98% vs 91%, p<0.01; Group 1) (100% vs 87%, p<0.01; Group 2). A statistically significant difference was found after 4 days of treatment in subjective parameters such as pain (0.22 vs 0.47, p<0.01; Group 1) (0.1 vs 0.5, p<0.01; Group 2), burning sensation (0.23 vs 0.79, p<0.01; Group 1) (0.1 vs 0.8, p<0.01; Group 2) and foreign body sensation (0.51 vs 1.37, p<0.01; Group 1) (0.4 vs 1.8, p<0.01; Group 2). Conclusions: Treatment with a gel formulation based on trehalose/sodium hyaluronate/carbomer without occlusive patch seems a valid alternative to the application of an antibiotic ophthalmic ointment and occlusive eye patching

    Development of new FRP reinforcement for optimized concrete structures

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    With the goal of achieving sustainable design, being able to combine optimized geometries with durable construction materials is a major challenge for Civil Engineering. Recent research at the University of Bath has demonstrated that fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) can be woven into geometrically appropriate cages for the reinforcement of optimised concrete beams. This innovative construction method enables the replacement of conventional steel with non-corrosive reinforcement that can provide the required strength exactly where needed. The manufacturing of the reinforcement is achieved by means of an automated process based on a filament winding technique. Being extremely lightweight, the wound-FRP (WFRP) cages are well suited to speeding up construction processes, as they can be delivered on site ready to be cast. In this paper, the results of flexural tests on optimised full-scale flexibly formed concrete elements are reported and discussed. Two different case studies are taken in consideration: A structurally optimized joist supporting a lightweight floor;A structurally optimized beam with an in-situ casting of a concrete floor. The optimization objective is to obtain the minimal mass of concrete required to achieve the structural capacity design requirements from widely recognized design codes. The experimental results demonstrate the reliability of the technical solution proposed and provide the basis of a new concept for sustainable and durable reinforced concrete structures

    FRP-RC/PC members subjected to combined actions

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    The capacity provisions of conventional Reinforced Concrete (RC) and Prestressed Concrete (PC) beams subjected to combined action of torsion, shear and flexure are well known and stated by international/national codes. Similar provisions lack for concrete members containing Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) reinforcements. In general, there is paucity of research on the treatment of torsion combined with other stress resultants for FRP-RC/PC members. In this paper the theoretical method proposed by the Canadian standard CSA S806 for FRP-RC/PC structures is presented. The critical issues, related to this topic, such as the appropriate strength and inclination of the diagonal struts and failure criteria are critically analyzed and addressed. In order to assess the reliability of this study a comparison between available experimental data regarding FRP-RC/PC beams subjected to combined actions and their corresponding theoretical provisions derived by the CSA S806 standard is shown. Furthermore, another approach, available in literature, which is based on the space truss model, is examined and used for comparison in order to evaluate the theoretical provisions offered by this model against the tests value of the set of the beams analyzed in this study. Based on the critical analysis of the results, it can be highlighted that the CSA method is able to conservatively predict the capacity of these beams

    Pseudo-ductile Failure of Adhesively Joined GFRP Beam-Column Connections:An Experimental and Numerical Investigation

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    Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) I-beam-column adhesively bonded connections are tested under combined bending and shear. The special feature of the novel connection is the wrapping of the seat angles at the connection by a carbonfiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabric wrap. The wrap is primarily intended to alter the connection failure mode from brittle to pseudo-ductile, thus providing adequate warning of impending failure. Four moment resisting connection configurations are tested, including the reference configuration without the wrap. It is observed that the connection failure is initiated by the fracture of the adhesive, but the provision of the wrap, together with a steelseat angle, alters the failure mode from brittle to pseudoductile. The post-peak load deformation is achieved without a large drop in the resistance of the connection. On other hand, the connection with the wrapping and a GFRP seat angle can also change the failure mode to pseudo-ductile, but it could not be done without a large reduction in theconnectionresistanceafterthepeakload

    GFRP hollow column to built-up beam adhesive connection:Mechanical behaviour under quasi-static, cyclic and fatigue loading

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    A new adhesive beam-column connection is tested which possess the highest strength and stiffness compared to any other similar adhesive or bolted connection tested in the past. A square GFRP hollow section, acting as a column, was connected to a built-up beam made of two GFRP U-profiles by means of either epoxy or steel bolts. The beam-column assembly formed an L-shaped frame which was tested by applying a point load at the beam free end while the column was fixed at its base. Five bolted and five adhesive replicate connections were subjected to quasi-static loading up to failure. Another three adhesive connections were subjected to 400, 800 or 1200 cycles of loading and unloading with the maximum load being equal to 0.50 Pu,avg, where Pu,avg is the average static strength of the replicate adhesive specimens. At the end of the cyclic loading, the latter specimens were loaded quasi-statically to failure. Finally, another two adhesive connections were subjected to fatigue type loading. They were successively subjected to at least 196 cycles of loading and unloading with the load amplitude being 0.50 Pu,avg in the first 60 cycles, 0.75 Pu,avg in the next 60 cycles, 0.85 Pu,avg in the following 60 cycles and 0.95 Pu,avg after the 180th cycle. The test results show that the proposed adhesive connection can achieve on average 82% higher strength and 380% higher rotational stiffness than the companion bolted connection. Furthermore, the above cyclic loading has negligible effect on either the strength or the stiffness of the connection. Finally, the connection can sustain the foregoing fatigue load up to almost 180 cycles without significant damage but it will not be able to withstand the full 60 cycles of the load with 0.95 Pu,avg amplitude. The current results demonstrate the superior strength and stiffness of the new adhesive connection compared to a similar bolted connection

    Acute and cumulative effects of rTMS on behavioural and EMG parameters in Focal Hand Dystonia

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    Previous studies suggest that low-frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over contralateral premotor cortex (PMC) might ameliorate Focal Hand Dystonia (FHD) symptoms. In the present study behavioral and muscle activity outcomes were explored in a patient with FHD following a single and multiple sessions of rTMS. The patient's behavior was assessed on handwriting tasks, while surface EMG signals were recorded. In Experiment 1 evaluations were performed before and after one session of active and sham 1Hz rTMS over contralateral PMC. In Experiment 2, evaluations were performed before and after six sessions of the same treatment. In Experiment 1 active rTMS improved the patient's performance, although the EMG amplitude did not change. In Experiment 2, the patient showed an improvement of performance along with a decrease of 20% in the EMG amplitude. These results demonstrated that a single session of rTMS ameliorated the patient's performance, while multiple sessions were necessary to reduce muscles activity

    Recent Developments in Gene Therapy for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Review

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex and multifactorial disease and a leading cause of irreversible blindness in the elderly population. The anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy has revolutionized the management and prognosis of neovascular AMD (nAMD) and is currently the standard of care for this disease. However, patients are required to receive repeated injections, imposing substantial social and economic burdens. The implementation of gene therapy methods to achieve sustained delivery of various therapeutic proteins holds the promise of a single treatment that could ameliorate the treatment challenges associated with chronic intravitreal therapy, and potentially improve visual outcomes. Several early-phase trials are currently underway, evaluating the safety and efficacy of gene therapy for nAMD; however, areas of controversy persist, including the therapeutic target, route of administration, and potential safety issues. In this review, we assess the evolution of gene therapy for nAMD and summarize several preclinical and early-stage clinical trials, exploring challenges and future directions

    Nucleic Acid-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticle Interactions with Model Endosomal Membranes

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    [Image: see text] Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are important delivery systems for RNA-based therapeutics, yet the mechanism of their interaction with endosomal membranes remains unclear. Here, the interactions of nucleic acid-loaded LNPs that contain an ionizable lipid with models of the early and late endosomal membranes are studied, for the first time, using different reflectometry techniques. Novel insight is provided with respect to the subphase pH, the stage of the endosome, and the nature of the nucleic acid cargo. It is found that the insertion of lipids from the LNPs into the model membrane is greatest at pH 6.5 and 5.5, whereas at higher pH, lipid insertion is suppressed with evidence instead for the binding of intact LNPs, demonstrating the importance of the pH in the fusion of LNPs undergoing the endosomal pathway. Furthermore, and independently of the pH, the effect of the early- versus late-stage endosomal models is minimal, suggesting that the increased fluidity and anionic nature of the late endosome has little effect on the extent of LNP interaction. Last, there is greater nucleic acid delivery from LNPs containing mRNA than Poly(A), indicating that the extent of interaction can be tuned according to the nature of the nucleic acid cargo. Such new information on the relative impact of factors influencing nucleic acid delivery by LNP interactions with endosomal membranes is important in the design and tuning of vehicles with improved nucleic acid delivery capacities

    Wound FRP shear reinforcement for concrete structures

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    This paper describes current research at the University of Bath and the University of Miami that is, for the first time, aiming to completely replace internal steel reinforcement in concrete structures with knitted prefabricated cages made of highly durable fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement. The proposed manufacturing technique, based on the filament winding process, allows the reinforcement to be fabricated in a precisely calculated geometry with the aim of providing tensile strength exactly where it is needed. The resulting Wound FRP (W-FRP) cage designs capitalise on the extraordinary flexibility and lightness offered by FRP construction materials. This paper presents fundamental analytical and experimental studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the wound reinforcement system and forms the basis of future efforts to develop fully automated manufacturing methods for concrete structures
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