158 research outputs found

    Valeurs nutritives et toxicité du foenicululm vulgare miller

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    Food values and toxicity of the foenicululm vulgare millerFoeniculum vulagre Mill. plant aromatic, spontaneous and wides pread in algeria is used by the population for its medicinal virtues. Our samples, coming from the Algerian west, showed that the contents of the principal compounds resulting from the primary metabolism and for each part of the plant (soed, stem and roots) are interesting for proteins (17,5 %) and lipids (12 %) and relatively  weak for glucids (13 %). The presence of toxic components coming from the secondary metabolism in particular the coumarins and tanins, made up recognized like inhibiting the digestibility of proteins, influential on the evolution of the ponderal mass of the animal (rat "Wistar"). The saponosides, flavonoïdes, sterols and steroïdes, tanins, coumarins, alcaloïdes, anthracenosides, anthocyanosides and emodols with little or no presence, have only little influence on the digestibility qualities of the plant. The output of 2,7 % in essential oil from the flowering plant is interesting and is in conformity with those obtained by the literature

    Giant Presternal Dermoid Cyst: An Adult Case

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    Epidermal cysts are more common above the shoulder and within the face and scalp. The authors report a case of giant presternal dermoid cyst in a 25 year old man. The case illustrates that dermoid cysts can appear in atypical location. Dermoid cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of midsternal lesions regardless of the size and imaging characteristics.Key Words: Dermoid cyst, Presternal chest wall, Thoracic surger

    Une tumeur rare de la paroi thoracique: le synovialosarcome

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    Les sarcomes ténosynoviaux ou synovialosarcomes sont des tumeurs malignes des tissus mous, l’atteinte primitive de la paroi thoracique est rare. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient suivi pour des douleurs thoraciques avec à l'examen une masse pariétale, le bilan radiologique a montré un développement également endothoracique de la tumeur. L’analyse anatomopathologique de la biopsie de la masse a conclu à un synovialosarcome, le patient a eu une résection de la tumeur associé à une radio chimiothérapie, le suivi a été marqué par la récidive au bout d'un an. A travers cette observation, nous insistons sur la rareté de la localisation, les caractères histologiques, les différentes approches thérapeutiques et le pronostic de ces tumeurs qui reste péjoratif.Key words: Chirurgie, synovialosarcome, Thorax, Maro

    Ostéite costale tuberculeuse

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    Nous rapportons un cas de tuberculose costale chez une patiente de 44ans ayant des antécédents de miliaire tuberculeuse. L’atteinte costale était pseudotumorale ayant conduit à une biopsie exérèse chirurgicale de la masse costale dont l’étude histologique est revenue en faveur d’une tuberculose. Cette observation ainsi que celles de la littérature, confirment les difficultés diagnostiques de cette forme rare de tuberculose

    Les tumeurs desmoides de la paroi thoracique : Ă  propos de 12 cas

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    Introduction: Les tumeurs desmoides sont des tumeurs rares des tissus mous qui peuvent être très agressives localement. A travers l’expérience de notre service, nous analyserons les résultats du traitement chirurgical de ces tumeurs. Patients et méthodes: De 1980 à 2008, 12 patients ont été opérés pour tumeur desmoide de la paroi thoracique. Le diagnostic a été suspecté sur la base des signes cliniques et radiologiques. Aucun patient n’avait un syndrome de Gardner. L’abord chirurgical a été souvent électif à l’aplomb de la tumeur. Résultats: La résection a été complète dans 11 cas. La confirmation diagnostique a été apportée par l’étude histologique de la pièce opératoire. La durée du suivi post opératoire variait entre 24 et 180 mois. Une patiente était décédée par insuffisance cardiaque et rénale. 7 cas avaient récidivé, et qui ont été traités par simple résection complète dans 5 cas, dont un avait nécessité une greffe myocutanée ; par ailleurs, deux cas ont été traités par résection incomplète associée à une radiothérapie adjuvante. Conclusion: La chirurgie des tumeurs desmoides de la paroi thoracique doit être aussi large que possible pour diminuer le risque de récidive


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    Tenosynovial sarcoma (synovialosarcoma), are malignant tumors of soft tissues, the thoracic localization is considered as rare. We report the observation of a patient admitted for chest pain, with at the examination, a parietal process, its biopsy concluded to a synovialosarcoma, the patient benefited from a tumor resection with radiochemotherapy, after a year of follow up, the patient presented a relapse.Through this observation, we insist on the rare localization, histologic characteristics, therapeutic arsenal and the prognosis of these tumors, wich remains dark.Les sarcomes ténosynoviaux ou synovialosarcomes sont des tumeurs malignes des tissus mous, l’atteinte primitive de la paroi thoracique est rare. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient suivi pour des douleurs thoraciques avec à l'examen une masse pariétale, le bilan radiologique a montré un développement également endothoracique de la tumeur. L’analyse anatomopathologique de la biopsie de la masse a conclu à un synovialosarcome. La résection de la tumeur associée à une radio chimiothérapie, le suivi a été marqué par la survenue d'une récidive au bout d'un an.A travers cette observation, nous insistons sur la rareté de la localisation, les caractères histologiques, les différentes approches thérapeutiques et le pronostic de ces tumeurs qui reste péjoratif


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    Introduction: Castleman’s disease is a benign lymphoid proliferation of unknown etiology. It has two different clinical classifications: localized and multicentric type. Trough a case report of thoracic Castleman’s disease, we will try to define the clinical, radiological and pathological features of this rare disease. Case report: We report a case of 33 years-old woman, presenting a left hilar opacity fortuitously discovered on the chest x-ray. We evoked the diagnosis of hydatid cyst because of our endemic context. During the surgical operation, an inter-lobar mass in intimate contact with the branches of the pulmonary artery was discovered. The tumor was removed completely, and was diagnosed to be the hyalin vascular type of Castleman’s disease histopathologically. Discussion: Thoracic Castleman’s disease is located most commonly in the mediastinum. Interlobar location, such our patient is unusual. Its management is surgical. Three pathologic classifications have been developed: hyalin vascular variant, plasma cell variant and mixed variant. Conclusion: Castleman’s disease is a benign and uncommon etiology of thoracic tumors. The diagnosis is histological after a surgical resection.Introduction : La maladie de Castleman est une prolifération lymphoïde bénigne d’étiologie inconnue. Elle se présente sous forme localisée ou multiviscérale. A travers une observation d’une maladie de Castleman à localisation thoracique, nous rappelons les aspects cliniques, radiologiques et anatomo-pathologiques de cette pathologie rare. Observation : Patiente de 33 ans, ayant été admise au service de chirurgie thoracique pour une opacité hilaire gauche, de découverte fortuite, évoquant un kyste hydatique du poumon gauche, vu notre contexte endémique. La patiente a bénéficié d’une exploration chirurgicale qui a découvert une masse scissurale au contact intime avec les branches de l’artère pulmonaire gauche. Le geste chirurgical a consisté en une résection complète de la tumeur. L’étude anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire a montré une forme vasculo-hyaline de la maladie de Castleman. Discussion : La localisation médiastinale est la plus fréquente des formes thoraciques de la maladie de Castleman. La localisation scissurale, cas de notre patiente est exceptionnelle. Son traitement est chirurgical. On distingue 3 formes histologiques, la forme vasculo-hyaline, la forme plasmocytaire et la forme mixte. Conclusion : La maladie de Castleman est l’une des étiologies rares et bénignes des tumeurs intrathoraciques. Son diagnostic est anatomo-pathologique après une exérèse chirurgicale

    Eda haplotypes in three-spined stickleback are associated with variation in immune gene expression

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    Haplotypes underlying local adaptation and speciation are predicted to have numerous phenotypic effects, but few genes involved have been identified, with much work to date concentrating on visible, morphological, phenotypes. The link between genes controlling these adaptive morphological phenotypes and the immune system has seldom been investigated, even though changes in the immune system could have profound adaptive consequences. The Eda gene in three-spined stickleback is one of the best studied major adaptation genes; it directly controls bony plate architecture and has been associated with additional aspects of adaptation to freshwater. Here, we exposed F2 hybrids, used to separate Eda genotype from genetic background, to contrasting conditions in semi-natural enclosures. We demonstrate an association between the Eda haplotype block and the expression pattern of key immune system genes. Furthermore, low plated fish grew less and experienced higher burdens of a common ectoparasite with fitness consequences. Little is currently known about the role of the immune system in facilitating adaptation to novel environments, but this study provides an indication of its potential importance

    Tissue Specific Deletion of Inhibitor of Kappa B Kinase 2 with OX40-Cre Reveals the Unanticipated Expression from the OX40 Locus in Skin Epidermis

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    NF-ÎşB signalling plays an essential role in T cell activation and generation of regulatory and memory populations in vivo. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the role of NF-ÎşB signalling in post-activation T cells using tissue specific ablation of inhibitor of kappa-B kinase 2 expression, an important component of the inhibitor of kappa-B kinase complex in canonical NF-ÎşB signalling. The OX40 antigen is expressed on activated T cells. Therefore, we used previously described mouse strain expressing Cre recombinase from the endogenous OX40 locus. Ablation of IKK2 expression using OX40Cre mice resulted in the development of an inflammatory response in the skin epidermis causing wide spread skin lesions. The inflammatory response was characterised by extensive leukocytic infiltrate in skin tissue, hyperplasia of draining lymph nodes and widespread activation in the T cell compartment. Surprisingly, disease development did not depend on T cells but was rather associated with an unanticipated expression of Cre in skin epidermis, and activation of the T cell compartment did not require Ikbk2 deletion in T cells. Employment of Cre reporter strains revealed extensive Cre activity in skin epidermis. Therefore, development of skin lesions was rather more likely explained by deletion of Ikbk2 in skin keratinocytes in OX40Cre mice

    Cimetidine inhibits salivary gland tumor cell adhesion to neural cells and induces apoptosis by blocking NCAM expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cimetidine, a histamine type-2 receptor antagonist, has been reported to inhibit the growth of glandular tumors such as colorectal cancer, however the mechanism of action underlying this effect is unknown. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is well known as a malignant salivary gland tumor which preferentially invades neural tissues. We demonstrated previously that human salivary gland tumor (HSG) cells spontaneously express neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), that HSG cell proliferation may be controlled via a homophilic (NCAM-NCAM) binding mechanism and that NCAM may be associated with perineural invasion by malignant salivary gland tumors. We further demonstrated that cimetidine inhibited NCAM expression and induced apoptosis in HSG cells. Here, we investigated the effects of cimetidine on growth and perineural/neural invasion of salivary gland tumor cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, we have examined the effect of cimetidine on cancer cell adhesion to neural cells <it>in vitro</it>, one of the critical steps of cancer invasion and metastasis. We have also used an <it>in vivo </it>carcinogenesis model to confirm the effect of cimetidine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have demonstrated for the first time that cimetidine can block the adhesion of HSG cells to neural cell monolayers and that it can also induce significant apoptosis in the tumor mass in a nude mouse model. We also demonstrated that these apoptotic effects of cimetidine might occur through down-regulation of the cell surface expression of NCAM on HSG cells. Cimetidine-mediated down-regulation of NCAM involved suppression of the nuclear translocation of NF-ÎşB, a transcriptional activator of NCAM gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that growth and perineural/neural invasion of salivary gland tumors can be blocked by administration of cimetidine via induction of apoptosis and in which NCAM plays a role.</p
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