202 research outputs found

    An Update on the TAMU Interdisciplinary Graduate Water Degree

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    Water is a keystone natural resources in Texas required to sustain human life, a viable economy and a livable environment. Over the past 50 years, population growth and shifts, economic development, technologic innovation and changing political systems have intensified competition for Texas water resources necessitating a greater emphasis on the integrative and adaptive management. In response to this challenge Texas A&M University instituted in 2005 an interdisciplinary graduate degree program in water management and hydrologic sciences. The following outlines the curriculum, administrative structure, current and projected student enrollment for the program

    Half-Cutting as a Management Tool to Increase Abundance of Northern Bobwhite in South Texas

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    We evaluated the effectiveness of half-cutting honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) trees to increase northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhite) habitat and abundance in South Texas. We compared the effects of half-cutting on the survival of mesquite and its effects on understory vegetation on both treated and control areas monthly. Data were taken under the tree’s canopy to determine understory plant species diversity, height, and density. We used bobwhite whistle counts, mark-recapture, and searched with trained dogs to determine the effects of half-cutting on bobwhite abundance. Half-cut young trees had 23.1% greater survival than did older half-cut trees. The area protected from grazing under half-cut trees was 10.2 times larger than that protected by control trees. Height of understory vegetation under half-cut trees was significantly (P = 0.005) taller then that under control trees. Treated areas supported more plant species than control areas but the difference was not significant (P = 0.072). Three bobwhite food plants had a positive response to half-cutting, whereas 3 were negatively affected. Half-cutting had no significant influence on numbers of cocks whistling (maximum 9 and 8 males calling/5-min period, respectively, for treatment and control). The number of bobwhite trapped on the half-cut area was 91 while only 75 were trapped on the control area. Trained bird dogs located 101 bobwhites on the half-cut areas and 78 on the control areas. The half-cut areas had the same number of coveys (10) as the control areas, however, covey sizes were larger (2.3 birds/covey) on the half-cut areas. We believe that half-cutting can add habitat and increase bobwhite abundance on many heavily grazed rangelands

    Federal Listing of Prairie Grouse: Lessons from the Attwater’s Prairie Chicken

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    Considerable controversy has often surrounded proposals to confer official status (i.e., list) species under the authority of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 as amended or its precursors. Recent proposals to list the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus), the western sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus phaios), and the Gunnison sage grouse (C. minimus) were met with strong opposition by those concerned with prospects of an increased regulatory environment associated with such an action. The Attwater\u27s prairie-chicken (T. cupido attwateri) was one of the first species listed under The Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1966, the first federal effort to specifically protect endangered species. Federal listing benefited the Attwater\u27s by raising awareness of its status and by authorizing additional sources of funding for its management. While concern over an increased regulatory environment associated with the endangered status of the Attwater\u27s probably has always existed among property owners and land managers, conflicts involving this bird have been few and local in scope. Maintaining good working relationships and respect for all affected interests, including property owners and land managers, has been paramount in Attwater\u27s recovery efforts. However, these efforts at times have been hampered by lightning-rod issues pertaining to other species. Despite 35 years of ESA protection, the Attwater\u27s prairie-chicken remains perilously close to extinction. Based on these experiences, federal listing should be viewed neither as a panacea nor as a demon, but rather as a tool in species recovery


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    Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia harapan hidup bangsa indonesia masalah beralih dari penyakit infeksi ke penyakit degeneratif. Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit degeneratif yang saat ini makin bertambah jumlahnya di Indonesia. Perilaku kehidupan modern seperti pola makan tinggi kalori, lemak, kolestrol, kebiasaan merokok, minum alkohol, dan kurangnya aktifitas. Tujuan Literatur Review dari penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Derajat Hipertensi. Metode penelitian adalah Artikel Literature Review yang dibuat untuk memberikan tinjauan kepada suatu jurnal tentang Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Derajat Hipertensi. Sumber data menggunakan database melalui google scholar, PubMed untuk menemukan artikel sesuai kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi kemudian dilakukan review dengan analisis deskriptif. Pencarian artikel atau jurnal menggunakan keyword penelitian ini yaitu, “Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Derajat Hipertensi dengan database didapatkan google scholar (7), PubMeds (1), Science Direct (1) yang berjumlah 9. Hasil ulasan penelitian ini didapatkan 4 faktor yang mempengaruhi derajat hipertensi yaitu Hypercholesterolem, Mengonsumsi Minuman Beralkohol, Aktivitas Fisik, Merokok. Pihak keluarga menggunakan peran keluarga seperti mengenal masalah kesehatan, memberi perawatan, menciptakan suasana rumah yang nyaman, pola hidup sehat, aktifitas fisik. dan merujuk pada fasilitas kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Derajat Hipertens
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