541 research outputs found

    Performance and loads data from an outdoor hover test of a Lynx tail rotor

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    A Lynx tail rotor was tested in hover at the Outdoor Aerodynamic Research Facility at NASA Ames Research Center. The test objectives were to measure the isolated rotor performance to provide a baseline for subsequent testing, and to operate the rotor throughout the speed and collective envelope before testing in the NFAC 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel. Rotor forces and blade bending moments were measured at ambient wind conditions from zero to 6.23 m/sec. The test envelope was limited to rotor speeds of 1550 to 1850 rpm and minus 13 deg to plus 20 deg of blade collective pitch. The isolated rotor performance and blade loads data are presented

    Performance and loads data from a hover test of a 0.658-scale V-22 rotor and wing

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    A hover test of a 0.658-scale model of a V-22 rotor and wing was conducted at the Outdoor Aerodynamic Research Facility at Ames Research Center. The primary objectives of the test were to obtain accurate measurements of the hover performance of the rotor system, and to measure the aerodynamic interactions between the rotor and wing. Data were acquired for rotor tip Mach numbers ranging from 0.1 to 0.73. This report presents data on rotor performance, rotor-wake downwash velocities, rotor system loads, wing forces and moments, and wing surface pressures

    Enteric methane emissions by goats in grazing in caatinga.

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    Caatinga is an important food source for the animals of the semi-arid region, but the low quality forage at certain times of year limits animal performance and increases the emission of methane gas. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the forage intake and emission of methane by goats fed grassland savanna during two periods of the year

    Performance and loads data from a hover test of a full-scale advanced technology XV-15 rotor

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    A hover test of a full-scale, composite, advanced technology XV-15 rotor was conducted at the Outdoor Aerodynamic Research Facility at Ames Research Center. The primary objective of the test was to obtain accurate measurements of the hover performance of this rotor system. Data were acquired for rotor tip Mach numbers ranging from 0.35 to 0.73. The rotor was tested with several alternate blade root and blade-tip configurations. Data are presented on rotor performance, rotor-wake downwash velocities, and rotor system loads

    Emissão de gases de efeito estufa em sistemas produtivos no Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Apesar de o efeito estufa ser um fenômeno que ocorre naturalmente na atmosfera terrestre e que está associado à manutenção da temperatura média do planeta em uma faixa adequada às formas de vida que se conhece, o crescente aumento da concentração de gases de efeito estufa (GEEs) na atmosfera em função de atividades humanas, intensificado desde o início da Revolução Industrial, tem elevado a temperatura média no planeta e pode ter consequências econômicas e ambientais desastrosas. As emissões brasileiras de GEEs em 2017 foram estimadas em 2.070 Mt de CO2 -eq (SEEG, 2018). Desse valor, 23,9% são oriundos da atividade agropecuária, principalmente em função da criação de animais em pastagens e do uso de fertilizantes sintéticos

    Efeito do recobrimento com manta térmica aluminizada sobre a temperatura interna de câmaras estáticas para amostragem de gases de efeito estufa emitidos pelo solo.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar se o revestimento externo das câmaras estáticas com material isolante afeta significativamente a temperatura interna das câmaras durante a coleta de amostras de GEE emitidos pelo solo

    Production of high-quality seedlings of Handroanthus spongiosus (Bignoniaceae), native to a seasonally dry tropical.

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    Studies of the use of alternative substrates have enabled producing seedlings of various species with high quality and low cost. The objective of this work was to evaluate the best cultivation conditions for production of Handroanthus spongiosus seedlings. The seeds were collected from five different populations in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, and cultivated in six substrates: soil, sand, soil + vermiculite, soil + goat manure, soil + vermiculite + goat manure, and soil + goat manure + 30% biochar. We evaluated the emergence, shoot and root length, st em base diameter, shoot and root dry mass, and Dickson quality index. The substrates with addition of organic matter favored increased shoot length, stem diameter and dry mass. The incorporation of goat manure and biochar in the substrates favored the quality of the H. spongiosus seedlings.ODS 15

    Le varietà di sorgo da granella consigliate per le semine 2017

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    Nel 33º anno di prove di confronto tra ibridi di sorgo da granella sono stati realizzati 5 campi sperimentali, 2 nel Nord, 2 in Italia centrale e 1 in Sicilia. Le rese medie sono risultate simili a quelle del 2015, pur con notevoli differenze tra i diversi areali di coltivazion
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