764 research outputs found

    Optimization of Optical and Mechanical Properties of Real Architecture for 3-Dimensional Tissue Equivalents: Towards Treatment of Limbal Epithelial Stem Cell Deficiency

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    Limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) deficiency can cause blindness. Transplantation of cultured human limbal epithelial cells (hLE) on human amniotic membrane (HAM) can restore vision but clinical graft manufacture can be unreliable. We have developed a reliable and robust tissue equivalent (TE) alternative to HAM, Real Architecture for 3D Tissue (RAFT). Here, we aimed to optimize the optical and mechanical properties of RAFT TE for treatment of LESC deficiency in clinical application. The RAFT TE protocol is tunable; varying collagen concentration and volume produces differing RAFT TEs. These were compared with HAM samples taken from locations proximal and distal to the placental disc. Outcomes assessed were transparency, thickness, light transmission, tensile strength, ease of handling, degradation rates and suitability as substrate for hLE culture. Proximal HAM samples were thicker and stronger with poorer optical properties than distal HAM samples. RAFT TEs produced using higher amounts of collagen were thicker and stronger with poorer optical properties than those produced using lower amounts of collagen. The ‘optimal’ RAFT TE was thin, transparent but still handleable and was produced using 0.6 ml of 3 mg/ml collagen. Degradation rates of the ‘optimal’ RAFT TE and HAM were similar. hLE achieved confluency on ‘optimal’ RAFT TEs at comparable rates to HAM and cells expressed high levels of putative stem cell marker p63α. These findings support the use of RAFT TE for hLE transplantation towards treatment of LESC deficiency

    Elasticity and viscosity of ice measured in the experiment on wave propagation below the ice in HSVA ice tank

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    An experiment on the propagation of flexural-gravity waves was performed in the HSVA ice tank in 2018. Physical characteristics of the water-ice system were measured in different locations in the tank during the tests, with several sensors deployed in the water, on the ice and in the air. Periodical waves with frequencies of 0.5-1.5 Hz were generated by HSVA wave maker during 10 min in each test. The phase speeds and wave damping associated with anelastic deformations of ice were analyzed in the paper. Elastic modulus of ice was calculated for each wave period from the dispersion equation of flexural gravity waves where measured values of wave frequencies and wave speeds were substituted. Viscous coefficient of ice was calculated after the analysis of wave damping. Obtained values have relatively big dispersion which can be explained by natural variability of ice properties

    Laboratory Investigations of the Bending Rheology of Floating Saline Ice and Physical Mechanisms of Wave Damping In the HSVA Hamburg Ship Model Basin Ice Tank

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    An experimental investigation of flexural-gravity waves was performed in the Hamburg Ship Model Basin HSVA ice tank. Physical characteristics of the water-ice system were measured in several locations of the tank with a few sensors deployed in the water and on the ice during the tests. The three-dimensional motion of ice was measured with the optical system Qualisys; water pressure was measured by several pressure sensors mounted on the tank wall, in-plane deformations of the ice and the temperatures of the ice and water were measured by fiber optic sensors; and acoustic emissions were recorded with compressional crystal sensors. The experimental setup and selected results of the tests are discussed in this paper. Viscous-elastic model (Burgers material) is adopted to describe the dispersion and attenuation of waves propagating below the ice. The elastic modulus and the coefficient of viscosity are calculated using the experimental data. The results of the measurements demonstrated the dependence of wave characteristics from the variability of ice properties during the experiment caused by the brine drainage. We showed that the cyclic motion of the ice along the tank, imitating ice drift, and the generation of under ice turbulence cause an increase of wave damping. Recorded acoustic emissions demonstrated cyclic microcracking occurring with wave frequencies and accompanying bending deformations of the ice. This explains the viscous and anelastic rheology of the model ice

    Measurements of Polyatomic Molecule Formation on an Icy Grain Analog Using Fast Atoms

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    Carbon dioxide has been produced from the impact of a monoenergetic O(P-3) beam upon a surface cooled to 4.8 K and covered with a CO ice. Using temperature-programmed desorption and mass spectrometer detection, we have detected increasing amounts of CO2 formation with O(P-3) energies of 2, 5, 10, and 14 eV. This is the first measurement of polyatomic molecule formation on a surface with superthermal atoms. The goal of this work is to detect other polyatomic species, such as CH3OH, which can be formed under conditions that simulate the grain temperature, surface coverage, and superthermal atoms present in shock-heated circumstellar and interstellar regions

    Wavelength dependent collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into collective effects in the transient plasma formed by multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium with a pulsed laser. The laser wavelength is varied in a narrow range around 243 nm, so that the photoionization is resonant with the metastable 2S1/2 state. The ion yield, the ion time-of-flight spectra, and the yield of Lyman-a photons have been measured as a function of laser intensity ~from 1 to 340 MW/cm2! and laser detuning around the 1S1/2-2S1/2 two-photon resonance. During and shortly after the laser pulse, collective effects resulting from the mutual interaction of the photoelectrons and the ions affect the spatial and temporal distribution of the ions. Because of the near-degeneracy of the 2S1/2, 2P1/2 , and 2P3/2 states, the resonant multiphoton ionization is affected by the Stark mixing of these states in the collective field. As a result, the time-dependent yields of ions and of Lyman-a photons are modulated by the interplay of the multiphoton ionization of the atoms and the collective effects in the plasma. From the measurements it is deduced that collective effects are important above a critical charge density of 33108 ions/cm3. An asymmetry is observed in the line profile of the total ion yield as a function of laser detuning. This asymmetry is interpreted to be due to the effect of the collective field upon the intermediate resonant 2S1/2 state of the photoionization process

    Wavelength dependent collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into collective effects in the transient plasma formed by multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium with a pulsed laser. The laser wavelength is varied in a narrow range around 243 nm, so that the photoionization is resonant with the metastable 2S1/2 state. The ion yield, the ion time-of-flight spectra, and the yield of Lyman-a photons have been measured as a function of laser intensity ~from 1 to 340 MW/cm2! and laser detuning around the 1S1/2-2S1/2 two-photon resonance. During and shortly after the laser pulse, collective effects resulting from the mutual interaction of the photoelectrons and the ions affect the spatial and temporal distribution of the ions. Because of the near-degeneracy of the 2S1/2, 2P1/2 , and 2P3/2 states, the resonant multiphoton ionization is affected by the Stark mixing of these states in the collective field. As a result, the time-dependent yields of ions and of Lyman-a photons are modulated by the interplay of the multiphoton ionization of the atoms and the collective effects in the plasma. From the measurements it is deduced that collective effects are important above a critical charge density of 33108 ions/cm3. An asymmetry is observed in the line profile of the total ion yield as a function of laser detuning. This asymmetry is interpreted to be due to the effect of the collective field upon the intermediate resonant 2S1/2 state of the photoionization process

    Evidence-based selection of environmental factors and datasets for measuring multiple environmental deprivation in epidemiological research

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    This Environment and Human Health project aims to develop a health-based summary measure of multiple physical environmental deprivation for the UK, akin to the measures of multiple socioeconomic deprivation that are widely used in epidemiology. Here we describe the first stage of the project, in which we aimed to identify health-relevant dimensions of physical environmental deprivation and acquire suitable environmental datasets to represent population exposure to these dimensions at the small-area level. We present the results of this process: an evidence-based list of environmental dimensions with population health relevance for the UK, and the spatial datasets we obtained and processed to represent these dimensions. This stage laid the foundations for the rest of the project, which will be reported elsewhere

    Have regional inequalities in life expectancy widened within the European Union between 1991 and 2008?

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    <b>BACKGROUND:</b> Health inequalities have widened within and between many European countries over recent decades, but Europe-wide sub-national trends have been largely overlooked. For regions across the European Union (EU), we assess how geographical inequalities (i.e., between regions) and sociospatial inequalities (i.e., between regions grouped by an area-level measure of average household income) in male and female life expectancy have changed between 1991 and 2008.<p></p> <b>METHODS:</b> Household income, life expectancy at birth and population count data were obtained for 129 regions (level 2 Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units, 'NUTS') in 13 European countries with 1991-2008 data (2008 population = 272 million). We assessed temporal changes in the range of life expectancies, for all regions and for Western and Eastern European regions separately.<p></p> <b>RESULTS:</b> Between 1991 and 2008, the geographical range of life expectancies found among European regions remained relatively constant, with the exception of life expectancy among male Eastern Europeans, for whom the range widened by 2.8 years. Sociospatial inequalities in life expectancy (1999-2008 data only) remained constant for all regions combined and for Western Europe, but more than doubled in size for male Eastern Europeans. For female Eastern Europeans, life expectancy was unrelated to regional household income.<p></p> <b>CONCLUSIONS:</b>Regional life-expectancy inequalities in the EU have not narrowed over 2 decades, despite efforts to reduce them. Household income differences across European regions may partly explain these inequalities. As inequalities transcend national borders, reduction efforts may require EU-wide coordination in addition to national efforts.<p></p&gt

    Influence of vibrations on indentation and compression strength of sea ice

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    Indentation and compression strengths of floating sea ice subjected to vibrations is discussed. The experiments were performed on the land fast ice of the Van-Mijen Fjord in March of 2018 and 2019. The ice thickness was around 70 cm, and the ice salinity was 4-5 ppt. Vibrations were introduced in the ice by the vibration plate with weight of 400 kg before the tests during 10-15 min. The vibration plate was standing and vibrating on the ice surface. The spectrum of vibrations was recorded with accelerometers. Analysis of thin sections of ice was performed on the place of the field works. Indentation tests were performed with the original hydraulic rig on natural ice and ice subjected to the action of vibrating plate. It was discovered that stroke rates tests were higher in the tests performed on the ice subjected to vibrations. Uniaxial compression tests were also performed on ice cores taken from the natural ice and from the ice subjected to the vibrations. Uniaxial compression strength of ice cores taken from the ice subjected to vibrations was higher than in the tests with natural ice
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