21 research outputs found

    Frequency of LCT -13910C>T single nucleotide polymorphism associated with adult-type hypolactasia/lactase persistence among Brazilians of different ethnic groups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, was previously associated with the LCT -13910C>T polymorphism worldwide except in Africa. Lactase non-persistence is the most common phenotype in humans, except in northwestern Europe with its long history of pastoralism and milking. We had previously shown association of LCT -13910C>T polymorphism with adult-type hypolactasia in Brazilians; thus, we assessed its frequency among different Brazilian ethnic groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the ethnicity-related frequency of this polymorphism in 567 Brazilians [mean age, 42.1 ± 16.8 years; 157 (27.7%) men]; 399 (70.4%) White, 50 (8.8%) Black, 65 (11.5%) Brown, and 53 (9.3%) Japanese-Brazilian. DNA was extracted from leukocytes; LCT -13910C>T polymorphism was analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Prevalence of the CC genotype associated with hypolactasia was similar (57%) among White and Brown groups; however, prevalence was higher among Blacks (80%) and those of Japanese descent (100%). Only 2 (4%) Blacks had TT genotype, and 8 (16%) had the CT genotype. Assuming an association between CC genotype and hypolactasia, and CT and TT genotypes with lactase persistence, 356 (62.8%) individuals had hypolactasia and 211 (37.2%) had lactase persistence. The White and Brown groups had the same hypolactasia prevalence (~57%); nevertheless, was 80% among Black individuals and 100% among Japanese-Brazilians (<it>P </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The lactase persistence allele, LCT -13910T, was found in about 43% of both White and Brown and 20% of the Black Brazilians, but was absent among all Japanese Brazilians studied.</p

    [absorption Of Medium Chain Triglycerides In Patients With Blind Loop Syndrome].

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    Absorption of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) was estimated in 10 patients with stagnant loop syndrome (SLS). Six patients had steatorrhea due to gastrojejunal anastomosis and 4 due to diabetic neuropathy. The diagnosis of SLS was confirmed by antibiotic therapeutic test after exclusion of other causes of malabsorption syndrome. Each patient was submitted to 2 types of diet during one week each, differing only in the type of added lipid. In the diet with long chain triglycerides (LCT), soy oil and butter were added. In the diet, with medium chain triglycerides, only MCT oil from babaçu was added. The excretion of lipid was determined in the feces in the last 3 days of each diet. The results showed that the medium fecal lipid excretion was 48.6 (sd = 19.8) g/d in the LCT diet and 26.6 (sd = 13.8) g/d in the MCT [d = 22.0; s(d) = 3.10; t = 7.10; p less than 0.001], which indicates that in patients with SLS, MCT diet was better absorbed than LCT diet. It is suggested that MCT oil may be used as a caloric source during nutritional recovery in SLS.2575-8

    [lactose Malabsorption Diagnosis With H2 Breath Test].

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    One hundred and five healthy subjects under investigation for lactose malabsorption were enrolled in this prospective study. After an overnight fast, breath was collected immediately before and every 15 minutes for three hours after an oral administration of 50 g lactose dissolved in 200 mL of water (lactose overload). Blood samples were also collected before and 20, 40 and 60 minutes after the lactose overload for blood glucose determination. Expired H2 was measured by gas chromatography using a Quintron Microlyser and the maximum increase in H2 (delta-H2) was calculated. The area under the curve (ASC-H2) was also calculated using the trapezoid model. Lactose malabsorption was defined as a maximum increase in blood glucose (delta-G) under 18 mg%. The sensibility (S), specificity (E) and accuracy (A) of the H2 determination was analyzed using (a) linear regression [log (ASC-H2) = 4.034-0.029. delta-G], (b) receiver operating curve (ROC) and by (c) Q-Q plot of the cubit root transformation of the ASC-H2 values. Our results demonstrate that ASC-H2, but not delta-H2, correlates with delta-G, suggesting that the measurement of maximum increase in H2 expired following a lactose overload is not reliable for the diagnosis of lactose malabsorption. The cutoff value for the ASC-H2 using linear regression was 3260 (S = 89.3%, E = 80% and A = 86.7%), while using ROC it was 3353 (S = 88.0%, E = 80.0% and A = 85.7%) and while using Q-Q plot method it was 2936 (S = 92.0%, E = 80.0% and A = 88.6%). When the cutoff value was set to 3000, the sensibility, specificity and accuracy were 90.7%, 80.0% and 88.6%, respectively. We conclude that the calculation of the ASC-H2, but not delta-H2, following a lactose overload is reliable in detecting lactose malabsorption and can be used in the clinical practice.3618-2

    [use Of Fiber Enriched Biscuit In The Treatment Of Chronic Intestinal Constipation].

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    Fiber rich cereal brans have been used for the therapeutic treatment of intestinal constipation. To improve acceptability and routine use, cookies were produced from fresh corn pericarp containing 23.3% of dietary cookies. The therapeutic effect of such cookies on simple intestinal constipation was evaluated. 8 individuals with chronic intestinal constipation and without other gastrointestinal diseases were selected. Each individual was given two diets, each of them during a seven day period: first, normal diet and, second, normal diet supplemented with 100 g of the cookies, i.e., with an increase of 23 g of dietary fiber per day. The cookies produced an increase in the frequency of evacuation (from 0.27 to 0.81 times/day), in fecal weight (from 38.3 to 117.4 g of feces/day), in water content of the feces (from 29.1 to 91.0 g of water/day), in the dry matter of the feces (from 9.1 to 26.4 g/day), and in the fiber content of the feces (from 1.59 to 8.52 g/day). As the addition of the cookies to the diet promoted increases in all fecal parameters studied, they could be considered an option in the treatment of intestinal constipation.109265-

    Elderly Donors For Hcv(+) Versus Non-hcv Recipients: Patient Survival Following Liver Transplantation.

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    Chronic liver failure due to hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis is the leading indication for liver transplantation. Inferior long-term results have been reported for liver transplantation in HCV(+) patients, especially when marginal donor livers are utilized. The aim of this study was to analyze retrospectively the outcome of liver transplantation patients from elderly donors in the case of HCV(+) versus non-HCV recipients. Among 330 liver transplantations performed from January 1994 to December 2006, we selected 244 excluding acute hepatic failure, children, and retransplants. Among these patients we analyzed 232 subjects who underwent the piggyback technique. Donor risk index (DRI) as described by Feng et al was applied using 1.7 as a cutoff value. We used Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox hazard regression analyses. We studied 14 donor variables using descriptive statistical tests. There were 148 (63.8%) HCV(+) recipients and 84 (36.2%) non-HCV liver transplant recipients. Among HCV(+) recipients, 130/148 (87.8%) patients received livers, from donors less than 50 years old, and 18/148 (12.2%), over 50 years. The descriptive statistics of patient categorical variables are shown in Table 1, and continuous variables in Table 2. The cumulative proportional survival curves are shown in Figs 1 and 2. Mortality predictive factors in HCV(+) liver transplant recipients with donor age > 50 years old as determined by Cox hazard regression showed that death risk was increased with hazard ratios for warm ischemia = 1.01 (P = .001); for red blood cell intraoperative requirements = 2.63 (P = .003); for Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification points = 2.25 (P = .04), and for DRI > 1.7 = 2.19 (P = .03). In conclusion, advancing donor age, as well as the use of nonideal donors, intraoperative bleeding, and prolonged warm ischemia, had an adverse influence on patient survival for HCV(+) recipients.40792-

    Parasites in stool samples in the environment of Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an approach in public health

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    This research aimed to describe the frequency of parasites in stool samples in the environment of Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One hundred and five stool samples were collected and processed by the coproparasitological techniques ethyl acetate sedimentation and centrifuge-flotation using saturated sugar solution. Parasites were detected in 81.9% of the samples, hookworm being the most prevalent, followed by Trichuris vulpis. Ascaris sp. eggs were also found. A high level of evolutive forms of parasites with public health risk was found in stool samples of the environment studied. We propose that health education programs, allied to an improvement of human and animal health care, must be employed to reduce the environmental contamination

    Reestruturação produtiva, terceirização e relações de trabalho na indústria petrolífera offshore da Bacia de Campos (RJ) Productive reorganization, outsourcing and labor relations in an offshore oil industry in Campos Basin

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    Este artigo analisa as correlações do uso intensivo da tercerização com as relações de trabalho nas plataformas offshore da Bacia de Campos (RJ). Abordamos prioritariamente o intervalo que abrange os últimos 10 anos, período em que acompanhamos de forma sistemática o referido campo empírico. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado no curso da pesquisa, na qual se insere esta contribuição, inspira-se com maior ênfase no instrumental da Ergonomia da Atividade e da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho numa perspectiva ergológica. Em nossa análise, além da tendência à precarização do trabalho em sentido mais global, merecem destaque as possíveis perdas no ativo de conhecimento formal e informal (um patrimônio longamente acumulado) devido à fragmentação dos coletivos de trabalho, já que consideramos a coesão destes um elemento crucial para a confiabilidade do sistema. Em verdade, a precarização do trabalho contribui para esta fragmentação, e tem como uma de suas causas o avanço pouco criterioso da terceirização, na esteira das várias iniciativas de flexibilização organizacional ligadas à reestruturação produtiva do setor. Isto acarretou conseqüências nefastas para a saúde e a segurança dos trabalhadores indicando que a opção pela terceirização como instrumento de gestão, da forma com que vinha sendo conduzida até recentemente, não estaria considerando tais implicações com o devido rigor.<br>This paper analyses the correlations between the intensive use of outsourcing and labor organizations on offshore oil platforms in the Campos Basin (Rio de Janeiro). We studied and followed the reported empirical field over the last 10 years in a systematic way. The theorist-methodological referential applied in our research, in which this work can be found, was inspired by Ergonomics of the Activity and the Psycho Dynamic of the Work. In our analysis, two aspects should be mentioned: the tendency of increasing precariousness in a global sense and the possible waste of formal and informal knowledge due to labor collective fraction when we consider the cohesion of this collective as an important element for system reliability. In fact, the increased precariousness of the work contributes to this fraction, and one of the main reasons is the outsourcing criteria which has not advanced much, because of various initiatives of flexible organization connected to restructuring the production sector. This situation has brought consequences to workers' health and safety, suggesting that the outsourcing option as a labor management tool, in a way in which it has been done recently, would not been considered as being severe in terms of the implications

    Atualização das Recomendaçõesda Sociedade Brasileira de Hepatologia para Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Doenças Autoimunes do Fígado

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    New data concerning the management of autoimmune liver diseases have emerged since the last single-topic meeting sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Hepatology to draw recommendations about the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), overlap syndromes of AIH, PBC and PSC and specific complications and topics concerning AIH and cholestatic liver diseases. This manuscript updates those previous recommendations according to the best evidence available in the literature up to now. The same panel of experts that took part in the first consensus document reviewed all recommendations, which were subsequently scrutinized by all members of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology using a web-based approach. The new recommendations are presented herein562232241sem informaçãoDesde a publicação em 2015 das recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Hepatologia sobre a prevenção e tratamento de doenças hepáticas autoimunes, novos dados baseados em evidências científicas foram publicados na literatura, mudando o diagnóstico e tratamento da hepatite autoimune (HAI), colangite biliar primária (CBP), colangite esclerosante primária (CEP), síndromes de sobreposição de HAI, CBP e CEP e o manejo de complicações específicas além de outros tópicos relativos à HAI e doenças hepáticas colestáticas. Este manuscrito atualiza as recomendações anteriores de acordo com as melhores evidências disponíveis na literatura até o momento. O mesmo painel de experts que participou da primeira diretriz revisou todas as recomendações de acordo com os dados publicados na literatura e elaborou um manuscrito submetido subsequentemente à apreciação e revisão de todos os membros da Sociedade Brasileira de Hepatologia via homepage da sociedade. As recomendações finais atualizadas foram condensadas no presente documentosem informaçã