127 research outputs found
Protocollo di valutazione infettivologica pre-trapianto
Lo screening pre-trapianto dei potenziali candidati a un trapianto d\u2019organo \ue8 parte essenziale del trapianto di organi solidi. Obiettivi dello screening pre-trapianto sono: 1. identificazione di condizioni che controindicano il trapianto; 2. identificazione e trattamento di infezioni attive pre-trapianto; 3. definizione del livello di rischio infettivo e impostazione di strategie preventive post-trapianto.
Nonostante vi sia un generale accordo sulle indagini di screening da effettuare, vi sono alcune variazioni tra i diversi centri. Allo scopo di armonizzare lo screening infettivologico pre-trapianto, viene schematicamente riportato, alla luce dell\u2019esperienza personale e dei dati di letteratura, lo stato dell\u2019arte inerente lo
screening infettivologico pre-trapianto
Luminex technology for anti-HLA antibody screening : evaluation of performance and of impact on laboratory routine
The recent introduction of new technologies such as Luminex has provided alternative methods to the Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity (CDC) test for HLA specific antibody detection. In this study we compared the results obtained with CDC to those obtained using a Luminex method with the aim of evaluating the impact of this new technology on antibody screening policies in our transplant setting.
A total of 1,421 sera, acquired from patients on the waiting list for a kidney transplant or following transplantation, were tested by both methodologies. CDC was performed using a whole lymphocyte population comprising a panel of 52 cells. The percentage panel reactive antibodies (PRA) and antibody specificity were evaluated using Lambda Scan Analysis software. For the Luminex method sera screening and identification of antibody specificity were carried out using the LABScreen Mixed and LABScreen PRA respectively.
The overall concordance between the results obtained using the CDC and the Luminex methods was 85%. HLA antibody specificity was confirmed in 96% of the sera which tested positive using the Luminex system and serum positivity corresponded with a previous sensitisation event in these individuals. Using the Luminex method 18% of patients on the waiting list were considered and managed as sensitised as compared to 7% when testing with CDC alone. The Luminex method was able to detect a number of antibody specificities significantly more frequently than the CDC method and in addition the CDC method failed to detect some of the antibody specificities detected by the Luminex system.
Based on this comparison study we have incorporated the Luminex methodology into our screening strategy
Prevalence and risk determinants of HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections in pregnant women in Bissau
Objectives : To analyse the risk determinants of HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections in pregnant women in Bissau.
Pregnant women attending the antenatal clinics of Bissau between January 2002 and June 2006 were consecutively tested unless they opted out.
Among 23,869 tested women the overall prevalence of HIV-1 was 5.7%, that of HIV-2 was 2.4%, and these included the 0.7% prevalence of HIV-1 and HIV-2 duals. The main factors associated with the risk of HIV-1 infection were older age, occupation and number of sexual partners. Beafada and Mandinga ethnic groups were at greater risk of presenting HIV-1, and Bijago and Papel at lower risk. The factors associated with the risk of HIV-2 were age, literacy and occupation; the Beafada were at greater risk than the other ethnic groups.
Conclusions : The prevalence of HIV-2 infection decreased overtime, whereas that of HIV-1 infection remained substantially stable, but was higher than that observed in previous studies. The rapid decline in the rates of HIV-2 infection suggests that many of the factors that allowed its exponential growth in the past have now been partially removed, and that sexual and vertical transmission have not been sufficient to maintain and extend the epidemic
The impact of the superficial cuff position on the exit site and tunnel infections in CAPD patients
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) related infections continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients on PD. In the last ten years, in order to reduce cuff and exit-site infections, in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients, we have positioned the superficial cuff subcutaneously 4 cm instead of 2 cm internal to the exit-site.
We analysed the infective episodes occurred in 123 CAPD patients (88 men and 35 women, mean age 62.4\u2009\ub1\u200916.8) treated for 3337 months between 1st January 2011 and 31th December 2018 at Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico.
31 of the 123 patients (25.2%) developed 52 episodes of exit site infection, with an incidence of 1 episode every 64.1 patient-months. The cumulative probability of remaining infection free was 80.7% at 12 months and 61.8% at 36 months. Gram-positive organism accounted for 78.7% of exit site infections. Forty-one episodes (87%) were successfully treated with medical therapy. Peritonitis incidence was 1 episode every 51.7 and 1 episode every 49.2 patient-months, in patients with or without a history of exit site infection respectively. The overall incidence of tunnel infection was 1 episode every 278.1 patient-months.
Positioning the superficial cuff subcutaneously at least 4 cm internal to the exit-site might prevent the bacterial cuff colonization and reduce ESIs, tunnel infections and peritonitis
La doppia borsa di tabacco intorno alla cuffia profonda del catetere peritoneale: una tecnica per l’inizio immediato della CAPD [Double purse-string craft around the inner cuff: a new technique for an immediate start of CAPD]
Premesse: Al fine di minimizzare il rischio di leakage e dislocazione, le linee guida internazionali consigliano di iniziare la dialisi peritoneale continua (CAPD) almeno due settimane dopo l\u2019inserimento del catetere (tempo di break-in). Tuttavia, il tempo ottimale di break-in non \ue8 ancora definito con certezza.
Metodi: Tra Gennaio 2011 e Dicembre 2018, sono stati inseriti 77 cateteri per via semi chirurgica in posizione sotto-ombelicale e 58 per via chirurgica in posizione paramediana. In tutti i pazienti \ue8 stata confezionata una doppia borsa di tabacco intorno alla cuffia profonda del catetere e la CAPD veniva iniziata entro 24 ore dal posizionamento del catetere.
Risultati: L\u2019incidenza complessiva di leakage \ue8 stata pari a 2,96% (4/135), di dislocazione del catetere 1,48% (2/135), di peritonite 10.3% (14/135) e di infezione dell\u2019exit site 2.96% (4/135). La sopravvivenza del catetere a 48 mesi censurata per gli eventi morte, trapianto di rene, perdita di ultrafiltrazione e inabilit\ue0 \ue8 stata 74.7%. Non \ue8 stata osservata alcuna differenza fra il gruppo di pazienti con inserzione per via semi chirurgica o per via chirurgica per quanto riguarda complicanze e sopravvivenza del catetere.
Conclusioni: Il confezionamento della doppia borsa di tabacco intorno alla cuffia profonda del catetere di Tenckhoff consente di iniziare immediatamente la CAPD.Background: In order to minimize the risk of leakage and displacement, international guidelines recommend that catheter insertion should be performed at least 2 weeks before beginning CAPD. However, the optimal duration of the break-in period is not defined yet. Methods: From January 2011 to December 2018, 135 PD catheter insertions in 125 patients (90 men and 35 women, mean age 62,02 \ub1 16,7) were performed in our centre with the double purse-string technique. Seventy-seven straight double-cuffed Tenckhoff catheter were implanted semi-surgically on midline under umbilicus by a trocar and 58 were surgically implanted through rectus muscle. In all patients CAPD was started within 24 hours from catheter placement, without a break-in procedure. We recorded all mechanical and infective catheter-related complications during the 3 first months after initiation of CAPD and the catheter survival rates. Results: During the first 3 months the overall incidence of peri-catheter leakages, catheter dislocations, peritonitis and exit-site infections was 2,96% (4/135), 1,48% (2/135), 10.3% (14/135) and 2.96% (4/135), respectively. No bleeding events, bowel perforations or hernia formations were reported. The catheter survival censored for deaths, kidney transplant, loss of ultrafiltration and inability was 74,7% at 48 months. There was no difference in the incidence of any mechanical or infectious complications and catheter survival between the semi-surgical and the surgical groups. Conclusions: Double purse-string technique allows an immediate start of CAPD both with semi-surgical and surgical catheter implantation. This technique is a safe and feasible approach in all patients who refer to peritoneal dialysis
Double purse-string around the inner cuff of the peritoneal catheter: A novel technique for an immediate initiation of continuous peritoneal dialysis
International guidelines recommended a delayed start of peritoneal dialysis at least 2 weeks between catheter insertion and continuous peritoneal dialysis therapy initiation (break-in period). Up to now, the optimal duration of the break-in period is still unclear. The aim of our study was to evaluate in patients, with immediate initiation of continuous peritoneal dialysis, the efficacy of a double purse-string around the inner cuff in preventing mechanical and infectious complications either in semi-surgical or surgical catheter implantation. From January 2011 to December 2018, 135 peritoneal dialysis catheter insertions in 125 patients (90 men and 35 women, mean age 62.02 \ub1 16.7) were performed. Seventy-seven straight double-cuffed Tenckhoff catheters were implanted semi-surgically on midline under the umbilicus by a trocar, and 58 were surgically implanted through the rectus muscle. In all patients, continuous peritoneal dialysis was started immediately after catheter placement. Mechanical and infectious catheter-related complications during the first 3 months after initiation of continuous peritoneal dialysis were recorded. The overall incidence of leakages, catheter dislocations, peritonitis, and exit-site infections was 4/135 (2.96%), 2/135 (1.48%), 14/135 (10.3%), and 4/135 (2.96%), respectively. Regarding the incidence of catheter-related complications, no bleeding events, bowel perforations, or hernia formations were observed with either the semi-surgical or surgical technique. Double purse-string technique around the inner cuff allows an immediate start of continuous peritoneal dialysis both with semi-surgical and surgical catheter implantation. This technique is a safe and feasible approach in patients needing an urgent peritoneal dialysis
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