91 research outputs found

    A macroscale hydrogeological numerical model of the Suio hydrothermal system (Central Italy)

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    The complex behaviour of the Suio hydrothermal system (central Italy) and its potential exploitation as a renewable energy source are still unclear. To quantitatively evaluate the geothermal resource, the Suio hydrothermal system has been investigated with a hydrogeological numerical model that couples fluid flow, thermal convection, and transport of diluted species inside a hybrid continuum-discrete medium. The numerical model, calibrated and validated with available and new experimental data, unveiled the complex behaviour of the hydrothermal system. The normal tectonic displacements, the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure, and the aquitard distribution strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. In particular, a dual fluid circulation, sustained by steady-state thermal and pressure gradients, modulates the hydrothermalism at the several springs and wells. The presence of a medium to a low-temperature reservoir allows for potential exploitation of the geothermal resource

    Time intervals to assess active and capable faults for engineering practices in Italy

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    The time span necessary to define a fault as ‘active and capable’ can mainly be derived from the framework of the regulations and the literature produced since the 1970s on risk estimation in engineering planning of strategic buildings. Within this framework, two different lines of thought can be determined, which have mainly developed in the USA. On the one side, there is a tendency to produce ‘narrow’ chronological definitions. This is particularly evident in the regulatory acts for the planning of nuclear reactors. The much more effective second line of thought anchors the chronological definitions of the terms ‘active’ and, therefore ‘capable’, to the concept of ‘seismotectonic domain’. As the domains are different in different regions of the World, the chronological definition cannot be univocal; i.e., different criteria are needed to define fault activity, which will depend on the characteristics of the local tectonic domain and of the related recurrence times of fault activation. Current research on active tectonics indicates that methodological aspects can also condition the chronological choice to define fault activity. Indeed, this practice implies the use of earth science methods, the applications of which can be inherently limited. For example, limits and constraints might be related to the availability of datable sediments and landforms that can be used to define the recent fault kinematic history. For the Italian territory, we consider two main tectonic domains: (a) the compressive domain along the southern margin of the Alpine chain and the northern and northeastern margins of the Apennines, which is characterised by the activity of blind thrusts and reverse faults; and (b) the extensional domain of the Apennines and the Calabria region, which is often manifest through the activity of seismogenic normal and normal-oblique faults. In case (a), the general geomorphic and subsurficial evidence of recent activity suggests that a reverse blind fault or a blind thrust should be considered active and potentially capable if showing evidence of activity during the Quaternary (i.e., over the last 2.6 Myr), unless information is available that documents its inactivity since at least the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (ca. 20 ka). The choice of the LGM period as the minimum age necessary to define fault inactivity is related to practical aspects (the diffusion of the LGM deposits and landforms) and to the evidence that ca. 20 kyr to assess fault inactivity precautionarily includes a number of seismic cycles. In the extensional domains of the Apennines and Calabria region, the general geological setting suggests that the present tectonic regime has been active since the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene. Therefore, we propose that a normal fault in the Italian extensional domain should be considered active and capable if it displays evidence of activation in the last 0.8 Myr, unless it is sealed by deposits or landforms not younger than the LGM. The choice of the LGM as the minimum age to ascertain fault inactivity follows the same criteria described for the compressive tectonic domain


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    L’estrazione di fluidi sotterranei ha prodotto significativi fenomeni di subsidenza nel territorio della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Al fine di analizzare il fenomeno, per meglio comprenderne l’origine e gli aspetti evolutivi, è stato utilizzato un approccio multidisciplinare basato su innovativi sistemi di controllo delle quote piezometriche dei pozzi e degli spostamenti della superficie topografica. In particolare mediante la tecnica di interferometria DInSAR – SBAS sono state elaborate 52 immagini distribuite su un’area compresa tra l’Appennino bolognese e il fiume Po. E’ stata inoltre studiata l’evoluzione temporale delle quote piezometriche dei pozzi presenti in Regione, con lo scopo di evidenziare aree potenzialmente soggette a subsidenza confrontabile con i dati di spostamento al suolo DInSAR e con dati geodetici (livellazioni e dati GPS). Un significativo miglioramento della conoscenza dei fenomeni di subsidenza potrà avvenire integrando i risultati ottenuti con i dati forniti dalla nuova rete di stazioni GPS permanenti progettata congiuntamente dall’INGV e dall’Università di Bologna. L’analisi di dati geologici, idrogeologici, telerilevati e geodetici ha portato a risultati significativi per una corretta comprensione dei processi di subsidenza su buona parte della città di Bologna e della sua provincia. Tale approccio verrà esteso a tutta l’area compresa tra la catena appenninica ed il fiume Po

    Land subsidence, Ground Fissures and Buried Faults: InSAR Monitoring of Ciudad Guzmán (Jalisco, Mexico)

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    We study land subsidence processes and the associated ground fissuring, affecting an active graben filled by thick unconsolidated deposits by means of InSAR techniques and fieldwork. On 21 September 2012, Ciudad Guzmán (Jalisco, Mexico) was struck by ground fissures of about 1.5 km of length, causing the deformation of the roads and the propagation of fissures in adjacent buildings. The field survey showed that fissures alignment is coincident with the escarpments produced on 19 September 1985, when a strong earthquake with magnitude 8.1 struck central Mexico. In order to detect and map the spatio-temporal features of the processes that led to the 2012 ground fissures, we applied InSAR multitemporal techniques to process ENVISAT-ASAR and RADARSAT-2 satellite SAR images acquired between 2003 and 2012. We detect up to 20 mm/year of subsidence of the northwestern part of Ciudad Guzmán. These incremental movements are consistent with the ground fissures observed in 2012. Based on interferometric results, field data and 2D numerical model, we suggest that ground deformations and fissuring are due to the presence of areal subsidence correlated with variable sediment thickness and differential compaction, partly driven by the exploitation of the aquifers and controlled by the distribution and position of buried faults

    The Paganica Fault and surface coseismic ruptures caused by the 6 april 2009 earthquake (L’Aquila, central Italy)

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    On 6 April 2009, at 01:32 GMT, an Mw 6.3 seismic event hit the central Apennines, severely damaging the town of L’Aquila and dozens of neighboring villages and resulting in approximately 300 casualties (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, http://www.ingv.it; MedNet, http://mednet.rm.ingv.it/proce- dure/events/QRCMT/090406_013322/qrcmt.html). This earth- quake was the strongest in central Italy since the devastating 1915 Fucino event (Mw 7.0). The INGV national seismic net- work located the hypocenter 5 km southwest of L’Aquila, 8–9 km deep. Based on this information and on the seismotectonic framework of the region, earthquake geologists traveled to the field to identify possible surface faulting (Emergeo Working Group 2009a, 2009b). The most convincing evidence of pri- mary surface rupture is along the Paganica fault, the geometry of which is consistent with seismological, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and GPS data. Investigation of other known nor- mal faults of the area, i.e., the Mt. Pettino, Mt. San Franco, and Mt. Stabiata normal faults suggested that these structures were not activated during the April 6 shock (Emergeo Working Group 2009a, 2009b). In this report, we first describe the seismotectonic frame- work of the area, and then we present the field information that supports the occurrence of surficial displacement on the Paganica fault.Published940-9503.2. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalope

    The advantages of semiochemical-based attract and kill techniques in insect pest management.

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    Introduction: Semiochemicals (chemicals impacting insect behavior) have been employed in species-specific, ecologically friendly insect pest control strategies through a wide variety of mechanisms, many of which do not require the application of conventional insecticides. These include mating disruption?application of sex pheromones in such a way that male insects are unable to locate a female mate, reducing the size of the pest population in the treated area over time?mass trapping, and repellency. However, semiochemical attractants can also be used in combination with small amounts of chemical toxicants, a strategy called attract and kill (A&K)

    Negative Impressions of Childbirth in a North-West England Student Population

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    Background: Socio-cultural childbirth representations can influence perceptions of childbirth negatively. In this paper we report on a survey study to explore factors associated with negative impressions of childbirth in a North-West England University student sample. We also explored whether different sources and perceptions of childbirth information were linked to fear of childbirth. Methods: All students received a survey link via an online messaging board and/or direct email. Female students who were 18-40 years of age and childless (but planned to have children in the future) were invited to participate. Demographics, birth preferences, a fear of birth and general anxiety measures were included as well as questions about what sources of information shaped students’ attitudes towards pregnancy and birth (i.e. visual/written media, experiences of friends/family members, school-based education, and other) and impressions of birth from these sources (i.e. positive, negative, both positive and negative and not applicable). Results: Eligible students (n=276) completed the online questionnaire. The majority were Caucasian (87%) with a mean age of 22.6 years. Ninety-two students (33.3%) reported negative childbirth impressions through direct or vicarious sources. Students with negative impressions were significantly more likely to report higher fear of birth scores. Negatively perceived birth stories of friends/family members, and mixed perceptions of visual media representations of birth were associated with higher fear of birth scores. Having witnessed a birth first-hand and describing the experience as amazing was linked to lower fear scores. Conclusion: First-hand observations of birth, especially positive experiences, had implications for salutary outcomes. Negative or conflicting perceptions of vicarious experiences were associated with increased levels of childbirth fear. While further research is needed, these 3 insights suggest a need for positive birth stories and messages to be disseminated to mitigate negative effects of indirect accounts

    The advantages of semiochemical-based attract and kill techniques in insect pest management: agricultural case studies.

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    Introduction: While the advantages of semiochemical-based pest control technologies over traditional insecticides are well-documented (reduced hazards to non-targets and the environment, lower risk of resistance, etc.), many strategies employing these behavior-manipulating compounds to protect agricultural crops are relegated to small niche markets,due to their limited applicability. Since most semiochemicals are species-specific, they can usually target only one pest at a time. However, this is not always the case, as we will demonstrate through this discussion of four of ISCA Technologies? attract and kill (A&K) formulations

    The Paganica Fault and surface coseismic ruptures caused by the 6 april 2009 earthquake (L’Aquila, central Italy)

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    On 6 April 2009, at 01:32 GMT, an Mw 6.3 seismic event hit the central Apennines, severely damaging the town of L’Aquila and dozens of neighboring villages and resulting in approximately 300 casualties (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, http://www.ingv.it; MedNet, http://mednet.rm.ingv.it/proce- dure/events/QRCMT/090406_013322/qrcmt.html). This earth- quake was the strongest in central Italy since the devastating 1915 Fucino event (Mw 7.0). The INGV national seismic net- work located the hypocenter 5 km southwest of L’Aquila, 8–9 km deep. Based on this information and on the seismotectonic framework of the region, earthquake geologists traveled to the field to identify possible surface faulting (Emergeo Working Group 2009a, 2009b). The most convincing evidence of pri- mary surface rupture is along the Paganica fault, the geometry of which is consistent with seismological, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and GPS data. Investigation of other known nor- mal faults of the area, i.e., the Mt. Pettino, Mt. San Franco, and Mt. Stabiata normal faults suggested that these structures were not activated during the April 6 shock (Emergeo Working Group 2009a, 2009b). In this report, we first describe the seismotectonic frame- work of the area, and then we present the field information that supports the occurrence of surficial displacement on the Paganica fault
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