889 research outputs found
VIPACFood: valorização de subprodutos alimentares para desenvolvimento de filmes e revestimentos que visem aumentar a vida útil de alimentos
O projeto VIPACFood é o acrónimo de “Valorization of Industrial fruits by Products and algae biomass waste: Development of Active Coatings to extend Food shelf life and reduce food losses”. Trata-se de um projeto de 3 anos que teve início no dia 1 de Junho de 2017 e é financiado pelo ARIMNet2. O consórcio do projeto é formado por oito organizações de investigação e governamentais, abrangendo quatro países, Tunísia, Itália, Portugal e Espanha. O coordenador é a Doutora Khaoula Khwaldia (National Institute of Research and Physicochemical Analysis, Tunísia).
O projeto visa desenvolver tecnologias pós-colheita seguras e acessíveis que conduzam à redução de perdas, à melhoria da segurança alimentar e prazo de validade, reduzindo a quantidade de embalagem usada para preservar os alimentos, das quais resultam benefícios sociais, ambientais e económicos.
O projeto também tem o objetivo de valorizar subprodutos industriais de frutas e resíduos de biomassa de algas, extraindo componentes ativos e funcionais com elevado valor e pela conceção de novos produtos transformados com grande apelo, estabilidade e potencialidade de comercialização que pode ajudar na redução dos subprodutos e resíduos eliminados e terá um impacto positivo na sustentabilidade das indústrias de transformação.
Além de aumentar a eficiência económica e aumentar a competitividade dos produtores locais e das pequenas e médias empresas, espera-se que o projeto tenha impacto ambiental e na saúde devido à valorização de subprodutos, à redução significativa dos resíduos alimentares e à melhoria da qualidade dos alimentos e vida útil dos mesmosO presente trabalho insere-se no projeto VIPACFood. Este projeto é financiado pelo ARIMNet2 (Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean; 2014-2017), uma ação ERA-NET financiada pela União Europeia (7º Programa Quadro).N/
Possible contaminants of frying oils
Artigo publicado também em inglês.Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque agradece a Bolsa de Investigação Científica Ricardo Jorge (BRJ/DAN-2012) financiada pelo INSA, I.P. Este trabalho foi financiado pelo INSA no âmbito
do projeto “PTranSALT - Avaliação de ácidos gordos trans,gordura saturada e sal em alimentos processados: estudo do panorama português (2012DAN828)”
Lipid oxidation of a meat product packaged with poly (lactic acid)/clay nanocomposites
Introduction: Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA, Poly) is a biodegradable
thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch,
tapioca roots, chips or starch, or sugarcane.
Biopolymer nanocomposites are of great interest to the packaging industry as they can
overcome the limitations of biopolymers compared to synthetic polymers. In the last
two decades, the nanocomposites have been studied intensively, once the addition of
fillers such as organoclays, in particular, montmorillonite (MMT), can improve
rheological, thermal and mechanical properties of the biopolymers (Jollands M. et al.
2010). The presence of MMT can lead to materials which generally exhibit great
property enhancements, mainly due to its intercalation or exfoliation into the polymer
In this work, PLA was incorporated with 5% (w/w) Cloisite Na+ prepared through a
two-step process: first extrusion of pellets and secondly melted matter was pressed. The
nanocomposite was used to pack a model food (salami) in order to evaluate of the
ability of the new packaging to inhibit lipid oxidation. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive
Substances (TBARS) assay was used to evaluate the lipid oxidation stage. This assay
allows to measure malondialdehyde (MDA) content, which is formed in the lipid
oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Material and Methods: Packaged salami was homogenized with trichloroacetic acid (10
%) in 0.02 M of orthophosphoric acid and the solution was filtered. The filtered solution
was homogenized with thiobarbituric acid aqueous solution (0.02 M) and heated at 100
°C for 40 min. Solutions were cooled down and absorbance was measured at 530 nm.
Results were expressed as mg MDA per kg of salami.
Results and Discussion: Salami slices were packaged with a control film and with the
nanocomposite and analysed at initial time and after 15, 30, 60 and 90 days of contact.
Results showed that salami packaged with the nanocomposite presented lower amount
of MDA after all contact periods, except after 60 days, where there were no differences
between control and nanofilm.
Conclusion: Although the results showed that the new nanocomposite tends to reduce
the production of MDA, further studies should be carried out to confirm the inhibition
of lipid oxidation, such as the peroxide index, p-anisidine value, or the monitorization
of a lipid oxidation indicator like hexanal.Project “Development of methodologies for the evaluation of polymeric food packaging components and determination of their structural and mechanical properties” (2016DAN 1289)N/
The Potential of Whey Protein in Food Packaging
Whey protein has great potential to produce biodegradable and edible packaging. A broader spectrum of properties,
namely antioxidant and antimicrobial, can be achieved through the incorporation of substances, such as essential
oils, intended to be released during food storage, as an active system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Monitorization of hexanal as lipid oxidation indicator in a processed meat product packaged with poly(lactic acid)/clay nanocomposite films
One of the most detrimental processes in fatty foodstuffs is lipid oxidation, which occurs during production and storage,
and influences food composition and safety. Through the analysis of volatile lipid oxidation products we can have an
insight into the oxidation, and some volatiles, such as hexanal, which can be markers of undergoing oxidation
processes. Hexanal is formed when fatty acids are oxidized and is one of many well-documented aromatic components
that contributes to flavour and aroma in common food products containing fatty acids.
During the last decade, the interest in polymer layered silicate (PLS) nanocomposites has rapidly increased due to their
potential for enhancing physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of conventional materials. Polymer
nanocomposites are represented by a polymeric matrix reinforced with nanoscale fillers, among them the most common
silicate clays are represented by montmorillonite (MMT), which is naturally occurring and readily available in large
The presence of MMT can lead to materials which generally exhibit great property enhancements, mainly due to its
intercalation or exfoliation into the polymer chains. In this work natural MMT Cloisite Na+ was incorporated in PLA.
The PLA/Cloisite® Na+ films were prepared through a two-step process. In the first step, PLA pellets were fed into a corotating
laboratory twin-screw extruder at 170 °C and 50 rpm for 2 min. Subsequently, Cloisite® Na+ powder (5%, w/w)
were added and mixed. After extrusion, the melted matter was then pressed with a P300P hot press at 170 °C and 100
bar to obtain the PLA/Cloisite® Na+ films. Salami slices were packaged with PLA-OMMT film and with a control film
(PLA). After different storage times (0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days), salami slices were analysed regarding their hexanal
content. The hexanal derivatization was performed in a solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in sulfuric acid during 4
h in the dark, and the hexanal extraction was performed with n-hexane and evaporation till dryness. The residue was
dissolved in methanol, filtered and analysed. The quantification of hexanal was performed by Ultra High Performance
Liquid Chromatography coupled with Diode Array Detector at 365 nm, with a Pre-column AcquityTM UPLC® BEH C18
(2.1 x 5 mm, 1.7 μm particle size) and a column AcquityTM UPLC® BEH C18 (2.1 × 50 mm, 1.7 μm particle size), the
mobile-phase was acetonitrile-water (75:25, v/v).
The amount of hexanal in packaged salami decreased in the first 60 days of storage. In this period of time the hexanal
content of the salami packaged with the PLA/Cloisite® Na+ films was lower than the salami packaged with control film,
except after 15 days of storage, where there was no difference between two films. After 90 days of storage, the amount
of hexanal in the samples increased, although it was higher in the samples packaged with control film (94.7 ± 6.02
μg/100g salami) than salami packaged with PLA/Cloisite® Na+ films (65.1 ± 6.12 μg/100g salami).
The presence of MMT in the polymer film can reduce the lipid oxidation of processed meat products, extending their
shelf life. Further studies to evaluate differences between PLA and the nanocomposite (PLA-5%Cloisite®Na+) in what
regards to the mechanical and barrier properties are in progress.This work was supported by the research project “Labelling and tracking of nanoclay from food packaging
nanocomposites: a food safety issue – NanoPack4Food” (2014DAN1019) under the Cooperative Programme of the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT)N/
Evaluation of the oxidative status of salami packaged with an active whey protein film
Active packaging aims to prolong food's shelf-life by directly interacting with the packaged food. This type of packaging is characterized by having the active agent incorporated into the package polymer, such as antioxidant additives, that will gradually migrate from the package polymer to the packed food and, consequently, delay food's natural lipid oxidation. In this study, the efficiency of an active whey protein film incorporated with a rosemary extract on retarding the lipid oxidation of salami slices was evaluated. The lipid oxidation of the salami was measured by the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and hexanal monitorization. Also, a sensory analysis on the salami packaged for 60 and 90 days was performed. The active film was able to delay the salami's lipid oxidation for, at least, 30 days. The samples packaged with the active film revealed a bitter taste related to the rosemary extract and a bit sweet from the WP and the glycerol.This work was supported by the research project “Development of an edible film based on whey protein
with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity using essential oils” (2012DAN807) funded by the National Institute of
Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, I.P. (Lisbon, Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estimating a theoretical model of state banking competition using a dynamic panel: the Brazilian case
In this paper we set up a model of regional banking competition based on Bresnahan (1982), Lau (1982) and Nakane (2002). The structural model is estimated using data from eight Brazilian states and a dynamic panel. The results show that on average the level of competition in the Brazilian banking system is high, even tough the null of perfect competition can be rejected at the usual significance levels. This result also prevails at the state level: Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and Minas Gerais have high degree of competition.O presente artigo propõe um modelo regional de competição bancária baseado nas contribuições de Bresnahan (1982), Lau (1982) e Nakane (2002). O modelo estrutural formuladoé estimado utilizando as informações para oito estados brasileiros e um painel dinâmico. Os resultados mostram que, na média, o nível de competição no sistema bancário brasileiro é alto, embora a hipótese nula de competição perfeita possa ser rejeitada aos níveis usuais de significância. De uma forma geral, este padrão também prevalece nos estados: Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco e Minas Gerais têm elevado grau de competição
Determinação do bisfenol A e éter diglicidílico do bisfenol A em alimentos enlatados
O Bisfenol A (BPA) é um composto químico produzido a larga escala. De facto a produção mundial de BPA por ano é superior a 3,5 milhões de toneladas. Devido às suas características de resistência e elasticidade este composto é utilizado na produção de diversos produtos, como policarbonato e resinas epóxi. As resinas epóxi são obtidas comercialmente a partir da reação entre o bisfenol A e a epicloridrina que resulta no éter diglicidílico de bisfenol A, também conhecido como BADGE e estão presentes no revestimento de embalagens de alimentos enlatados. A União Europeia estabeleceu um limite de migração específica (LME) para o BPA de 0,6 mg/kg de alimento (Regulamento (EU) nº 10/2011 da comissão 2011). O presente trabalho teve como propósito a determinação de BPA e de BADGE em materiais em contato com alimentos. Neste sentido, procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento, otimização e validação de um método para determinação destes dois compostos por Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a um Detetor de Fluorescência (UHPLC-FL). Foram analisadas amostras de pescado enlatado, de diferentes marcas, disponíveis no mercado português, no período de Janeiro a Julho de 2017. Os parâmetros de validação determinados foram a especificidade, linearidade e gama de trabalho, limite de deteção, limite de quantificação, repetibilidade, precisão e exatidão. Os valores da Precisão (expressos em % de desvio padrão relativo) encontram-se em conformidade com os citérios de validação para métodos analíticos, tendo sido sempre inferiores a 4,9% e a recuperação foi aceitável nos 4 níveis de fortificação testados. Verificou-se que todas as amostras cumpriram com os limites máximos permitidos pela legislação europeia em vigor, garantindo assim a segurança do consumo destes alimentos.O presente trabalho insere-se no projeto “Desenvolvimento de
metodologias para avaliação de componentes de embalagens
alimentares poliméricas e determinação das suas propriedades
estruturais e mecânicas (2016 DAN 1283), financiado pelo
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge.N/
Filme ativo com extrato de chá verde: eficácia contra a oxidação lipídica
As embalagens ativas têm como objetivo proteger e prolongar a vida útil dos alimentos, aumentando a sua qualidade, segurança e integridade. Na industria alimentar, este conceito de embalagem ativa foi aplicado como forma de controlar o fenomeno da oxidacao lipidica em alimentos com alto teor de gordura, sendo que esta e uma das principais causas de perda de qualidade destes alimentos.
A composição química do chá verde tem revelado um grande interesse no que diz respeito a prevenção da oxidação lipídica. Na sua constituição, as folhas de chá verde possuem um teor elevado de compostos fenólicos, que tem sido associados a sua atividade antioxidante. Devido às suas propriedades, o chá verde e considerado um ótimo agente antioxidante natural. O poli (acido láctico) ou ácido poliláctico (PLA) e um polímero alifático cujo monómero e derivado de recursos renováveis, como amido de milho, raízes de tapioca e cana de açúcar. O polímero e formado através da fermentação de amido e condensação de ácido láctico.
No presente estudo, fatias de salmão fumado foram embaladas com um filme de PLA, com extrato de chá verde incorporado em diferentes concentrações, 1% e 2%, e, posteriormente, armazenadas durante 7, 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias, em refrigeração. Um filme de PLA sem o extrato de chá verde foi usado como controlo.
Para avaliar a eficácia do filme ativo contra a oxidação lipídica, utilizou-se o teste de Substancias Reativas ao Ácido Tiobarbiturico (TBARS). Este ensaio mede o conteudo de malonaldeido (MDA) que e formado durante a oxidação lipídica pela decomposição dos ácidos gordos polinsaturados em hidroperoxidos. Os resultados foram expressos em mg de MDA por kg de salmão fumado.
Os resultados mostraram que as fatias de salmão fumado embaladas com o filme de PLA/chá verde apresentaram menor teor de MDA do que aquelas embaladas com o filme controlo. As fatias de salmão fumado embaladas com o PLA/chá verde2% apresentaram menor quantidade de MDA em todos os momentos de contacto, exceto apos 15 dias, onde se verificou menor teor de MDA nas fatias de salmão embaladas com o filme ativo com 1% de extrato de chá verde.
Estes resultados mostraram que a incorporação do extrato de chá verde no PLA protege o salmão fumado da oxidação lipídica. Contudo, devem ser realizados estudos adicionais para confirmar a inibição da oxidação lipídica, como o índice de peróxido, o valor de p-anisidina e a determinação do hexanal.Este trabalho foi financiado pelo projeto de investigação “Development of methodologies for the evaluation of polymeric food packaging components and determination of their structural and mechanical properties
(2016DAN 1289)” financiado pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, I.P.). Mariana Andrade agradece a bolsa de investigação (2016/iFILM/BM) no âmbito do projeto iFILM.N/
Green tea as a promising extract of active food packaging
Introduction: Tea is one of the most popular and frequently consumed beverages in the world
and its consumption dates back to more than 2000 years in China and then spread to other
areas including Japan and later on to Europe (Zhao et al., 2014). Green tea is produced from
Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze leaf infusion and is well known for its pleasant flavour and is
associated with positive health effects.
The biological activity of green tea is related with the considerable amount of catechins and
other phenolic compounds, in particular flavonols and phenolic acids, present in its
composition (Zhao et al., 2014). These phenolic compounds prevent the oxidative damage
through their antioxidant activity and also reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and
neurodegenerative diseases (Lorenzo et al., 2014).
The process of oxidation is one of the most common mechanisms of degradation of foodstuffs
and it can alter food texture and colour, decrease nutritional quality, develop off-odours and
also produce possible toxic compounds. As a consequence, the shelf-life and commercial
acceptability of the food products decrease.
Currently, one of the major concerns of the consumers is the impact of food on health. In line
with this, food industry is trying to substitute synthetic additives by natural compounds. These
can be directly added to food or incorporated in food packaging with the aim of being
controlled released throughout the product shelf life. This concept is so-called Active
packaging and allows the packaging to positively interact with foods to increase food shelf-life.
This interaction can be due to the intended release of compounds from packaging to the foods
or to their headspace, or due to the scavenging of compounds by the packaging from the
packaged foods.
Due to the antioxidant capacity of green tea, its extract can be proposed as an alternative to
synthetic antioxidants (Giménez et al., 2013). In fact, it has already been applied in active food
Material and Methods: The present review focuses on the application of green tea extract in
active packaging. In this regard, an extensive bibliographic research was carried out in order to
evaluate the polymers already used to incorporate green tea extract, as well as the mechanical
and barrier properties and efficiency of these packaging systems in contact with foods.
Results and Discussion: The chemical composition of tea leaves on active compounds with
antioxidant activity is well documented. Bioactive constituents of the tea leaves include
catechin gallates such as epigallocatechin gallate and gallocatechin gallate (López de Dicastillo
et al., 2011). However the levels of these compounds depend on many factors, such as the
edaphoclimatic conditions and drying conditions of the Camellia sinensis leaves. Moreover the
extraction and analysis methods can also have a great influence in their content.
Green tea extract has already been incorporated into different polymers. In fact, most of them
are edible such as proteic films from distilled dry beans (Yang et al., 2016), agar (Lacey et al.,
2014), chitosan (Siripatrawan et al., 2012; Siripatrawan et al., 2010) and gelatine (Hong et al
Green tea extract (GTE) can offers protection against oxidation, significantly reducing rancidity
and thereby extending the shelf-life of packaged foods. Moreover the sensory analysis also
demonstrated that packaged food was unaffected by GTE (Carrizo et al., 2016).
According to Yang et al. (2016), the incorporation of the GTE did not alter the physical
properties of the films. According to Siripatrawan et al. (2010), the incorporation of GTE
improved the mechanical and water vapour barrier properties.
In general, GTE provides a very positive impact in the reduction of oxidation of all types of
food, from aqueous to fatty (López de Dicastillo et al., 2011), although most of the studies
selected meat (e.g. pork, pork sausages, pork loins), or fish products (e.g. fillets of hake, salted
sardines) to test the efficiency of the active films.
Conclusion: Green tea has great potential of application in active food packaging due to its
antioxidant capacity. Therefore, in the near future, is it possible that new food packaging
based on GTE will arise in the market. However, more studies are require to elucidate about
the concentrations of GTE that do not affect or affect positively the mechanical or barrier
properties of the packaging and that are effective as oxidation inhibitors of packaged foodsThis work was supported by the research project “Development of methodologies for the evaluation of polymeric food packaging components and determination of their structural and mechanical properties” (2016DAN 1289) funded by the National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, I.P., Lisbon, Portugal.N/
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