741 research outputs found

    House of Bondage : Can We Reconcile the Biblical Account of Hebrew Slavery with Egyptian Historical Records?

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    “Let Us Make אדם”: An Edenic Model of Personal Ontology

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    Personal ontology studies human constitution and human nature, an increasingly debated topic in Christian theology. Historically, the most prominent models of personal ontology in Christian theology have been substance dualist models. More recently, physicalist models have offered prominent alternatives. This dissertation studies the conflict of interpretations between these two major model groupings. By applying a canonical theology, it then presents an Edenic model of personal ontology that can address the current conflict of interpretations. To achieve this end, the dissertation briefly analyzes substance dualism and physicalism according to the rubrics of constitution and nature, using a model methodology. It then compares the advantages and challenges each offers, and asks whether a model based solely on the normative source of the biblical canon might prove beneficial to the current debate. This question is explored next through a close reading of the Eden narrative (Gen 1-3), which is the biblical pericope that is most foundational to a study of personal ontology. Utilizing the final-form canonical approach and phenomenological-exegetical analysis, this reading delivers answers to the questions of constitution and nature and reveals an Edenic model of personal ontology. In short, the Edenic model highlights both the physicality and the uniqueness of human ontology. It points to a human constitution that is physical, and yet it does not compromise humans’ unique identity or place in God’s creation. This is because the text shows the image of God to be the mark of human identity. This imago Dei is manifested in every function of human nature (all of which are physically constituted), and enables humans to fulfill God’s commission to them. Next, we compare the Edenic model with substance dualism and physicalism, using the same two rubrics of constitution and nature, to see which models may have higher explanatory powers in dealing with current questions of personal ontology. We see that a model of personal ontology that arises from the Eden narrative emphasizes both human physicality and human uniqueness. Such a twin emphasis proves helpful in the current debate in Christian theology, whereas substance dualism emphasizes human identity, and physicalism often highlights human physicality more than human identity. The dissertation ends by encouraging Christian theologians to explore further the new questions about personal ontology that are being raised, but to do so within these twin parameters and on the basis of a model that arises from Scripture. This approach will not only have implications for a study of personal ontology, but likely for an array of Christian beliefs and practices

    Why a Seventh-day Adventist Church?

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    Ischaemic colitis: Practical challenges and evidence-based recommendations for management

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    Ischaemic colitis (IC) is a common condition with rising incidence, and in severe cases a high mortality rate. Its presentation, severity and disease behaviour can vary widely, and there exists significant heterogeneity in treatment strategies and resultant outcomes. In this article we explore practical challenges in the management of IC, and where available make evidence-based recommendations for its management based on a comprehensive review of available literature. An optimal approach to initial management requires early recognition of the diagnosis followed by prompt and appropriate investigation. Ideally, this should involve the input of both gastroenterology and surgery. CT with intravenous contrast is the imaging modality of choice. It can support clinical diagnosis, define the severity and distribution of ischaemia, and has prognostic value. In all but fulminant cases, this should be followed (within 48 hours) by lower gastrointestinal endoscopy to reach the distal-most extent of the disease, providing endoscopic (and histological) confirmation. The mainstay of medical management is conservative/supportive treatment, with bowel rest, fluid resuscitation and antibiotics. Specific laboratory, radiological and endoscopic features are recognised to correlate with more severe disease, higher rates of surgical intervention and ultimately worse outcomes. These factors should be carefully considered when deciding on the need for and timing of surgical intervention

    Diagnosis, Management, and Pathogenetic Studies in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Syndrome

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    A retrospective study of 224 patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) diagnosed between 1963 and 1988 was performed to 1) establish the diagnosis of MTC in early childhood, 2) establish the role of prophylactic regional lymphadenectomy in patients with MTC, 3) study the effect of chemotherapy on MTC patients with metastatic disease, 4) study the effect of somatostatin analog 201-995 (Sandoz Pharmaceuticals) on the frequency of diarrhea in MTC, and 5) locate the common region(s) of gene deletion on chromosome 1 and examine the loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 10 in tumors. Our data indicated that a progressive rise of serum calcitonin in early childhood (rather than the expected fall with age seen in normal subjects) is diagnostic of MTC. No differences in clinical course or prognosis were observed between patients with MTC localized to the thyroid who had prophylactic neck node dissection and those who did not. Conventional chemotherapy had no significant benefit in the treatment of patients with metastatic disease. The somatostatin analog was found to be an effeciive drug in the treatment of diarrhea associated with MTC. Allelic losses were frequently found in MTCs and pheochromocytomas, and the loss of DNA sequences in these tumors appeared to involve the distal third of the short arm of chromosome 1, with a common breakpoint at 1p32

    Pollination and serological studies on Egyptian grapes

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    White Roumi grape (Vitis vinifera L.) produces low yield when planted alone. Both pollination and serological tests indicated that this problem appears to be due to the presence of partial self-incompa·tibility in its flowers. Cross-pollination is necessary in White Roumi vineyards in order to obtain abundant yields and to improve berry quality.Different degrees of cross-compatibility were found between White Roumi flowers and four grape pollina.tors. Evaluating these pollinators indicated that Red Roumi and Thompson Seedless pollen gave the highest berry set and fruiting. BezEl-N akah resulted in early ripening berries possessing the largest weight and size. Ghariby proved to be an unsuitable pollinator of White Roumi flowers. It decreased  berry-set percentage and fruiting and increased percentage qf preharvest berry drop. Moreover, the berries were of poor quality.Bestäubungsversuche und serologische Untersuchungen an ägyptischen RebenDie Rebsorte White Roumi (Vitis vinifera L.) bringt allein gepflanzt nur niedrige Traubenerträge. Sowohl Bestäubungsexperimente als auch die serologische Prüfung zeigten, daß es sich hierbei um eine partielle Selbstinkompatibilität handeln dürfte. In Rebanlagen mit White Roumi ist Fremdbestäubung erforderlich, um reichliche Ernten zu erzielen und die Beerenqualität zu verbessern.Zwischen den Blüten von White Roumi und vier Pollenspendern wurden unterschiedliche Grade der Fremdverträglichkeit festgestellt. Bei Bestäubung mit Pollen von Red Roumi und Thompson Seedless waren der Beerenansatz und Fruchtertrag am höchsten. Pollen von Bez-El-Nakah hatte eine frühe Beerenreife zur Folge; die Beeren dieser Kreuzung waren am schwersten und größten. Die Sorte Ghariby erwies sich als ungeeigneter Pollenspender für die White-Roumi-Blüten; der Beerenansatz und Traubenertrag waren vermindert und der Anteil der vor der Ernte abgefallenen Beeren erhöht. Überdies waren die Beeren von geringer Qualität

    Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Autocrine Regulation of Cell Growth in TT Human Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Cells

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    Since the TT human medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line required fewer exogenous growth factors (serum), we investigated whether this line has an autocrine mechanism by examining the effects of antibodies directed toward insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its receptor on TT cell growth in serum-free conditions. Treating cells with anti-IGF-I antibody for four days reduced the cell number by more than 50% compared with a nonimmune IgG control. Furthermore, a monoclonal antibody to the IGF-I receptor suppressed DNA synthesis when determined by a [3H]thymidine incorporation assay. Exogenous IGF-I (20 ng/mL) stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation in serum-free medium; approximately 70% of the IGF-I-induced stimulation was blocked by the presence of the receptor antibody. Treating TT cells with IGF-I for 48 hours increased the cell population in the S phase by 62% when analyzed by flow cytometry. These data suggest that TT cells might respond to endogenously produced IGF-I and therefore provide an in vitro model for autocrine regulation of human tumor cell growth by IGF-I