4,746 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Weak and Strong Wave Turbulence in a Swell Propagation

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    By performing two parallel numerical experiments -- solving the dynamical Hamiltonian equations and solving the Hasselmann kinetic equation -- we examined the applicability of the theory of weak turbulence to the description of the time evolution of an ensemble of free surface waves (a swell) on deep water. We observed qualitative coincidence of the results. To achieve quantitative coincidence, we augmented the kinetic equation by an empirical dissipation term modelling the strongly nonlinear process of white-capping. Fitting the two experiments, we determined the dissipation function due to wave breaking and found that it depends very sharply on the parameter of nonlinearity (the surface steepness). The onset of white-capping can be compared to a second-order phase transition. This result corroborates with experimental observations by Banner, Babanin, Young.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Submitted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Partially Massless Spin 2 Electrodynamics

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    We propose that maximal depth, partially massless, higher spin excitations can mediate charged matter interactions in a de Sitter universe. The proposal is motivated by similarities between these theories and their traditional Maxwell counterpart: their propagation is lightlike and corresponds to the same Laplacian eigenmodes as the de Sitter photon; they are conformal in four dimensions; their gauge invariance has a single scalar parameter and actions can be expressed as squares of single derivative curvature tensors. We examine this proposal in detail for its simplest spin 2 example. We find that it is possible to construct a natural and consistent interaction scheme to conserved vector electromagnetic currents primarily coupled to the helicity 1 partially massless modes. The resulting current-current single ``partial-photon'' exchange amplitude is the (very unCoulombic) sum of contact and shorter-range terms, so the partial photon cannot replace the traditional one, but rather modifies short range electromagnetic interactions. We also write the gauge invariant fourth-derivative effective actions that might appear as effective corrections to the model, and their contributions to the tree amplitude are also obtained.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    On the Quantum Kinetic Equation in Weak Turbulence

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    The quantum kinetic equation used in the study of weak turbulence is reconsidered in the context of a theory with a generic quartic interaction. The expectation value of the time derivative of the mode number operators is computed in a perturbation expansion which places the large diagonal component of the quartic term in the unperturbed Hamiltonian. Although one is not perturbing around a free field theory, the calculation is easily tractable owing to the fact that the unperturbed Hamiltonian can be written solely in terms of the mode number operators.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-linear effects in hopping conduction of single-crystal La_{2}CuO_{4 + \delta}

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    The unusual non-linear effects in hopping conduction of single-crystal La_{2}CuO_{4 + \delta} with excess oxygen has been observed. The resistance is measured as a function of applied voltage U (10^{-3} V - 25 V) in the temperature range 5 K 0.1 V) the conduction of sample investigated corresponds well to Mott's variable-range hopping (VRH). An unusual conduction behavior is found, however, in low voltage range (approximately below 0.1 V), where the influence of electric field and (or) electron heating effect on VRH ought to be neglected. Here we have observed strong increase in resistance at increasing U at T < 20 K, whereas at T > 20 K the resistance decreases with increasing U. The magnetoresistance of the sample below 20 K has been positive at low voltage and negative at high voltage. The observed non-Ohmic behavior is attributable to inhomogeneity of the sample, and namely, to the enrichment of sample surface with oxygen during the course of the heat treatment of the sample in helium and air atmosphere before measurements. At low enough temperature (below 20 K) the surface layer with increased oxygen concentration is presumed to consist of disconnected superconducting regions (with T_{c} about 20 K) in poor-conducting matrix. The results obtained demonstrate that transport properties of cuprate oxides may be determined in essential degree by structural or stoichimetric inhomogeneities. This should be taken into account at evaluation of "quality" of high-temperature superconductors on the basis of transport properties measurements.Comment: 12 pages, REVTex, 11 Postscript figures, To be published in Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (published by AIP as Low Temperature Physics

    Anomalous mass dependence of radiative quark energy loss in a finite-size quark-gluon plasma

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    We demonstrate that for a finite-size quark-gluon plasma the induced gluon radiation from heavy quarks is stronger than that for light quarks when the gluon formation length becomes comparable with (or exceeds) the size of the plasma. The effect is due to oscillations of the light-cone wave function for the in-medium qgqq\to gq transition. The dead cone model by Dokshitzer and Kharzeev neglecting quantum finite-size effects is not valid in this regime. The finite-size effects also enhance the photon emission from heavy quarks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Weak Wave Turbulence Scaling Theory for Diffusion and Relative Diffusion in Turbulent Surface Waves

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    We examine the applicability of the weak wave turbulence theory in explaining experimental scaling results obtained for the diffusion and relative diffusion of particles moving on turbulent surface waves. For capillary waves our theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental results, where a distinct crossover in diffusive behavior is observed at the driving frequency. For gravity waves our results are discussed in the light of ocean wave studies.Comment: 5 pages; for related work visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/~victo

    On the relationship between nonlinear equations integrable by the method of characteristics and equations associated with commuting vector fields

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    It was shown recently that Frobenius reduction of the matrix fields reveals interesting relations among the nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) integrable by the Inverse Spectral Transform Method (SS-integrable PDEs), linearizable by the Hoph-Cole substitution (CC-integrable PDEs) and integrable by the method of characteristics (ChCh-integrable PDEs). However, only two classes of SS-integrable PDEs have been involved: soliton equations like Korteweg-de Vries, Nonlinear Shr\"odinger, Kadomtsev-Petviashvili and Davey-Stewartson equations, and GL(N,\CC) Self-dual type PDEs, like Yang-Mills equation. In this paper we consider the simple five-dimensional nonlinear PDE from another class of SS-integrable PDEs, namely, scalar nonlinear PDE which is commutativity condition of the pair of vector fields. We show its origin from the (1+1)-dimensional hierarchy of ChCh-integrable PDEs after certain composition of Frobenius type and differential reductions imposed on the matrix fields. Matrix generalization of the above scalar nonlinear PDE will be derived as well.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Critical density of a soliton gas

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    We quantify the notion of a dense soliton gas by establishing an upper bound for the integrated density of states of the quantum-mechanical Schr\"odinger operator associated with the KdV soliton gas dynamics. As a by-product of our derivation we find the speed of sound in the soliton gas with Gaussian spectral distribution function.Comment: 7 page