404 research outputs found

    Black microcolonial fungi as deteriogens of two famous marble statues in Florence, Italy

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    Blackened areas on outdoor marble statues are a significant esthetic problem due to the presence of deteriorating agents. Microcolonial black fungi, which have their natural ecological niche on rocks, play an important role in deterioration of stones used in monuments, such as marble and limestone. Black fungi were isolated from two very valuable statues exposed to the outdoor environment in Florence, Italy, the "Ratto delle SabineĂą" and the "Copia del David", and these fungi were demonstrated to be responsible for the blackening areas on the statues. The black strains showed many features common to members of rock-inhabitants dematiaceous fungi. Morphological and molecular characterization, including phylogenetic analysis, indicated that the strains isolated from both statues and in different times belong to the same species and can be assigned to the rock-inhabitant genera Sarcinomyces and Phaeococcomyces. Red yeasts growing in close proximity to the black ones, with no visible effect on the statues, were also characterized on the morphological and molecular level and identified as Sporobolomyces yunnanensis

    A Chloroplast COR413 protein from physcomitrella patens is required for growth regulation under high light and ABA responses

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    COR413 genes belong to a poorly characterized group of plant-specific cold-regulated genes initially identified as part of the transcriptional activation machinery of plants during cold acclimation. They encode multispanning transmembrane proteins predicted to target the plasma membrane or the chloroplast inner membrane. Despite being ubiquitous throughout the plant kingdom, little is known about their biological function. In this study, we used reverse genetics to investigate the relevance of a predicted chloroplast localized COR413 protein (PpCOR413im) from the moss Physcomitrella patens in developmental and abiotic stress responses. Expression of PpCOR413im was strongly induced by abscisic acid (ABA) and by various environmental stimuli, including low temperature, hyperosmosis, salinity and high light. In vivo subcellular localization of PpCOR413im-GFP fusion protein revealed that this protein is localized in chloroplasts, confirming the in silico predictions. Loss-of-function mutants of PpCOR413im exhibited growth and developmental alterations such as growth retardation, reduced caulonema formation and hypersensitivity to ABA. Mutants also displayed altered photochemistry under various abiotic stresses, including dehydration and low temperature, and exhibited a dramatic growth inhibition upon exposure to high light. Disruption of PpCOR413im also caused altered chloroplast ultrastructure, increased ROS accumulation, and enhanced starch and sucrose levels under high light or after ABA treatment. In addition, loss of PpCOR413im affected both nuclear and chloroplast gene expression in response to ABA and high light, suggesting a role for this gene downstream of ABA in the regulation of growth and environmental stress responses. Developmental alterations exhibited by PpCOR413im knockout mutants had remarkable similarities to those exhibited by hxk1, a mutant lacking a major chloroplastic hexokinase, an enzyme involved in energy homeostasis. Based on these findings, we propose that PpCOR413im is involved in coordinating energy metabolism with ABA-mediated growth and developmental responses

    Analytical and clinical evaluation of an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for the determination of CA 125

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    The CA 125 II assay on the Elecsys(R) 2010 analyzer was evaluated in an international multicenter trial. Imprecision studies yielded within-run CVs of 0.8-3.3% and between-day CVs of 2.4-10.9%; CVs for total imprecision in the manufacturer's laboratory were 2.4-7.8%. The linear range of the assay extended to at least 4500 kilounits/L (three decades). Interference from triglycerides (10.3 mmol/L), bilirubin (850 micromol/L), hemoglobin (1.1 mmol/L), anticoagulants (plasma), and several widely used drugs was undetectable. Method comparisons with five other CA 125 II assays showed good correlation but differences in standardization. A 95th percentile cutoff value of 35 kilounits/L was calculated from values measured in 593 apparently healthy (pre- and postmenopausal) women. In 95% of patients with benign gynecological diseases CA 125 was </=190 kilounits/L; 63% of patients with newly diagnosed ovarian carcinoma had values >190 kilounits/L. A comparison of CA 125 values obtained with the Elecsys test and with other common CA 125 tests in monitored patients being treated for ovarian cancer showed identical patterns. In conclusion, the Elecsys CA 125 II assay is linear over a broad range, yields precise and accurate results, is free from interferences, and compares well with other assays

    Sect and House in Syria: History, Architecture, and Bayt Amongst the Druze in Jaramana

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    This paper explores the connections between the architecture and materiality of houses and the social idiom of bayt (house, family). The ethnographic exploration is located in the Druze village of Jaramana, on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus. It traces the histories, genealogies, and politics of two families, bayt Abud-Haddad and bayt Ouward, through their houses. By exploring the two families and the architecture of their houses, this paper provides a detailed ethnographic account of historical change in modern Syria, internal diversity, and stratification within the intimate social fabric of the Druze neighbourhood at a time of war, and contributes a relational approach to the anthropological understanding of houses

    Design and non-design labs: Does transfer occur

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    Abstract. This paper is the second in the series of three describing a controlled study &quot;Transfer of scientific abilities&quot;. The study was conducted in a large-enrollment introductory physics course taught via Investigative Science Learning Environment. Its goal was to fmd whether designing their own experiments in labs affects students&apos; approaches to experimental problem solving in new areas of physics and in biology, and their learning of physics concepts. This paper reports on the part of the study that assesses student work while solving an experimental problem in a physics content area not studied in class. For a quantitative evaluation of students&apos; abilities, we used scientific abilities rubrics. We studied the students&apos; lab reports and answers to non-traditional exam problems related to the lab. We evaluated their performance and compared it with the performance of a control group that had the same course but enrolled in nondesign labs instead of design labs. The project was supported by NSF grant DRL 0241078

    The in-plane paraconductivity in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 thin film superconductors at high reduced-temperatures: Independence of the normal-state pseudogap

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    The in-plane resistivity has been measured in La2−xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (LSxCO) superconducting thin films of underdoped (x=0.10,0.12x=0.10,0.12), optimally-doped (x=0.15x=0.15) and overdoped (x=0.20,0.25x=0.20,0.25) compositions. These films were grown on (100)SrTiO3_3 substrates, and have about 150 nm thickness. The in-plane conductivity induced by superconducting fluctuations above the superconducting transition (the so-called in-plane paraconductivity, Δσab\Delta\sigma_{ab}) was extracted from these data in the reduced-temperature range 10^{-2}\lsim\epsilon\equiv\ln(T/\Tc)\lsim1. Such a Δσab(Ï”)\Delta\sigma_{ab}(\epsilon) was then analyzed in terms of the mean-field--like Gaussian-Ginzburg-Landau (GGL) approach extended to the high-Ï”\epsilon region by means of the introduction of a total-energy cutoff, which takes into account both the kinetic energy and the quantum localization energy of each fluctuating mode. Our results strongly suggest that at all temperatures above Tc, including the high reduced-temperature region, the doping mainly affects in LSxCO thin films the normal-state properties and that its influence on the superconducting fluctuations is relatively moderate: Even in the high-Ï”\epsilon region, the in-plane paraconductivity is found to be independent of the opening of a pseudogap in the normal state of the underdoped films.Comment: 35 pages including 10 figures and 1 tabl
