1,275 research outputs found

    Winterganzenbeleid: het roer om? : ex ante evaluatie kosteneffectiviteit opvangbeleid winterganzen

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    Deze studie laat zien wat de kosteneffectiviteit is van verschillende scenario’s en opties voor het winterganzenbeleid hebben. Vergeleken met voortzetting van het huidige beleid levert het afschaffen van de schadevergoeding voor ganzen buiten de foerageergebieden en het verminderen van ganzenpopulaties door afschot (populatieregulatie) de grootste besparingen op. Het stoppen met het huidige Beleidskader, dat wil zeggen geen foerageergebieden meer, geen verjaging door ondersteunend afschot en in het hele land de schade van ganzen vergoeden, levert ook aanzienlijke besparing op. Het draagvlak voor deze opties verschilt sterk tussen agrariërs, terreinbeheerders, wildbeheereenheden, dierenbeschermingsorganisaties en Vogelbescherming

    Beschrijving behoorende bij de hydrographische kaart der zeegaten van de monden der Schelde, welke trigonometrisch opgenomen, in plan gebragt en geteekend is, op last van het Departement van Marine

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    The aim of this first part of a series of two articles is to examine the potentially important role of the changing atmosphere on middle atmosphere ionization. The period covered is the last glacial maximum to the middle of the next century. Important parameters of interest to the ionization are changes in temperature and the concentration of several neutrals, especially H2O, NOx, H2SO4, CH3CN, aerosols, etc. This part deals with the changes in all these neutrals and the temperature affecting the ionization using an interactive two dimensional model of chemistry, radiation and dynamics. This article constructs an input field for article II which is devoted to changes in the middle atmosphere ionization. For the past, values of the forcing parameters are known whereas, for the future, we assumed scenarios for the forcing parameters and made simulations. Special attention has been given to highlight changes at 30 °N. The two dimensional model used here considers 'frozen' circulation in the troposphere. Although increased thermal emission by perturbing the lower boundary temperature has been considered while simulating for future, it is still a constraint in the present model

    Proposal to Increase the LEP Energy with Horizontal Orbit Correctors

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    In an e+ e- collider the beam energy depends only on the bending field integral "Bds while the synchrotron radiation power scales with "B2ds and is sensitive to the details of the field distribution. With fixed RF acceleration voltage it is thus possible to attain higher energies by increasing the effective bending magnet length. We propose to use the horizontal orbit correctors to exploit this effect. To control the orbit perturbations, 79 unused correctors in the regular arcs and 14 unused correctors in the dispersion suppressors will have to be powered. An energy increase of approximatively 0.18 GeV per beam might be obtained

    Construction and measurement of the pre-series twin aperture resistive quadrupole magnet for the LHC beam cleaning insertions

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    CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires 48 twin aperture resistive quadrupoles in the beam cleaning insertions. Canada is contributing these magnets to CERN in the framework of the TRIUMF-LHC collaboration contracts. A pre-series magnet was produced by Canadian industry and delivered in March 2001. This magnet incorporates important design changes that resulted from experience with a prototype magnet. The construction of this pre-series magnet and the measurements made at ALSTOM and at CERN are reported. A comparison is made between high precision pole distance measurements and the magnetic measurements performed with a rotating coil mole. Conclusions for series production and possibilities for multipole corrections are outlined. (6 refs)

    Differential cartilaginous tissue formation by human synovial membrane, fat pad, meniscus cells and articular chondrocytes

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    Objective: To identify an appropriate cell source for the generation of meniscus substitutes, among those which would be available by arthroscopy of injured knee joints. Methods: Human inner meniscus cells, fat pad cells (FPC), synovial membrane cells (SMC) and articular chondrocytes (AC) were expanded with or without specific growth factors (Transforming growth factor-betal, Fibroblast growth factor-2 and Plate let-derived growth factor bb, TFP) and then induced to form three-dimensional cartilaginous tissues in pellet cultures, or using a hyaluronan-based scaffold (Hyaff(R)-11), in culture or in nude mice. Human native menisci were assessed as reference. Results: Cell expansion with TFP enhanced glycosaminoglycan (GAG) deposition by all cell types (up to 4.1-fold) and messenger RNA expression of collagen type II by FPC and SMC (up to 472-fold) following pellet culture. In all models, tissues generated by AC contained the highest fractions of GAG (up to 1.9 were positively stained for collagen type II (specific of the inner avascular region of meniscus), type IV (mainly present in the outer vascularized region of meniscus) and types I, III and VI (common to both meniscus regions). Instead, inner meniscus, FPC and SMC developed tissues containing negligible GAG and no detectable collagen type II protein. Tissues generated by AC remained biochemically and phenotypically stable upon ectopic implantation. Conclusions: Under our experimental conditions, only AC generated tissues containing relevant amounts of GAG and with cell phenotypes compatible with those of the inner and outer meniscus regions. Instead, the other investigated cell sources formed tissues resembling only the outer region of meniscus. It remains to be determined whether grafts based on AC will have the ability to reach the complex structural and functional organization typical of meniscus tissue. (C) 2006 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights rese

    What supervisors say in their feedback:construction of CanMEDS roles in workplace settings

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    The CanMEDS framework has been widely adopted in residency education and feedback processes are guided by it. It is, however, only one of many influences on what is actually discussed in feedback. The sociohistorical culture of medicine and individual supervisors' contexts, experiences and beliefs are also influential. Our aim was to find how CanMEDS roles are constructed in feedback in a postgraduate curriculum-in-action. We applied a set of discourse analytic tools to written feedback from 591 feedback forms from 7 hospitals, including 3150 feedback comments in which 126 supervisors provided feedback to 120 residents after observing their performance in authentic settings. The role of Collaborator was constructed in two different ways: a cooperative discourse of equality with other workers and patients; and a discourse, which gave residents positions of power-delegating, asserting and 'taking a firm stance'. Efficiency-being fast and to the point emerged as an important attribute of physicians. Patients were seldom part of the discourses and, when they were, they were constructed as objects of communication and collaboration rather than partners. Although some of the discourses are in line with what might be expected, others were in striking contrast to the spirit of CanMEDS. This study's findings suggest that it takes more than a competency framework, evaluation instruments, and supervisor training to change the culture of workplaces. The impact on residents of training in such demanding, efficiency-focused clinical environments is an important topic for future research

    APOE and the risk of PD with or without dementia in a population-based study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the association between APOE genotype and PD with or without dementia. METHODS: The study formed part of the Rotterdam Study, a prospective, population-based cohort study on the frequency, etiology, and prognosis of chronic diseases. The cohort examined for PD consisted of 6,969 independently living or institutionalized i

    Final Report on the Consequences of LHC Civil Engineering for the SPS and LEP

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    The excavation of the shafts and caverns for the ATLAS and CMS experiments and the transfer lines between the SPS and LHC will start whilst LEP and the SPS are running. This will be during a period when LEP should be at its peak performance and the SPS will be providing beams for LEP, fixed target physics and LHC test beams. Simulations show that movements of the machine tunnels can be expected during the excavation and it is essential that this does not affect the performance of the SPS and LEP. The predicted movements are of sufficient amplitude to prevent machine operation if no precautions are taken. This report contains the conclusions of the working group which has been studying these problems
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