358 research outputs found

    Magnetic Properties of a-Si films doped with rare-earth elements

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    Amorphous silicon films doped with Y, La, Gd, Er, and Lu rare-earth elements (a-Si:RE) have been prepared by co-sputtering and studied by means of electron spin resonance (ESR), dc-magnetization, ion beam analysis, optical transmission, and Raman spectroscopy. For comparison the magnetic properties of laser-crystallized and hydrogenated a-Si:RE films were also studied. It was found that the rare-earth species are incorporated in the a-Si:RE films in the RE3+ form and that the RE-doping depletes the neutral dangling bonds (D0) density. The reduction of D0 density is significantly larger for the magnetic REs (Gd3+ and Er3+) than for the non-magnetic ones (Y3+, La3+, Lu3+). These results are interpreted in terms of a strong exchange-like interaction, J RE-DB SRE SDB, between the spin of the magnetic REs and that of the D0. All our Gd-doped Si films showed basically the same broad ESR Gd3+ resonance (DHpp ~ 850 Oe) at g ~ 2.01, suggesting the formation of a rather stable RE-Si complex in these films.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Dipolar interaction and incoherent quantum tunneling: a Monte Carlo study of magnetic relaxation

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    We study the magnetic relaxation of a system of localized spins interacting through weak dipole interactions, at a temperature large with respect to the ordering temperature but low with respect to the crystal field level splitting. The relaxation results from quantum spin tunneling but is only allowed on sites where the dipole field is very small. At low times, the magnetization decrease is proportional to t\sqrt{t} as predicted by Prokofiev and Stamp, and at long times the relaxation can be described as an extension of a relaxed zone. The results can be directly compared with very recent experimental data on Fe_8 molecular clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication on Eur. Phys. J.

    Surface magnetic canting in a ferromagnet

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    The surface magnetic canting (SMC) of a semi-infinite film with ferromagnetic exchange interaction and competing bulk and surface anisotropies is investigated via a nonlinear mapping formulation of mean-field theory previously developed by our group [L. Trallori et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 10, 1935-1988 (1996)], and extended to the case where an external magnetic field is applied to the system. When the field H is parallel to the film plane, the condition for SMC is found to be the same as that recently reported by Popov and Pappas [Phys. Rev. B 64, 184401 (2001)]. The case of a field H applied perpendicularly to the film plane is also investigated. In both cases, the zero-temperature equilibrium configuration is easily determined by our theoretical approach.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unified continuum approach to crystal surface morphological relaxation

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    A continuum theory is used to predict scaling laws for the morphological relaxation of crystal surfaces in two independent space dimensions. The goal is to unify previously disconnected experimental observations of decaying surface profiles. The continuum description is derived from the motion of interacting atomic steps. For isotropic diffusion of adatoms across each terrace, induced adatom fluxes transverse and parallel to step edges obey different laws, yielding a tensor mobility for the continuum surface flux. The partial differential equation (PDE) for the height profile expresses an interplay of step energetics and kinetics, and aspect ratio of surface topography that plausibly unifies observations of decaying bidirectional surface corrugations. The PDE reduces to known evolution equations for axisymmetric mounds and one-dimensional periodic corrugations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Collapse of the Gd3+Gd^{3+} ESR fine structure throughout the coherent temperature of the Gd-doped Kondo Semiconductor CeFe4P12CeFe_{4}P_{12}

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    Experiments on the Gd3+Gd^{3+} Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) in the filled skutterudite Ce1−xGdxFe4P12Ce_{1-x}Gd_{x}Fe_{4}P_{12} (x≈0.001x \approx 0.001), at temperatures where the host resistivity manifests a smooth insulator-metal crossover, provides evidence of the underlying Kondo physics associated with this system. At low temperatures (below T≈KT \approx K), Ce1−xGdxFe4P12Ce_{1-x}Gd_{x}Fe_{4}P_{12} behaves as a Kondo-insulator with a relatively large hybridization gap, and the Gd3+Gd^{3+} ESR spectra displays a fine structure with lorentzian line shape, typical of insulating media. The electronic gap is attributed to the large hybridization present in the coherent regime of a Kondo lattice, when Ce 4f-electrons cooperate with band properties at half-filling. Mean-field calculations suggest that the electron-phonon interaction is fundamental at explaining the strong 4f-electron hybridization in this filled skutterudite. The resulting electronic structure is strongly temperature dependent, and at about T∗≈160KT^{*} \approx 160 K the system undergoes an insulator-to-metal transition induced by the withdrawal of 4f-electrons from the Fermi volume, the system becoming metallic and non-magnetic. The Gd3+Gd^{3+} ESR fine structure coalesces into a single dysonian resonance, as in metals. Still, our simulations suggest that exchange-narrowing via the usual Korringa mechanism, alone, is not capable of describing the thermal behavior of the ESR spectra in the entire temperature region (4.24.2 - 300300 K). We propose that temperature activated fluctuating-valence of the Ce ions is the missing ingredient that, added to the usual exchange-narrowing mechanism, fully describes this unique temperature dependence of the Gd3+Gd^{3+} ESR fine structure observed in Ce1−xGdxFe4P12Ce_{1-x}Gd_{x}Fe_{4}P_{12}.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Thermally activated exchange narrowing of the Gd3+ ESR fine structure in a single crystal of Ce1-xGdxFe4P12 (x = 0.001) skutterudite

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    We report electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements in the Gd3+ doped semiconducting filled skutterudite compound Ce1-xGdxFe4P12 (x = 0.001). As the temperature T varies from T = 150 K to T = 165 K, the Gd3+ ESR fine and hyperfine structures coalesce into a broad inhomogeneous single resonance. At T = 200 K the line narrows and as T increases further, the resonance becomes homogeneous with a thermal broadening of 1.1(2) Oe/K. These results suggest that the origin of these features may be associated to a subtle interdependence of thermally activated mechanisms that combine: i) an increase with T of the density of activated conduction-carriers across the T-dependent semiconducting pseudogap; ii) the Gd3+ Korringa relaxation process due to an exchange interaction, J_{fd}S.s, between the Gd3+ localized magnetic moments and the thermally activated conduction-carriers and; iii) a relatively weak confining potential of the rare-earth ions inside the oversized (Fe2P3)4 cage, which allows the rare-earths to become rattler Einstein oscillators above T = 148 K. We argue that the rattling of the Gd3+ ions, via a motional narrowing mechanism, also contributes to the coalescence of the ESR fine and hyperfine structure.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Effect of antiferromagnetic exchange interactions on the Glauber dynamics of one-dimensional Ising models

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    We study the effect of antiferromagnetic interactions on the single spin-flip Glauber dynamics of two different one-dimensional (1D) Ising models with spin ±1\pm 1. The first model is an Ising chain with antiferromagnetic exchange interaction limited to nearest neighbors and subject to an oscillating magnetic field. The system of master equations describing the time evolution of sublattice magnetizations can easily be solved within a linear field approximation and a long time limit. Resonant behavior of the magnetization as a function of temperature (stochastic resonance) is found, at low frequency, only when spins on opposite sublattices are uncompensated owing to different gyromagnetic factors (i.e., in the presence of a ferrimagnetic short range order). The second model is the axial next-nearest neighbor Ising (ANNNI) chain, where an antiferromagnetic exchange between next-nearest neighbors (nnn) is assumed to compete with a nearest-neighbor (nn) exchange interaction of either sign. The long time response of the model to a weak, oscillating magnetic field is investigated in the framework of a decoupling approximation for three-spin correlation functions, which is required to close the system of master equations. The calculation, within such an approximate theoretical scheme, of the dynamic critical exponent z, defined as 1/τ≈(1/ξ)z{1/\tau} \approx ({1/ {\xi}})^z (where \tau is the longest relaxation time and \xi is the correlation length of the chain), suggests that the T=0 single spin-flip Glauber dynamics of the ANNNI chain is in a different universality class than that of the unfrustrated Ising chain.Comment: 5 figures. Phys. Rev. B (accepted July 12, 2007
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