7 research outputs found


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    Ruang dalam lambung kapal KM. Safira tidak memiliki Sekat Kedap Air (SKA) melintang. Apabila kapal ini mengalami kebocoran maka kapal akan tenggelam akibat air yang masuk akan menggenangi seluruh lambung dan menambah berat kapal dan mendesak keluar udara sebagai sumber daya apung. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kapal kehilangan insubmersibilitas, kemampuan bertahan pada permukaan air ketika satu atau beberapa kompartemen bocor dan kemasukan air, sebelum akhirnya tenggelam. Solusi atas permasalahan terhadap KM. Safira, yakni dengan cara menerapkan SKA melintang disepanjang kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan letak SKA melintang pada KM. Safira menggunakan metode Krylov. Lengan kebocoran (ℓi) melibatkan koefisien permeabilitas (μ) yang memenuhi persyaratan (ℓmax < μ). Perhitungan yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi persyaratan kedudukan SKA antara lain yaitu : menghitung luas penampang melintang, menghitung Bonjean serta menentukan garis margin, menghitung volume kebocoran (vi), menghitung volume momen statis pada tinggi sarat maksimum, menghitung integra volume, menggambar kurva panjang lengan kebocoran, menghitung koefisien permeabilitas (μ), menentukan SKA melintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada lima SKA melintang yang harus diaplikasikan pada KM. Safira, antara lain; SKA 01 = 1.30 m, SKA 02 = 5.49 m, SKA 03 = 11.38 m, SKA 04 = 17.25 m, SKA 05 = 21.94 m diukur dari Fore Perpendicular (FP)

    A New Spin for Understanding the Peculiar Horizontal Branch Morphology of the Galactic Globular Clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441

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    In this paper we present multiband optical and UV Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the two Galactic globular clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 Aims. We investigate the properties of their anomalous horizontal branches (HB) in different photometric planes in order to shed light on the nature of the physical mechanism(s) responsible for the existence of an extended HB blue tail, and of a slope in the HB, visible in all the color-magnitude diagrams. Methods. New photometric data have been collected and carefully reduced. Empirical data have been compared with updated stellar models of low-mass, metal-rich, He-burning structures, transformed to the observational plane with appropriate atmosphere models. Results. We have obtained the first UV color-magnitude diagrams for NGC 6388 and NGC 6441. These diagrams confirm previous results, obtained in optical bands, about the presence of a sizeable stellar population of extremely hot Horizontal Branch stars. At least in NGC 6388, we find a clear indication that at the hot end of the horizontal branch the distribution of stars forms a hook-like feature, closely resembling those observed in NGC 2808 and w Centauri. We briefly review the theoretical scenarios which have been suggested for interpreting this observational feature. We investigate also on the tilt in the horizontal branch morphology, and provide further evidence that supports early suggestions according to which this feature cannot be interpreted as an effect of differential reddening or radiative levitation, though these effects contribute to create the anomaly. We demonstrate that a possible solution of the puzzle is to assume that a small fraction (approx. 13% in NGC 6388 and approx. 8% NGC 6441) of the stellar population in the two clusters is strongly helium enriched (Y approx. 0.40 in NGC6388 and Y approx. 0.35 in NGC 6441). This solution necessarily implies the presence of a double generation of stars in the two clusters

    Converging or Diverging? A comparative analysis of contingent employment practice in Europe over a 10-year period

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    Tregaskis lead author. This output was selected as one of the 12 ‘Papers of Excellence’ shortlisted for the Academy of Management’s inaugural 2007 IHRM Scholarly Research Award.The file attached to this record is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in the Journal of International Business Studies. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Tregaskis, O. and Brewster, C. (2006) Converging or diverging? A comparative analysis of trends in contingent employment practice in Europe over a decade. Journal of International Business Studies, 37 (1), pp. 111-126. is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400174This paper makes a unique contribution to the HRM convergence-divergence debate by examining whether organizations operating in Europe, over the 10-year time period preceding 2000, are converging in their adoption of contingent employment practice. The susceptibility of contingent employment practice to both convergent and divergent pressures acts as a useful analytical lens. Data are drawn from organizations operating in Germany, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and the UK in 1991 (2918 organizations), 1995 (2048 organizations) and 2000 (1555 organizations).The results suggest that convergence is limited by the institutional embeddedness of organizations