74 research outputs found

    Egg removal device for the management of three stored product pests

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    Investigations were carried out to assess the efficiency of pulse beetle egg removal device in the removal of eggs of Tribolium castaneum and Rhyzopertha dominica from infested sorghum, wheat, maize and paddy grains and the eggs of Lasioderma serricorne from infested coriander. The efficiency of the device or the impact of rotation was assessed based on the number of offspring adults emerged and percentage reduction in adult emergence compared to untreated controls. Rotation of the grains for three consecutive days for 15 min/day gave the highest reduction in the emergence of offspring adults. Reductions in emergence of T. castaneum and R. dominica were found to be 54 and 57% in sorghum; 69 and 69% in wheat; and 71 and 76% in maize, respectively. There was a 77% reduction in L. serricorne on coriander seed, and a similar level for R. dominica on paddy. Keywords: Pulse beetle egg removal device, Tribolium castaneum, Rhyzopertha dominica, Lasioderma serricorn

    Use of Schiller’s test versus Pap smear to increase detection rate of cervical dysplasias

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    Background: Application of Lugol's iodine to cervix (Schiller's test) is named as Visual Inspection of cervix after applying Lugol's Iodine (VILI). VILI improves the detection rate of suspicious area over the cervix. The objectives of the study was to screening for early carcinoma or Dysplasia cervix by Schiller’s test & Pap smear and to compare the results of Schiller’s test with Pap smear results.Methods: The present prospective randomized control trials study was undertaken among 500 women aged between 25-65 years outpatient’s Department of gynecology in Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) Bellary. The study was undertaken during January 2007 to June 2008. Permission for the study was obtained from the College authorities prior to commencement.Results: Out of total 500 patients screened for Pap smear and Schiller’s iodine, majority were in the age group of 31-40 years. Biopsy proven dysplasia was more common in patients with white discharge (10.8%), post-menopausal bleeding (16.6%) and in posts coital bleeding (15.3%). 180 cases were Schiller’s iodine test positive, out of which biopsy proven cases were more in non-specific chronic cervicitis (68.88%) and rest seen in cervical epithelial abnormalities ( 7.7%), Mild dysplasia (10%), Moderate and Severe dysplasia 13%. Cytological abnormalities were found in 48 (9.6%), 180 cases were Schiller’s iodine test positive (36%). Among these 180 Schiller’s positive cases 24 cases (13.33%) were CIN2 and CIN 3 lesions. 42 patients were Schiller’s test guided biopsy proven for cervical dysplasia, of which only 16 patients (8.88%) were Pap smear positive. The sensitivity of Schiller’s test and Pap smear were 97.67% and 38% respectively.Conclusions: This study reveals that Schiller’s test can be use full in low resource setting and in busy outpatient departments

    Casting alloys: the saga of their existence and the recipe of their blend

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    Though a variety of metals and combinations have been in use since decades in the field of dentistry, there are only a few which have sustained the challenges of evolving material science. The history of these alloys, their constituent metals and properties impart the rationale of their use both in the past and advancing future perspectives. Also bearing the environmental hazards in laboratory and clinical environments, safe levels of exposure to these alloys and aspects of selecting the best option among the different alternatives is important


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    Objective: Studies on the dynamics of gut bacteria in relation to metabolic adverse effects induced by high palmolein or high starch diets and in relation to health benefits of uncommon foods are lacking. Our aim was to assess under controlled conditions, the impact of vegetable based palmitic acid rich, high fat diet or a high starch diet on various metabolic parameters in relation to selective gut bacterial alterations in rats and also to see the effect of flaxseed oil supplementation on these parameters.Methods: Wistar Rats were fed for 4 mo either a control diet(CT) or a 30% high fat diet (HF) or HF diet with flax oil supplemented at two different doses (HFF1 and HFF2) or a 78% high starch diet (HC) after which they were sacrificed and analyzed for selective cecal bacteria, hematology, immune function and body composition.Results: High palmolein diet fed rats showed a decrease in colony forming units of lactobacillus, enterococci, streptococci bacteria and an increase in enterobacteriaceae in the cecum unlike HC fed rats. While high palmolein diet was found to impair immunity and increase inflammation, high starch diet affected body composition and lipid profile. Supplementing the flax seed oil ameliorated most of the adverse effects of high palmolein diet.Conclusions: Independent of energy intakes both high palmolein and high starch intakes have differential adverse effects. It can be envisaged that the adverse effects of feeding palmolein are mediated through immune impairment and inflammatory response, which in turn are associated with altered gut bacteria profile; and flax oil was found to have a prophylactic role in controlling these adverse effects. This study emphasizes the need to evaluate immunological as well as bacterial profile while assessing the safety of dietary fats in addition to traditional methods.Ă‚

    Improvements in sperm motility following low or high intensity dietary interventions in men with obesity

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    Introduction: Obesity increases risks of male infertility, but bariatric surgery does not improve semen quality. Recent uncontrolled studies suggest that a low-energy diet (LED) improves semen quality. Further evaluation within a randomized, controlled setting is warranted. Methods: Men with obesity (18-60 years) with normal sperm concentration (normal count) (n = 24) or oligozoospermia (n = 43) were randomized 1:1 to either 800 kcal/day LED for 16 weeks or control, brief dietary intervention (BDI) with 16 weeks’ observation. Semen parameters were compared at baseline and 16 weeks. Results: Mean age of men with normal count was 39.4 ± 6.4 in BDI and 40.2 ± 9.6 years in the LED group. Mean age of men with oligozoospermia was 39.5 ± 7.5 in BDI and 37.7 ± 6.6 years in the LED group. LED caused more weight loss than BDI in men with normal count (14.4 vs 6.3 kg; P < .001) and men with oligozoospermia (17.6 vs 1.8 kg; P < .001). Compared with baseline, in men with normal count total motility (TM) increased 48 ± 17% to 60 ± 10% (P < .05) after LED, and 52 ± 8% to 61 ± 6% (P < .0001) after BDI; progressive motility (PM) increased 41 ± 16% to 53 ± 10% (P < .05) after LED, and 45 ± 8% to 54 ± 65% (P < .001) after BDI. In men with oligozoospermia compared with baseline, TM increased 35% [26] to 52% [16] (P < .05) after LED, and 43% [28] to 50% [23] (P = .0587) after BDI; PM increased 29% [23] to 46% [18] (P < .05) after LED, and 33% [25] to 44% [25] (P < .05) after BDI. No differences in postintervention TM or PM were observed between LED and BDI groups in men with normal count or oligozoospermia. Conclusion: LED or BDI may be sufficient to improve sperm motility in men with obesity. The effects of paternal dietary intervention on fertility outcomes requires investigation

    Quantifying the efficiency of hydroxyapatite mineralising peptides

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    We present a non-destructive analytical calibration tool to allow quantitative assessment of individual calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite (HAP) from mixtures including brushite. Many experimental approaches are used to evaluate the mineralising capabilities of biomolecules including peptides. However, it is difficult to quantitatively compare the efficacy of peptides in the promotion of mineralisation when inseparable mixtures of different minerals are produced. To address this challenge, a series of hydroxyapatite and brushite mixtures were produced as a percent/weight (0–100%) from pure components and multiple (N=10) XRD patterns were collected for each mixture. A linear relationship between the ratio of selected peak heights and the molar ratio was found. Using this method, the mineralising capabilities of three known hydroxyapatite binding peptides, CaP(S) STLPIPHEFSRE, CaP(V) VTKHLNQISQSY and CaP(H) SVSVGMKPSPRP, was compared. All three directed mineralisation towards hydroxyapatite in a peptide concentration dependent manner. CaP(V) was most effective at inducing hydroxyapatite formation at higher reagent levels (Ca2+ = 200mM), as also seen with peptide-silk chimeric materials, whereas CaP(S) was most effective when lower concentrations of calcium (20mM) and phosphate were used. The approach can be extended to investigate HAP mineralisation in the presence of any number of mineralisation promoters or inhibitors
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