170 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Hati Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Requirement for rapid and precise information from a medical specialist in internal medicine is required. This has encouraged the development of an expert system application for liver disease is made. Expert system for diagnosing liver diseases was designed as a tool for diagnosing liver disease with knowledge base. Knowledge base obtained from several sources, is through interviews and books. This expert system used development method is problem identification, design, system design, coding, testing and implementation. Knowledge base compiled into a database with multiple tables. As the main table is diagnosis table or conclusion. Inference in an expert system uses a forward chaining method. The programming language used JSP (Java Server Pages), as for database uses SQL Server database. This expert system will show a selection of symptoms, which every symptoms would lead to a further choice to get the symptoms of the illness conclusions, solutions and explanation

    Chronic meningococcemia

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    The spectrum of Neisseria meningitidis-associated clinical entities involves mild forms of disease, without neurological involvement or sepsis, and asymptomatic carrier states. Rarely, N. meningitidis bacteremia can be associated with a prolonged fever with or without arthritis, which we designate as chronic meningococcemia. Chronic meningococcemia is an uncommon entity, usually associated to serogroup B N. meningitidis. Diagnosis is frequently delayed as blood cultures collected outside febrile periods can be negative. We present a case of chronic meningococcemia in a 22-year-old woman with no relevant clinical background, presenting with fever, arthralgia and exanthem. Due to the potential for progression to more severe disease and the risk of N. meningitidis transmission and development of secondary cases, a high degree of clinical suspicion is required to ensure prompt recognition and adequate treatment. Our patient had a favorable outcome probably due to early recognition and adequate treatment, which is critical for the resolution of the disease without complications

    Uma nota didáctica breve no uso esclarecido de procedimentos estatísticos em análise de dados repetidos no tempo. Um estudo guiado para investigadores em Ciências do Desporto

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    Este texto pretende ser um auxiliar didáctico no uso esclarecido de procedimentos estatísticos relativos à análise longitudinal de dados. Servir-nos-emos de um exemplo ilustrativo de complexidade crescente para introduzir a estrutura de um delineamento de grupo único e da essência do ensaio de hipóteses estatísticas. De seguida apresentamos os principais resultados do uso de teste t e da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Os resultados são interpretados de modo formal e substantivo, introduzindo um pensamento alternativo à estrutura binária do resultado do ensaio de hipóteses. O recurso a procedimentos gráficos é fortemente explorado. Finalmente, recorremos à modelação hierárquica para salientar a sua riqueza e flexibilidade interpretativa no estudo de dados longitudinais

    Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Young Adults (18-25 Years) in Mozambique

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    The life course development of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and the undergoing epidemiological transition in Mozambique highlight the importance of monitoring the cardiovascular risk profile in young adults. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the prevalence of CVD risk factors in a population aged 1825 years living in Mozambique. A total of 776 young adults from a nationally representative sample were evaluated in 2014/2015 following the World Health Organizations STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance. Current smoking was the most prevalent among rural men (10.8%, 95%CI: 6.317.8), and drinking was most prevalent among urban men (38.6%, 95%CI: 29.348.8). The proportion of young adults not engaging in at least 75 min of vigorous physical activity per week ranged between 14.5% in rural men and 61.6% in urban women. The prevalence of being overweight/obese and hypertension were highest among urban women (21.6%, 95%CI: 14.730.6) and urban men (25.2%, 95%CI: 15.937.6), respectively. Education >8 years (vs. none) was independently associated with lower odds of being a current smoker, and increased monthly household income was associated with increased odds of low levels of physical activity. This study shows that important CVD risk factors are already common in the young adult population of Mozambique.</jats:p

    Dados longitudinais e modelação hierárquica. Um tutorial para investigadores das Ciências do Desporto

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    Este texto pretende ser um auxiliar didáctico sobre modos de olhar informação de natureza longitudinal. O seu propósito fundamental é auxiliar os investigadores a recorrerem à Modelação Hierárquica ou Multinível (MHMN) para extraírem dos dados toda a sua riqueza. Na primeira parte apresentaremos as ideias fundamentais da MHMN aplicadas a dados longitudinais. De seguida recorreremos a um exemplo complexo para apresentar todos os passos da MHMN, interpretando de modo substantivo as principais estatísticas produzidas pelo software HLM 6.0

    Apakah intervensi prasangka lewat media bisa mengurangi prasangka implisit terhadap orang dengan HIV/AIDS? Eksperimen menggunakan Implicit Association Test (IAT)

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    Stigma negatif terhadap orang yang hidup dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) memunculkan suatu prasangka yang berujung pada penolakan untuk berinteraksi ataupun melakukan diskriminasi. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa prasangka terhadap ODHA dapat menurun dengan memberikan intervensi melalui beberapa jenis media komunikasi seperti gambar dan video. Hanya saja, penelitian sebelumnya lebih menekankan pada prasangka yang bersifat eksplisit (sadar) yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh tuntutan sosial. Di sisi lain, pada dasarnya prasangka tidak hanya bersifat eksplisit, tetapi juga bersifat implisit (spontan). Dua eksperimen dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat pengaruh jenis media komunikasi—berupa gambar dan video—pada perubahan prasangka implisit mahasiswa terhadap ODHA. Subjek merupakan mahasiswa aktif yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik sampel acak berstrata berdasarkan tingkatan tahun. Pendekatan penelitian adalah pre-post experimental design dengan menggunakan pengukuran prasangka implisit yaitu Implicit Association Test (IAT). Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan uji beda terhadap skor IAT yang diperoleh. Hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan skor IAT antara sebelum dan setelah perlakukan. Berdasarkan data dapat disimpulkan jenis media komunikasi berupa gambar dan video tidak mengubah prasangka implisit terhadap ODHA

    Physical Activity in Rural African School-Aged Children and Adolescents

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    In industrialized countries, reduced levels of physical activity (PA) associated with increased prevalence of the so-called “hypokinetic diseases” stimulates the interest in research in PA and its correlate

    Análise e interpretação dos níveis de actividade física de crianças: um tutorial baseado na modelação hierárquica ou multinível

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    Este tutorial pretende apresentar, de modo didáctico, uma forma alternativa de análise de dados sobre os níveis de actividade física de crianças a partir da modelação hierárquica ou multinível. São mencionadas as diferentes etapas da modelação, os resultados são interpretados com base nos output's do software utilizado – o HLM 6.02. Em cada etapa do percurso são lançadas as hipóteses mais importantes em grau de complexidade crescente. A sua importância é referida a partir dos resultados disponíveis