188 research outputs found

    Kantor Ekspedisi Pengiriman Barang di Kota Pontianak

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    Ekspedisi pengiriman barang dan jasa yang berhubungan dengan penerimaan, angkutan dan penyimpanan barang merupakan bisnis yang terbilang sangat pesat perkembangannya di kota-kota besar, demikian pula kota Pontianak. Hal ini menyebabkan tingginya persaingan kantor ekspedisi semakin tinggi. Kantor ekspedisi yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas dan sistem yang sesuai dengan fungsinya dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi konsumen pengiriman barang. Ruang yang difungsikan sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang haruslah sesuai dengan standar sehingga membuat aman barang, Peran kantor ekspedisi yang tepat di harapkan dapat menjadi daya tarik dan menambah kepercayaan masyarakat dalam menggunakan jasa pengiriman barang di kota ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengkaji perancangan Kantor Ekspedisi dimulai dengan tahap gagasan,pengumpulan data, analisis dan tahap rancangan awal. Konsep perancangan yang diterapkan yaitu “efektivitas” pada penekan sirkulasi yang menjadi sistem penggerak untuk mendukung proses pengiriman barang. Sirkulasi juga mendukung penempatan conveyour dan drive thru yang terdapat di dalam kantor ekspedisi sebagai daya tarik pengirim. Konsep struktur yang digunakan pada bangunan dan gudang menyesuaikan dengan fungsi bangunan

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    Performance is a very important thing for the institution. Employees who have a high performance must be able to work optimally so that the objectives of the institution itself will be easily achieved. For that institutions should consider the factors that may affect the performance of employees. In this research to determine the three variables that can affect the performance of the employee, the variable compensation, physical work environment, and work discipline. The variables studied to determine the effect of simultaneous or partially on the employee's performance on the LPD Jimbaran Village People with multiple linear regression analysis as an analytical technique. Besides the physical working environment variable is a variable that dominant influence on employee performance seen from the Standardized Beta Coefficients with the highest value

    Sistem Informasi Akademik Smk Ihsaniyah Kota Tegal

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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Ihsaniyah berlokasi di di Jalan Sumbodro No.14 kelurahan Slerok kecamatan Tegal Timur kota Tegal. SMK Ihsaniyah kota Tegal merupakan instansi yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, saat ini membutuhkan sebuah sistem untuk dapat memberikan berbagai informasi khususnya informasi akademik terutama bagi peserta didik. Penyampaian informasi akademik di SMK Ihsaniyah kota Tegal masih bersifat manual, seperti nilai tugas atau hasil UAS ditempelkan di papan pengumuman. Untuk itu dibuatkan sebuah Sistem Informasi Akademik SMK Ihsaniyah Kota Tegal,sehingga pendidik maupun peserta didik dapat melayani dan atau memperoleh layanan informasi akademik secara cepat dan praktis.Metode perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik SMK Ihsaniyah Kota Tegalini menggunakan Diagram Arus Data (DFD), bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan database MySQL sehingga sistem yang dibuat bersifat dinamis. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini memaksimalkan pelayanan dan peningkatan produktivitas di bagian akademik

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Perilaku Word of Mouth Positif Dan Citra Merek Aqua

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan membahas pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap word of mouth positif, membahas pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap citra merek AQUA. Melalui metode non probability sampling, sampel ditentukan sebanyak 140 responden. Kota Denpasar dipilih sebagai tempat studi dengan teknik analisis data regresi linier sederhana. Hasil analisis menemukan corporate social responsibility berpengaruh signifikan terhadap word of mouth positif. Corporate social responsibility berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra merek AQUA. Ini terbukti dari nilai t hitung lebih besar dari nilai t tabel

    Variabel-Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Ekspor Nonmigas Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat

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    This study is aimed to determine the simultaneous and partial effect between US dollar exchange rates, foreign direct investment, lending rates and wholesale price index towards non-oil export of Indonesia to Unites States of America in the period of 1991-2011 and to determine which of the variables that has the dominant influence on Indonesias non-oil exports to the United States in the year 1991 to 2011. The analysis technique being used was the multiple linear regression analysis and assisted by SPSS computer application. The result of the study showed that 94,4% variables of the US dollar exchange rates, FDI, lending rates and WPI are simultaneously influence the Indonesias non-oil exports to the United States from 1991 to 2011, while the remaining 5.6 percent is influenced by other variables outside the model being used. Partially, the U.S. dollar exchange rate and FDI variable have the positive and significant effect, on the other hand WPI variable has the negative and significant effect towards Indonesias non-oil exports to the United States, whereas the lending rates has no significant impact towards Indonesias non-oil exports to the United States in the year 1991 to 2011, at 5 persen level of significance. The analysis also indicated that the US exchange rates variable has the most dominant influence toward the Indonesias non-oil exports to the United States in the year 1991 to 2011. In order to increase the surplus of Indonesias international trade which was represented by the value of non-oil export from Indonesia to United States of America; the commodity producers are expected to implement the changes on the current non-oil export product into the product which are more oriented into finished goods. Moreover, by referring to the result of the analysis in which the US Dollar exchange rate was the most dominant variables, the government have to impose the implementation of a policy to stabilize the Rupiah exchange rate; particularly to US Dollar

    Hidrolisis Selulosa Dari Sekam Padi (Oryza Sativa) Menjadi Glukosa Dengan Katalis Arang Tersulfonasi

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    Cellulose hydrolysis from rice husk (Oryza sativa) into glucose with sulfonated charcoal catalyst was conducted. The aim of this research was to determine sulfuric acid concentration and contact time on the sulfonation process of charcoal which would produce the highest glucose rendement from cellulose hydrolysis of rice husk. Sulfuric acid concentrations in this experiment were 8, 10, and 12 N with variation of contact time of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours respectively. Rice husk was delignified with NaOH 10% to produce cellulose which was hydrolyzed by sulfonated charcoal catalyst. Hydrolysis reaction with the ratio cellulose/aquadest 1:25 (w/v) was conducted in autoclave with temperature 130 oC for 3 hours. The result showed that 8 N concentration of sulfuric acid and 12 hours of contact time produced the highest glucose rendement 17,9%

    Improving The Heat Value of Biobriquettes Made From Rice Husk and Cabbage with The Addition of Palm Oil

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    Biobriquette can be used as an alternative fuel because it is made from inexpensive materials and uses simple technology, and it is expected to help overcome the energy (fossil) crisis. The problem is determining how to boost the calorific value of briquettes made from waste biomass materials. Cabbage contains approximately 18.80% fiber, so there is cellulose content that can be processed into high-value products such as briquettes, and using rice husks as fuel can increase the calorific value. The goal of this study is to determine the best calorific value of biobriquettes by varying the method of adding coconut oil and the composition of rice husks and cabbage. The stages of making cabbage and rice husk biobriquettes are raw material preparation, carbonization, adhesive manufacture, briquetting, and quality testing. The variables used are variations in the composition of rice husks: cabbage in ratios of 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20, as well as the variable method of giving palm oil by mixing with ingredients and dyeing after it becomes briquettes. According to the findings of this study, the best biobriquette mixing ratio resulted in the highest calorific value found in a mixture of 40% rice husk and 60% cabbage with the method of adding palm oil by dipping, with a calorific value of 6.283 kcal/g, a combustion rate of 0.0616 g/minute, and the duration of the flame is 60.26 minutes

    Simulasi Pengembangan Arsitektural Rumah Tinggal

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    Hunian untuk rumah tinggal sampai saat ini semakin banyak diminati oleh masyarakatluas karena ini merupakan kebutuhan utama. Developer Perumahan yang menyediakanperumahan dan fasilitasnya seringkali memasarkan Perumahannya masih dalam bentukdenah atau gambar manual dua dimensi, gambar tiga dimensi, animasi dua dimensiataupun animasi tiga dimensi, sedangkan untuk menarik minat pengguna dibutuhkanmedia yang interaktif dan mudah dipahami. Pengembangan dari konsep dua dimensimenjadi sebuah preview realtime atau simulasi dalam bentuk visualisasi tiga dimensimerupakan salah satu cara untuk menarik minat para pengguna. Metodologi yangdigunakan terdiri dari perencanaan simulasi, analisa kebutuhan simulasi, perancanganaplikasi, perancangan tampilan dan pengujian simulaisi. Simulasi pengembanganarsitektural rumah tinggal ini diharapkan agar para pengguna atau client bisa lebihmemahami konsep arsitektural rumahnya dan dapat melakukan Perubahan konsep rumahtinggalnya apabila diinginkan, karena dengan simulasi ini pengguna dapat melihatsecara langsung visualisasi tiga dimensi dan seakan akan pengguna berada di tempattersebut

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pengembalian PPN untuk Turis Asing (Vat Refund)

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    Implementation of VAT Refund is closely related to Indonesian tourism, because according to Law No. 42 of 2009 Article 16E paragraph 1 and Regulation Directorate General of Taxation Number PER-28 / PJ / 2013 article 1, paragraph 1 stated that the target recipients of services VAT Refund This is the private holders of foreign passports and the majority of private holders of foreign passports are foreign tourists who come to Indonesia for a tour. The purpose of this study is 1) To know implementation of VAT Refund in Indonesia, especially in the area of ​​KPP Sidoarjo North, 2) To determine what factors are emerging during the implementation of the rules of VAT Refund is 3) To know the realization of VAT Refund spending. The type of research in this research is descriptive approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The results showed that the increase in the number of transactions VAT Refund in Indonesia from April 1st 2010 until November 2013 is still low, it can be seen from the number of applications and the number of applications approved
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