42 research outputs found

    The effects of poetry-writing SANTEL on erotic body image in remission of cancer in women: a pilot study

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    International audienceAbstract Aim: Our pilot study aims to describe the effects ofa new specific and structured protocol focused on poetic/erotic writing (named SANTEL) on the (re)sexualization ofbody image in women, who have experienced cancer.Procedure: The protocol consists of four steps: to choose alist of erotic verses focused on the body parts, to fill a semistructuredpoetic text, to write sentences after target phraseson the body; and in the end, to write a free poem. Mrs V.suffered from breast cancer, and one breast was removed.She and her husband participated in this poetic writing protocol,separately. We analyzed the linguistic metaphors ofthe body by QSR Nvivo10 software.Results: Using this protocol, we showed discourse variationsof metaphors before and after the experience of writing.Patient V used “I feel like an alien” as a starting metaphorto describe her cancer experience and after poetic writingsessions, she used other bodily metaphors like “My body isa flower” and “My sensual and white flesh”.Conclusion: This poetic perspective promises a type of“perceptive-literary surgery”, characterized by a sensualinvestment process after remission: a poetic reconstructionof erotic body image.Les effets d'un protocole d'écriture poétique SANTEL sur l'image érotique du corps dans le traitement du cancer féminin : étude pilote The effects of poetry-writing SANTEL on erotic body image in remission of cancer in women: a pilot study A. Santarpia · J. Tellène · M. Carrier Résumé Objectif : Cette étude pilote de type qualitative et exploratoire vise à décrire les effets d'un nouveau protocole d'écriture poético-érotique (nommée SANTEL) sur la rééro-tisation de l'image du corps chez une femme, ayant vécu un cancer. Matériel et méthodes : Il s'agit d'un protocole composé de quatre étapes : une liste des phrases à caractères poétiques et érotiques à choisir, un texte à trous à remplir, des amorces de phrases ciblées sur le corps et en fin un poème libre. Madame V. a subi un cancer du sein nécessitant une ablation complète. Madame V. et son conjoint exécutent le protocole d'écriture séparément. Nous montrons les variations discursives des métaphores utilisées avant et après l'expérience de l'écriture, à travers le logiciel d'analyse qualitative QSR NVivo10. Résultats : Madame V. passera de la métaphore initiale « je me sens une extraterrestre » vers la plus atténuée « Non. Je me dis qu'extraterrestre c'était peut-être un peu énorme ». En plus, elle utilisera de nouvelles métaphores linguistiques du corps pour raconter son image du corps telles que « ce corps de chair blanche » et « une fleur qui s'ouvre délicatement ». Conclusion : Cet exercice spécifique d'écriture promet un type de « chirurgie perceptive-littéraire » dans le processus d'investissement sensuel et affectif après la rémission, une reconstruction perceptive et poétique de l'image érotique du corps. Mots clés Métaphores perceptives · Image du corps · Cancer féminin · Corps érotique · Écriture poétique · Chirurgie perceptive-littéraire · Logiciel QSR NVivo10. Abstract Aim: Our pilot study aims to describe the effects of a new specific and structured protocol focused on poetic/ erotic writing (named SANTEL) on the (re)sexualization of body image in women, who have experienced cancer. Procedure: The protocol consists of four steps: to choose a list of erotic verses focused on the body parts, to fill a semi-structured poetic text, to write sentences after target phrases on the body; and in the end, to write a free poem. Mrs V. suffered from breast cancer, and one breast was removed. She and her husband participated in this poetic writing protocol , separately. We analyzed the linguistic metaphors of the body by QSR Nvivo10 software. Results: Using this protocol, we showed discourse variations of metaphors before and after the experience of writing. Patient V used " I feel like an alien " as a starting metaphor to describe her cancer experience and after poetic writing sessions, she used other bodily metaphors like " My body is a flower " and " My sensual and white flesh ". Conclusion: This poetic perspective promises a type of " perceptive-literary surgery " , characterized by a sensual investment process after remission: a poetic reconstruction of erotic body image. Keywords Bodily metaphors · Body image · Feminine cancer · Erotic body · Poetry writing · Perceptive-literary surgery · QSR Nvivo10 software

    Management of infections associated with HIV immunodeficiency : symposium

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    Meeting: International Conference on AIDS, 5th, 4-9 June, 1989, Montreal, QC, CAPresenters: Margaret A. Fischi, Tom Merigan, Alain Pompidou, Douglas RichmanSome dialogue in Frenc

    Management of infections associated with HIV immunodeficiency : symposium transcript

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    Meeting: International Conference on AIDS, 5th, 4-9 June, 1989, Montreal, QC, CAPresenters: Margaret A. Fischi, Tom Merigan, Alain Pompidou, Douglas Richma

    Elimination of Descriptors using Discriminant

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    In this article we shall deal with automatic classification of sound samples and ways to improve the classification results: We describe a classification process which produces high classification success percentage (over 95 % for musical instruments) and compare the results of three classification algorithms: Multidimensional Gauss, KNN and LVQ. Next, we introduce several algorithms to improve the sound database self-consistency by removing outliers: LOO, IQR and MIQR. We present our efficient process for Gradua

    C-fos and c-myc modulation, mitogenic effect and Ia expression in the P388D1 murine macrophage line treated by immunomodifiers.

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the early modulation of the c-fos and c-myc oncogenes could give some orientation to the impact of immunomodulators on the monocyte-macrophage lineage. In order to work in a homogeneous system we used the P388D1 mouse macrophage cell-line which is considered as an almost mature macrophage. When P388D1 cells were stimulated by LPS, interferon-gamma or the association of both compounds, no direct correlation could be found between the modulation of DNA synthesis and the early expression of the c-fos and c-myc oncogenes. The positive regulation of Ia antigen expression seemed to correlate with the absence of induction of c-fos oncogene

    Numerical Solution Of The Poisson Equation Over Hypercubes Using Reduced Chebyshev Polynomial Bases

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    We describe how to use new reduced size polynomial approximations for the numerical solution of the Poisson equation over hypercubes. Our method is based on a non-standard Galerkin method which allows tests functions which do not verify the boundary conditions. Numerical examples are given in dimensions up to 8 on solutions with di erent smoothness using the same approximation basis for both situations. A special attention is paid on conditioning problems. Key words: Reduced size polynomial approximation, Poisson equation on hypercubes, Hybrid variational formulation 1991 MSC: 65C05, 65D15, 65D32, 65N35

    Now in Clinical Trials

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