1,072 research outputs found

    Avaliação de Trichogramma spp. para o controle de Trichoplusia ni.

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    Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as caracterĂ­sticas biolĂłgicas dos parasitoides Trichogramma acacioi, T. atopovirilia, T. marandobai, T. demoraesi, T. exiguum (duas linhagens) e T. pretiosum (seis linhagens), criados em ovos de Trichoplusia ni. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 15 repetiçÔes. As caracterĂ­sticas biolĂłgicas avaliadas foram: parasitismo, viabilidade, razĂŁo sexual e nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos por ovo. A percentagem de parasitismo variou entre 7,66 e 53%, com maior valor observado para a linhagem Tspd de Trichogramma pretiosum, e o menor para a linhagem Trecife de T. pretiosum. NĂŁo houve diferença significativa dessa espĂ©cie quanto Ă  viabilidade, que ficou acima de 85%. A razĂŁo sexual variou de 0,75 a 1, e a linhagem Tspd apresentou o menor valor. O nĂșmero de parasitoides por ovo variou entre 2,39 para T. marandobai (linhagem Tm1) e 1,34 para T. exiguum (linhagem Te1). A espĂ©cie que apresentou o melhor desempenho em laboratĂłrio foi T. pretiosum (Tspd), com os maiores valores observados na percentagem de parasitismo e na emergĂȘncia. Termos para indexação: Brassicaceae, controle biolĂłgico, lagarta mede?palmo, parasitismo, parasitoide de ovos

    Cost-Effectiveness of Routine Screening for Cardiac Toxicity in Patients Treated with Imatinib in Brazil

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    AbstractWe performed a cost-effectiveness study of different strategies of screening for cardiotoxicity in patients receiving imatinib, the first strategy based on yearly echocardiograms in all patients and the second strategy based on yearly B-type natriuretic peptide level measurement, reserving echocardiograms for patients with an abnormal test result. Results are presented in terms of additional cost per diagnosis as compared with not performing any screening. From the Brazilian private sector’s perspective, strategies 1 and 2 resulted in additional costs of US 30,951.53andUS30,951.53 and US 19,925.64 per diagnosis of cardiotoxicity, respectively. From the perspective of the Brazilian public health system, the same strategies generated additional costs of US 7,668.00andUS7,668.00 and US 20,232.87 per diagnosis, respectively. In our study, systematic screening for cardiotoxicity in patients using imatinib has a high cost per diagnosis. If screening is to be adopted, a strategy based on B-type natriuretic peptide level measurement, reserving echocardiography for patients with abnormal results, results in lower costs per diagnosis in the private sector. From the public health system’s perspective, costs per diagnosis will greatly depend on the reimbursement values adopted for B-type natriuretic peptide level measurement

    Validity of self-reported weight: a study of urban brazilian adults

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    Para avaliar a validade do peso auto-referido em inquĂ©ritos de prevalĂȘncia de obesidade, o mesmo foi comparado com o peso medido de 659 adultos, residentes em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, em 1986-87. Ambos os pesos foram obtidos por entrevistador, na casa do participante, na mesma ocasiĂŁo. A mĂ©dia das diferenças entre peso auto-referido e peso medido foi pequena (-0,06 +/-3,16 kg; mĂ©dia +/- desvio padrĂŁo) e a correlação entre eles alta (r=0,97). Sessenta e dois por cento dos participantes referiram seu peso com erro < 2 kg, 87% com erro menor do que 4 kg e 95% com erro < 6 kg. IndivĂ­duos de baixo peso hiperestimaram seu peso, o oposto ocorrendo com indivĂ­duos obesos (p; 30) por peso referido, foi de 10% e a por peso medido, de 11%. Concluindo, a validade do peso auto-referido Ă© aceitĂĄvel para inquĂ©ritos de prevalĂȘncia realizados em contextos similares.In order to evaluate the validity of self-reported weight for use in obesity prevalence surveys, self-reported weight was compared to measured weight for 659 adults living in the Porto Alegre county, RS Brazil in 1986-87, both weights being obtained by a technician in the individual's home on the same visit. The mean difference between self-reported and measured weight was small (-0.06 +/- 3.16 kg; mean +/- standard deviation), and the correlation between reported and measured weight was high (r=0.97). Sixty-two percent of participants reported their weight with an error of < 2 kg, 87% with an error of < 4 kg, and 95% with an error of < 6 kg. Underweight individuals overestimated their weight, while obese individuals underestimated theirs (p; 30) by reported weight was 10%, by measured weight 11%. Thus, the validity of reported weight is acceptable for surveys of the prevalence of ponderosity in similar settings

    Biology of telenomus pachycoris (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a parasitoid of eggs of pachycoris torridus (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae): the effects of egg age, exposure time, and temperature

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    Telenomus pachycoris (Johnson) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is a parasitoid of eggs of Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), a main pest of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.; Euphorbiaceae). The objective of this work was to know the biology of T. pachycoris in P. torridus eggs under various conditions in order to develop a rearing technique for this parasitoid in the laboratory. We offered eggs of P. torridus to T. pachycoris during 4 exposition periods (6, 12, 18, and 24 h), as well as eggs of different ages (1 to 11 d), to evaluate, in both experiments, the number of parasitized eggs, duration of the egg-to-adult period, percentage of emergence, and sex ratio. We also evaluated the effect of constant temperatures (18, 20, 22, 25, 28, and 30 °C) and determined the duration of the egg-to-adult period, percentage of emergence, and sex ratio and estimated the thermal requirements and the number of generations per yr of T. pachycoris at each temperature. Parasitism of eggs was the highest at 12 h of exposure. Eggs up to 3 d old were the most parasitized, and the parasitism was zero on day 11. The duration of the egg-to-adult period was inversely proportional to temperature, ranging from 33.6 d at 18 °C to 9.8 d at 30 °C. The threshold temperature estimated for T. pachycoris was 12.9 °C, and the estimated thermal constant was 163.9 degree-days. The number of generations of T. pachycoris ranged from 11.3 to 38.1 per yr at 18 and 30 °C, respectively. The results may contribute to developing techniques for rearing T. pachycoris in the laboratory.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Biology of telenomus pachycoris (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a parasitoid of eggs of pachycoris torridus (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae): the effects of egg age, exposure time, and temperature

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    Telenomus pachycoris (Johnson) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is a parasitoid of eggs of Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), a main pest of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.; Euphorbiaceae). The objective of this work was to know the biology of T. pachycoris in P. torridus eggs under various conditions in order to develop a rearing technique for this parasitoid in the laboratory. We offered eggs of P. torridus to T. pachycoris during 4 exposition periods (6, 12, 18, and 24 h), as well as eggs of different ages (1 to 11 d), to evaluate, in both experiments, the number of parasitized eggs, duration of the egg-to-adult period, percentage of emergence, and sex ratio. We also evaluated the effect of constant temperatures (18, 20, 22, 25, 28, and 30 °C) and determined the duration of the egg-to-adult period, percentage of emergence, and sex ratio and estimated the thermal requirements and the number of generations per yr of T. pachycoris at each temperature. Parasitism of eggs was the highest at 12 h of exposure. Eggs up to 3 d old were the most parasitized, and the parasitism was zero on day 11. The duration of the egg-to-adult period was inversely proportional to temperature, ranging from 33.6 d at 18 °C to 9.8 d at 30 °C. The threshold temperature estimated for T. pachycoris was 12.9 °C, and the estimated thermal constant was 163.9 degree-days. The number of generations of T. pachycoris ranged from 11.3 to 38.1 per yr at 18 and 30 °C, respectively. The results may contribute to developing techniques for rearing T. pachycoris in the laboratory.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Does the revised cardiac risk index predict cardiac complications following elective lung resection?

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    Background: Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) score and Thoracic Revised Cardiac Risk Index (ThRCRI) score were developed to predict the risks of postoperative major cardiac complications in generic surgical population and thoracic surgery respectively. This study aims to determine the accuracy of these scores in predicting the risk of developing cardiac complications including atrial arrhythmias after lung resection surgery in adults. Methods: We studied 703 patients undergoing lung resection surgery in a tertiary thoracic surgery centre. Observed outcome measures of postoperative cardiac morbidity and mortality were compared against those predicted by risk. Results: Postoperative major cardiac complications and supraventricular arrhythmias occurred in 4.8% of patients. Both index scores had poor discriminative ability for predicting postoperative cardiac complications with an area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.59 (95% CI 0.51-0.67) for the RCRI score and 0.57 (95% CI 0.49-0.66) for the ThRCRI score. Conclusions: In our cohort, RCRI and ThRCRI scores failed to accurately predict the risk of cardiac complications in patients undergoing elective resection of lung cancer. The British Thoracic Society (BTS) recommendation to seek a cardiology referral for all asymptomatic pre-operative lung resection patients with > 3 RCRI risk factors is thus unlikely to be of clinical benefit

    Biology of Telenomus pachycoris (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a parasitoid of eggs of Pachycoris torridus (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae): the effects of egg age, exposure time, and temperature.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-07T10:28:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DoriPaperFloridaEntomologist.pdf: 219472 bytes, checksum: 9814666d8e2039e5f1c7bd30493944ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-06bitstream/item/164722/1/Dori-Paper-Florida-Entomologist.pd

    Adult feeding and mating effects on the biological potential and parasitism of Trichogramma pretiosum and T. acacioi (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae).

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    ABSTRACT: This work was carried out to study the effects of adult feeding and mating on the biological potential and parasitism of Trichogramma pretiosum and T. acacioi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to improve their use in biological control programs. Both species presented higher parasitism and longevity whenever adults were fed. Fed and unmated T. pretiosum females led to low parasitism whereas T. acacioi females did not present parasitism whatsoever. Egg viability of T. pretiosum was similar for fed and mated individuals, but T acacioi showed lower values for this parameter when unfed and without mating. Unmated females produced only males while mated ones had more than 60% female descendents for both Trichogramma species. Therefore, mated and fed female parasitoids should be released in crop systems to increase the biological control. RESUMO: Os efeitos do acasalamento e alimentação no potencial biolĂłgico e parasitismo de Trichogramma pretiosum e Trichogramma acacioi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), foram estudados objetivando-se aprimorar o uso dessas espĂ©cies no controle biolĂłgico. O parasitismo e longevidade dos adultos de ambas as espĂ©cies foram maiores para fĂȘmeas alimentadas e o parasitismo foi nulo e baixo para fĂȘmeas acasaladas e nĂŁo-alimentadas de T. acacioi e T. pretiosum, respectivamente. A viabilidade de ovos parasitados por T. pretiosum foi semelhante entre os tratamentos, mas para T. acacioi houve uma menor viabilidade do parasitismo realizado por fĂȘmeas sem acasalamento e sem alimento. Descendentes de T. pretiosum e T. acacioi sem acasalamento produziram apenas machos, enquanto fĂȘmeas acasaladas tiveram mais de 60% dos descentes fĂȘmeas para as duas espĂ©cies de Trichogramma. Portanto, fĂȘmeas acasaladas e alimentadas devem ser liberadas para o controle biolĂłgico

    The infectivity of SfMNPV on fall armyworm is influenced by the host plant.

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    This work evaluated the infectivity and production of occlusion bodies (OBs) of the SfMNPV-6NR on fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, when fed on different host plants. The experiment was performed in laboratory, in a completely randomized design using two concentrations of SfMNPV-6NR (2×106 and 2×107 OBs/mL) and six different host plants (soybean, corn, cotton, bean, sorghum and millet). The larval mortality, larval weight (LW), pupal weight (PW) of S. frugiperda and the production of OBs by virus were evaluated. S. frugiperda larvae were less susceptible to baculovirus when fed on cotton leaves (38 ± 4.17 and 70 ± 6.44% mortality) in the two concentrations tested (2×106 and 2×107 OBs/mL, respectively). The LW was affected by the virus concentration depending on the plant species consumed and the virus concentrations. The PW was affected by the plant species used to feed larvae. There was no effect of the host plant on the OBs virus production. The results demonstrate adverse effects of the host plant on the infectivity of the SfMNPV-6NR in S. frugiperda, especially a deleterious effect of the cotton plant in the virus infection capacity
