337 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Larutan Ekstrak Etanol Dari Temulawak Sebagai Fotosensitizer Di Dalam Pemutihan (Pengelantangan) Pulp Dengan Penyinaran Lampu

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    Etanol extract from temulawak can used as fotosensitizer in pulp bleaching with lamp irradiating, which is in this pulp bleaching obtained singlet oxygen. This singlet oxygen can degradate lignin in pulp so that pulp brightness increase significantly after pulp bleaching. The brightness increasing obtained in pulp bleaching with lamp irradiating with bleaching time 60 minute dan use etanol extract from temulawak as fotosensitizer which the brightness increasing is 4,23 %. Non lamp irradiating bleaching pulp cant increase brightness significantly. Brightness increasing which is obtained in this bleaching is 2,36 % in singlet oxygen generator not closed and 3,28 % in singlet oxygen generator closed. In bleaching with direct addition oxygen in bleaching reactor obtain brightness increase equal to 2,75 %. The cause increase of brightness in non lamp irradiating bleaching pulp and singlet oxygen generator not closed more than non lamp irradiating bleaching pulp and singlet oxygen generator closed is the existence of probability amount of foton which come into reactor is more in non lamp irradiating bleaching pulp and singlet oxygen generator not closed, so that amount of excited electron from fotosensitizer and singlet oxygen formed larger. While the cause of increase of brightness in bleaching with direct addition oxygen in bleaching reaktor is larger than non lamp irradiating bleaching pulp and singlet oxygen generator closed is triplet oxygen which oxydize pulp indirectly go to bleching reactor, but pass fotosensitizer solution particularly. So there is some of oxygen still in fotosensistizer solution and if oxygen go to bleaching pulp require some time more than compared with direct addition oxygen in bleaching reactor

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Voldemort's Personality Change as Influenced by His Past Life and Psyche

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    This study discusses the personality change influenced by the past life in the antagonist character in J.K Rowling's “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The Past Experience has an effect in the antagonist character, Lord Voldemort. It is always interesting to discuss the effect of the past experience which can make a difference to someone's character. Every Person has its own personality but the effect of the past life can make big impact to his/her personality.This study is aimed to analyze what kind of past life which affect the personality of the character, Lord Voldemort. The psychological theory will be used to give explanation about personality and changes of personalities. Furthermore, psychological approach will be used in this study because personality is one of the aspects of a person's psychology

    Penerapan Pengawasan Kredit USAha Kecil Dan Menengah Dalam Upaya Menekan Tunggakan Kredit (Studi Pada PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Cabang, Tbk Pasuruan Periode 2011-2013)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the supervision of Credit Small and Medium Enterprises in PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Branch Pasuruan and knowing the supervision of Credit Small and Medium Enterprises in an effort to suppress credit arrears. The method used in this study is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. This study focused on: 1) Non-performing Loans to Small and Medium Business Credit, 2) Credit Monitoring Small and Medium Enterprises conducted by means of preventive control of credit and repressive control of credit. The results showed that small and medium enterprises credit during the year 2011-2013 unstable. NPL in 2011 reached 5.54%, in the year 2012 reached 4.63% in 2013 but increased again in the amount of 6.72%

    Penerapan Strategi Drta untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Intensif pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar (SD) bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik lisan maupun tertulis. Proses belajar yang efektif antara lain dilakukan melalui membaca. Faktor penyebabnya adalah di samping minat baca yang rendah, pembelajaran membaca yang dilaksanakan guru di kelas masih jauh dari kata menyenangkan atau cenderung masih monoton. Siswa sekadar membaca tanpa diikuti pemahaman secara menyeluruh terhadap isi bacaan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan penelitian dengan menerapkan strategi DRTA. Penerapan strategi ini akan lebih efektif dan cocok, karena strategi ini akan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca intensif siswa. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi guru antara lain kurangnya pemanfaatan alokasi waktu serta penyampaian materi yang terlalu cepat dan kurang jelas. Berdasarkan kendala tersebut, maka peneliti berusaha mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi pada siklus berikutnya.Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi DRTA dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca intensif siswa kelas IV B SDN Kebraon II/437 Surabaya. Hal ini terbukti dengan meningkatnya ketercapaian aktivitas guru selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan hasil belajar siswa di setiap siklusnya

    Identity Positions and Halal Cosmetics in Indonesian Middle-class Muslim Women

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    Creations can become meaningful when there are audience who pay attention towards theproducts, enjoy and show their appreciation or even evaluation towards them. The meaning produced within amedia is considered incomplete without the understanding of the audience and the meaning the audienceproduces in appreciating as well as responding to the media text. To understand more on the meaning of textmedia, therefore, it is paramount to consider and gain a thorough understanding of the meaning produced by themedia audience through studying the way the audience reads, uses, and responds to the media. Utilizing Hall'sCultural Studies of dominant and oppositional readings, this paper endeavours to showcase the understanding ofaudience and how meaning is constructed. Locating the issue of audience research in the context of HalalCosmetics and the Middle-Class Muslims in Indonesia, a brief overview on the theories of audience is outlinedand relevant theories to the case of integrating advertisement in Indonesian cinema is employed

    Formulasi Model Permutasi Siklis dengan Objek Multinomial

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun model matematika untuk menghitung jumlah susunan objek dari permutasi siklis yang memiliki objek multinomial. Model yang dibangun dibatasi untuk permutasi siklis yang memiliki objek multinomial dengan minimal ada satu jenis objek beranggotakan tunggal. Pemodelan dilakukan berdasarkan struktur matematika dari permutasi siklis dan permutasi multinomial. Model permutasi siklis yang memiliki objek multinomial telah dirumuskan.   Pembuktian model telah dilakukan melalui validasi struktur serta validasi hasil yang dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan hasil perhitungan model dan hasil pencacahan. Teorema tentang permutasi siklis dengan objek multinomial juga telah dibangun. Kata kunci:  pemodelan , permutasi siklis, permutasi multinomial This study aims at constructing mathematical model to count the number of arrangement of objects form cyclical permutation that has multinomial objects. The model constructed is limited to cyclical permutation that has multinomial object in which at least one kind of object having single cardinality is contained within. Modelling is undertaken based on mathematical structure of cyclical permutation and multinomial permutation. Cyclical permutation model having multinomial object has been formulated as . The proof of the model has been undertaken by validating structure and validating the outcome which was conducted by comparing counting result of model and counting result manually. The theorem of cyclical permutation with multinomial object has also been developed. Keywords: modelling, cyclical permutation, multinomial permutatio
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