46 research outputs found

    Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Review of Classical Mechanisms and Emerging Topics

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    To celebrate the tenth anniversary of InterPore, we present an interdisciplinary review of colloid transport through porous media. This review aims to explore both classical colloid transport and topics that fall outside that purview and thus offer transformative insights into the physics governing transport behavior. First, we discuss the unique colloid characteristics relative to molecules and larger particles. Then, the classical advection?dispersion?filtration models (both conceptual and mathematical) of colloid transport are introduced as well as anomalous transport behaviors. Next, the forces of interaction between colloids and porous media surfaces are discussed. Fourth, applications that are interested in maximizing the transport of colloids through porous media are considered. Then the concept of motile, active biocolloids is introduced, and finally, colloid swarming as a newly recognized mode of transport is summarized.Fil: Molnar, Ian L.. York University; CanadáFil: Pensini, Erica. School Of Engineering; CanadáFil: Asad, Md Abdullah. York University; CanadáFil: Mitchell, Chven A.. Department Of Physics And Astronomy; Estados UnidosFil: Nitsche, Ludwig C.. College Of Engineering; Estados UnidosFil: Pyrak-Nolte, Laura J.. Department Of Physics And Astronomy; Estados UnidosFil: Miño, Gastón Leonardo. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Bioingeniería y Bioinformática - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Bioingeniería y Bioinformática; ArgentinaFil: Krol, Magdalena M.. York University; Canad

    Demulsification mechanism of asphaltene-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions by a polymeric ethylene oxide-propylene oxide demulsifier

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    The demulsification mechanism of asphaltene-stabilized water-in-toluene emulsions by an ethylene-oxide-propylene oxide (EO-PO) based polymeric demulsifier was studied. Demulsification efficiency was determined by bottle tests and correlated to the physicochemical properties of asphaltene interfacial films after demulsifier addition. From bottle tests and droplet coalescence experiments, the demulsifier showed an optimal performance at 2.3 ppm (mass basis) in toluene. At high concentrations, the demulsification performance deteriorated due to the intrinsic stabilizing capacity of the demulsifier, which was attributed to steric repulsion between water droplets. Addition of demulsifier was shown to soften the asphaltene film (i.e., reduce the viscoelastic moduli of asphaltene films) under both shear and compressional interfacial deformations. Study of the macrostructures and the chemical composition of asphaltene film at the toluene-water interface after demulsifier addition demonstrated gradual penetration of the demulsifier into the asphaltene film. Demulsifier penetration in the asphaltene film changed the asphaltene interfacial mobility and morphology, as probed with Brewster angle and atomic force microscopy

    Cloud Computing As a Tool for Enhancing Ecological Goals?

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    Cloud computing has been introduced as a promising information technology (IT) that embodies not only economic advantages in terms of increased efficiency but also ecological gains through saving energy. The latter has become particularly important in view of the rising energy costs of IT. The present study analyzes whether necessary preconditions for accepting cloud computing as a new infrastructure, such as awareness and perceived net value, exist on the part of the users. The analysis is based on a combined research framework of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) in a cloud computing setting. Two consumer surveys, the one to elicit beliefs and the second to gain insight into the ranking of the variables, are employed. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the hypotheses. The results indicate support for the proposed research framework. Surprisingly however, the ecological factor does not play a role in forming cloud computing intentions, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Empirical evidence of this study suggests increasing efforts for informing actual and potential users, particularly in respect to possible ecological advantages through applying the new IT infrastructure

    Alti e bassi della glicemia

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    L'andamento glicemico nel corso di test incrementali in atleti di alto livello non sembra essere influenzato dalla glicemia basale e dalla durata della prova, ma determinato dall'intensit\ue0 d'esercizio e dall'accumulo di acido lattico

    Effect of ageing on the electrical and mechanical properties of human soleus motor units activated by the H reflex and M wave

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    This study was designed to investigate the effect of ageing on the mechanical and electromyographic (EMG) characteristics of the soleus motor units (MUs) activated by the maximal Hoffmann reflex (Hmax) and by the direct muscle compound action potential (Mmax). Eleven young (mean age 25 ± 4 years) and ten elderly (mean age 73 ± 5 years) males took part in this investigation. The senior group presented lower amplitudes of Mmax (−57 %, P < 0.001) and Hmax (−68 %, P < 0.001) waves compared to the younger population. These were associated with a depression of relative twitch torque of the plantar flexors. The average values of the Hmax/Mmax ratio did not statistically differ between the two populations, despite a tendency for lower values (∼23 %) in the senior group. However, the older adults showed a greater relative amplitude of the sub-maximal M wave evoked at Hmax (MatHmax) than did the younger males (young 5 % vs. elderly 29 % of the Mmax, P < 0.01). This finding suggests an increased homogeneity between the excitability threshold of sensory and motor axons. The twitch torque at Hmax (PtH–M) was subsequently calculated by subtraction from the total twitch torque of the mechanical contamination associated with MatHmax. The resulting PtH–M was significantly lower in the elderly (−59 %, P < 0.001). Despite a discrepancy of 20 % between the two groups, the mechanical ratio (PtH–M/PtM; PtM, twitch tension related to the Mmax compound action potential), like the EMG ratio, did not statistically differ between the young and older individuals. Nevertheless, the senior subjects exhibited a higher twitch/EMG ratio for the reflexively activated MUs (PtH–M/Hmax) than the younger individuals (+40 %, P < 0.05). This finding suggests an on-going neuromuscular remodelling, resulting in an increased innervation ratio. The neural rearrangement may be viewed as a compensatory adaptation of the motor system to preserve the mechanical efficiency of the surviving MUs, despite the age-related impairment of the segmental reflex system. This phenomenon is confirmed by the maintenance, with senescence, of the approximately constant values of the twitch/EMG ratio for the entire motor pool (PtM/Mmax)