15 research outputs found

    YbeY is required for ribosome small subunit assembly and tRNA processing in human mitochondria.

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    Mitochondria contain their own translation apparatus which enables them to produce the polypeptides encoded in their genome. The mitochondrially-encoded RNA components of the mitochondrial ribosome require various post-transcriptional processing steps. Additional protein factors are required to facilitate the biogenesis of the functional mitoribosome. We have characterized a mitochondrially-localized protein, YbeY, which interacts with the assembling mitoribosome through the small subunit. Loss of YbeY leads to a severe reduction in mitochondrial translation and a loss of cell viability, associated with less accurate mitochondrial tRNASer(AGY) processing from the primary transcript and a defect in the maturation of the mitoribosomal small subunit. Our results suggest that YbeY performs a dual, likely independent, function in mitochondria being involved in precursor RNA processing and mitoribosome biogenesis. Issue Section: Nucleic Acid Enzymes

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging ‘omics’ approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the “minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment” (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems

    The role of tertiary education in regional development in conditions of Slovak Republic

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    In addition to the infrastructure of the regions, an essential aspect of their development is their educational structure and the demographic potential according to the predominance of the age composition. The education is basic tool for acquiring expert knowledge, which affects human capital of the labor market and professional mobility and adaptability of human resources at the labor market. It is important to educate the university undergraduates for practice by using appropriate and suitable educational methods. In Slovakia the share of inhabitants with the university education is increasing. This group represents the development potential of the regions. Great possibilities consist in the training of a new generation of graduates for different fields of regional development. Therefore, the educational structure and also the active working and networking of universities with other actors in the region are important. The objective of this paper is focused on the tertiary education and study programs for the regional development. We will analyze the development of number of students at universities with regard to the individual levels of study (bachelor, engineer/master and PhD.) and study programs within the individual regions of the Slovak Republic. The evaluation of the obtained data will be made by using the methods of comparative statistics

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging 'omics' approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the "minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment" (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems