283 research outputs found

    Analytical Study of Rainfall and Temperature Trend in Catchment States and Stations of the Benin- Owena River Basin, Nigeria

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    The impart of climate change is felt worldwide, but the effects are more devastating in countries where flooding or drought has occurred. In the Nigerian context, the impact of climate change is felt majorly in terms of rainfall and temperature. It is on the basis of their variations that the analytical study of their trend is carried out in some catchment States of Nigeria using the Benin- Owena River Basin as case study. Climatic data of rainfall and temperature for 35years were collected and subjected to Cumulative Summation (CU-SUM) and the rank-sum tests. The trend analysis shows that as temperature increases there is a corresponding increase in rainfall. The trend also indicates that no significant departure of these climatic parameters occurred. The least square regression (r2) and the trend as generated from the Microsoft Excel computations show that the temperature variation ranges from 0.4% in Delta to 3.5% in Edo, an indication that the temperature conditions in states understudy are not uniform even though the trend shows an increase. The rainfall least square regression variation ranges between 0.2% in Zaria and 2.7% in Plateau states, implying that the rainfall is varying in an upward trend. Keywords: Analytical study, Climatic variation, Temperature and Rainfall

    Petrogenetic and Distribution of Trace and Rare-Earth Elements in the Marble from Igarra Area, Southwest Nigeria.

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    A multivariate statistical and upper background methods were used to interpret geochemical data of the trace and rare earth elements in the marble from Igarra in order to determine the provenance and elemental mineralized anomalies. Correlation matrix showed that Th correlates positively with both the light and heavy rare earth elements as well as Pb. The presence of Th and Pb in the marble reflects their mutual association as light ion lithophile elements (LILE) that show radioactive mineralization . Most of the calculated trace elements concentrations are within the background values except elements Ba, Sr and Zr whose contents in some samples exceed the upper background thresholds (UBT) of 68.77ppm, 1702ppm and 14.13ppm respectively. The rare earth elements (REEs) that exceed the UBT are La, Ce and Y. The viability of these anomalous elements is doubtful. The geochemical data reveal a depleted concentration of the heavy rare earth elements, (HREE) Eu ( 0.04-0.17ppm),Tb (0.01-0.2ppm), Er ( 0.09-0.7ppm) and Lu ( 0.03-0.1ppm) and an enriched light rare earth elements, (LREE), La(0.8-10ppm), Ce(1.4-11.6ppm), Pr(0.15-1.27ppm) and Na(0.5-4.3ppm). The marble contains measureable amounts of volatile materials represented by very high contents of loss on ignition (LOI). Enriched light rare earth elements (LREEs), incompatible elements Ba(24-122ppm), Sr(1076-2790) and Rb(1.95-7ppm) with  high contents of volatile materials and depleted concentration of HREEs are characteristics suggestive of mantle-  materials derived from metasedimentary rocks. Keywords; Provenance, mantle material, multivariante and factor analysis

    Factors Affecting the Volume of Trade on Seafood in Umuahia Markets, Abia State, Nigeria

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    The broad objective of this study is to examine the factors affecting the quantity of sea foods traded in Umuahia markets in Abia State, Nigeria. Two sets of structured questionnaire were used to collect data from iced fish traders, (wholesaler and retailers) and periwinkle retail traders. A total of 100 traders of sea foods randomly selected from four markets were interviewed. They consist of 30 wholesalers and 40 retailers of iced fish, and 30 retailers of periwinkle. Simple statistical tools such as percentages, frequency distribution and the regression analysis were applied to the data collected. Results show that the commodities were supplied from distant places, namely; Rivers, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom, Delta and Cross River States. Factors that have significant effect on the quantity of wholesale trade on iced fish are household size, level of education, operating capital and the commodity price. Income from secondary occupation is significant in affecting retail trade on the iced fish while years of trading experience was statistically significant in affecting retail trade on periwinkle. The F-ratios were significant. The R2 showed that the variations in the dependent variable were captured by the independent variables. Formulation of policies that will encourage inter-State is recommended.Key words: Seafoods, Trade, Markets, Abia Stat

    Petrogenetic and Distribution of Trace and Rare-Earth Elements in the Marble from Igarra Area, Southwest Nigeria.

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    A multivariate statistical and upper background methods were used to interpret geochemical data of the trace and rare earth elements in the marble from Igarra in order to determine the provenance and elemental mineralized anomalies. Correlation matrix showed that Th correlates positively with both the light and heavy rare earth elements as well as Pb. The presence of Th and Pb in the marble reflects their mutual association as light ion lithophile elements (LILE) that show radioactive mineralization . Most of the calculated trace element  concentrations are within the background values except elements Ba, Sr and Zr whose contents in some samples exceed the upper background thresholds (UBT) of 68.77ppm, 1702ppm and 14.13ppm respectively. The rare earth elements (REEs) that exceed the UBT are La, Ce and Y. The viability of these anomalous elements is doubtful. The geochemical data reveal a depleted concentration of the heavy rare earth elements, (HREE) Eu ( 0.04-0.17ppm),Tb (0.01-0.2ppm), Er ( 0.09-0.7ppm) and Lu ( 0.03-0.1ppm) and an enriched light rare earth elements, (LREE), La(0.8-10ppm), Ce(1.4-11.6ppm), Pr(0.15-1.27ppm) and Na(0.5-4.3ppm). The marble contains measureable amounts of volatile materials represented by very high contents of loss on ignition (LOI). Enriched light rare earth elements (LREEs), incompatible elements Ba(24-122ppm), Sr(1076-2790) and Rb(1.95-7ppm) with  high contents of volatile materials and depleted concentration of HREEs are characteristics suggestive of mantle-  materials derived from metasedimentary rocks. Keywords; Factor analysis, mantle material, multivariante and Provenance

    Lithofacies and paleo depositional environment of the rocks of Nkpuma-Akpatakpa, Izzi, Southeast Nigeria

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    A detailed geological investigation of Nkpuma-akpatakpa, Izzi, Southeast Nigeria, done on a map scale of 1: 25,000, showed its lithofacies as brown shales, dark-grey shales, mudstones, siltstones and limestones. These lithofacies have been organized into two main lithostratigraphic units namely, brown shales (Unit A) and dark-grey shales (unit B). The brown colour of shales (unit A) suggests high content of ferric oxide due to intense weathering and low metamorphism caused by volcanism in the area. The dark colour of shale (unit B) suggests deposition in anoxic or reducing environment. Its dark-grey colour and the presence of bivalves suggest deposition in a low energy, marine environment. The abundance of illite which increases with depth indicates deeply buried shale not less than 3,500 m below surface. The presence of shelly limestone indicates shallow, warm, silt-free and clean marine environment. The intact shells of bivalves suggest deposition in a low energy protected shoreline where wave action is limited. Sedimentary structures like fissility and laminations, also suggest deposition in low energy marine setting. Pyroclastic rocks mapped in the area have been interpreted as volcanic tuffs and agglomerates interstratified with the shales.Key words: Lithofacies, depositional environment, rocks, Nkpuma-akpatakpa, Izzi

    Geoelectrical Subsurface Characterization for Foundation Purposes in the College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS) Campus, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria

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    The study area is underlain by shales and volcanoclastics with subordinate lenses of sandstones and sandy limestone (Abakaliki Formation) of the Albian Asu River Group, southeastern Nigeria. Geophysical investigation was carried out at the College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS) Campus, Ebonyi State University (EBSU) to determine the structural competence of the subsurface geological strata for building construction and other foundation purposes, using vertical electrical sounding (VES) survey technique of the electrical resistivity method. From the result of the survey, two major zones have been established within the study area for building construction purposes. Zone A comprises of areas around the catholic church building, EBSU primary school up to the school of post graduate studies, while zone B  is made up of areas around the EBSU secondary school, proposed student centre up to the main entrance gate which led to the Ogoja road. Zone A has been recommended for bungalows and other forms of low rising buildings, while zone B has been recommended for storey buildings and other heavy engineering structures. Overburden thickness for the two zones ranges from 1.3 m to 2.7 m, and 0.6 m to 2.7 m for zones A and B respectively. The cracks on walls of the buildings within the campus have been attributed to either the inability of the engineers to dig the foundation to the required depth or the construction of heavier structures on very weak subsurface layers which triggered off movement. Keywords: Geoelectrical, Characterization, Foundation, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria

    Effects of vaccination on the prevalence of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in small ruminants in Taraba State, Nigeria

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    An investigation was conducted in order to determine the distribution of Peste Des Petits Ru'minants (PPR) and vaccination efforts in Taraba State of Nigeria using data collected from the Veterinary Services Department of the State's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development between 1992 and 1998. The results showed that the disease is most prevalent during the cold months of the year (Hamattan) and beginning of the rainy season. Similarly, outbreaks increased with the relaxation of vaccination campaign programmes. It was observed that the number of outbreak was low when a vaccination using Tissue-Culture-Rinderpest Vaccine (TCRV) was intensified and it increases when the vaccination was relaxed. It was concluded from this study that intensive vaccination campaign of small ruminants against the PPR through provision of adequate facilities, TCRV vaccines, training offield workers and mass enlightenment campaign in the villages are paramount to control menace of the disease in Nigeria

    Syntheses, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Screening of N-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-nitrobenzenesulphonamide and its Cu(I), Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) Complexes

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    N-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-nitrobenzenesulphonamide (NBS2ABT) was synthesized by the condensation of 2-aminobenzothiazole and 2-nitrobenzenesulphonylchloride under reflux. Five metal complexes of Cu(I), Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) of the ligands were synthesized. The compounds were characterized using magnetic susceptibility measurements, mass spectrometry, elemental microanalysis, UV/VIS spectrophotometry, infra red, 1H and 13C nmr spectroscopies. The antimicrobial tests of the ligands and its metal complexes were carried out on both multi-resistant bacterial strains isolated under clinical conditions and cultured species using agar-well diffusion method. The multi-resistant bacterial strains used were E. coli, Proteus species, P. aeroginosa and S. aureus which were isolated from dogs. The culture species were P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), E. coli (ATCC 25922), S. aureus (ATCC 25923), and the fungi, C. krusei (ATCC 6258) and C. albicans (ATCC 90028). The tests were both in vitro and in vivo. The antimicrobial activities of the compounds were compared with those of Ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole as antibacterial agents and Fluconazole as an antifungal drug. All the compounds showed varying activities against the cultured typed bacteria and fungi used. The Lethal Concentration (LC50) ranged from 5.00±0.86-618.90±30.8 ppm. These are within the permissible concentrations. Key words: N-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-nitrobenzenesulphonamide, Metal complexes, Antimicrobial, Ligan

    Analytical development of bird pecking force equation for a self-metering poultry feeder

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    The concept of a self-metering poultry feeder was developed.  The theoretical analysis of the forces involved in its operation was done and a generalized pecking force model was developed.  Mathematical expressions, logical assumptions, graphical relations and models as well as statistical analyses were adopted in the pecking force analysis. This pecking force relates to some design parameters like feed flow rate, hopper aperture, etc. The generalized equation was tested using a fabricated model of the equipment.  Experimental results show that the equation can be used to predict the performance of the machine reasonably and also the level of satiety and bird vigor determine the amount of pecking force which was described by a polynomial regression relationship (of the 4th order with R2 > 0.9) which increases with increasing aperture opening with time of feeding by different ages of birds. The pecking force reached 10N for <8 weeks birds after about 40 minutes for the highest aperture opening. For the three sample categories of birds, the pecking force was consistently lower with the smallest aperture Ca1 and highest with aperture Ca3. Quantity of feed consumed decreased with feeding time in a power regression relationship and the birds, irrespective of the ages had a feel of satiety after 50 minutes of feeding with feed consumed being less than 0.1g. The general performance of each category of bird is a function of their age and number, vigor and pecking action