466 research outputs found

    Perilaku Agregat Moneter Dalam Sistem Keuangan/perbankan Ganda Di Indonesia

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    The main difference between contemporary Islamic monetary system and conventional monetary system is the replacement of interest system with profitand-loss sharing (PLS) system, which both have different behavior in influencing monetary stability. This study aims to analyze demand for money, conventionally and Islamically, in Indonesia and to determine the relationship between money supply in the two system and price level as the goal of monetary policy. Methods used are Vector Auto Regression (VAR) and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results show that PLS return negatively correlated with Islamic demand for money. In Islamic demand for money, the value of correction error is significant, so that there is an adjustment towards its long-term equilibrium. The Islamic demand for money stabilizes quicker to response the shock from other variables compare to that of conventional demand for money. Moreover, there is no cointegration between money supply, conventionally and Islamically, with price level, so that inflation targeting framework of monetary policy implemented by Bank Indonesia need to be reviewed

    Konsekuensi Yuridis Perubahan Bentuk Bmt (Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil) Menjadi Badan Hukum Kjks (Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah) (Studi di Koperasi Syariah Fanshob Karya, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur)

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    Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis membahas mengenai masalah Konsekuensi Yuridis Perubahan Bentuk BMT (Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil) Menjadi Badan Hukum Koperasi. Latar belakang penulisan ini adalah bahwa di lapangan dewasa ini mulai bermunculan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro berbentuk BMT dalam kehidupan perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satunya yang dijadikan obyek dalam penulisan ini yaitu Koperasi Syariah Fanshob Karya yang berkedudukan di kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan kepastian dan perlindungan hukum, maka BMT merubah bentuknya menjadi Koperasi.Konsekuensi yuridis yang terjadi akibat Perubahan bentuk BMT menjadi badan hukum Koperasi adalah bahwa BMT yang bersangkutan harus tunduk sepenuhnya apada segala peraturan terkait perkoperasian. Pada prakteknya BMT yang telah berkonversi tersebut tidak sepenuhnya melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi perkoperasian dengan sepenuhnya. Penyimpangan-penyimpangan atas fungsi-fungsi perkoperasian dilakukan oleh BMT yang telah berkonversi menjadi badan hukum Koperasi dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan ciri khasnya sebagai BMT

    The Capital Structure of Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia

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    Venture capital (VC) is an important fund source for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start up, particularly to deliver its main product of equity participation. Therefore, capital structure and factors that affect it are very crucial. This study aims to analyze the capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression. This study utilizes secondary data of six years period (2009-2014) monthly financial statements of 27 samples out of 58 VC firms to form 1,944 observations. The study reveals that capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia is dominated by debt/loan rather than capital with DER on average is 136.95%. In addition, the research confirms that VC firms\u27 capital structure is affected simultaneously by financial aspects which are asset size, profitability, liquidity, asset/investment quality, and earning asset structure. The attentions to financial aspects that affect the VC firms\u27 capital structure as well as other initiatives related to capital increases are necessary so that the VC firms could carry out its role effectively

    Analisa Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Pendaftaran Online Bpjs Kesehatan

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    BPJS Kesehatan merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang ditugaskan khusus oleh pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan jaminan pemeliharaan kesehatan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesi. Pendaftaran anggota BPJS kesehatan bisa dilakukan secara online, dengan demikian pihak penyedia jasa harus mampu memberikan perhatian penuh pada service quality (SERVQUAL). Persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan merupakan penilaian menyeluruh atas keunggulan suatu jasa. Salah satu cara membedakan Perusahaan jasa yang satu dengan Perusahaan jasa yang lainnya adalah dengan memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas yang lebih tinggi secara konsisten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pendaftaran online BPJS kesehatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Fuzzy Servqual yang diukur antara lain : Tangibles (bukti terukur) , Reliability (keandalan) , Responsiveness (daya tanggap) , Assurance (jaminan) , Empathy (empati). dari kelima dimensi tersebut maka didapatnya kesimpulan bahwa dimensi yang memiliki GAP terbesar adalah dimensi Reabilitas sebesar -12,49 sehingga pada dimensi ini banyak yang harus diperbaiki.sedangkan dimensi yang memiliki GAP terkecil adalah dimensi Empathy sebesar -1,40

    Kesediaan Pentadbir Awam Malaysia Menangani Globalisasi Dan Era E-Government

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    Malaysia liveliness wake Corridor region Raya Multimedia (Multimedia Super Corridor - MSC) has opened a new chapter to the development of the city. Get along or not Malaysia is no exception terheret together in globalization. Malaysia needs to be comparable to the developed countries so as not to lag behind in economic and technological development. Indeed, in order to achieve competitiveness in the global ranking high rate capability, along with the development of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya Bestari Bandaraya, electronics empire system has been implemented. The main Matlamat kingdom perlaksanaan electronic system is to deliver a system that cekap Pentadbiran kingdom, so that the impression can be competitive in the global rankings. However, the main cases that need to be woken up instead of our other systems, even cover human resource development lay administrators (e-governance) itself. Indeed, the issue essentially lay the extent of the willingness of administrators to handle the presence of systems electronics empire? Are there they are capable of in the aspect of human resource development such as a change in attitude and scientific (Humanware)? In connection with the issue-perseoalan dikemukan this paper will Membincang three major cases. The first is a theoretical discussion about the process of globalization, global society and the concept bandaraya bermaklumat bestari. Secondly, the discussion of the kingdom of electronic systems and the concept of ‘good governance' and the factors of human development. Third, during the discussion of keupayaan lay administrators in handling the system electronics empire

    Potency of Solar Energy Applications in Indonesia

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    Currently, 80% of conventional energy is used to fulfill general public's needs andindustries. The depletion of oil and gas reserves and rapid growth in conventional energyconsumption have continuously forced us to discover renewable energy sources, like solar, wind,biomass, and hydropower, to support economic development in the future. Solar energy travels at aspeed of 186,000 miles per second. Only a small part of the radiant energy that the sun emits intospace ever reaches the Earth, but that is more than enough to supply all our energy demand.Indonesia is a tropical country and located in the equator line, so it has an abundant potential ofsolar energy. Most of Indonesian area get enough intensity of solar radiation with the average dailyradiation around 4 kWh/m2. Basically, the solar systems use solar collectors and concentrators forcollecting, storing, and using solar radiation to be applied for the benefit of domestics, commercials,and industrials. Common applications for solar thermal energy used in industry are the SWHs, solardryers, space heating, cooling systems and water desalination

    Eksplorasievformasikeanekaragaman Jenis, Potensi Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Bahan Pestisida Alami Dipropinsijawa Barat Dan Banten*[exploration on Information of Plant Species Diversity, Their Potential and Utilization as Natural Pesticides in West Java And

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    Pests, diseases and weeds are considered as organisms that limiting the agricultural productivity. Losses of agricultural productivity originated from the attack of these organisms may be up to 40% to 60%; sometimes in several cases failure of harvests occurred. So far, chemical (synthetic) pesticides are used to control the attack of these organisms. Meanwhile, the use of synthetic pesticides in fact, creates many negative effects on both biotic and abiotic environments, such as pollution against terrestrial and aquatic environments, even killing the vertebrates and husbandry animals, predatory insects, and some economic insects (insect species that benefit to the life of man). Due to the losses created by utilization of synthetic pesticides, therefore a number of scientists and farmers initiated to turn their attention to use the natural pesticides (directly originated from plants) under the light of back to nature principle, although this step is seems to be less effective.Some natural pesticides practiced by West Javan farmers are likely almost disappeared and difficult to be found in the field. It is important to mention some species here such as cujete/kalabas (Cresentia cujete), bratawali (linospora tuberculata), bitter yam/gadung (Dioscorea hispida), sambiloto {Andrographis paniculata), sarikaya {Annona squamosa) and so many more. Some weed species are known used by farmers as natural pesticide like saliara {Lantana camara), ki pahit (Tithonia diversifolia), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrical) and badotan {Ageratum conyzoides). This research is aimed to inventory plant species used by farmers as natural pesticides as to reduce the reliance on synthetic pesticides. Methods of approach to the problem are by library studies (journals, proceedings of seminars, notes etc), field survey and interview to farmers of several districts (Kabupatens) in West Java and Banten Provinces i.e. Sumedang, Majalengka, Sukabumi, Garut, Pandegelang and Serang. Result shows that there are still 130 plant species used as natural pesticides, and 42 natural (plant based raw materials) pesticide formulations used by farmers

    Hidrolisa Enzimatik Pati Tapioka Dengan Kombinasi Pemanas Microwave-water Bath Pada Pembuatan Dekstrin

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    Usaha untuk mengkonversi pati tapioka menjadi dekstrin cukup prospektif. Banyaknya industri pengguna dekstrin, meningkatnya volume impor dekstrin, dipenuhinya ketersedian bahan baku tapioka dan tingginya nilai ekonomi dekstrin, merupakan pertimbangan awal untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Hidrolisa enzimatik dengan α amylase (termamyl) sebagai biokatalis dikenakan terhadap pati tapioka untuk membuat dekstrin. Penelitian dilakukan melalui 4 tahapan (1) Tahap persiapan yang meliputi karakterisasi pati tapioka dan karakterisasi microwave, (2) Tahap gelatinisasi, (3) Tahap likuifaksi, dan (4) Tahap uji hasil. Gelatinisasi dilakukan dalam microwave pada power P10 – desfrose D2 dan tahap likuifaksi dilakukan dalam waterbath pada suhu 93-95°C. Percobaan dilakukan pada kondisi terkendali (1) pH 6- 6,5, (2) kadar Ca2+ 40 ppm, (3) Dosis enzim 0,5-0,6 kg tiap ton pati kering, sedangkan konsentrasi pati dan waktu likuifaksi divariasi. Disetiap akhir percobaan dilakukan uji hasil terhadap dextrose equivqlent (DE) dan viskositas. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh data bahwa dekstrin dengan DE dibawah 20 dihasilkan dari hidrolisa ini, pada kondisi terkendali, DE produk dekstrin dari hasil hidrolisa konsentrasi pati rendah (pada waktu yang sama) lebih tinggi dibanding DE konsentrasi pati tinggi, DE larutan dekstrin menjadi semakin tinggi dengan bertambahnya waktu, Tingginya nilai DE dapat diketahui dari turunnya viskositas produk hasil hidrolis
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