77 research outputs found

    The Mental Health contents in Saudi Arabia Kingdom 2030 Vision

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة التعرف إلى مضامين الصحة النفسية في رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030، وقد استخدمت الدراسة المنهج النوعي– تحليل الوثائق؛ إذ جرى تحليل وثيقة رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 التي بنيت بالارتكاز إلى مكامن القوة المحورية التي تتمتع بها المملكة. وضعت ثلاثة محاور تتكامل وتتسق مع بعضها لتحقيق أهداف رؤية 2030، هي: المجتمع الحيوي، والاقتصاد المزدهر، والوطن الطموح التي تعمل على رفع كفاءة الإنفاق، وترشيد الاستهلاك. تطلب تحقيق رؤية 2030 وضع ستة أهداف عامة تتضمن عددا من الأهداف الفرعية والأهداف التفصيلية تعمل على تحقيق التكامل المتناغم في المجتمع السعودي من خلال توافق الفرد مع ذاته ومع الآخرين، والاستقلالية، والإبداع، ووجود فلسفة واضحة للحياة، وتحقيق هذه الأهداف يعزز من مكانة الصحة النفسية للفرد والمجتمع؛ كونها تساعد على الانسيابية في الحياة، وجعلها خالية من التوترات والصراعات المستمرة. وبهدف ترجمة الرؤية إلى واقع صُمم عدد من البرامج التي تعمل على مواءمة أنشطتها بعد الأخذ بالاعتبار العديد من العوامل السياسية، والاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، والأسرية.The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological well-being contents in Saudi Arabia Kingdom 2030 vision. The researcher employed the qualitative approach based on discourse analysis. To achieve the purpose of this study, the Saudi Arabia Kingdom 2030 vision document was analyzed. That document included three main domains; Active society, prospered economy and an ambitious homeland. Those domains complement each other to raise the spending efficiency and rationalize consumption. The vision of 2030 required setting some general, detailed and sub-goals, which wok to achieve harmonious integration in the Saudi community, through individual compatibility, independency, and creativity; which enhance mental health level of individuals and society. To make the vision real, many programs have been designed that harmonize their activities after taking into consideration many political, economic, social, and family factors

    The Protective Effect of Royal Jelly on Testicular Tissue and Sperm Parameters in Adult Mice Treated with Nicotine

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: As a medicinal compound, nicotine has adverse effects on the male reproductive system. Since royal jelly can modify the oxidative stress through its antioxidant properties, this study was conducted to investigate the protective effect of royal jelly on testicular tissue and sperm parameters in adult mice treated with nicotine. METHODS: In this experimental study, 36 adult male mice were randomly divided into six groups of six. The first group received physiologic serum, the second group received royal jelly at 100 mg / kg / day, and the third and fourth groups received nicotine at 0.5 mg / kg / day and 1 mg / kg / day, respectively. The fifth and sixth groups received 0.5 mg / kg / day and 1 mg / kg / day royal jelly in addition to nicotine, respectively. After weighing and dissection, left testicles were used for histological studies and left epididymal sperm were used for sperm evaluations. FINDINGS: Nicotine caused a significant decrease in spermatogonial cells (0.5: 36.40±2.92 and 1: 31.80±5.12) and significant increase in non-motile (0.5: 36.40±2.92 and 1: 31.80±5.12), dead (0.5: 19.06±0.71 and 1: 25.38±1.41) and abnormal (0.5: 17.07±0.68 and 1: 32.25±1.27) sperm compared with the control group (8.12±0.27, 11.08±1.03 and 8.36±0.61, respectively) (p<0.05). The co-administration of royal jelly significantly reduced the spermatogonial cell count (0.5+royal jelly: 43.25±3.80 and 1+royal jelly: 42.22±5.28) and improved the amount of non-motile (0.5+royal jelly: 11.01±1.49 and 1+royal jelly: 12.36±1.21), dead (0.5+royal jelly: 11.73±0.97 and 1+royal jelly: 12.31±1.07) and abnormal (0.5+royal jelly: 10.62±0.85 and 1+royal jelly: 11.82±0.96) sperm compared with groups treated with nicotine. CONCLUSION: The results of the study showed that royal jelly reduces reproductive toxicity of nicotine in mice by improving the testicular structure and sperm parameters

    Remarks on the Cauchy functional equation and variations of it

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    This paper examines various aspects related to the Cauchy functional equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y), a fundamental equation in the theory of functional equations. In particular, it considers its solvability and its stability relative to subsets of multi-dimensional Euclidean spaces and tori. Several new types of regularity conditions are introduced, such as a one in which a complex exponent of the unknown function is locally measurable. An initial value approach to analyzing this equation is considered too and it yields a few by-products, such as the existence of a non-constant real function having an uncountable set of periods which are linearly independent over the rationals. The analysis is extended to related equations such as the Jensen equation, the multiplicative Cauchy equation, and the Pexider equation. The paper also includes a rather comprehensive survey of the history of the Cauchy equation.Comment: To appear in Aequationes Mathematicae (important remark: the acknowledgments section in the official paper exists, but it appears before the appendix and not before the references as in the arXiv version); correction of a minor inaccuracy in Lemma 3.2 and the initial value proof of Theorem 2.1; a few small improvements in various sections; added thank