108 research outputs found

    Karyawan PT. International Nickel Indonesia,tbk Terkena Low Back Pain? Bagaimana Karakteristiknya?

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    Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi keluhan Low Back Pain (LBP) pada pekerja di industri pertambangan cukup tinggi padahal dapat menurunkan produktifitas. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Sorowako ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik karyawan PT. INCO,Tbk yang menderita LBP berdasarkan hasil diagnosa dokter Perusahaan di beberapa unit rawat jalan pada periode 1 Oktober 2006 30 September 2007. Karakteristik karyawan yang diteliti adalah menurut umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, olahraga, tempat tinggal, departemen tempat bekerja, masa kerja, waktu kerja, waktu diagnosa pertama dan jumlah kunjungan selama periode penelitian. Menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif untuk menjelaskan karakteristik penderita LBP berdasarkan data sekunder dari rekam medik rumah sakit dan biodata karyawan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 188 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LBP paling banyak pada kelompok umur 50 -55 tahun, jenis kelamin laki-laki (96,3%), berpendidikan rendah (87,8%), bekerja sebagai operator alat berat atau mesin (46,3%) dan tidak teratur berolahraga (75%). Paling banyak berdomisili di Sorowako (51%) dan bekerja di Departemen Mining (54,8%). Memiliki masa kerja lebih dari 20 tahun (44,7%), pola penjadwalan kerja 5 work, 2 off (57,4%), waktu diagnosa pertama pada bulan Mei 2007 (10,6%) dan kebanyakan berkunjung hanya sekali (70,7%). Nampaknya faktor pekerjaan masih dominan dalam mempengaruhi kejadian LBP di PT. INCO,Tbk.Key Words: Low Back Pain, Karyawan PT. INCO, Pekerjaa


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    Objective: The main objective of this study was to investigate the potential of in situ crystallization of indomethacin, in presence or absence of hydrophilic materials, to improve drug dissolution with the goal of developing fast disintegrating tablets.Methods: Indomethacin crystals were prepared by bottom up approach. Water containing hydrophilic additive (polymer or/and surfactant) was added to ethanolic solution of indomethacin while stirring. The selected polymers were hydroxylpropylmethyl cellulose E5 (HPMC E5), polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000) and polyvinylpyrrolidone K40 (PVP K40). The surfactants used were Tween80 and Glucire 44/14. The precipitated particles were collected and air dried. Solid state characterization were performed in addition to in vitro release studies in both acidic (0.1 N HCL) and alkaline medium (phosphate buffer pH 6.8). Optimized formulation was selected to develop fast disintegrating tablets.Results: Thermal behavior suggested modulation in crystalline nature with reduction in particle size that was confirmed by X-ray diffraction results. Infrared spectroscopy excluded any interaction between drug and hydrophilic excipients. Drug dissolution in acid media showed slight improve in drug release, while marked increase was observed in the alkaline media. Combination between Tween80 and HPMC (F7) showed the best dissolution parameters with 5-folds enhancement in release efficiency (RE) compared to pure drug. Formula F7 was successively used to formulate fast disintegrating tablets with prompted release of 58% of the loaded dose and RE of 83%.Conclusion: In situ crystallization of indomethacin is a good approach for enhanced dissolution rate with the presence of hydrophilic additives during precipitation process improving the efficiency

    Faktor Risiko Kematian Neonatal Dini di Rumah Sakit Bersalin

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    Infant mortality rate in Indonesia is still high. Fifty percent of the neonatal mortality occurred among low birth weight infants (LBWI) and neonatal mortality within 7 days of life accounted for 50% of total infant mortalities. This study was aimed to examine the extent of early neonatal mortality risk by antenatal care (ANC), Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization status of pregnant women, anemia during pregnancy, birth weight of neonatal, parity status, and hypothermia status.This study was a case control study with direct interview to respondents, conducted in the Maternity Hospital of Makassar with 40 cases and 120 controls. Samples were selected by purposive sam- pling. Study results indicated that risk factor of early neonatal mortality were ANC (p value = 0,000; odds ratio, OR = 7,33; CI 95% = 2,966 - 18,129), TT immunization status (p value = 0,000; OR = 19,205; CI 95% = 7,902 - 46,678), pregnancy anemia (p value = 0,000; OR = 32,818; CI 95% = 7,549 - 142,674), birth weight (p value = 0,000; OR = 122,212; CI 95% = 32,324 - 462,068), parity status (p value = 0,000; OR = 5,537; CI 95% = 2,029 - 15,111), asphyxia status (p value = 0,000; OR = 8,197; CI 95% = 0,452 - 2,745), whereas hypothermia status (p value = 0,815; OR = 1,114; 0,452 - 2,745) was not a risk factor. Results of logistic regression multivariate analysis indicated that infant\u27s birth weight was the most risk factor of early neonatal mortality (p value = 0,000). Specific surveillance program for high risk neonatal needed to be arranged in all health centers

    Use of Prophylactic Inferior Vena Cava Filters in Trauma

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    Venous thromboembolisms, specifically pulmonary embolisms (PEs), represent a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide, particularly within the setting of trauma. According to the literature, PEs are the most common cause of in-hospital death; however, this condition can be prevented with a variety of prophylactic and therapeutic measures. This article aimed to examine current evidence on the use, indications for prophylaxis, outcomes and complications of prophylactic inferior vena cava filters in trauma patients

    Missed Gastric Injuries in Blunt Abdominal Trauma : Case report with review of literature

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    Hollow viscus injuries of the digestive tract are an uncommon occurrence in blunt abdominal trauma. We report a 39-year-old male who was hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian and admitted to the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, in 2015. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy which revealed injuries to the distal stomach, liver and descending colon. Postoperatively, the patient was febrile, tachycardic and hypotensive. Abdominal examination revealed distention and tenderness. The next day, a repeat laparotomy identified a gastric injury which had not been diagnosed during the initial laparotomy. Although the defect was repaired, the patient subsequently died as a result of multiorgan failure. Missed gastric injuries are rare and are associated with a grave prognosis, particularly for trauma patients. Delays in diagnosis, in addition to associated injuries, contribute to a high mortality rate


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    Salah satu penyakit yang erat kaitannya dengan peselam adalah Decompression Sickness (DCS). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian DCS pada masyarakat nelayan peselam tradisional Pulau Saponda Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangancase control study. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh nelayan tradisional di Pulau Saponda Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Kasus adalah nelayan tradisional yang mengalami DCS sesuai diagnosa dokter, sedangkan kontrol adalah nelayan tradisional yang tidak mengalami DCS sesuai diagnosa dokter. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 174 orang (87 kasus dan 87 kontrol). Pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling.Analisis data menggunakan komputer program SPSS dengan uji odds rasio dan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kejadian DCS lebih banyak pada usia <16 tahun atau >35 tahun (59,8%), frekuensi menyelam >2 kali (62,1%), kedalaman menyelam >10 m (88,5%), lama menyelam >60 menit (69,0%), dan mempunyai riwayat penyakit (78,2%). Penelitian menyimpulkan usia, frekuensi menyelam, kedalaman menyelam, lama menyelam dan riwayat penyakit merupakan faktor risiko kejadian DCS. Variabel yang paling berisiko terhadap DCS adalah kedalaman menyelam

    Predictors of Long Covid 19 Syndrome

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    Background: Symptoms of covid persist in most cases with development of a multisystem syndrome called long covid syndrome.Objective: The aim of the work was to evaluate symptoms that persist after the acute stage of the disease in a cohort of patients with confirmed or suspected COVID 19 and to define the predictors for long COVID syndrome.Patients and method: This retrospective study involved 164 patients with previously confirmed or highly suspected COVID 19 and still attending to the post covid outpatient clinic in El-Minia University Chest Hospital complaining from persistence of symptoms or for regular follow up. Their data was obtained from their previous medical reports. Results: Post Covid 19 symptoms were found in about 86 % of the studied patients with 42.7% reported neuropsychiatric symptoms and 26.8% reported respiratory symptoms. The most common reported symptoms in nonsevere cases were the anxiety disorders (18.9%), followed by chronic fatigue and neuropathy (15.2%), while chronic dyspnea in 9.8% mostly in severe cases, while vertigo and headache in 9.1%, musculoskeletal symptoms in 6.1% and skin lesions in 3.7%.Conclusion: It could be concluded that persistence of symptoms is very common after acute Covid 19 infection. Chronic dyspnea was reported more frequently in severe cases while anxiety reported mostly by patients with mild disease

    Numerical Study of the Behaviour of Embankment Constructed over Soft Soil Stabilized with Ordinary and Geosynthetic - Reinforced Stone Columns

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    Structures constructed on soft soils may undergo significant settlement, local or global instability, and a significant lateral displacement of the soft soil layer. Ordinary stone columns (OSC) and stone columns strengthened with geosynthetic reinforcement reduce settlement and improve the subsoil's bearing capacity. Numerical analyses have been performed using a 3-dimensional finite element program (PLAXIS3D) to investigate the time-dependent behavior of embankments resting on stone columns constructed in very soft clay. The geosynthetic encasement is the more typical type of reinforcement; however, laminated layers can be adopted in this study. The geosynthetics material was used to strengthen the OSC in the form of vertical encasement, horizontal stripes, and combined vertical-horizontal reinforcement and vertical-basal geogrid reinforcement (BGR). This research compares these forms of reinforcement on embankment behavior. The research results showed that using the encased stone column (ESC) and the vertical-horizontal reinforced stone columns (V-HRSC) have provided a considerable improvement in the lateral deformation of the column over its length, generation, and dissipation of excess pore pressure, and settlement. An increase in factor of safety (FOS) against failure of the embankment was observed by 53% using the ESC compared to untreated soil. Using the horizontal geosynthetic layer (HGL) and the (BGR) after encasing the stone columns has no effect on the safety factor as the failure mechanism converted from deep-seated to surface failure

    Simultaneous viscoelasticity and sprayability in antimicrobial acetic acid-alginate fluid gels

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    Acetic acid is a promising alternative to antibiotics for topical applications, particularly burn wounds, however its site specificity and retention are impaired by poor material properties. In this study, acetic acid was investigated as both the gelling agent and antimicrobial active in alginate fluid gels. The formed microstructure was found to be directly dependent on acetic acid concentration, leading to highly tuneable material properties. At clinically relevant concentrations of 2.5–5 % acetic acid, the fluid gels were elastically dominated at rest, with viscosities up to 7 orders of magnitude greater than acetic acid alone. These material properties imparted long term surface retention and microparticle barrier function, not seen with either acetic acid or alginate solutions. Most notably, sprayability was enhanced simultaneously with the increased viscosity and elasticity due to the introduction of a discretised microstructure, leading to a remarkable tenfold increase in spray coverage. Formulation was found not to inhibit antimicrobial activity, despite the less acidic pH, with common burn wound pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa being equally susceptible to the fluid gels as to acetic acid solutions.</p
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