153 research outputs found

    Os crimes que afetam o mundo animal e vegetal: os problemas da penalização

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    The article analyzes the group of criminal law norms contained in Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for responsibility for crimes encroaching upon the animal and plant world, in the context of determining whether their sanctions correspond to the nature and degree of public danger of the acts. The paper emphasizes that the effectiveness of the application of criminal law in general, and the rules governing the crimes committed in the field of animal and plant life in particular, depends on many factors, including the problems of lawmaking. In this regard, the issues of legislative construction of sanctions of the relevant criminal law are considered. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that most of the sanctions of the norms in question do not correspond to the nature and degree of public danger of prohibited acts, the principle of the systematic nature of their construction has been violated. As a result, it is stated that today the penalties imposed for crimes that infringe on the animal and plant world cannot be considered to be efficient.El artículo analiza el grupo de normas de derecho penal contenidas en el Capítulo 26 del Código Penal de la Federación Rusa, que establece la responsabilidad por los delitos que afectan al mundo animal y vegetal, en el contexto de determinar si sus sanciones corresponden a la naturaleza y grado de Peligro público de los actos. El documento enfatiza que la efectividad de la aplicación del derecho penal en general, y las reglas que rigen los delitos cometidos en el campo de la vida animal y vegetal en particular, dependen de muchos factores, incluyendo los problemas de la legislación. En este sentido, se consideran los temas de construcción legislativa de sanciones de la ley penal pertinente. Como resultado del análisis, se concluye que la mayoría de las sanciones de las normas en cuestión no se corresponden con la naturaleza y el grado de peligro público de los actos prohibidos, se ha violado el principio de la naturaleza sistemática de su construcción. Como resultado, se afirma que hoy las sanciones impuestas por delitos que infringen el mundo animal y vegetal no pueden considerarse eficientes.O artigo analisa o conjunto de normas de direito penal contidas no Capítulo 26 do Código Penal da Federação Russa, que prevê a responsabilidade por crimes que invadem o mundo animal e vegetal, no contexto de determinar se suas sanções correspondem à natureza e ao grau de criminalidade. perigo público dos actos. O documento enfatiza que a eficácia da aplicação do direito penal em geral, e as regras que regem os crimes cometidos no campo da vida animal e vegetal em particular, depende de muitos fatores, incluindo os problemas do processo legislativo. A este respeito, as questões de construção legislativa de sanções do direito penal relevante são consideradas. Como resultado da análise, conclui-se que a maioria das sanções das normas em questão não correspondem à natureza e grau de perigo público de atos proibidos, o princípio da natureza sistemática de sua construção foi violado. Como resultado, afirma-se que hoje as penalidades impostas por crimes que infringem o mundo animal e vegetal não podem ser consideradas eficientes

    Орнитофауна национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса»

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    In the recreational zone of "Homilshanski Lisy" National Park 137 species of birds were identified during the period 1980–2015, of which 127 species nest, 8 winter, and 2 observed during the spring migration. The nesting species are distributed in 4 ecological groups dominated by dendrophylls (67 species), with fewer limnophylls-fresh water species (29), campophylls-open country species (16) and sclerophylls (11). Among the nesting birds 11 landscape-genetic faunal assemblages were distinguished, dominated by typical nemoral-woodland (19%), tropical (14%) and forest-steppe (13%) species. The average density of the birds nesting in the park amounts to 1.2 ± 0.2 with n overall density of 148.3 pairs/km route line. The habitat distribution of the bird population was relatively even. The most intensively populated habitat was upland oak forest, the least were pine and mixed forests. It was found that the communities of breeding birds in tree plantations changed due to the natural aging process of forests, which has led to an increase in the number of birds of prey (Falconiiformes), woodpeckers (Piciformes), secondary hollow-nesting birds. The bird communities of floodplain and steppe meadows, as well as habitats in residential areas subject to constant recreational pressure, changed under the pressure of anthropogenic loading. The favorable natural and geographical location of the park and the diversity of its habitats contributed to the emergence in the list of fauna of which are expanding their range. Analysis of the dominant species in the community points to a significant negative impact of recreational pressure on all habitats of the park. The dominant birds in the pinewood community list included only one campophyll, tree pipit (Anthus trivialis L.). For the steppe meadows, in addition to the dominant colonial birds that nest in holes , the yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava L.) was marked as subdominant. In general, in the recreational area of NPP "Homilshanski Lisy" 30 common species (24.2%, total abundance 0.198) nest on the ground. The variety and balance of breeding bird communities in most habitats is stable, but in the meadow ecosystem communities the uniformity of the distribution of species abundance is being significantly disrupted. The Jacquard and Sorenson performance indices for floodplain and steppe meadows are 0.4 and 0.5, and for grove and pine woods, respectively, 0.7 and 0.8. Taking into account the data of the cluster analysis, the distribution curves of shared abundance and participation indicatee sinanthropic breeding bird communities. It follows that anthropogenic pressure exerts the most significant effect on the birds’ occupation of breeding habitats in the recreational zone NPP "Homilshanski Lisy". The highest performance is characterized by the condition of the avifauna of forest habitats, such as oak forest and pine woods, the most threatened breeding bird communities being those of floodplain meadows.В рекреационной зоне национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса» выявлено 137 видов птиц, из которых 127 гнездится, 8 прилетают зимовать, а 2 вида встречены в период весенних миграций. Гнездящиеся виды распределены по четырем экологическим группам (дендрофилы (67), лимнофилы (29), кампофилы (16), склерофилы (11 видов)) и 11 ландшафтно-генетическим фаунистическим комплексам (преобладают типичные неморальные (19%), тропические (14%) и лесостепные (13%) виды). Средняя плотность гнездования птиц в парке составляет 1,2±0,2, общая – 148,3 пар/км маршрутной линии. По биотопам население птиц распределено относительно равномерно. Наиболее заселена нагорная дубрава, наименее – бор и суборь. Изменения сообществ гнездящихся птиц древесных насаждений связано с процессом старения лесов, которое привело к увеличению числа соколообразных (Falconiiformes), дятлообразных (Piciformes), вторичных дуплогнездников. Сообщества птиц пойменных и степных лугов и селитебных биотопов зоны постоянной рекреации преобразовывались под давлением антропогенной нагрузки. Природно-географическое расположение парка и разнообразие его биотопов способствовало появлению в списке фауны видов, расширяющих ареал. Разнообразие и сбалансированность сообществ гнездящихся птиц в большинстве биотопов благополучно, но в сообществах луговых экосистем существенно нарушена равномерность распределения видов по численности. Наилучшими показателями видового богатства характеризуется орнитофауна лесных биотопов (дубравы, бора): показатели индексов Жаккара и Серенсена для пойменного и степного лугов составляют 0,4 и 0,5, а для дубравы и бора, соответственно, 0,7 и 0,8. В рекреационной зоне национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса» выявлено 137 видов птиц, из которых 127 гнездится, 8 прилетают зимовать, а 2 вида встречены в период весенних миграций. Гнездящиеся виды распределены по четырем экологическим группам (дендрофилы (67), лимнофилы (29), кампофилы (16), склерофилы (11 видов)) и 11 ландшафтно-генетическим фаунистическим комплексам (преобладают типичные неморальные (19%), тропические (14%) и лесостепные (13%) виды). Средняя плотность гнездования птиц в парке составляет 1,2±0,2, общая – 148,3 пар/км маршрутной линии. По биотопам население птиц распределено относительно равномерно. Наиболее заселена нагорная дубрава, наименее – бор и суборь. Изменения сообществ гнездящихся птиц древесных насаждений связано с процессом старения лесов, которое привело к увеличению числа соколообразных (Falconiiformes), дятлообразных (Piciformes), вторичных дуплогнездников. Сообщества птиц пойменных и степных лугов и селитебных биотопов зоны постоянной рекреации преобразовывались под давлением антропогенной нагрузки. Природно-географическое расположение парка и разнообразие его биотопов способствовало появлению в списке фауны видов, расширяющих ареал. Разнообразие и сбалансированность сообществ гнездящихся птиц в большинстве биотопов благополучно, но в сообществах луговых экосистем существенно нарушена равномерность распределения видов по численности. Наилучшими показателями видового богатства характеризуется орнитофауна лесных биотопов (дубравы, бора): показатели индексов Жаккара и Серенсена для пойменного и степного лугов составляют 0,4 и 0,5, а для дубравы и бора, соответственно, 0,7 и 0,8.

    Anterior Abdominal Wall Pain

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    Aim: to present modern approaches to the differential diagnosis and treatment of anterior abdominal wall pain.Key points. Pain in the anterior abdominal wall is a common reason for visiting a gastroenterologist and is often misinterpreted. Signs that distinguish it from visceral and parietal pain include local character, a positive Carnett sign and the effectiveness of local anesthetic injection. Among the main causes, it is necessary to highlight diseases that are not accompanied by a palpable mass in the anterior abdominal wall (anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, ilioinguinal nerve syndrome, slipping rib syndrome, radiculopathy and myofascial pain syndrome). Another group of causes of pain in the anterior abdominal wall is represented by diseases in which areas of infiltration (tumors, endometriosis, infections) or hernial protrusions are determined, in which radiation methods play an important role in diagnosis.Conclusion. Knowledge of pathognomonic clinical and instrumental signs is the basis for differential diagnosis and choice of treatment strategy for pathology of the anterior abdominal wall

    Current Ultrasonography Potential in the Diagnosis of Juvenile Recurrent Parotitis

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    Objective: To determine the diagnostic significance of sonographic signs indicating the parotid glands’ condition in children with juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP).   Materials and methods: We examined 42 patients with JRP and 30 children aged 3-17 years from the control group. Both groups underwent B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonography of parotid glands to assess linear dimensions, contours, structures, echogenicity, pronouncement of the stromal component, parenchymal vascularization, and condition of intraglandular lymph nodes. The diagnostic significance of the sonographic signs was assessed by ROC analysis.   Results and discussion: We found significant differences between the study and control groups in terms of such sonographic signs as gland enlargement, decreased parenchymal echogenicity, change in the echotexture, increased stromal component, increased parenchymal vascularization, and reactive parotid lymph nodes (P < .05). With the high-frequency probe we were able to study the structure of JRP-associated hypoechoic foci in the parenchyma and prove that they are not cystic dilatation of the ducts but foci of infiltration around the peripheral ducts with structurally altered walls.   Conclusions: Ultrasonography plays a pivotal role in the JRP diagnosis and can identify its most significant sonographic signs, such as increased size, distinctive changes in the parenchymal echotexture, decreased echogenicity, and increased parenchymal vascularization

    Monolithic and hybrid integration of InAs/GaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers on silicon

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    A method of hybrid integration of quantum dot microdisk lasers with silicon wafer is proposed and realized. In addition to the possibility of combining microlasers with various silicon-based electronic and photonic devices, this makes it possible to significantly improve heat removal from the active region of the microlaser. The thermal resistance normalized to the mesa area reaches the level of about 0.002 (K/W)*cm2, which is significantly lower than the corresponding values of QD microlasers on GaAs substrate and monolithically grown on Si. As a result, the threshold current as well as current-induced shift of emission wavelength are reduced in continuous-wave regime

    Increasing the quantum efficiency of InAs/GaAs QD arrays for solar cells grown by MOVPE without using strain-balance technology

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    Research into the formation of InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs using the metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy technique ispresented. This technique is deemed to be cheaper than the more often used and studied molecular beam epitaxy. The bestconditions for obtaining a high photoluminescence response, indicating a good material quality, have been found among awide range of possibilities. Solar cells with an excellent quantum ef?ciency have been obtained, with a sub-bandgapphoto-response of 0.07 mA/cm2per QD layer, the highest achieved so far with the InAs/GaAs system, proving the potentialof this technology to be able to increase the ef?ciency of lattice-matched multi-junction solar cells and contributing to abetter understanding of QD technology toward the achievement of practical intermediate-band solar cells

    Frequency response of large aperture oxide-confined 850 nm vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 131101 (2009) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3231446.Small and large signal modulation measurements are carried out for 850 nm vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). The resonance frequency, damping factor, parasitic frequency, and -factor are extracted. Small signal modulation bandwidths larger than 20 GHz are measured. At larger currents the frequency response becomes partially limited by the parasitics and damping. Our results indicate that by increasing the parasitic frequency, the optical 3 dB bandwidth may be extended to ∼25GHz. A decrease in the damping should enable VCSEL bandwidths of 30 GHz for current densities not exceeding ∼10kA/cm2 and ultimately error-free optical links at up to 40 Gbit/s.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeEC/FP7/224211/EU/VISIT - Vertically Integrated Systems for Information Transfer/VISI