784 research outputs found

    Image findings of cranial nerve pathology on [18F]-2- deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography with computerized tomography (PET/CT): a pictorial essay.

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    This article aims to increase awareness about the utility of (18)F -FDG-PET/CT in the evaluation of cranial nerve (CN) pathology. We discuss the clinical implication of detecting perineural tumor spread, emphasize the primary and secondary (18)F -FDG-PET/CT findings of CN pathology, and illustrate the individual (18)F -FDG-PET/CT CN anatomy and pathology of 11 of the 12 CNs

    IGUANA Architecture, Framework and Toolkit for Interactive Graphics

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    IGUANA is a generic interactive visualisation framework based on a C++ component model. It provides powerful user interface and visualisation primitives in a way that is not tied to any particular physics experiment or detector design. The article describes interactive visualisation tools built using IGUANA for the CMS and D0 experiments, as well as generic GEANT4 and GEANT3 applications. It covers features of the graphical user interfaces, 3D and 2D graphics, high-quality vector graphics output for print media, various textual, tabular and hierarchical data views, and integration with the application through control panels, a command line and different multi-threading models.Comment: Presented at the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 6 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures. PSN MOLT008 More and higher res figs at http://iguana.web.cern.ch/iguana/snapshot/main/gallery.htm

    Severe hypercalcemia in tuberculosis

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    Community Based Fisheries Management: Institutional Options for Empowering Fisher Communities

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    This report sheds light on the diversity of approaches adopted by the various project partners, along with lessons learned during the Community Based Fisheries Management Project (CBFM-2). CBFM 2 was the second phase of an action research project designed to establish whether the sustainable management of publicly owned and private water bodies can be carried out by community groups consisting largely of poor fishers. The first phase implemented by the Department of Fisheries, with the assistance of the WorldFish Center and supported by the Ford Foundation, demonstrated that the approach was possible in a limited number of water bodies. The second phase, with assistance from the DFID-UK, involved a much greater range of water bodies (target 120, final number 116) with a range of partners -- the Department of Fisheries (DoF), the implementing NGOs, Banchte Shekha, BRAC, CARITAS, CNRS, CRED, GHARONI, Proshika, SDC, SHISUK, and the specialist NGOs, BELA for legal assistance and FemCom for media communications. A wide range of institutional arrangements have been established under the project. Many of the project documents state that there are three main fisheries management approaches; fisher-led, community-led and women-led. The definitions of the three approaches were: 1. Fisher-led Approach -- Forming groups among the fishers for using each water body and then a committee or organisation representing these groups and taking management decisions in a participatory manner; 2. Community-led Approach -- Participatory approach at the community level. Fishery managed by the community where participatory planning with different stakeholders is followed by forming a water body management committee according to the suggestions of all stakeholder categories; 3. Women-led Approach -- Ensure participatory planning involving the whole community covering all stakeholders, with groups usually formed with women (in some cases, mixed groups with men and women), and the women's group members take a lead in resource management. However these definitions fail to capture the full diversity of approaches adopted by project partners during implementation. By the end of the project, 10 different organisations had been involved in setting up community groups to manage CBFM-2 sites

    Emergency patient care

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    Analysis of NCL Proteins from an Evolutionary Standpoint

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    The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are the most common group of neurodegenerative disorders of childhood. While mutations in eight different genes have been shown to be responsible for these clinically distinct types of NCL, the NCLs share many clinical and pathological similarities. We have conducted an exhaustive Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis of the human protein sequences for each of the eight known NCL proteins- CLN1, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, CLN7, CLN8 and CLN10. The number of homologous species per CLN-protein identified by BLAST searches varies depending on the parameters set for the BLAST search. For example, a lower threshold is able to pull up more homologous sequences whereas a higher threshold decreases this number. Nevertheless, the clade confines are consistent despite this variation in BLAST searching parameters. Further phylogenetic analyses on the appearance of NCL proteins through evolution reveals a different time line for the appearance of the CLN-proteins. Moreover, divergence of each protein shows a different pattern, providing important clues on the evolving role of these proteins. We present and review in-depth bioinformatic analysis of the NCL proteins and classify the CLN-proteins into families based on their structures and evolutionary relationships, respectively. Based on these analyses, we have grouped the CLN-proteins into common clades indicating a common evolving pathway within the evolutionary tree of life. CLN2 is grouped in Eubacteria, CLN1 and CLN10 in Viridiplantae, CLN3 in Fungi/ Metazoa, CLN7 in Bilateria and CLN5, CLN6 and CLN8 in Euteleostomi

    Time evolution of quantum correlations in presence of state dependent bath

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    The emerging quantum technologies heavily rely on the understanding of dynamics in open quantum systems. In the Born approximation, the initial system-bath correlations are often neglected which can be violated in the strong coupling regimes and quantum state preparation. In order to understand the influence of initial system-bath correlations, we study the extent to which these initial correlations and the distance of separation between qubits influence the dynamics of quantum entanglement and coherence. It is shown that at low temperatures, the initial correlations have no role to play while at high temperatures, these correlations strongly influence the dynamics. Furthermore, we have shown that distance of separation between the qubits in presence of collective bath helps to maintain entanglement and coherence at long times.Comment: 11pages and 6figures. Suggestions and Comments are welcom

    Demographic study of craniosynostosis patients in mid-Missouri

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    Craniosynostosis is a congenital defect in which one or more of the cranial sutures close prematurely, affecting 1 in 2000 to 2500 live births worldwide. Historically, sagittal craniosynostosis has been reported to be the most common form of single-suture craniosynostosis. Our previous retrospective review of craniosynostosis at our institution reported that the incidence of metopic craniosynostosis in mid-Missouri is significantly greater than that of sagittal craniosynostosis, 65% versus 13% (Table 1). Our current aim is to further investigate the demographic characteristics of our institution's craniosynostosis population

    Simple, sensitive and rapid determination of linifanib (ABT-869), a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor in rat plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS

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    An overall model for sulfur self-retention in ash during coal particle combustion is developed in this paper. It is assumed that sulfur retention during char combustion occurs due to the reaction between SO2 and CaO in the form of uniformly distributed non-porous grains. Parametric analysis shows that the process of sulfur self-retention is limited by solid difussion through the non-porous product layer formed on the CaO grains and that the most important coal characteristics which influence sulfur self-retention are coal rank. content of sulfur forms. molar Ca/S ratio and particle radius. A comparison with the experimentally obtained values in a FB reactor showed that die model can adequately predict the kinetics of the process, the levels of the obtained values of the SSR efficiencies, as well as the influence of temperature and coal particle size.U radu je prikazan razvijeni model zadržavanja sumpora u pepelu tokom sagorevanja uglja. Pretpostavka modela je da se zadržavanje sumpora tokom sagorevanja koksnog ostatka odigrava usled reakcije SO2 i CaO koji je u obliku ravnomerno raspoređenih zrna. Parametarska analiza je pokazala da je proces zadržavanja sumpora kontrolisan difuzijom kroz formirani sloj čvrstog produkta na zrnima CaO, kao i da su rang uglja, sadržaj formi sumpora molarni Ca/S odnos i veličina čestice važne osobine uglja koje utiču na proces. Poređenje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima dobijenim u reaktoru sa fluidizovanim slojem je pokazalo da model može adekvatno da predvidi kinetiku procesa, efikasnost zadržavanja sumpora u pepelu, kao i uticaj temperature i veličine čestice uglja