285 research outputs found

    Menyoal Kontekstualisasi Hukum Islam Tentang Poligami

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    This paper proposes an idea of revitalization. This idea is based on by looking at the lawsuits occurred within the Islamic laws related to family, especially poligamy. This is proposed because polygamy is believed no longer relevant with the changing times which now requires equality of between man and woman. To address this problem, some ideas put forward to reform and re-interpretate some Islamic laws which lays into two major epistemologies: first, contextual interpretation over the texts which are the basis of the implementation of poligamy which in turn was not the core mission of Islam. Meanwhile, it is believed that the fundamental goal of marriage in Islam monogamous. The justification of poligamy by putting forward the texts do not eliminate but gradually endorse the practices of polygamy itself. Therefore, there is still a room to critique the context of polygamy by contextualizing the polygamy laws in which most previous studies were not objective and tend to justify the dominant discoureses on gender relation

    Kajian Prospek Batu Permata Banjarbaru Dalam Perspekstif Geologi Bahan Galian

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    Banjarbaru has a very complex and interesting geologic condition. The stratigraphy in this area has a unique and complex characteristic, with Pre-Tertiary until Quarterly in age. The oldest type of rock found has a Yura-age, consists of: Ultra-mafic rock (Mub) and Metamorphic rock (Mm). Both of these rock-types outspread unconformity under a Pre-Tertiary lithological units (Kapur), likes Keramaian Formation (Kak), sedimentary of volcaniclastic Pitanak Formation (Kvpi). These Pre-Tertiary rocks laid unconformity under a group of Tertiary and Quarterly age of lithology, consists of: Tanjung Formation (Tet), Berai Formation (Tomb), Dahor Formation (TQd) and alluvium sedimentation (Qa).Gemstone deposit, included in its type and occurrences, conducted by long geological processes. As known, the Regional Geology of Kalimantan, especially inSouth Kalimantanregion, has proceeded in age of Pre-tertiary until Quarter. This process supported the forming of gemstones and its accumulation. Kinds of gemstones and semi-gemstones probably accumulated by this geology process which consists of: primary diamond, tourmaline, blue-sapphire, Jade, Garnet, Secondary diamond, Quartz, Zircon, Spinel, opal, etc. Nowadays, the real potency of gemstone and semi-gemstone has not been known yet, so an effort of follow-up exploration is needed

    Sistem Pengenalan Penutur Dengan Metode Mel-frequency Wrapping

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    Speaker recognition is the process of identifying a person based on his voice. Speaker recognition has several useful applications including biometric authentication and intuitive human computer interaction. the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) technique is used to extract features from the speech signal and compare the unknown speaker with the exist speaker in the database. the filter bank is used to wrap the Mel frequency. VQ (vector Quantization) is a process of taking a large set of feature vectors and producing a smaller set of measure vectors that represents the centroids of the distribution. In this method, the K means algorithm is used to do the clustering. In the recognition stage, a distortion measure which based on the minimizing the Euclidean distance was used when matching an unknown speaker with the speaker database. Speech database used 10 different speakers with MFCC 12, 20 codebooks, and 16 centroids

    Revitalisasi Hutan Mangrove Pesisir Jepara

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    Kawasan hutan mangrove di Kabupaten Jepara tergolong masih kurang lebat, sehingga menjadikan kekhawatiran bagi penduduk yang tinggal di daerah pesisir. Manfaat mangrove sangat banyak terutama sebagai penahan abrasi laut. Kawasan hutan mangrove lambat laun terdegradasi oleh kepentingan pihak lain atas lahan tersebut. Sehingga upaya pelestarian hutan mangrove sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema revitalisasi hutan mangrove pesisir Jepara bertujuan untuk mengembalikan fungsi utama hutan mangrove di sepanjang pesisir Kabupaten Jepara. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15, 22 dan 29 September 2017 bertempat di Desa Bulakbaru Kecamatan Kedung Kabupaten Jepara. Tahap pelatihan berupa penyampaian materi dan diskusi tentang potensi dan teknik penanaman mangrove dilaksankan di Balai Desa Bulakbaru. Praktik pembibitan dan penanaman mangrove dilaksanakan di pantai Bulakbaru. Keterlibatan aktif oleh masyarakat Desa Bulakbaru serta organisasi mahasiswa Wapalhi Unisnu Jepara membuat kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan

    Metode Pengurangan Spektral Tak Linier Untuk Estimasi Amplitudo Spektral

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    Estimasi amplitudo spektral membentuk dasar sistem pengembalian signal, seperti pengurangan derau wicara, dimana distorsi fasa dapat dihilangkan. Bentuk estimasi spektral amplitudo adalah pengurangan spektral.Metode ini adalah untuk pengembalian spektrum daya atau spektrum magnitudo dari sinyal yang diobservasi dalam derau tambahan melalui pengurangan dari estimasi spektrum derau rata-rata dari spektrum sinyal yang berderau.Spektrum yang berderau akan diestimasi dan diperbaharui dalam periode tersebut. Untuk pengembalian dari sinyal dengan domain waktu, estimasi dari spektrum magnitudo sesaat akan dikombinasikan dengan fasa dari sinyal yang berderau dan kemudian ditransformasikan melalui transformasi Balik diskret Fourier menjadi domain waktu.Dalam penelitian ini akan membahas pengurangan spektral tak linier. Metode pengurangan spektral tak linier ini untuk mengurangi tingkat derau residu dengan cara dengan mengurangi derau karena terjadi pengurangan yang berlebih (atau over-estimasi dari spektrum derau). Dalam metode ini porsi derau yang dikurangi dari sinyal diatur secara adaptif sesuai dengan rasio sinyal terhadap derau atau signal to noise ratio (SNR). Pada metode ini dapat memberikan hasil yang dapat diperbaiki.Kata Kunci— amplitudo, fasa, fourier, SNR, spektra

    Perubahan Budaya Public Service Organizations (PSOs) dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Layanan Publik

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    Some important aspects of the changes in organizational culture, at least coherently will be discussed in this paper. Among the important aspects are: values, attitudes, behavior, organizational culture, corporate culture. A number of components into the aspirations and establish a culture of public service organizations. Then used as input in improving the effectiveness of bureaucratic performance. The main purpose of the establishment of an organizational culture within the organization to include all members of the organization can understand, comply with and implement the system-defined organizational culture. Further than that when the organizations or PSOs have agreed a standard system of organizational culture and formed from a number of values that represetatif, so if a problem appears in based organizations, it strived to be resolved by referring to the cultural values of the organization in question. Benefits and functions of organizational culture is to help overcome the problems originating from internal and external organizations. The way that you can use to implement the organization\u27s culture is to promote the vision, mission, strategy and organization, and performance goals to be achieved to the external environment (external stakeholders). While the internal organization that organizational culture needs to be socialized to all employees and associated components. Some important material in the socialization include the following: criteria for employees, the determination of work standards and incentives (rewards) and punishment

    Daya Antelmintik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) Terhadap Cacing Ascaridia Galli Secara in Vitro Dan Profil Kltnya

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    People used noni leaf (Morinda citrifolia L.)for medication many kinds disease, one of as anthelmintic. Worm infection most generally in the world, especially in growing countries including Indonesia. To prove the truth were efficacious noni leaf as anthelmintic has been research anthelmintic capability ethanol extract of noni leaf on the worm Ascaridia galli on in vitro. This research has done by using Lamson and Brown method submerges that has been modified. Research using 270 of worms A. galli female, that devided into 9 groups, that's 4 groups treatment with ethanol extract of noni leaf in consentration of 20 mg/mL, 30 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL and 50 mg/mL, 4 groups positive control (citrate piperazin) consentration 2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL dan 8mg/mL and I group negative control (NaCl 9 mg/mL) each group consist of 6 petri disc (each petri disc contain 5 of worms and 25 ml solution). Anthelmintic capability showed with worm mortality time that's observed every 2 hours and LC50 that needed consentration to wipe out 50% of worm. The result of this research shown rates worm mortality time after submerges with ethanol extract of noni leaf consentration 20 mg/mL, 30 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL and 50 mg/mL as hight as 48,00 ± 1,79 ; 44,33 ± 1,51; 40,33 ± 1,51; 36,00 ± 2,53 (hours). But after submerges with citrate piperazin 4 mg/mL is 34,33 ± 1,51 (hours). LC50 after submerges ethanol axtract of noni leaf is 50,21 mg/mL and after submerges 2,27 mg/mL. The result of the observed Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) shown ethanol extract of noni leaf containes compounds from flavonoid and fenol. Based on result of the reseach would be concluded that ethanol extract of noni leaf contain compounds that calculate have anthelmintic activity, possibilty that's compounds is flavonoid and fenol

    Analisis Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Di Jawa Timur Dengan Prespektif Policy Governance

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    The involvement of community empower companies to participate in sustainable development through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in the era of governance are important, particularly those intended for rural or marginalized communities. However, in East Java, policies on the CSR program have not been well established, so the cooperation between the corporate governance management with the government\u27s CSR program has not demonstrated synergic performance. Such conditions have not been determined due to the lack of operational level policy (government regulation) so that the CSR program in East Java Provincial Government has not performed well. The purpose of this paper is to analyze what and how governance reforms that needed to be done so that the CSR program performs well
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