120 research outputs found

    Magnetic reconnection in flux-tubes undergoing spinning footpoint motions

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    Aims. Photospheric motions acting on the coronal magnetic field have the potential to build up huge amounts of magnetic energy. The energy may be released through magnetic reconnection, and so a detailed understanding of the 3D process is crucial if its implications for coronal heating are to be fully addressed. Methods. A 3D MHD experiment is described in which misaligned magnetic flux tubes are subjected to simple spinning boundary motions. Results. The resulting shear between adjacent flux systems generates a twisted central separator current sheet that extends vertically throughout the domain. Current density is amplified to a sufficient extent that reconnection begins, and occurs everywhere along the separator current sheet, while the separatrix current sheets that exist in the early stages of the experiment are found to be unimportant in the systems dynamical evolution. In 2D cross-sections, the reconnection process exhibits many similarities to the regime of flux pile-up reconnection

    Hi-C and AIA observations of transverse magnetohydrodynamic waves in active regions

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    The recent launch of the High resolution Coronal imager (Hi-C) provided a unique opportunity of studying the EUV corona with unprecedented spatial resolution. We utilize these observations to investigate the properties of low-frequency (50−200 s) active region transverse waves, whose omnipresence had been suggested previously. The five-fold improvement in spatial resolution over SDO/AIA reveals coronal loops with widths 150−310 km and that these loops support transverse waves with displacement amplitudes <50 km. However, the results suggest that wave activity in the coronal loops is of low energy, with typical velocity amplitudes <3 km s-1. An extended time-series of SDO data suggests that low-energy wave behaviour is typical of the coronal structures both before and after the Hi-C observations

    Endothelial response to glucocorticoids in inflammatory diseases

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    The endothelium plays a crucial role in inflammation. A balanced control of inflammation requires the action of glucocorticoids (GCs), steroidal hormones with potent cell-specific anti-inflammatory properties. Besides the classic anti-inflammatory effects of GCs on leukocytes, recent studies confirm that endothelial cells also represent an important target for GCs. GCs regulate different aspects of endothelial physiology including expression of adhesion molecules, production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and maintenance of endothelial barrier integrity. However, the regulation of endothelial GC sensitivity remains incompletely understood. In this review, we specifically examine the endothelial response to GCs in various inflammatory diseases ranging from multiple sclerosis, stroke, sepsis, and vasculitis to atherosclerosis. Shedding more light on the cross talk between GCs and endothelium will help to improve existing therapeutic strategies and develop new therapies better tailored to the needs of patients

    Bayesian Magnetohydrodynamic Seismology of Coronal Loops

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    We perform a Bayesian parameter inference in the context of resonantly damped transverse coronal loop oscillations. The forward problem is solved in terms of parametric results for kink waves in one-dimensional flux tubes in the thin tube and thin boundary approximations. For the inverse problem, we adopt a Bayesian approach to infer the most probable values of the relevant parameters, for given observed periods and damping times, and to extract their confidence levels. The posterior probability distribution functions are obtained by means of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, incorporating observed uncertainties in a consistent manner. We find well localized solutions in the posterior probability distribution functions for two of the three parameters of interest, namely the Alfven travel time and the transverse inhomogeneity length-scale. The obtained estimates for the Alfven travel time are consistent with previous inversion results, but the method enables us to additionally constrain the transverse inhomogeneity length-scale and to estimate real error bars for each parameter. When observational estimates for the density contrast are used, the method enables us to fully constrain the three parameters of interest. These results can serve to improve our current estimates of unknown physical parameters in coronal loops and to test the assumed theoretical model.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Analytical determination of coronal parameters using the period ratio P<sub>1</sub>/2P<sub>2</sub>

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    &lt;p&gt;Context. In transverse coronal loop oscillations, two periodicities have been measured simultaneously and are interpreted as the fundamental kink mode (with period P1) and the first harmonic (with period P2). Deviations of the period ratio P1/2P2 from unity provide information about the extent of longitudinal structuring within the loop.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Aims. Here we develop an analytical approximation that describes the shift in P1/2P2 in terms of the ratio L/Λc of the length 2L of a coronal loop and the density scale height Λc.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods. We study the MHD wave equations in a low β plasma using the thin tube approximation. Disturbances are described by a differential equation which may be solved for various equilibrium density profiles, obtaining dispersion relations in terms of Bessel functions. These dispersion relations may be used to obtain analytical approximations to the periods P1 and P2. We also present a variational approach to determining the period ratio and show how the WKB method may be used.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results. Analytical approximations to the period ratio P1/2P2 are used to shed light on the magnitude of longitudinal structuring in a loop, leading to a determination of the density scale height. We apply our formula to the observations in Verwichte et al. (2004) and Van Doorsselaere et al. (2007), obtaining the coronal density scale height.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions. Our simple formula and approximate approaches highlight a useful analytical tool for coronal seismology. We demonstrate that P1/2P2 is linked to the density scale height, with no need for estimates of other external parameters. Given the accuracy of current observations, our formula provides a convenient means of determining density scale heights.&lt;/p&gt

    Observation of multiple sausage oscillations in cool postflare loop

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    Using simultaneous high spatial (1.3 arc sec) and temporal (5 and 10 s) resolution H-alpha observations from the 15 cm Solar Tower Telescope at ARIES, we study the oscillations in the relative intensity to explore the possibility of sausage oscillations in the chromospheric cool postflare loop. We use standard wavelet tool, and find the oscillation period of ~ 587 s near the loop apex, and ~ 349 s near the footpoint. We suggest that the oscillations represent the fundamental and the first harmonics of fast sausage waves in the cool postflare loop. Based on the period ratio P1/P2 ~ 1.68, we estimate the density scale height in the loop as ~ 17 Mm. This value is much higher than the equilibrium scale height corresponding to H-alpha temperature, which probably indicates that the cool postflare loop is not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Seismologically estimated Alfv\'en speed outside the loop is ~ 300-330 km/s. The observation of multiple oscillations may play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of lower solar atmosphere, complementing such oscillations already reported in the upper solar atmosphere (e.g., hot flaring loops).Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Review article: MHD wave propagation near coronal null points of magnetic fields

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    We present a comprehensive review of MHD wave behaviour in the neighbourhood of coronal null points: locations where the magnetic field, and hence the local Alfven speed, is zero. The behaviour of all three MHD wave modes, i.e. the Alfven wave and the fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves, has been investigated in the neighbourhood of 2D, 2.5D and (to a certain extent) 3D magnetic null points, for a variety of assumptions, configurations and geometries. In general, it is found that the fast magnetoacoustic wave behaviour is dictated by the Alfven-speed profile. In a β=0\beta=0 plasma, the fast wave is focused towards the null point by a refraction effect and all the wave energy, and thus current density, accumulates close to the null point. Thus, null points will be locations for preferential heating by fast waves. Independently, the Alfven wave is found to propagate along magnetic fieldlines and is confined to the fieldlines it is generated on. As the wave approaches the null point, it spreads out due to the diverging fieldlines. Eventually, the Alfven wave accumulates along the separatrices (in 2D) or along the spine or fan-plane (in 3D). Hence, Alfven wave energy will be preferentially dissipated at these locations. It is clear that the magnetic field plays a fundamental role in the propagation and properties of MHD waves in the neighbourhood of coronal null points. This topic is a fundamental plasma process and results so far have also lead to critical insights into reconnection, mode-coupling, quasi-periodic pulsations and phase-mixing.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, invited review in Space Science Reviews => Note this is a 2011 paper, not a 2010 pape

    A unified view of coronal loop contraction and oscillation in flares

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    Context: Transverse loop oscillations and loop contractions are commonly associated with solar flares, but the two types of motion have traditionally been regarded as separate phenomena. Aims: We present an observation of coronal loops contracting and oscillating following onset of a flare. We aim to explain why both behaviours are seen together and why only some of the loops oscillate. Methods: A time sequence of SDO/AIA 171 \r{A} images is analysed to identify positions of coronal loops following the onset of M6.4 flare SOL2012-03-09T03:53. We focus on five loops in particular, all of which contract during the flare, with three of them oscillating as well. A simple model is then developed for contraction and oscillation of a coronal loop. Results: We propose that coronal loop contractions and oscillations can occur in a single response to removal of magnetic energy from the corona. Our model reproduces the various types of loop motion observed and explains why the highest loops oscillate during their contraction while no oscillation is detected for the shortest contracting loops. The proposed framework suggests that loop motions can be used as a diagnostic for the removal of coronal magnetic energy by flares, while rapid decrease of coronal magnetic energy is a newly-identified excitation mechanism for transverse loop oscillations.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics. 8 pages, 5 figure
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