869 research outputs found

    Cryoprotectant-free vitrification of human spermatozoa in new artificial seminal fluid

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    Vitrification is a new method that has been recently introduced in Assisted Reproduction Technique programs. The aim of this study was to design a new medium similar to normal human seminal fluid (SF), formulation artificial seminal fluid (ASF), and to compare the cryoprotective potency of this medium with SF and human tubal fluid (HTF) medium. Thirty normal ejaculates were processed with the swim-up technique and sperm suspensions were divided into four aliquots: (i) fresh sample (control); (ii) vitrification in HTF medium supplemented with 5 mg/mL human serum albumin and 0.25 mol sucrose (Vit HTF); (iii) vitrification with patients' SF (Vit SF); and (iv) vitrification in ASF (Vit ASF). After warming, sperm parameters of motility, viability, and morphology were analyzed using WHO criteria. Also, sperm pellets were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and processed for scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations. The results showed that progressive motility (46.09 ± 10.33 vs. 36.80 ± 13.75), grade A motility (36.59 ± 11.40 vs. 16.41 ± 11.24), and normal morphology (18.74 ± 8.35 vs. 11.85 ± 5.84) and viability (68.22 ± 10.83 vs. 60.86 ± 11.72) of spermatozoa were significantly higher in Vit ASF than in Vit HTF. All parameters were better in Vit ASF than in Vit SF, but only viability was significantly different (p = 0.006). After cryopreservation, deep invagination in cytoplasm and mechanically weak point sites and folded tail were commonly observed. But, this phenomenon was more significant in Vit HTF and Vit SF than in ASF (p < 0.05). In transmission electron microscopy evaluation, acrosome damage, plasma membrane loss, chromatin vacuolation, and disruption of mitochondria arrangement and structures were observed in all vitrified groups. Adherence of several tail sections together was also seen in all cryo groups. But this was seen more in Vit HTF and Vit SF than in ASF (p < 0.05). In conclusion, vitrification of human spermatozoa with ASF can effectively preserve the quality of sperm motility in comparison with Vit HTF. © 2016 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology

    Regimes in moist stratified flows over isolated topography: numerical experiments

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    Moist flows over simply shaped 3D mountains have been studied in numerical simulations made with a mesoscale meteorological model. Our aim is to examine the possible existence of multiple solutions, searching for different solutions depending on the path followed by the system in the parameter space. Results from three different sets of experiments are discussed here. In the first set of simulations, the height of the mountain has been progressively changed in time. In the second group of experiments, the humidity of the air flowing over the obstacle has been increased in time by adding a source term to the equation of evolution of moisture. The case of advection of moist air towards an obstacle, initially embedded in dry air, has been studied as a third type of flow. A dependence on the past history of the flow seems to characterise some types of system evolution, leading to different flow regimes over the obstacle. The experiments indicate that this result is mainly a consequence of changes of state of water, associated with the presence of humidity inthe atmosphere. These effects are emphasised in the case of an elliptical mountain, with its longer axis perpendicular to the main flow. In the three different sets of experiments presented here, evident differences with simulations where flow parameters are kept constant from the beginning persist in the flow regimes, also for periods of time much longer than the characteristic time of evolution towards stationary solutions

    Sensible and latent heat flux from radiometric surface temperatures at the regional scale: methodology and validation

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    The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy (CERES) was designed to develop and test a range of methodologies to assess regional surface energy and mass exchange of a large study area in the south-western part of France. This paper describes a methodology to estimate sensible and latent heat fluxes on the basis of net radiation, surface radiometric temperature measurements and information obtained from available products derived from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary meteorological satellite, weather stations and ground-based eddy covariance towers. It is based on a simplified bulk formulation of sensible heat flux that considers the degree of coupling between the vegetation and the atmosphere and estimates latent heat as the residual term of net radiation. Estimates of regional energy fluxes obtained in this way are validated at the regional scale by means of a comparison with direct flux measurements made by airborne eddy-covariance. The results show an overall good matching between airborne fluxes and estimates of sensible and latent heat flux obtained from radiometric surface temperatures that holds for different weather conditions and different land use types. The overall applicability of the proposed methodology to regional studies is discusse

    Ultrastructure of cytoplasmic fragments in human cleavage stage embryos

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    Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate the ultrastructure of cytoplasmic fragments along with the effect of cytoplasmic fragment and perivitelline space coarse granulation removal (cosmetic microsurgery) from embryos before embryo transfer on ART outcomes. Methods: One hundred and fifty intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles with male factor infertility were included in this prospective study. Patients were divided into three groups of case (n = 50), sham (n = 50), and control (n = 50). Embryos with 10–50 % fragmentation were included in this study. Cosmetic microsurgery and zona assisted hatching were only performed in case and sham groups respectively. Extracted fragments were evaluated ultrastructurally by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Rates of clinical pregnancy, live birth, miscarriage, multiple pregnancies, and congenital anomaly in the three groups were also compared. Results: Micrographs from TEM showed that mitochondria were the most abundant structures found in the fragments along with mitochondria-vesicle complexes, Golgi apparatus, primary lysosomes, and vacuoles. There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics, laboratory and clinical data, or embryo morphological features between the groups. The rate of clinical pregnancy in control, sham, and case groups had no significant differences (24, 18, and 18 %, respectively). The rates of live birth, miscarriage, multiple pregnancy, and congenital anomaly were also similar between the different groups. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that cosmetic microsurgery on preimplantation embryos had no beneficial effect on ART outcomes in unselected groups of patients. As mitochondria are the most abundant organelles found in cytoplasmic fragments, fragment removal should be performed with more caution in embryos with moderate fragmentation

    In-vitro application of pentoxifylline preserved ultrastructure of spermatozoa after vitrification in asthenozoospermic patients

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    Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of in vitro application of pentoxifylline (PX) on sperm parameters and ultrastructure after vitrification in asthenozoospermic patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 asthenozoospermic semen samples (aged 25-45 years) were divided into four groups before vitrification, after vitrification, control (without PX) and experimental (with PX). In experimental group, each sample was exposed for 30 min to 3.6mmol/l PX and the control group without any treatment apposing in 370C for 30 min. After incubation, the samples were washed and analyzed again. Vitrification was done according to straw method. Eosin-nigrosin and Papanicolaou staining were applied for assessment of sperm viability and morphology, respectively. The samples without PX and post treatment with PX were assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: A significant decrease in sperm motility (P ≤ .001), morphology (11.47 ± 2.9 versus 6.73 ± 2.01) and viability (73.37 ± 6.26 versus 54.67 ± 6.73) was observed post vitrification, but sperm motility (19.85 ± 4.75 versus 32.07 ± 5.58, P ≤ .001) was increased significantly following application of PX. This drug had no significant (P >.05) detrimental neither negative effect on ultrastructure acrosome, plasma membrane and coiled tail statues of spermatozoa. CONCLUSION: Vitrification had detrimental effects on sperm parameters, but PX reversed detrimental effects on sperm motility. However, PX had no alteration on ultrastructure morphology of human spermatozoa after vitrification

    Fine morphological assessment of quality of human mature oocytes after slow freezing or vitrification with a closed device: a comparative analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Human mature oocytes are very susceptible to cryodamage. Several reports demonstrated that vitrification might preserve oocyte better than slow freezing. However, this is still controversial. Thus, larger clinical, biological and experimental trials to confirm this concept are necessary. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare fine morphological features in human mature oocytes cryopreserved with either slow freezing or vitrification. METHODS: We used 47 supernumerary human mature (metaphase II) oocytes donated by consenting patients, aged 27-32 years, enrolled in an IVF program. Thirtyfive oocytes were cryopreserved using slow freezing with 1.5 M propanediol +0.2 M sucrose concentration (20 oocytes) or a closed vitrification system (CryoTip Irvine Scientific CA) (15 oocytes). Twelve fresh oocytes were used as controls. All samples were prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy evaluation. RESULTS: Control, slow frozen/thawed and vitrified/warmed oocytes (CO, SFO and VO, respectively) were rounded, 90-100 mum in diameter, with normal ooplasm showing uniform distribution of organelles. Mitochondria-smooth endoplasmic reticulum (M-SER) aggregates and small mitochondria-vesicle (MV) complexes were the most numerous structures found in all CO, SFO and VO cultured for 3-4 hours. M-SER aggregates decreased, and large MV complexes increased in those SFO and VO maintained in culture for a prolonged period of time (8-9 hours). A slight to moderate vacuolization was present in the cytoplasm of SFO. Only a slight vacuolization was present in VO, whereas vacuoles were almost completely absent in CO. Amount and density of cortical granules (CG) appeared abnormally reduced in SFO and VO, irrespective of the protocol applied. CONCLUSIONS: Even though, both slow freezing and vitrification ensured a good overall preservation of the oocyte, we found that: 1) prolonged culture activates an intracellular membrane "recycling" that causes the abnormal transformation of the membranes of the small MV complexes and of SER into larger rounded vesicles; 2) vacuolization appears as a recurrent form of cell damage during slow freezing and, at a lesser extent, during vitrification using a closed device; 3) premature CG exocytosis was present in both SFO and VO and may cause zona pellucida hardenin

    Modelling local winds over the Salento peninsula

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    A three-day mesoscale numerical simulation has been performed over the narrow Salento peninsula (south-eastern Italy) during summer conditions characterised by weak synoptic forcing. These atmospheric conditions favour the development of complex sea-breeze systems and convergence zones on the peninsula. The aim of this work is to investigate the ability of an atmospheric mesoscale model to reproduce the surface fields of meteorological variables in the presence of local-scale forcing and breeze circulations, which are fundamental in applications such as air pollution modelling and nowcasting. The modelled fields have been compared with available surface measurements and sodar data. Results indicate that the model can simulate the general mean wind field in a realistic way. The diurnal evolution of the wind is well reproduced and the maximum deviations mostly occur during the night, being associated with calm conditions. Statistical analysis indicates that the typical mean bias is found to be about 1 m s−1 for hourly averaged wind speed, less than 20° for wind direction and about 1°C for temperature. The root mean square error (rmse) varies from 1 to 3 m s−1 for wind speed, from 50° to 70° for wind direction, and is about 2.4°C for temperature. All the values of the numerical indexes are within ranges which are characteristic of those found for other state-of-the-art models applied to similar cases studies. Despite a good overall agreement between predictions and observations, some discrepancies were found in the individual profiles due both to the limited spatial representation of the local details and to the complex wind field which makes the space–time matching between the model and the observations quite critical. The structures of the thermal mixed layer and the breeze convergence zone are similar to numerical studies relative to more idealised conditions. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Societ

    Exceptional and Durable Responses to TDM-1 After Trastuzumab Failure for Breast Cancer Skin Metastases: Potential Implications of an Immunological Sanctuary

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    Breast Cancer (BC) skin metastases represent a challenging clinical scenario. Although they usually arise when other distant metastases are already present, they may also represent a form of locoregional recurrence (LRR). Systemic therapy in this setting may have a role both in case a radical locoregional approach is unfeasible in order to achieve disease control, and as adjuvant strategy after radical removal of cutaneous lesions, in order to prevent or delay subsequent disease spread. Systemic therapy for HER2+ metastatic BC (MBC) currently relies on anti-HER2 targeted agents. In this context TDM1 is an option in trastuzumab-resistant patients.Here we present 2 cases of isolated skin metastases in patients with HER2+ BC progressing during or early after trastuzumab-based therapy, showing impressive responses to TDM1. We hypothesize that the unique properties of skin immune microenvironment may explain the failure of trastuzumab, which exerts its action also through immunological mechanisms, and the subsequent outlier responses to TDM1, that relies on a partially different mechanism of action
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