402 research outputs found

    The Berry phase of dislocations in graphene and valley conserving decoherence

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    We demonstrate that dislocations in the graphene lattice give rise to electron Berry phases equivalent to quantized values {0,1/3,-1/3} in units of the flux quantum, but with an opposite sign for the two valleys. An elementary scale consideration of a graphene Aharonov-Bohm ring equipped with valley filters on both terminals, encircling a dislocation, says that in the regime where the intervalley mean free path is large compared to the intravalley phase coherence length, such that the valley quantum numbers can be regarded as conserved on the relevant scale, the coherent valley-polarized currents sensitive to the topological phases have to traverse the device many times before both valleys contribute, and this is not possible at intermediate temperatures where the latter length becomes of order of the device size, thus leading to an apparent violation of the basic law of linear transport that magnetoconductance is even in the applied flux. We discuss this discrepancy in the Feynman path picture of dephasing, when addressing the transition from quantum to classical dissipative transport. We also investigate this device in the scattering matrix formalism, accounting for the effects of decoherence by the Buttiker dephasing voltage probe type model which conserves the valleys, where the magnetoconductance remains even in the flux, also when different decoherence times are allowed for the individual, time reversal connected, valleys.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; revised text, added figure, accepted for publication by PR

    Переяславська рада у сучасній російській навчальній літературі

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    Topological band-insulators (TBIs) represent a new class of quantum materials that in the presence of time-reversal symmetry (TRS) feature an insulating bulk bandgap together with metallic edge or surface states protected by a Z 2 topological invariant [1,2,3,4]. Recently, an extra layer in this Z 2 classification of TBIs has been uncovered by considering the crystal symmetries [5]. Dislocation lines being the unique topological defects related to the lattice translations play a fundamental role in this endeavor. We here elucidate the general rule governing their response in three-dimensional TBIs and uncover their role in this classification. According to that K-b-t rule, the lattice topology, represented by dislocation lines oriented in the direction t with the Burgers vector b , conspires with the electronic-band topology, characterized by the band-inversion momentum K inv , to produce gapless propagating modes along these line defects, which were discovered in Ref. [6]. For sufficiently symmetric crystals, this conspiracy leads to the topologically-protected metallic states inside the dislocation loops, which could also be important for applications. Finally, these findings are experimentally consequential as dislocation defects are ubiquitous in the real crystals

    Electronic States of Graphene Grain Boundaries

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    We introduce a model for amorphous grain boundaries in graphene, and find that stable structures can exist along the boundary that are responsible for local density of states enhancements both at zero and finite (~0.5 eV) energies. Such zero energy peaks in particular were identified in STS measurements [J. \v{C}ervenka, M. I. Katsnelson, and C. F. J. Flipse, Nature Physics 5, 840 (2009)], but are not present in the simplest pentagon-heptagon dislocation array model [O. V. Yazyev and S. G. Louie, Physical Review B 81, 195420 (2010)]. We consider the low energy continuum theory of arrays of dislocations in graphene and show that it predicts localized zero energy states. Since the continuum theory is based on an idealized lattice scale physics it is a priori not literally applicable. However, we identify stable dislocation cores, different from the pentagon-heptagon pairs, that do carry zero energy states. These might be responsible for the enhanced magnetism seen experimentally at graphite grain boundaries.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Topological Defects Coupling Smectic Modulations to Intra-unit-cell Nematicity in Cuprate

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    We study the coexisting smectic modulations and intra-unit-cell nematicity in the pseudogap states of underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta}. By visualizing their spatial components separately, we identified 2\pi topological defects throughout the phase-fluctuating smectic states. Imaging the locations of large numbers of these topological defects simultaneously with the fluctuations in the intra-unit-cell nematicity revealed strong empirical evidence for a coupling between them. From these observations, we propose a Ginzburg-Landau functional describing this coupling and demonstrate how it can explain the coexistence of the smectic and intra-unit-cell broken symmetries and also correctly predict their interplay at the atomic scale. This theoretical perspective can lead to unraveling the complexities of the phase diagram of cuprate high-critical-temperature superconductors

    Joint Direction and Proximity Classification of Overlapping Sound Events from Binaural Audio

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    Sound source proximity and distance estimation are of great interest in many practical applications, since they provide significant information for acoustic scene analysis. As both tasks share complementary qualities, ensuring efficient interaction between these two is crucial for a complete picture of an aural environment. In this paper, we aim to investigate several ways of performing joint proximity and direction estimation from binaural recordings, both defined as coarse classification problems based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Considering the limitations of binaural audio, we propose two methods of splitting the sphere into angular areas in order to obtain a set of directional classes. For each method we study different model types to acquire information about the direction-of-arrival (DoA). Finally, we propose various ways of combining the proximity and direction estimation problems into a joint task providing temporal information about the onsets and offsets of the appearing sources. Experiments are performed for a synthetic reverberant binaural dataset consisting of up to two overlapping sound events.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Commensurate 4a04a_0 period Charge Density Modulations throughout the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+xBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} Pseudogap Regime

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    Theories based upon strong real space (r-space) electron electron interactions have long predicted that unidirectional charge density modulations (CDM) with four unit cell (4a0a_0) periodicity should occur in the hole doped cuprate Mott insulator (MI). Experimentally, however, increasing the hole density p is reported to cause the conventionally defined wavevector QAQ_A of the CDM to evolve continuously as if driven primarily by momentum space (k-space) effects. Here we introduce phase resolved electronic structure visualization for determination of the cuprate CDM wavevector. Remarkably, this new technique reveals a virtually doping independent locking of the local CDM wavevector at Q0=2π/4a0|Q_0|=2\pi/4a_0 throughout the underdoped phase diagram of the canonical cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8. These observations have significant fundamental consequences because they are orthogonal to a k-space (Fermi surface) based picture of the cuprate CDM but are consistent with strong coupling r-space based theories. Our findings imply that it is the latter that provide the intrinsic organizational principle for the cuprate CDM state

    Secondhand smoke inhibits both Cl- and K+ conductances in normal human bronchial epithelial cells

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    Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is an independent risk factor for asthma, rhinosinusitis, and more severe respiratory tract infections in children and adults. Impaired mucociliary clearance with subsequent mucus retention contributes to the pathophysiology of each of these diseases, suggesting that altered epithelial salt and water transport may play an etiological role. To test the hypothesis that SHS would alter epithelial ion transport, we designed a system for in vitro exposure of mature, well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells to SHS. We show that SHS exposure inhibits cAMP-stimulated, bumetanide-sensitive anion secretion by 25 to 40% in a time-dependent fashion in these cells. Increasing the amount of carbon monoxide to 100 ppm from 5 ppm did not increase the amount of inhibition, and filtering SHS reduced inhibition significantly. It was determined that SHS inhibited cAMP-dependent apical membrane chloride conductance by 25% and Ba2+-sensitive basolateral membrane potassium conductance by 50%. These data confirm previous findings that cigarette smoke inhibits chloride secretion in a novel model of smoke exposure designed to mimic SHS exposure. They also extend previous findings to demonstrate an effect on basolateral K+ conductance. Therefore, pharmacological agents that increase either apical membrane chloride conductance or basolateral membrane potassium conductance might be of therapeutic benefit in patients with diseases related to SHS exposure