105 research outputs found

    Solution of Eighth Order Boundary Value Problems Using Differential Transformation Technique

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    ABSTRACT In this paper we have applied the Differential Transform Method (DTM) for solving eighth-order boundary value problems. The analytical and numerical results of the equations have been obtained in terms of convergent series with the easily computable components. Three examples are considered for the numerical illustrate and implementation of this method. Numerical Comparisons with respect to the analytical solutions have been considered . It is observed that the method is an alternative and efficient for finding the approximate solutions of the boundary values problems

    RNase L Interacts with Filamin A To Regulate Actin Dynamics and Barrier Function for Viral Entry

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    The actin cytoskeleton and its network of associated proteins constitute a physical barrier that viruses must circumvent to gain entry into cells for productive infection. The mechanisms by which the physical signals of infection are sensed by the host to activate an innate immune response are not well understood. The antiviral endoribonuclease RNase L is ubiquitously expressed in a latent form and activated upon binding 2-5A, a unique oligoadenylate produced during viral infections. We provide evidence that RNase L in its inactive form interacts with the actin-binding protein Filamin A to modulate the actin cytoskeleton and inhibit virus entry. Cells lacking either RNase L or Filamin A displayed increased virus entry which was exacerbated in cells lacking both proteins. RNase L deletion mutants that reduced Filamin A interaction displayed a compromised ability to restrict virus entry, supporting the idea of an important role for the RNase L-Filamin A complex in barrier function. Remarkably, both the wild type and a catalytically inactive RNase L mutant were competent to reduce virus entry when transfected into RNase L-deficient cells, indicating that this novel function of RNase L is independent of its enzymatic activity. Virus infection and RNase L activation disrupt its association with Filamin A and release RNase L to mediate its canonical nuclease-dependent antiviral activities. The dual functions of RNase L as a constitutive component of the actin cytoskeleton and as an induced mediator of antiviral signaling and effector functions provide insights into its mechanisms of antiviral activity and opportunities for the development of novel antiviral agents

    Political risk in light rail transit PPP projects

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    Since 2003 public-private partnerships (PPPs) have represented between 10 and 13.5% of the total investment in public services in the UK. The macro-economic and political benefits of PPPs were among the key drivers for central government's decision to promote this form of procurement to improve UK public services. Political support for a PPP project is critical and is frequently cited as the most important critical success factor. This paper investigates the significance of political support and reviews the treatment of political risk in a business case by the public sector project sponsor for major UK-based light rail transit PPP projects during their development stage. The investigation demonstrates that in the early project stages it is not traditional quantitative Monte Carlo risk analysis that is important; rather it is the identification and representation of political support within a business case together with an understanding of how this information is then used to inform critical project decisions

    Design management: changing roles of the professions

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    This paper sets out to explore how recent changes in procurement in construction have affected the roles that professions play in the design process. It discusses how professions that traditionally took the role of design manager now find themselves participating within previously unforeseen contexts, working in multidisciplinary teams led by contractors and with changed responsibilities at the design stage. Supply chain members who were not previously involved during the early project phases are being engaged at the earliest phases of the project life cycle and even taking leadership roles while designers sometimes work as supply chain partners. A study of design in construction and other sectors shows that in dealing with design management issues it is critical to deepen appreciation for the unique characteristics of design and the design process. The paper argues that contractors and designers taking on design management roles in a dynamic industry seeking to explore best practice and innovative approaches to procurement and in the delivery of projects need to acquire new skills, management education and develop the necessary qualities

    Drug-Eluting Bead, Irinotecan (DEBIRI) Therapy for Refractory Colorectal Liver Metastasis:A Systematic Review

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    Colorectal cancer and related mortality present a profound challenge in its management, even in this modern age. Even today, colorectal cancer-related deaths rank third in the world. Despite having multiple lines of chemotherapy, combined with radiotherapy and chemoembolization techniques, after or before surgical resection, the five-year survival rate is approximately 20%. Drug-eluting bead, irinotecan (DEBIRI) is a new technique that involves embolization of the feeding vessels to the tumour and delivering irinotecan for its chemotherapeutic effects. A significant amount of literature compares DEBIRI as an adjunct to various lines of chemotherapy. However, so far, not much data are available on DEBIRI as a singular treatment for those patients who have had multiple chemotherapies and still progressing and are not fit for liver resection. In this systematic review, we aim to highlight and bring together the results of those studies that focused on this specific patient group. A systematic search of the literature involving three large databases (published between January 2017 and July 2022), excluding languages other than English, was conducted to identify articles documenting patients who had disease progression despite chemotherapy and were not fit for surgical resection. The level of evidence and the quality check were assessed by two independent reviewers, and consensus with the senior author resolved disagreements. Out of seven studies that met the final criteria, we found a pooled cohort of 302 patients. The mean age of the patients was 61.2 years, ranging from 40.7 to 84 years. The most commonly used DEBIRI beads were M1 (70-150 um) and M2 (100-300 um), but two studies reported the use of 40 um as well. The total number of DEBIRI treatments performed in our pooled cohort was 904. The majority of the studies reported only G1/G2 toxicities among the patients, with maximal toxicity of G4 in a few selected patients. The median overall survival in our pooled cohort was 19.52 months. The median progression-free survival in our data was 5.76 months. Our systematic review concludes that DEBIRI is undoubtedly a useful treatment modality with an acceptable toxicity profile. This treatment offers a good overall survival benefit for refractory colorectal liver metastasis.</p


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    Imunisasi adalah suatu cara untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh seseorang secara aktif terhadap suatu antigen, sehingga bila kelak terpapar pada antigen yang serupa, tidak terjadi penyakit. Tanpa imunisasi anak-anak mudah terserang penyakit, kecacatan dan kematian. Dukungan keluarga merupakan salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam pemberian imunisasi kepada bayi atau anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam pemberian imunisasi dasar lengkap. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil menggunakan total sampling yang terdiri dari 34 orang ibu dengan anak balita usia 12-23 bulan. Data dukungan keluarga dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dukungan keluarga, data kepatuhan identifikasi dilakukan dengan kuesioner kepatuhan pemberian imunisasi dasar lengkap. Berdasarkan uji statistik menggunakan spearman rank didapatkan p-value 0,001 dengan correlation coefficient 0,530, artinya terdapat hubungan yang sedang antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam pemberian imunisasi dasar lengkap. Berdasarkan hasil ini diharapkan agar keluarga memberi dukungan kepada ibu dan anak untuk melaksanakan imunisasi sesuai jadwal karena imunisasi sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit serta menurunkan komorbiditas pada anak-anak &nbsp; Immunization is a way to boost a person's immune actively to an antigen, when exposed again to a similar antigen, no disease occurs. Without immunization the children are susceptible to disease, disability and death. Family support is one of the factors associated with maternal obedience in immunization to infants or children. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support to maternal obedience in the provision of complete basic immunization. The type of this research was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Samples were taken using a total sampling consisting of 34 mothers with children aged 12-23 months. Family support data were collected using a family support questionnaire, identification compliance data were performed with a complete basic immunization compliance questionnaire. Based on statistical test using spearman rank got p-value 0,001 with correlation coefficient 0,530, meaning there was relation between family support with maternal obedience in giving complete basic immunization. Based on these results it is expected that families provide support to mothers and children to carry out immunization on schedule because immunization is very important to prevent the occurrence of disease and reduce comorbidity in childre

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.37, no.2

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    They Say it’s Love, Ann Baur, page 4 Marry in a College Chapel, Merna Borror, page 6 Learned by Heart, Beth Cummings Paschal, page 7 I’d Like to Know, Sandy Newman, page 8 Blueprint for Packing, Carolyn McIntyre, page 10 The Honeymoon, Reverie to Reality, Jackie Andre, page 11 Present Picker, Marilyn Jensen Nadler, page 12 An Electric Dinner, Ann Walters, page 14 Say Yes… To Entertaining, Rosemary McBride and Roma Walker, page 15 ABC’s of Money Management, Linda Nelson and Marie Budolfson, page 16 What’s in a Wedding Custom, Janice Furman, page 18 Plain Clothes Man? Ha!, Norma Scholes, page 22 Why All This Fuss Over Sex, Gail A. McClure, page 2
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