1,757 research outputs found

    Improving activity recognition using a wearable barometric pressure sensor in mobility-impaired stroke patients.

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    © 2015 Massé et al.Background: Stroke survivors often suffer from mobility deficits. Current clinical evaluation methods, including questionnaires and motor function tests, cannot provide an objective measure of the patients mobility in daily life. Physical activity performance in daily-life can be assessed using unobtrusive monitoring, for example with a single sensor module fixed on the trunk. Existing approaches based on inertial sensors have limited performance, particularly in detecting transitions between different activities and postures, due to the inherent inter-patient variability of kinematic patterns. To overcome these limitations, one possibility is to use additional information from a barometric pressure (BP) sensor. Methods: Our study aims at integrating BP and inertial sensor data into an activity classifier in order to improve the activity (sitting, standing, walking, lying) recognition and the corresponding body elevation (during climbing stairs or when taking an elevator). Taking into account the trunk elevation changes during postural transitions (sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit), we devised an event-driven activity classifier based on fuzzy-logic. Data were acquired from 12 stroke patients with impaired mobility, using a trunk-worn inertial and BP sensor. Events, including walking and lying periods and potential postural transitions, were first extracted. These events were then fed into a double-stage hierarchical Fuzzy Inference System (H-FIS). The first stage processed the events to infer activities and the second stage improved activity recognition by applying behavioral constraints. Finally, the body elevation was estimated using a pattern-enhancing algorithm applied on BP. The patients were videotaped for reference. The performance of the algorithm was estimated using the Correct Classification Rate (CCR) and F-score. The BP-based classification approach was benchmarked against a previously-published fuzzy-logic classifier (FIS-IMU) and a conventional epoch-based classifier (EPOCH). Results: The algorithm performance for posture/activity detection, in terms of CCR was 90.4 %, with 3.3 % and 5.6 % improvements against FIS-IMU and EPOCH, respectively. The proposed classifier essentially benefits from a better recognition of standing activity (70.3 % versus 61.5 % [FIS-IMU] and 42.5 % [EPOCH]) with 98.2 % CCR for body elevation estimation. Conclusion: The monitoring and recognition of daily activities in mobility-impaired stoke patients can be significantly improved using a trunk-fixed sensor that integrates BP, inertial sensors, and an event-based activity classifier

    Peran Perempuan dalam Pemberdayaan Harta Perspektif Al-qur\u27an

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    This paper examines the role of women in the empowerment of the property according to a review of the Koran. In view of the Koran, the property is one of the world\u27s ornament which has attached to human. The role of women in various aspects of life is very interesting to be observed. In the world economy, Indonesian women actually already have equality with men. The real economic activity in real business such as in the traditional markets has dominated by the women. In West Sumatra, which adheres matriarkhat line, women master the customary property affairs since long time. In Bali, women\u27s labor work not only on a soft job but also work on harsh work, such as brick-layer. The empirical evidence indicated that women have taken an important role in the management and wealth empowerment, not only in the realm of family, but also in the realm business activities, such as home industry and large-scale businesses

    Perbandingan Maslahat Dalam Pandangan Imam Malik Dengan Imam Al-gazali

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    The idea of benefit to Imam Malik has a style of its own, which makes the beneficiaries as a method of law that can provide special insight into the passage of a general nature, and even tend to practice the beneficiaries rather than nas, nas contextually if it is not in accordance with the socio society. Beneficiaries in view of al-Ghazali is an expression of something that will benefit and refused harm, the beneficiaries can maintain the intent Syari\u27a. The purpose of the Syari\u27ah concerning humans, there are five cases, which is preserve religion, life, intellect, lineage, and wealth. What are five things related to it are called beneficiaries. Otherwise everything can destroy five of the above named mafsadat. Differences thought benefit to Imam Malik and Imam al-Ghazali lies in the use of the ratio in the determination of the existence of a benefit. Imam Malik freer in the use of ratios to determine the existence of a benefit. While Imam al-Ghazali still assume that the ratio is able to capture the presence or absence of a benefit as justified by the revelation. Thus the applicative, Imam Malik freer in determining beneficiaries than Imam al-Ghazal

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan USAhatani Kelapa dalam di Desa Kasoloang Kecamatan Bambaira Kabupaten Mamuju Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    Low and fluctuating income of coconut farming systems per land unit area cannot support their farmers to live up to the standard of living. Effort to improve their income could be achieved through increasing the value added of coconut and kopra products sold by the farmers. This study aims to determine the feasibility of coconut farming systemin Kasoloang village Bambaira subdistrict of North Mamuju regency. This research was conducted in June to July 2015. Respondents of 34 coconut farmers were randomly sampled and data collected was analyzed using feasibility and income analysis. The income of the coconut farmers was IDR 6,586,731/ha. The revenue of cost ratio was 2 indicating that the farming system is feasible to be developed
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