27 research outputs found

    Teaching English “Building Up Basic Grammar” to the Children of Malasilen Country, North Sorong District, Sorong City

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    English will not leave behind the basic grammar because of basic grammar, which helps the beginner for understanding the bigger case in English. It is as the foundation of understanding. Children of elementary school and junior high school in this country have learned English early but did it build their authentic understanding? The education system becomes the main causative problem for building the children character learning of this era. The method is used in this serving society action is teaching English. Teaching stage consists of: the previous study, presenting the material, and evaluating. English teaching action "building up basic grammar" is to the public concern. The level of success in this teaching is disposed of by there is a distinction between understanding and knowledge toward basic grammar before and after teaching, where there is an effective and a well understanding and knowledge

    Pigmen Umbi Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Rimpang Kunyit: Indikator Ramah Lingkungan dan Murah untuk Eksperimen Titrasi Asam-Basa

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    [Pigments of Purple Sweet Potato and Turmeric Rhizome: Eco-Friendly and Cheap Indicators for Acid-Base Titration Experiment] Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji karakter pigmen umbi ubi jalar ungu (PUUJU) dan pigmen rimpang kunyit (PRK) pada larutan uji dan penggunaannya sebagai indikator titrasi asam basa dibandingkan dengan indikator fenolftalein. PRK diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol sedangkan PUUJU diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol dalam suasana asam. PUUJU dan PRK diuji karakter perubahan warnanya dan digunakan sebagai indikator titrasi HCl-NaOH dan CH3COOH-NaOH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PUUJU berwarna merah pada pH 1, pink pada pH 2-6, ungu pada pH 7, biru pada pH 8-9, hijau pada pH 10-11 dan kuning pada pH 12-14. PRK menunjukkan warna kuning pada pH 1-7, merah bata pudar pada pH 8 dan semakin pekat seiring naiknya nilai pH larutan. Kedua pigmen ini mampu menunjukkan perubahan warna yang jelas pada titik akhir titrasi layaknya indikator fenolftalien. Diperoleh konsentrasi HCl pada titrasi menggunakan indikator PP, PUUJU dan PRK berturut-turut adalah 0,1031 M, 0,1045 M dan 0,1025 M sedangkan konsentrasi CH3COOH berturut-turut adalah 0,0876 M, 0,0869 M dan 0,0853 M. Berdasarkan data-data ini, PUUJU dan PRK dapat digunakan sebagai indikator titrasi HCl-NaOH dan CH3COOOH-NaOH dalam praktikum kimia di kelas. Kata kunci/keyword: Volumetri, pigmen alami, ubi jalar ungu, kunyit, volumetry, natural pigment, purple sweet potato, turmeric rhizome

    Dipeptidyl peptidase-1 inhibition in patients hospitalised with COVID-19: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background Neutrophil serine proteases are involved in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and increased serine protease activity has been reported in severe and fatal infection. We investigated whether brensocatib, an inhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase-1 (DPP-1; an enzyme responsible for the activation of neutrophil serine proteases), would improve outcomes in patients hospitalised with COVID-19. Methods In a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial, across 14 hospitals in the UK, patients aged 16 years and older who were hospitalised with COVID-19 and had at least one risk factor for severe disease were randomly assigned 1:1, within 96 h of hospital admission, to once-daily brensocatib 25 mg or placebo orally for 28 days. Patients were randomly assigned via a central web-based randomisation system (TruST). Randomisation was stratified by site and age (65 years or ≥65 years), and within each stratum, blocks were of random sizes of two, four, or six patients. Participants in both groups continued to receive other therapies required to manage their condition. Participants, study staff, and investigators were masked to the study assignment. The primary outcome was the 7-point WHO ordinal scale for clinical status at day 29 after random assignment. The intention-to-treat population included all patients who were randomly assigned and met the enrolment criteria. The safety population included all participants who received at least one dose of study medication. This study was registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN30564012. Findings Between June 5, 2020, and Jan 25, 2021, 406 patients were randomly assigned to brensocatib or placebo; 192 (47·3%) to the brensocatib group and 214 (52·7%) to the placebo group. Two participants were excluded after being randomly assigned in the brensocatib group (214 patients included in the placebo group and 190 included in the brensocatib group in the intention-to-treat population). Primary outcome data was unavailable for six patients (three in the brensocatib group and three in the placebo group). Patients in the brensocatib group had worse clinical status at day 29 after being randomly assigned than those in the placebo group (adjusted odds ratio 0·72 [95% CI 0·57–0·92]). Prespecified subgroup analyses of the primary outcome supported the primary results. 185 participants reported at least one adverse event; 99 (46%) in the placebo group and 86 (45%) in the brensocatib group. The most common adverse events were gastrointestinal disorders and infections. One death in the placebo group was judged as possibly related to study drug. Interpretation Brensocatib treatment did not improve clinical status at day 29 in patients hospitalised with COVID-19. Funding Sponsored by the University of Dundee and supported through an Investigator Initiated Research award from Insmed, Bridgewater, NJ; STOP-COVID19 trial

    Increasing the Understanding Against Personal Pronoun and to Be to the Students of Yppk Christ the King 1 Elementry School of Sorong Grade 6.

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    Karena bahasa inggris adalah bahasa International, maka siswa-siswi di negeri ini sudah belajar bahasa inggris sejak dini tapi apakah mereka benar-benar paham akan kata ganti orang dan kata kerja bantu (To Be)? Bahasa Inggris memang sudah di pelajari dari tingkat rendah akan tetapi pemahamn dan metode pengajaran menjadi tantangan untuk mencapai hal kecil, dan PKM ini mengarah ke hal tersebut. Akan tetapi sistem pendidikan menjadi momok bagi tahap pembelajaran bahasa inggris diberbagai tingkat pendidikan yang tidak detail. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah pengajaran Bahasa Inggris.Tahapan pengajaran terdiri dari tes awal, pemaparan materi, tes akhir, dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris “Increasing The Understanding Against Personal Pronoun and To Be To The Students of YPPK Christ The King 1 Elementry School of Sorong Grade 6.” ditujukan kepada anak-anak SD sebagai sasaran.Tingkat keberhasilan pengajaran ini ditentukan oleh adanya perbedaan pemahaman tes awal (pre-test) yang belum memadai dan pemahaman tes akhir (post test) yang memadai mengenai personal pronoun and To Be dari siswa-siswa tersebut

    Analysis of Factors Associated with Work Stress on Teachers of Special Needs School

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    Stress is a condition that emerges from human and occupational interaction and is marked by human changes that force them to deviate from their normal function. Stress does not just happen but can be triggered by some factors, which are individual factors, organizational factors (job demands, social support, work roles), and environmental factors (work climates, noise). This study aims to find out factors related to work stress for SLB Pembina of Kupang city. The research is a type of analytic observational study with a cross-sectional view. Data collection is done with an interview technique. There are 50 teachers with a total sample of 45 teachers from Special School Pembina of Kupang city. The responders were obtained by the simple random sampling method. Data analysis uses the chi-square test with prosperity (0,05). Studies have found that job demands have a significant relationship with work stress with p-value = 0,003, social support has a significant relationship with work stress with p-value=0,000, the working role has a significant relationship with work stress with p-value = 0,000, and the working climate has a significant relationship with work stress with p-value = 0,009

    Biodiversity among Buffalo genomes.

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    Archaeozoological data indicate that the water buffalo was domesticated between 4000 and 6000 years ago in the Indus and Yangtze valleys. Historically domestic water buffalo were divided into swamp and river subspecies that differ in morphology, behaviour, geography and chromosome number. The river buffalo has 2n=50 chromosomes and the swamp buffalo has 2n=48 . The swamp buffalo resembles more closely the ancestral wild Bubalus arnee; than the river buffalo. The two subspecies mate only if reared together from calf-hood. River buffalo are mainly found in India, Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean, while swamp buffalo are predominantly in Southeast Asia and China. The International Buffalo Genome Consortium recently sequenced the buffalo genome to create a reference buffalo genome, and has produced low pass whole genome sequences of 48 river buffaloes from 4 breeds: Mediterranean buffalo sampled in Italy, Jaffarabardi and Murrah breeds sampled in Brazil and Nili-Ravi sampled in Pakistan. Analysis of these data identified over 13M SNPs with MAF≥0.05. We used these data to estimate basic population genetics parameters and the genetic structure of the breeds. Expected heterozygosity varied significantly among breeds. The Fst index revealed that a remarkable portion of the total variability is explained by the between breed component. Principal component analysis of individual animals based on a subset of 50K randomly selected SNPs clustered animals from the same breed and showed a clear differentiation among breeds