1,170 research outputs found

    Ultrastructure of the onset of chilling injury in cucumber fruit

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    The onset of the symptoms of disorders provoked by low temperature storage or chilling injury (CI) in pickling cucumber fruit (Cucumis sativus L. cv. 'Trópico' and in the cv. 'Perichán 121') and associated rot were monitored by cryoscanning electron microscopy. Fruit were stored at 4°C for different times (4 to 12 d) and samples were transferred to 20°C every 2-3 d (cv. Trópico). In a second experiment, fruit cv. 'Perichán 121' were stored at 6°C. Macroscopic CI symptoms included small-flattened areas with sunken but externally sound tissue. Later, the damage was manifested as pitting and decay due to the presence of necrotrophic fungi (Pleospora herbarum, Alternaria sp.) on the surface of the broken areas, and Botrytis cinerea in cv. 'Perichán 121'. The period of induction of CI becoming apparent lasted about 4 d at 4oC followed by a phase of slow increase of around 4-5 d prior to an exponential increase in CI. Micro fractures of 45-250 μm length developed in CI tissue around the stomata of 20 μm Ø. The first response to chilling was the sinking of stomata accompanied by 10 μm Ø fractures with collapse of hypodermal cells. These small fractures expanded into a sink of around 40 μm Ø and more than 50 μm depth. Refrigerated tissue had visibly collapsed in 4-6 d, starting with a small brown area indicating collapse of parenchymatous cells, followed by sinking and collapse of epidermal cells, particularly around the micro fractures. The pitted tissue showed flattening of the cell walls, plasmalemma and middle lamella region, with severity increasing with increasing depth in the parenchymatous tissue. Translucent water soaked areas were also located depth in the mesocarp tissue with similar cell damages

    Milne-Eddington inversions of the He I 10830 {\AA} Stokes profiles: Influence of the Paschen-Back effect

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    The Paschen-Back effect influences the Zeeman sublevels of the He I multiplet at 10830 {\AA}, leading to changes in strength and in position of the Zeeman components of these lines. We illustrate the relevance of this effect using synthetic Stokes profiles of the He I 10830 {\AA} multiplet lines and investigate its influence on the inversion of polarimetric data. We invert data obtained with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter (TIP) at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT). We compare the results of inversions based on synthetic profiles calculated with and without the Paschen-Back effect being included. We find that when taking into account the incomplete Paschen-Back effect, on average 16% higher field strength values are obtained. We also show that this effect is not the main cause for the area asymmetry exhibited by many He I 10830 Stokes V-profiles. This points to the importance of velocity and magnetic field gradients over the formation height range of these lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on Jun 12th 200

    Scales of the magnetic fields in the quiet Sun

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    Context: The presence of a turbulent magnetic field in the quiet Sun has been unveiled observationally using different techniques. The magnetic field is quasi-isotropic and has field strengths weaker than 100G. It is pervasive and may host a local dynamo. Aims: We aim to determine the length scale of the turbulent magnetic field in the quiet Sun. Methods: The Stokes V area asymmetry is sensitive to minute variations in the magnetic topology along the line of sight. Using data provided by Hinode-SOT/SP instrument, we performed a statistical study of this quantity.We classified the different magnetic regimes and infer properties of the turbulent magnetic regime. In particular we measured the correlation length associated to these fields for the first time. Results: The histograms of Stokes V area asymmetries reveal three different regimes: one organized, quasi-vertical and strong field (flux tubes or other structures of the like); a strongly asymmetric group of profiles found around field concentrations; and a turbulent isotropic field. For the last, we confirm its isotropy and measure correlation lengths from hundreds of kilometers down to 10km, at which point we lost sensitivity. A crude attempt to measure the power spectra of these turbulent fields is made. Conclusions: In addition to confirming the existence of a turbulent field in the quiet Sun, we give further prove of its isotropy.We also measure correlation lengths down to 10km. The combined results show magnetic fields with a large span of length scales, as expected from a turbulent cascade.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Anomalous circular polarization profiles in the He I 1083.0 nm multiplet from solar spicules

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    We report Stokes vector observations of solar spicules and a prominence in the He I 1083 nm multiplet carried out with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter. The observations show linear polarization profiles that are produced by scattering processes in the presence of a magnetic field. After a careful data reduction, we demonstrate the existence of extremely asymmetric Stokes V profiles in the spicular material that we are able to model with two magnetic components along the line of sight, and under the presence of atomic orientation in the energy levels that give rise to the multiplet. We discuss some possible scenarios that can generate the atomic orientation in spicules. We stress the importance of spectropolarimetric observations across the limb to distinguish such signals from observational artifacts.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Quality of two table grape guard cultivars treated with single or dual-phase release SO2 generators

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    Berries of seeded table grapes (cultivars Napoleón and Aledo) were trimmed in commercial packing houses, inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, packed with single and dual-phase release SO2 pads, and stored for up to four months at 0 ºC and 85±5 % relative humidity. Control grapes with or without inoculation, but without SO2 pads, were stored for up to 2 months. Botrytis cinerea rot (grey mould) limited the shelf-life of Aledo grapes to one month, while a two month shelf-life was established for Napoleón grapes, which suffered from berry splitting, Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea rots. Yeasts of the Candida genera and secondary fungi were also identified in fruit suffering sour rot after 2 months at 0oC. No differences in grey mould development in the treatments without SO2 pads with or without inoculation. The native grey mould of these grapes was purified and included as the B. cinerea strain 20248 in the Spanish Type Culture Collection. Storage time, but not SO2 pads, slightly affected fruit quality. During the first month at 0oC, total soluble solids decreased by 1oBrix in 'Áledo' and berry hardness temporarily increased by around 30% in both cultivars. The pads provoked an SO2 taste acceptable for consumption, which was slightly higher in Napoleón than in Aledo grapes. The dual-phase release SO2 pads showed better performance for the long-term storage of grapes than single-release pads (both as regards berry sensory attributes and stem appearance, with lower stem browning). The dual-phase release SO2 pads extended the shelf-life of grapes by around 1 month, depending on the cultivar. Napoleón grapes showed a better potential for longterm storage than Aledo grapes due to thicker and more compact epidermis, thicker cell walls, and different epidermal microstructure including the transition cells between epidermis and the parenchyma

    Disk galaxies with broken luminosity profiles from cosmological simulations

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    We present SPH cosmological simulations of the formation of three disk galaxies with a detailed treatment of chemical evolution and cooling. The resulting galaxies have properties compatible with observations: relatively high disk-to-total ratios, thin stellar disks and good agreement with the Tully-Fisher and the luminosity-size relations. They present a break in the luminosity profile at 3.0 +- 0.5 disk scale lengths, while showing an exponential mass profile without any apparent breaks, in line with recent observational results. Since the stellar mass profile is exponential, only differences in the stellar populations can be the cause of the luminosity break. Although we find a cutoff for the star formation rate imposed by a density threshold in our star formation model, it does not coincide with the luminosity break and is located at 4.3 +- 0.4 disk scale lengths, with star formation going on between both radii. The color profiles and the age profiles are "U-shaped", with the minimum for both profiles located approximately at the break radius. The SFR to stellar mass ratio increases until the break, explaining the coincidence of the break with the minimum of the age profile. Beyond the break we find a steep decline in the gas density and, consequently, a decline in the SFR and redder colors. We show that most stars (64-78%) in the outer disk originate in the inner disk and afterwards migrate there. Such stellar migrations are likely the main origin of the U-shaped age profile and, therefore, of the luminosity break.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    Estimating the longitudinal magnetic field in the chromosphere of quiet-Sun magnetic concentrations

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    Details of the magnetic field in the quiet Sun chromosphere are key to our understanding of essential aspects of the solar atmosphere. We aim to determine the longitudinal magnetic field component (B_lon) of quiet Sun regions depending on their size. We estimated B_lon by applying the weak-field approximation (WFA) to high-spatial-resolution Ca II 854.2 nm data taken with the Swedish 1m Solar Telescope. Specifically, we analyzed the estimates inferred for different spectral ranges using the data at the original cadence and temporally integrated signals. The longitudinal magnetic field in each considered plasma structure correlates with its size. Using a spectral range restricted to the line core leads to chromospheric longitudinal fields varying from 50 G at the edges to 150-500 G at the center of the structure. These values increase as the spectral range widens due to the photospheric contribution. However, the difference between this contribution and the chromospheric one is not uniform for all structures. Small and medium-sized concentrations show a steeper height gradient in B_lon compared to their chromospheric values, so estimates for wider ranges are less trustworthy. Signal addition does not alleviate this situation as the height gradients in B_lon are consistent with time. Finally, despite the amplified noise levels that deconvolving processes may cause, data restored with the destretching technique show similar results, though are affected by smearing. We obtained B_lon estimates similar to those previously found, except for large concentrations and wide spectral ranges. In addition, we report a correlation between the height variation of B_lon compared to the chromospheric estimates and the concentration size. This correlation affects the difference between the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic flux values and the reliability of the estimates for wider spectral ranges.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; abstract has been abridge

    Crecimiento y metabolismo de Fischerella TB22 en medio de cultivo BG11

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    Los microorganismos fijadores de nitrógeno de vida libre, abarcan una gama morfológica que va desde los organismos unicelulares como las bacterias y algunas cianobacterias, hasta multicelulares, filamentosas, por ello es importante conocer cómo se comportan y se puede saber haciendo una curva de crecimiento microbiano. Para este estudio se prepararon 4 fotobioreactores de columna burbujeada con inoculo de Fischerella TB22, se pusieron en aireación constante con 12 horas luz y 12 horas obscuridad durante 40 días con diferentes tratamientos de ajuste de volumen del medio de cultivo y ajuste del pH. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento en biomasa por peso seco, densidad óptica, pH y amonio de Fischerella sp. en medio de cultivo BG11 durante 12 días. Las variables que se midieron de la curva de crecimiento de las cianobacterias, siguieron el patrón de una curva típica de crecimiento microbiano

    The O-mannosylation and production of recombinant APA (45/47 KDa) protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Streptomyces lividans is affected by culture conditions in shake flasks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Ala-Pro-rich <it>O</it>-glycoprotein known as the 45/47 kDa or APA antigen from <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>is an immunodominant adhesin restricted to mycobacterium genus and has been proposed as an alternative candidate to generate a new vaccine against tuberculosis or for diagnosis kits. In this work, the recombinant <it>O</it>-glycoprotein APA was produced by the non-pathogenic filamentous bacteria <it>Streptomyces lividans</it>, evaluating three different culture conditions. This strain is known for its ability to produce heterologous proteins in a shorter time compared to <it>M. tuberculosis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three different shake flask geometries were used to provide different shear and oxygenation conditions; and the impact of those conditions on the morphology of <it>S. lividans </it>and the production of rAPA was characterized and evaluated. Small unbranched free filaments and mycelial clumps were found in baffled and coiled shake flasks, but one order of magnitude larger pellets were found in conventional shake flasks. The production of rAPA is around 3 times higher in small mycelia than in larger pellets, most probably due to difficulties in mass transfer inside pellets. Moreover, there are four putative sites of <it>O</it>-mannosylation in native APA, one of which is located at the carboxy-terminal region. The carbohydrate composition of this site was determined for rAPA by mass spectrometry analysis, and was found to contain different glycoforms depending on culture conditions. Up to two mannoses residues were found in cultures carried out in conventional shake flasks, and up to five mannoses residues were determined in coiled and baffled shake flasks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The shear and/or oxygenation parameters determine the bacterial morphology, the productivity, and the <it>O</it>-mannosylation of rAPA in <it>S. lividans</it>. As demonstrated here, culture conditions have to be carefully controlled in order to obtain recombinant <it>O</it>-glycosylated proteins with similar "quality" in bacteria, particularly, if the protein activity depends on the glycosylation pattern. Furthermore, it will be an interesting exercise to determine the effect of shear and oxygen in shake flasks, to obtain evidences that may be useful in scaling-up these processes to bioreactors. Another approach will be using lab-scale bioreactors under well-controlled conditions, and study the impact of those on rAPA productivity and quality.</p