46 research outputs found

    Slavic-Turkic Comparisons in the Diachronic Aspect

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    The article is devoted to a comparative study of the concept man in the linguistic consciousness of the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians) and representatives of the Turkic culture (Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) in a diachronic aspect. The globalization processes of the beginning of the 21st century mark the era of “civilizational breakdown” which is characterized by a change in the usual foundations of life and by obvious transformations of society. Thus, it seems relevant and prognostically valuable to reveal the content of the conceptosphere man in the linguistic consciousness of the ethnic groups under consideration in different periods of their life. The aim of the study is to determine the vector of displacement (or stability) of the axiological component in the choice of assessments and worldview ideas about a man among the informants of different generations. As research material, there were used associative dictionaries compiled on the basis of associative experiments conducted in different periods (Soviet and modern). The associative lexicographic material is recognized as one of the most reliable ways to access a person’s linguistic consciousness, the latter being understood by us as knowledge about the world “externalized” by linguistic signs, and its projections in the mental apparatus of a person, i.e., images of consciousness. This associative method of language consciousness research makes it possible to explain the facts of functioning and transformation of consciousness revealed in psycholinguistic experiments through the connection of these facts with ethnocultural peculiarities of ideas about the world of people as members of certain ethnosocial groups, with their general / universal (basic), and ethnospecific (local) cultural values. The comparative analysis undertaken in the research showed that the process of global civilizational shifts brings afore the interest and desire of the ethnocultural community to search for traditional ethnocultural values that (along with basic universal human values) can unite and strengthen the vitality of the ethnos. The work is being carried out with the prospect of further studies of the linguistic consciousness of ethnic groups, of determining the elements of (in)stability, and identifying conflict zones in the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of Slavic and Turkic ethnic groups

    Psychological features of billiards as a sport

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    The article deals with the psychological characteristics of billiards as a sport. The article analyzes the features of the game of billiards, which impose special requirements on the psychological characteristics of athletes-billiard players. The review of modern research on the psychology of billiards is presented, the main aspects of research directions on this topic are revealed. Promising ways of further research on the psychological training of billiard athletes are outlined.В статье рассматривается психологические характеристики бильярда как вида спорта. Анализируются особенности игры в бильярд, которые предъявляют особые требования к психологическим характеристикам спортсменов-бильярдистов. Представлен обзор современных исследований по психологии бильярда, раскрываются основные аспекты направлений исследований по данной тематике. Обозначены перспективные пути дальнейших исследований по психологической подготовке спортсменов-бильярдистов

    Analysis of epidemiologic situation of cholera in 2012 in Kazakhstan

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    In the world the tendency of growth of cholera cases has been increasing. In Kazakhstan in 2011 epidemic cholera strains were isolated from the environment. In 2012 the cholera situation was quite stable. The cholera strains were isolated from the environment. Strains V. cholerae non O1 were isolated from people. But all isolated strains were not hazardous. By the complex of factors the South. Kazakhstan. Region is more cholera unfavorable region in Kazakhsta

    Функциональная МРТ в оценке изменений коннектома головного мозга у пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом

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    Introduction. In the postoperative period after total mastectomy, patients develop postmastectomy syndrome, including upper limb lymphedema and a number of neuropsychiatric disorders that affect the functional state of the brain and reduce the quality of life.Purpose of the study. Evaluation of changes in functional connectivity of the default mode network in patients with post-mastectomy syndrome using resting state functional MRI.Materials and methods. Resting state functional MRI was performed to 46 patients aged 30 to 50 years with neurological disorders in the late postoperative period (>6 months) after radical mastectomy for breast cancer, as well as 20 healthy women from the control group.Results. According to the intergroup statistical analysis, there were differences in functional connectivity of the default mode network in all 46 patients with post-mastectomy syndrome, compared to the control group (p<0,01).Conclusion. The revealed changes in the functional connectivity of the default mode network of the brain indicate the functional reorganization of the brain connectome in patients with neurological manifestations of post-mastectomy syndrome. Введение. В послеоперационном периоде после тотальной мастэктомии у большинства пациенток развивается постмастэктомический синдром, включающий лимфедему верхней конечности и ряд психоневрологических нарушений, оказывающих влияние на функциональное состояние головного мозга и снижающих качество жизни.Цель исследования: оценка изменений функциональной коннективности в сети пассивного режима работы мозга у пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом с использованием функциональной МРТ в состоянии покоя.Материалы и методы. Функциональная МРТ в состоянии покоя выполнялась 46 пациенткам в возрасте от 30 до 50 лет с  неврологическими расстройствами в  позднем послеоперационном периоде (>6 мес) после радикальной мастэктомии по поводу рака молочной железы, а также 20 здоровым женщинам из группы контроля.Результаты. Согласно межгрупповому статистическому анализу, у всех 46 пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом были выявлены различия в функциональной коннективности сети пассивного режима работы мозга по сравнению с контрольной группой (р<0,01).Заключение. Выявленные изменения коннективности сети пассивного режима работы мозга свидетельствуют о функциональной реорганизации коннектома головного мозга у пациенток с неврологическими проявлениями постмастэктомического синдрома.

    Modeling of the Selecting Optimum Cross Section of Open Canals

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    we discuss the problem of selecting optimum form of the cross section of open canals with the aim of the maximum transportation at the permanent flow of viscous biphasic medium. Semielliptical, semicircular, parabolical and trapezoidal cross sections have been considered. Comparing the consumptions for various cross sections among themselves in the equal areas, we define the optimum section with maximum consumption, that is with the maximum transportation of the flow

    CD38 is associated with bonding-relevant cognitions and relationship satisfaction over the first 3 years of marriage

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    Although there are numerous benefits to having a satisfying romantic relationship, maintaining high levels of relationship satisfaction is difficult. Many couples experience declines in relationship satisfaction in the early years of marriage, and such declines predict not only relationship dissolution but also poor mental and physical health. Several recent studies indicate that genetic variation on the CD38 gene (CD38), at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs3796863, is associated with cognitions and behaviors related to pair bonding; we thus leveraged longitudinal data from a sample of newlywed couples (N = 139 genotyped individuals; 71 couples) to examine whether rs3796863 is associated with relationship maintenance processes and, in turn, relationship satisfaction in the early years of marriage. Replicating and extending prior research, we found that individuals with the CC genotype (vs. AC/AA) of rs3796863 reported higher levels of gratitude, trust, and forgiveness and that trust mediated the association between rs3796863 and marital satisfaction. Moreover, the benefits conferred to CC individuals lasted over the first 3 years of marriage. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the link between variation in CD38 rs3796863 and marital functioning over time

    A role for the thromboxane receptor in l-NAME hypertension

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    Actions of the lipid mediator thromboxane (Tx) A2 acting through the TP receptor contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. To further explore the role of TxA2 in hypertension, we examined the consequences of deficiency of the TP receptor on the course of hypertension associated with endothelial dysfunction and salt sensitivity. To this end, the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) was administered to TP-deficient (Tp−/−) and wild-type (Tp+/+) control mice in drinking water for 21 wk along with a high-salt (HS; 6% NaCl) diet. Administration of l-NAME increased urinary excretion of TxB2 to a similar extent in both Tp+/+ and Tp−/− animals. l-NAME also caused significant and sustained elevations in blood pressure that reached a maximum between weeks 3 and 6. However, the severity of hypertension was attenuated in the Tp−/− mice throughout the study period (P < 0.001). At the end of the study, the wild-type mice developed significant cardiac hypertrophy (23.6 ± 2% increase in heart-to-body weight ratio). The severity of cardiac hypertrophy was attenuated in the TP-deficient group (11.1 ± 2.6%; P < 0.05). In contrast, kidney hypertrophy was exaggerated in the Tp−/− mice compared with controls (37.1 ± 5.4 vs. 12.3 ± 2.3%; P < 0.01). Moreover, the severity of glomerulosclerosis, tubule vacuolization, and interstitial chronic inflammation was also enhanced in the Tp−/− group (P < 0.01). Thus, in l-NAME hypertension, TP receptors contribute to elevated blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy. In this model, TP receptors also provided unexpected protection against kidney injury