1,530 research outputs found

    Correlation of HRCT with PFT and Broncho Alveolar Lavage in Interstitial Lung Diseases of Collagen Vascular Disorders

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    INTRODUCTION : Interstitial lung diseases is a term given to a heterogeneous group of clinical entities that share the following features: dyspnea, hypoxemia, restrictive ventilatory defect and the presence of bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on the chest roentgenograms. It is now recently called by the term Diffuse Parenchymal lung diseases (DPLD) which is now on an increase. The reason for that is the increased awareness, thorough history evaluation and the lot of incoming trials in the field of investigating modality. The disease is characterized by deteriorating parenchymal fibrosis and gas exchange. It remains innocuous in the early stage as most of the rheumatic patients have restricted mobility manifesting with subtle or nil pulmonary symptoms. Hence respiratory physician should be prudential in diagnosing the cases as early as possible. This study throws light on the semi invasive procedures on clinically and radiologically diagnosed cases rather than the invasive procedures. Since most of the patients denies procedures like surgical or transbronchial lung biopsies as well as they are in real respiratory compromise, it is better to opt an alternative procedure. Bronchoalveolar lavage and pulmonary function test are frequently done nowadays as an adjunct to aid the diagnosis. The extent and pattern of the lesion in the High resolution computerized tomography is described in detail and its severity is identified based on the correlation with PFT (Pulmonary function tests) and cellularity of the Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. To enhance the knowledge in this area, statistical analysis is performed. This highlights the agreement as well as discordance between the variables. AIM OF THE STUDY : To quantify the extent and severity of the interstitial lung disease as depicted in High Resolution computerized tomography. To study the relationship between the radiological patterns of Interstitial lung diseases with functional parameter (Forced vital capacity) and the cellularity of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with collagen vascular diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS : The study was organized in the Institute of Thoracic Medicine (I.T.M) and Department of Thoracic Medicine in association with Rheumatology Department, Madras Medical College. The design of the work is a prospective case study. It extends from the period of January 2005 to November 2005 and it is performed at the Department of Thoracic Medicine with source population from the Department of Rheumatology-Madras Medical College-Chennai. INCLUSION CRITERIA : 1. Serologically positive collagen vascular disorder patients. 2. Clinically and radiologically confirmed cases of Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD). EXCLUSION CRITERIA : 1. Patient associated with co-morbid illness like congestive cardiac failure, tuberculosis and malignancy. 2. Smokers are virtually eliminated from the study since it is a confounding factor for (e:g) the respiratory bronchiolitis of smoking can be falsely attributed to collagen vascular disorders. 3. ILD’s due to other etiologies, Granulamatous diseases, Environmental & occupational, Iatrogenic & drug induced, Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, Unique entities, Inherited. 4. ILD mimickers. CONCLUSION : Majority of the cases (91%) were presented with the reticular pattern compared to the Ground Glass Opacity. Both High resolution computerized tomography patterns (Reticular and Ground glass opacity) have reduced vital capacity but the severity of reduction is more in reticular pattern than that of the Ground Glass Opacity. Of the reticular pattern inter / intralobar septal thickening is more frequent than either honey combing or sub pleural thickening. The presence of Reticular pattern in High resolution computerized tomography has a very good correlation with reduced Forced vital capacity of the Pulmonary function test. From the cross tabulation listed above and analyzing the Reticular pattern of high resolution computerized tomography with neutrophilic cellularity of Bronchoalveolar lavage, it is inferred from the values that there is a perfect agreement between these both. Similarly the Ground Glass Opacity pattern has positive correlation with lymphocytic cellularity of Bronchoalveolar lavage. So High Resolution Computerised Tomography is a sensitive tool in identifying pattern and profusion of the lesion. The severity of the lesion is identified by correlating High Resolution Computerised Tomography, pulmonary function and Bronchoalveolar lavage

    Excitation functions of (n,p) and (n,2n) reactions of tantalum, rhenium, and iridium in the neutron energy range up to 20 MeV

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    314-318The excitation functions for (n,p) and (n,2n) reactions up to 20 MeV on Tantalum, Rhenium, and Iridium have been calculated using the TALYS-1.9 nuclear reaction model code. Different level density models have been used to get a good agreement between the calculated and measured data. In the present work, we have carried out the TALYS-1.9 calculations to quantitatively understand the experimental data by optimizing input parameters for 181Ta(n,p)181Hf, 181Ta(n,2n)180Ta, 185Re(n,p)185mW, 185Re(n,2n)184Re,191Ir(n,p)191Os and 191Ir(n,2n)190Ir. Theoretical results have been compared with the experimental data (taken from the EXFOR database) up to 20 MeV. Also, the results have been compared with the ENDF/B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2015 evaluated data


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    Drug is an independent variable and one among Pada Chatustaya. Successful treatment depends on the choice of appropriate dose and dosage form. Nowadays the advancement in science has led to the extensive use of extracts and isolated compounds. Principles of extraction are seen in the classical dosage forms where a suitable homogenous medium was used based on the type of the drug. Drugs having water-soluble fraction are used as Kwatha, those having fat-soluble fractions are used as Ghrita/ Taila and so on. Present day extracts are obtained by extracting herbal drug of certain particle size with suitable extraction medium. Ayurveda propounds the principles of Rasa Panchaka and attributes the actions of a drug to any one of the Rasa-Vipaka-Guna-Veerya-Prabhava where each component plays a specific role or a combined role. Hence a chemically isolated derivative may not serve the purpose and will produce adverse effects. Even-though drugs have got some active principles with which they work, they have some other fractions too, which counteract their bad effects, if any. Therefore Ayurveda advocates that drug should be used as a whole so that the desired effects may have without any side effects. Therefore, research works should be directed towards providing the use of whole drugs and find ways to potentiate the drugs as per principles of Ayurveda. This article highlights the importance of administration of drug as a whole rather than extracts or isolated phytochemicals.

    Chemical composition of rhizome oleoresin and anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activity of oleoresins of Alpinia allughas Roscoe. from tarai region of Uttarakhand

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    ABSTRACT          The investigation of volatile constituents of the rhizome oleoresin of Alpinia allughas Roscoe. growing in tarai region of Kumaun hills, Uttarakhand, revealed the presence of 55 terpenoids. The major constituents identified in the rhizome oleoresin were α-eudesmol (21.3%), β-selinene (13.9%), valencene (9.6%), borneol (7.1%), α-humulene (5.3%) and 7-epi-α-selinene (5.2%). Other minor constituents identified were (E)-β-caryophyllene (3.8%), (6 E)-nerolidol (3.5%), (E,E)-farnesol (3.2%), caryophyllene oxide (2.5%), humulene oxide (2.7%), bornyl acetate (1.9%), coranarin- E (1.8%), linalool (1.8%) and α-terpineol (1.6%). The total identified constituents contribute 97.0% of the oleoresin. The rhizomes oleoresins exhibited significant antinociceptive activity with 34.79% inhibition at 50 mg/kg body weight and 43.24% at 100 mg/kg body wt. compare to standard drug ibuprofen (40 mg/kg body wt.), it also showed antipyretic activity in dose dependent manner with temperature reduction 77.57±5.88% at 50 mg/kg body wt. and 98.95±3.95% at 100 mg/kg body wt. after 3 hours. Oleoresin also showed 29.23% inhibition in carrageenin-induced paw edema at 50 mg/kg body wt. and 39.92% inhibition at 100mg/kg body wt. in compare to ibuprofen 40.06% at 40 mg/kg body weight.Keywords Alpinia allughas Roscoe.; Zingiberaceae; α-eudesmol; β-selinene; anti-inflammatory; antinociceptive; antipyretic activity; oleoresins  

    Chemical Composition, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antipyretic, Myorelaxant, Antibacterial and Antifungal activity of Rabdosia rugosus Wall. (Syn. Plectranthus rugosus Wall.)

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    For the present investigation Rabdosia rugosus Wall. Syn. Plectranthus rugosus Wall.  was collected from Pancheshwar, Uttarakhand on the way to Badrinath. The GC and GC-MS analysis, revealed the presence of more than forty compounds out of which 35 compounds were identified amounting to 97.3% of the total oil. The essential oil of R. rugosus was rich in sesquiterpinoids (~90%) and was poor in monoterpenoids (8.1%). α-bisabolol (41.9%) was the major constituent of the oil and the other identified major compounds were germacrene-D (9.7%), β-caryophyllene (7.6%), dehydroabietane (5.2%), ar-curcumene (5.0), trans-ferruginol (3.3%) α-cadinol (3.2%), τ-muurolol (2.3%),   p-Cymene (3.2%) and  γ-terpinene (2.0%). The  essential  oil  of  Rabdosia rugosus showed insignificant  anti-inflammatory  and  analgesic  activity  but  shows  significant  antipyretic,   myorelaxant and  antimicrobial activity

    A prospective comparative study of Lichtenstein procedure with and without mesh-fixation for inguinal hernia repair

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    Background: Repair of inguinal hernia is one of the most common elective operations performed in general surgery worldwide. Mesh-hernioplasty became the gold standard, because of its low recurrence rate in comparison with tissue repairs. The ideal repair must be simple, safe, easy to perform and require minimal dissection which provides enough space, should be cost effective with less hospital stay, less pain and less recurrence. The present study aimed at comparing the effect of mesh fixation and non-fixation in Lichtenstein technique for inguinal hernia repair.Methods: Hundred (100) patients with primary uncomplicated, unilateral inguinal hernia were treated between April 2019 and September 2020. Patients with inguinal hernia underwent Lichtenstein repair with mesh-fixation (group A) (n=50) and non-fixation (group B) (n=50). The mean operative time, post-operative pain score, average hospital study, post-operative complications and recurrence rates were compared between the two groups.Results: Mean operative time in non-fixation group- (group B) (32.24 min) was shorter as compared to fixation group-(Group A) (49.36 min) with a p value of 0.002. Post-operative pain score was lower in (group B) at 12 and 24 hours (3.71±1.409 and 2.2±0.8169) as compared to Group A at 12 and 24 hours (4.77±1.196 and 2.98±1.295) with a p value of <0.0001. The analgesia required in (group B) was less as compared to (group A). The post-operative complication and recurrence rates were almost identical in both the groups, with lesser incidence of groin pain and paresthesias in group B.Conclusions: In Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair, non-fixation of mesh is safe and preferable option, with less operative time and less postoperative pain

    Cage culture requirements - Site selection and water quality needs

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    Culture of fish in cage is a popular method of rearing the fish along the coastal areas. Site selection and water quality is one of the most important factors that determine the success and failures of cage culture system. It also determines the cost of production and survival of the system in the long run. Controlling water quality parameters in open water cage culture systems is an impractical; therefore, culture of any species must be established in the sites having adequate water quality and frequent exchange. Before establishing a cage culture site, it is foremost important to conduct a field survey for gaining prior knowledge on the environmental/ hydro-biological parameters of the site so as to ascertain that the water body chosen will support the increased biological demand due to cage culture activities in due course of time

    Decision Making Behaviour of Fisherwomen of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka - An Empirical Analysis

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    Among the different sectors of the Indian economy where women contribute significantly, fisheries sector occupies a prime place. Out of the total fisherfolk population of Karnataka, comprising 1 67 429, around 23 000 fisherwomen are actively involved in fisheries related activities such as marketing of fish, net making/repairing, curing/ processing, peeling, labour and other miscellaneous activities. Though, studies have captured the pivotal role played by fisherwomen in income generation for their families, the decision making behavior, a key parameter of their empowerment status, remains an unexplored area. The present study deals with the areas of decision making in which fisherwomen are involved and the influence of socio-economic status on their decision making behavior. The study was undertaken in three selected villages in Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka using multi stage random sampling method. From the findings, it was observed that, 84.16% of female fresh fish vendors had medium level of decision making behaviour. Fisherwomen were observed to be the sole and independent decision makers with respect to all aspects of fish marketing such as source of fish purchase, rate and quantity to be purchased, transportation, quantity of ice to be used, selling price, time of fish sales, purchasing and hiring of equipment and getting and repaying credits