15 research outputs found

    A Methodological Framework to Assess Road Infrastructure Safety and Performance Efficiency in the Transition toward Cooperative Driving

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    There is increasing interest in connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), since their implementation will transform the nature of transportation and promote social and economic change. Transition toward cooperative driving still requires the understanding of some key questions to assess the performances of CAVs and human-driven vehicles on roundabouts and to properly balance road safety and traffic efficiency requirements. In this view, this paper proposes a simulation-based methodological framework aiming to assess the presence of increasing proportions of CAVs on roundabouts operating at a high-capacity utilization level. A roundabout was identified in Palermo City, Italy, and built in Aimsun (version 20) to describe the stepwise methodology. The CAV-based curves of capacity by entry mechanism were developed and then used as target capacities. To calibrate the model parameters, the capacity curves were compared with the capacity data simulated by Aimsun. The impact on the safety and performance efficiency of a lane dedicated to CAVs was also examined using surrogate measures of safety. The paper ends with highlighting a general improvement with CAVs on roundabouts, and with providing some insights to assess the advantages of the automated and connected driving technologies in transitioning to smarter mobilit

    On the vegetation of Mosor

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein Überblick über die Vegetation des Mosor-Gebirges, die sämtlich zu der mediterranen Region gehört, gegeben. Dies hängt von den klimatischen Verhältnissen bzw. von der geographischen Lage des Mosor-Gebirges, das gänzlich im Hintergrund des zentralen Teiles des mittleren immergrünen Gebietes Kroatiens verläuft, ab. Gewisse Pflanzengesellschaften und einige Pflanzenarten befinden sich hier auf der Nordwest- bzw. Südgrenze ihres Verbreitungsgebietes.Mosor se s obzirom na svoj fitogeografski položaj odlikuje nekim specifičnostima u biljnom pokrovu. Iako ima visinu od 1340 m/nm, vegetacija na Mosoru pripada u cijelosti mediteranskoj regiji. Šumska zajednica Carpinetum orientalis adriaticum zauzima ondje položaje od 400 do 900 m/nm, a zajednica Seslerio-Ostryetum od 900 m/nm naviše. Na obroncima Mosora zajednica Andropogoni-Diplachnetum serotinae dosiže, koliko je dosad poznato, najjužniju granicu svoje raširenosti. S druge strane, zajednica Erico-Cistetum cretici i Brachypodio-Trifolietum stellati imaju, prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima, na području Mosora i široj okolici Splita svoju sjevernu granicu raširenosti. Isto tako, po podacima iz literature, zajednica Campanulo-Moltkietum petraeae ima na Mosoru (uz Kozjak i Dinaru) svoju sjeverozapadnu granicu. Inače biljni pokrov Mosora, iako jako utjecajan, odlikuje se gotovo svim najznačajnijim tipovima vegetacije mediteranske regije.The papeir gives a short survey of the vegetational cover of Mosor, starting from climatozonal vegetation to the various stages of its degradation. In respect to its phytogeographic position, the mountain of Mosor has certain specific features in its vegetational cover. Although the mountain is 1340 m high, the vegetation of Mosor belongs entirely to the Mediterranean region. The forest community Carpinetum orientalis adriaticum is situated here at places between 400 to 900 m above sea, and the community Seslerio-Ostryetum from 900 m upwards. On the slopes of Mosor, the community Andropogoni-Diplachnetum reaches, as far as it is known today, the southernmost border of its distribution. On the other hand, the communities Erico-Cistetum cretici and Brachypodio-Trijolietum stellati reach, according to current investigations, their northern border in the area of Mosor and the wider surroundings of Split. Also, according to the literature, the community Campanulo-Moltkietum petraeae has its north-western border at Mosor (together with Kozjak and Dinara mts). Otherwise the vegetational cover of Mosor, although of great influence, is characterized by all the most significant types of the vegetation of the Mediterranean region

    The proposals of changes in the traffic movement organization at the intersection Niepodległości and Wróblewskiego street in Siemianowice Śląskie

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    Jednym z najczęściej powtarzających się obecnie na skrzyżowaniach drogowych problemów związanych ze stale narastającym natężeniem ruchu jest niewystarczająca zdolność przepustowa wlotów podporządkowanych oraz brak zapewnienia użytkownikom odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego podczas przejazdu przez skrzyżowanie. Niejednokrotnie najkorzystniejszym rozwiązaniem takiej sytuacji jest przebudowa skrzyżowania. W artykule przedstawiono kilka koncepcji modernizacji trójwlotowego skrzyżowania ulic, zlokalizowanego w terenie zabudowanym, na którym ruch regulowany jest za pomocą oznakowania drogowego. Na skrzyżowaniu tym aktualnie panujące warunki ruchowo-drogowe nie zapewniają użytkownikom właściwego poziomu obsługi. Kierowcy pojazdów na wlocie podporządkowanym skrzyżowania w okresie szczytowych natężeń ruchu ponoszą duże straty czasu. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie nowej organizacji ruchu − zdaniem autorów − poprawiającej aktualne warunki ruchowe panujące na skrzyżowaniu. Szczegółowe obliczenia i analizy dotyczące przedstawionych koncepcji zawarte są w pracy [1].One of the most common problems currently occurred at road intersections connected with constantly increasing road traffic volumes is insufficient inlets capacity and lack of sufficient level of road traffic safety. Most favourable solution in this situation is reconstruction of the intersections. Some concepts of reconstruction intersection localized in Siemianowice Śląskie has been presented in this article. Actually, on this intersection traffic movement is regulated using road signs and marking. Occurring on intersection road – traffic conditions hasn’t provided its users appropriate level of service. The new traffic organization on this intersection has been presented in this article, which one –according to the authors of article – improves the current traffic conditions. The detailed calculations and analyze of the concepts presented in this article are included in the work [1]

    A Microsimulation-Based Modelling Approach for Connected and Automated Vehicles on Roundabouts

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    Connectivity and automation are technologies applied in combination to achieve increases in road safety, traffic efficiency and energy savings. Despite their potential, there are still many open questions regarding how roadway capacity will be affected and what methods should be employed to assess the expected benefits in the transportation domain. In this paper “what-if” scenarios were modelled in Aimsun Next to analyse assumption-based behaviour of automated vehicles operating with a cooperative adaptive cruise control system on roundabouts. The idea behind the study comes from the availability of the capacity adjustment factors for connected and automated vehicles provided by the Highway Capacity Manual for varying market penetration rates. The case study of a single lane roundabout was examined to compare the CAV-adjusted capacity curves and simulated capacities, and to endorse hypothesis on the model parameters of Aimsun Next which mostly affect the CAVs’ ability to increase roundabout’ throughput. The idea behind the study comes from the availability of the capacity adjustment factors for connected and automated vehicles provided by the Highway Capac ity Manual for varying market penetration rates. The case study of a single lane roundabout was examined to compare the CAV-adjusted capacity curves and sim ulated capacities, and to endorse hypothesis on the model parameters of Aimsun Next which mostly affect the CAVs’ ability to increase roundabout’ throughpu

    Efficiency of Microcystin LR Removal from Surface Water Treated by the Tomaszów Mazowiecki Water Treatment Plant

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    W normalnym stanie wód powierzchniowych liczebność komórek sinic (Cyanophyta) w 1 cm3 wody waha się od kilkuset do kilku tysięcy, przy czym w okresach intensywnego zakwitu może dochodzić do kilkuset tysięcy na 1 cm3 wody. Intensywne zakwity mogą powodować zmianę barwy i nieprzyjemny zapach wody, a także uwalniają duże ilości neurotoksyn alkaloidowych i hepatotoksyn o wysokiej toksyczności. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące skuteczności oczyszczania wody powierzchniowej w obecności komórek sinic i mikrocystyny LR w układzie oczyszczania wody w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim w 2004 r. Wykazano, że zastosowanie koagulacji bez wstępnej dezynfekcji chlorem lub dwutlenkiem chloru powodowało wzrost zawartości mikrocystyny LR w wodzie (śr. o 176%), w wyniku rozpadu (lizy) komórek sinic pod wpływem koagulantu. Ozonowanie wody dawką 3,0÷5,5 gO3/m3 było najefektywniejszym etapem usuwania mikrocystyny LR z wody. Końcowa efektywność usuwania mikrocystyny LR z wody zmieniała się w zakresie 49,8÷100,0%.Normally, the number of cyanobacterial cells (Cyanophyta) in surface water varies from several hundred to several thousand per cubic centimeter. While blooming, their number may rise to several hundred thousand per cubic centimeter of water, and the water may take a specific hue and an unpleasant smell. In addition, during blooming cyanobacteria produce large amounts of alkaloid neurotoxins and oligopeptide hepatotoxins of high toxicity. The study reported on in this paper was carried out at the Water Treatment Plant of Tomaszów Mazowiecki in 2004. It aimed at determining the efficiency of their treatment train when the surface water to be treated contained cyanobacterial cells and microcystin LR. The investigations have produced the following findings: coagulation without prechlorination (with chlorine or chlorine dioxide) promoted a rise in microcystin LR concentration by 176% on average, as a result of cell lysis due to exposure to the coagulant; ozonation (with a 3.0 to 5.5 gO3/m3) was the most efficient unit process for microcystin LR removal. The final efficiency of microcystin LR removal from the water ranged from 49.8 to 100%

    Identification of C-terminal hydrophobic residues important for dimerization and all known functions of ParB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The ParB protein of P. aeruginosa is important for growth, cell division, nucleoid segregation and different types of motility. To further understand its function we have demonstrated a vital role of the hydrophobic residues in the C-terminus of ParBP.a. By in silico modeling of the C-terminal domain (242-290 amino acids) the hydrophobic residues L282, V285 and I289 (but not L286) are engaged in leucine zipper-like structure formation, whereas the charged residues R290 and Q266 are implicated in forming a salt bridge involved in protein stabilization. Five parB mutant alleles were constructed and their functionality defined in vivo and in vitro. In agreement with model predictions the substitution of L286A had no effect on mutant protein activities. Two ParBs with single substitutions of L282A or V285A and deletions of two or seven C-terminal amino acids were impaired in both dimerization and DNA binding and were not able to silence genes adjacent to parS suggesting that dimerization through the C-terminus is a prerequisite for spreading on DNA. The defect in dimerization also correlated with loss of ability to interact with partner protein ParA. Reverse genetics demonstrated that a parB mutant producing ParB lacking the two C-terminal amino acids as well as mutants producing ParB with single substitution L282A or V285A had defects comparable to those of a parB null mutant. Thus so far all the properties of ParB seem to depend on dimerization

    Effect of water quality and treatment parameters on the extent of cyanobacterial toxins removal from the water: A case study

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    Sinice (Cyanophyta), wchodzące w skład fitoplanktonu, należą do grupy gram ujemnych prokariotycznych organizmów fotosyntezujących. W normalnych warunkach liczebność komórek sinicowych w 1 cm3 wody waha się od kilkuset do kilku tysięcy, przy czym w okresach intensywnego zakwitu może dochodzić do kilkuset tysięcy komórek w 1 cm3 wody. Intensywne zakwity nadają wodzie barwę i nieprzyjemny zapach, uwalniają też duże ilości neurotoksyn alkaloidowych i hepatotoksyn o charakterze oligopeptydów o wysokiej toksyczności. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące efektywności uzdatniania wody ujmowanej ze zbiornika sulejowskiego, przy obecności komórek sinicowych i hepatotoksyn, w systemie wodociągowym Sulejów-Łódź. W badaniach przeprowadzonych w 2002 r. stwierdzono, że końcowe stężenia mikrocystyny LR były dużo niższe niż wartość dopuszczalna (1,0 mg/m3), świadcząc o prawidłowym przebiegu procesu uzdatniania wody. Czynnikiem mającym negatywny wpływ na efektywność uzdatniania wody była całkowita biomasa mikroorganizmów oraz pośrednio wysoka temperatura wody powierzchniowej, wpływająca korzystnie na zakwity oraz przyrost całkowitej biomasy, jak też ilość produkowanych toksyn. Zastosowane w procesie uzdatniania dawki dwutlenku chloru i ozonu były dostateczne do usunięcia mikrocystyny LR w granicach 85÷100%, a innych izoform w granicach 70÷100%. Dokładniejsze zbadanie wpływu tych czynników na efektywność usuwania toksyn sinicowych będzie przedmiotem dalszych badań, w celu potwierdzenia wcześniej uzyskanych wyników.Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta) belong to the group of gram-negative procariotic photosynthesizing organisms and are part of the phytoplankton. Normally, the number of cyanobacteria ranges between several hundred and several thousand cells per cubic centimeter of water to increase to several hundred thousand cells per cubic centimeter when blooming. Blooming produces an intensive hue and objectionable odor of the water; it also releases large amounts of alkaloid neurotoxins and hepatotoxins of oligopeptide type displaying a very high toxicity. The present paper shows the results of an experimental study (performed in 2002), which aimed at determining the efficiency of the treatment process involving water taken in from the Sulejów impoundment lake, contaminated with cyanobacterial cells and hepatotoxins. The study has produced a number of major findings. The final concentrations of microcystin LR fell much below the admissible level (1.0 mg/m3). The total biomass of the microorganisms and, indirectly, the high temperature of the surface water had an adverse influence on the efficiency of the treatment process; they promoted blooming, enhanced the increment in the total biomass and increased the amount of the toxins produced. The chlorine dioxide and ozone doses used in the experiments sufficed to yield a removal of microcistin LR and other isoforms within 85 to 100% and 70 to 100%, respectively. The effect of the factors mentioned above upon the extent of cyanobacterial toxins removal will be examined in more detail in a further study in order to substantiate our previous results

    Double-Slope Solar Still Productivity Based on the Number of Rubber Scraper Motions

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    In low-latitude areas less than 10° in latitude angle, the solar radiation that goes into the solar still increases as the cover slope approaches the latitude angle. However, the amount of water that is condensed and then falls toward the solar-still basin is also increased in this case. Consequently, the solar yield still is significantly decreased, and the accuracy of the prediction method is affected. This reduction in the yield and the accuracy of the prediction method is inversely proportional to the time in which the condensed water stays on the inner side of the condensing cover without collection because more drops will fall down into the basin of the solar-still. Different numbers of scraper motions per hour (NSM), that is, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, are implemented to increase the hourly yield of solar still (HYSS) of the double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers (DSSSHS) in areas at low latitudes and develop an accurate model for forecasting the HYSS. The proposed model is developed by determining the best values of the constant factors that are associated with NSM, and the optimal values of exponent (n) and the unknown constant (C) for the Nusselt number expression (Nu). These variables are used in formulating the models for estimating HYSS. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem, thereby determining the optimal yields. Water that condensed and accumulated inside the condensing glass cover of the DSSSHS is collected by increasing NSM. This process increases in the specific productivity of DSSSHS and the accuracy of the HYSS prediction model. Results show that the proposed model can consistently and accurately estimate HYSS. Based on the relative root mean square error (RRMSE), the proposed model PSO–HYSS attained a minimum value (2.81), whereas the validation models attained Dunkle’s (78.68) and Kumar and Tiwari’s (141.37)