24 research outputs found

    Technical Efficiency Analysis in Indonesian Fishery Processing Industry: a Case of Fishery Canned Product Firms

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    This study aims to analyze technical efficiency and evaluate the effect of some sources of inefficiency in the Indonesian fishery canned firms during the period of 1990-2015. We calculate technical efficiency using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method with Time Varying Decay. The average of technical efficiency in this industry during the period of 1990-2015 was only 57%. It indicates that firms in this industry still encounter a problem in allocating the resources in efficient manner. However, during the period of 1994-2015, the efficiency in the Indonesian fishery canned industry has declined. We also employed the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method to evaluate the sources of inefficiency. The results showed that eight variables affected to the efficiency in this industry, thereby it will reduce fishery product competitiveness in the futur

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Proses Budidaya Karet Alam dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity: Studi Kasus di PT. XYZ

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kedua penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia dengan produksi sebesar 28% dari total produksi dunia di tahun 2010. Sejalan dengan bertumbuhnya industri otomotif dunia, kebutuhan karet alam sebagai produk komplementer karet sintetik akan turut mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi terbaik pada peningkatan produktivitas proses budidaya karet alam melalui pendekatan konsep Green Productivity (GP). Studi kasus dilakukan di PT. XYZ, Perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang USAha perkebunan dan pengolahan karet alam. analisis aliran material dilakukan dengan menggunakan peta aliran material hijau untuk menganalisa tujuh jenis sumber pembangkit limbah hijau (seven green wastes). Alternatif strategi terbaik ditentukan dengan menggunakan model Analytical Hierarchy Process (aHP) yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi beberapa rancangan skenario perbaikan. Pengukuran kinerja alternatif strategi ini selanjutnya dinilai sebagai indeks produktivitas hijau (GPI) perbaikan (future) dan dibandingkan dengan nilai indeks GPI saat ini (current), yang telah dihitung pada studi kasus yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan informasi strategi peningkatan produktivitas terbaik, tingkat produktivitas yang telah dicapai Perusahaan, dan tingkat produktivitas hasil penerapan strategi terpilih

    Optimalisasi Keberlanjutanpengembangan USAha Padi Organik di Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    The purpose of this study were to assess the sustainability status of organic rice businesses and their attributes that affect the sustainability of the businesses in Cianjur. The methods used in this study were surveys and in-depth interviews. Moreover, Rap-Organic/multi-dimensional scaling as the analysis tools were also utilized to assess the sustainability of the organic rice businesses. The analysis conducted indicates that sustainability status of organic rice businesses in Cianjur is less sustainable reflected in all dimensions i.e. the dimensions of ecology, economy, social, infrastructure and technology, as well as institutions. Aggregately, the sensitive attributes influencing the sustainability of organic rice business bussinesses can be classified into three factors: 1) human resources of farmers, 2) institutions (the government policies related to the organic rice businesses and infrastructure support), and 3) organic rice market

    Soft System Methodology Framework for Fair and Balanced of Risk and Value-Added Distribution in Sugarcane Agroindustry Supply Chains

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    Fair risk and value-added distribution within sugarcane agroindustry supply chain stakeholder is a complex and unstructured problem which had to be solved comprehensively. This research proposed a fair and balanced risk and value-added distribution model using Soft System Methodology (SSM) framework combined with negotiation system and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) technique. SSM isapowerfulapproachto identify and solve a complex and unstructured problems then recommend effective solutions. Negotiation system was modelled to operate a fair and balanced risk and value-added distribution to achieve sugarcane supply chains goals. FCM was applied to validate the conceptual model and deliver system improvements. This research succeeded to describe and structure the sugarcane supply chains problems and deliver to conceptual and quantitative solution. Fair and balanced of risk and value-added distribution model with collaboration and negotiation mechanism hadbeenformulated at fourth stage of SSM. This research also proposed a negotiation system with quantitative intelligent model to operate the supply chains collaboration. Framework for system validation and recommendation hadbeenformulated through FCM at fifth and sixth stages of SSM. For further research, this framework required to be validated with more experienced expert then applied at real cases

    Model for Measuring Post-Harvest Technological Capability of Paddy Farmers in Dealing with Climate Change

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    Extreme weather has been occuring recently in various regions in Indonesia. In the early 2013, this condition has caused flood in Karawang district. The increasing extreme climate indicates that climate change has occurred. Climate change, in the form of high/low rainfall, erratic rainfall or changes in the rainy/dry season, has become problem to paddy farmers in Karawang district. Problem faced by farmers due to climate change is the increase of paddy post-harvest losses. Technological capability of farmers is one of the main factors that play important role in facing such condition. Measurement of post-harvest technological capabilities of paddy farmers in dealing with climate change is carried out using six criteria, i.e the production capability, investment capability, capability to make small changes, capability to make major changes, marketing capability, and capability to create network. The methods used to measure the technological capabilities are the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Non Numeric Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decision Making (ME-MCDM). This study reveals the level of farmer post-harvest technological capabilities in dealing with climate change and provides technology policy recommendation. Key Words:Climate change, technological capability, level of technological capabilities, policy recommendatio

    Manfaat Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) Dalam Penyerapan Karbondioksida (CO2)

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    Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Benefits in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) SequestrationKenaf is a natural fiber crop that have a lot of diversified products with high economic value and environmental functions. Kenaf contribution to the environment is also known through a high ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is the main anthropogenic contributor to the greenhouse effect. Carbon sequestration by plants became one of the most important steps to greenhouse gases mitigation. The high absorption of carbon dioxide by kenaf affected by the high photosynthetic rate, although kenaf belongs to the group of C3 plants. Kenaf photosynthetic rate supported by high RuBP carboxilase activity, high stomatal conductance, and high plant biomass production. Kenaf photosynthetic rate reaches 3-8 times higher than trees and other C3 plants. Based on biomass produced, kenaf ready for harvest on 4-5 months plant age saved 2,9-12,1 tonnes C/ha or absorb 21-89 tonnes CO2/ha/year depending on the agronomic management and environmental conditions. Nowadays, land area of kenaf in Indonesia is approximately 3000 ha, therefore the absorption of CO2 reaches about 63-267 million tonnes/year. As well as carbon sink in long time, some kenaf diversified products such as car interior and automobile components, sound absorber, and pulp and paper also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through savings of energy and decreasing deforestation rate and other harmful gas emissions. Development of kenaf plantation is expected to help the Indonesian government in an effort to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as providing the raw materials of natural fiber for environmentally friendly industrial raw materials

    An Analysis and Design of Decision Support Systems for Sugar Cane Harvesting (Case Study in PT. Rajawali II Unit Pg. Jatitujuh, Majalengka)

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    PT. Rajawali II Unit PG. Jatitujuh is the company which process sugar canes become first quality Super High Sugar (SHS I). The harvesting of sugar cane has been done on summer in order to gain optimum yield. Daily scheduling of sugarcane has been done in order to fulfill the raw material of factory continously. This scheduling has been done toward the sugarcane field with area of 11.921,56 ha and spread on the 2.418 of swath. Nowadays, the scheduling of daily harvesting has been decided through Harvesting Forum Meeting(Rapat Forum Tebang) based on age of sugar canes, the highest yield, and subjectively actual condition of sugar canes field. This method is still done manually with separated database system. Axe DSS 1.0 is a support system to make decision in harvesting of sugar canes with real-time refers to modificated T-Score method. The decision support system (DSS) is developed based on Unified Modelling Language (UML) which consists of case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, and statechart diagram. Axe DSS uses java programing language which consists of 3 sub-system, which are harvesting sample, analysis result, and daily harvesting. Input of this system are data cane planted last year, preface analysis, actual condition of sugar canes fields and factory. Then the data is managed with cane sugar analysis calculation and modify T-Score calculation. While ,the output of this system are sample field, analysis result, and next day harvesting cane schedule. This prototype has several advantages which are faster decision-making, flexible, automatic report printing, and faster data storing and searching compare with manual decision-making