258 research outputs found

    Asthma and mode of birth delivery: A study in 5-year-old Dutch twins.

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    Several studies report caesarean section (CS) to be a risk factor for childhood asthma. We used data from a large cohort of 5-year-old twins to examine the relationship between mode of birth delivery and asthma. The extent to which an infant is exposed to maternal vaginal flora may protect against the risk of developing asthma. Therefore, we expect a lower rate of asthma in twins born by vaginal delivery (VD) than those born by CS, and a lower rate of asthma in first-born twins compared to second-born twins by VD. Information on mode of delivery was obtained at the time of birth in a survey completed by the mother shortly after delivery. Information on history of asthma diagnosis by a physician was obtained by parental report when the twins were 5 years old. Complete data were available for 6330 first-born and 5438 second-born twins from birth cohorts 1991-2000. Full term first-born twins born by CS had a significantly higher risk of asthma compared to those born by VD, odds ratio = 1.59 (95% CI = 1.23-2.06). No significant differences were observed between CS and VD first-born twins when gestational age was less than 37 weeks, and no significant differences were observed between CS and VD second-born twins at any gestational age. No differences in asthma prevalence were found between first- and second-born twins both born by VD. CS may increase the risk of asthma to full term infants, however, the underlying mechanism is unclear

    An exploration of gene-environment interaction and asthma in a large sample of 5-year-old Dutch twins.

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    A consistent finding from twin studies is that the environment shared by family members does not contribute to the variation in susceptibility to asthma. At the same time, it is known that environmental risk factors that are shared by family members are associated with the liability for asthma. We hypothesize that the absence of a main effect of shared environmental factors in twin studies can be explained by gene-environment interaction, that is, that the effect of an environmental factor shared by family members depends on the genotype of the individual. We explore this hypothesis by modeling the resemblance in asthma liability in twin pairs as a function of various environmental risk factors and test for gene-environment interaction. Asthma data were obtained by parental report for nearly 12,000 5-year-old twin pairs. A series of environmental risk factors was examined: birth cohort, gestational age, time spent in incubator, breastfeeding, maternal educational level, maternal smoking during pregnancy, current smoking of parents, having older siblings, and amount of child care outside home. Results revealed that being a boy, born in the 1990s, premature birth, longer incubator time, and child care outside home increased the risk for asthma. With the exception of premature birth, however, none of these factors modified the genetic effects on asthma. In very premature children shared environmental influences were important. In children born after a gestation of 32 weeks or more only genetic factors were important to explain familial resemblance for asthma

    Influences on achieving motor milestones: A twin-singleton study

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    In order to determine if twinning impacted achievement of motor milestones the attainment of early motor milestones in twins was examined and compared to published data from singletons of the same age from the same culture and birth years. We examined the influence of twinning, sex, zygosity and birth cohort (1987-2001) on the motor development of twins aged 0 to 24 months. Data on the attainment of motor milestones (turn, sit, crawl, stand and walk) of twins were collected from maternal reports. All data were corrected for gestational age. Data from the twin sample were compared to normative data from singletons, which were available from Child Health Clinics (CHC). Analyses across twin data and the CHC singleton data revealed no differences between twins and singletons in achievement of motor milestones. Girls were able to sit without support slightly earlier than boys, otherwise there were no other sex differences. Birth-order analyses revealed minimal but significant differences in turning over from back to belly and for sitting without support between the first- and second-born. Dizygotic (DZ) twins were faster than monozygotic (MZ) twins in achieving the moment of sit, crawl, stand and walk. Twins born in earlier cohorts were faster in reaching the moment of crawl, sit and walk. It is concluded that there are no differences in time of reaching motor milestones between twins and singletons within the normal range. Sex has minimal to no effect on motor development in early childhood. DZ twins achieve motor milestones sooner than MZ twins. Attainment of gross motor milestones (crawl, stand and walk) is delayed in later birth cohorts

    Methods of synthesizing qualitative research studies for health technology assessment

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    OBJECTIVES Synthesizing qualitative research is an important means of ensuring the needs, preferences, and experiences of patients are taken into account by service providers and policy makers, but the range of methods available can appear confusing. This study presents the methods for synthesizing qualitative research most used in health research to-date and, specifically those with a potential role in health technology assessment. METHODS To identify reviews conducted using the eight main methods for synthesizing qualitative studies, nine electronic databases were searched using key terms including meta-ethnography and synthesis. A summary table groups the identified reviews by their use of the eight methods, highlighting the methods used most generally and specifically in relation to health technology assessment topics. RESULTS Although there is debate about how best to identify and quality appraise qualitative research for synthesis, 107 reviews were identified using one of the eight main methods. Four methods (meta-ethnography, meta-study, meta-summary, and thematic synthesis) have been most widely used and have a role within health technology assessment. Meta-ethnography is the leading method for synthesizing qualitative health research. Thematic synthesis is also useful for integrating qualitative and quantitative findings. Four other methods (critical interpretive synthesis, grounded theory synthesis, meta-interpretation, and cross-case analysis) have been under-used in health research and their potential in health technology assessments is currently under-developed. CONCLUSIONS Synthesizing individual qualitative studies has becoming increasingly common in recent years. Although this is still an emerging research discipline such an approach is one means of promoting the patient-centeredness of health technology assessments

    Challenges in body composition assessment using air-displacement plethysmography by BOD POD in pediatric and young adult patients

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    Background &amp; aims: Air-Displacement-Plethysmography (ADP) by BOD POD is widely used for body fat assessment in children. Although validated in healthy subjects, studies about use in pediatric patients are lacking. We evaluated user experience and usability of ADP measurements with the BOD POD system in healthy children and pediatric and young adult patients. Methods: Using the experiences of seven cohort studies, which included healthy children and patients aged 2–22 years, we retrospectively evaluated the user experience with the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) (n = 13) and interviews (n = 7). Technical performance was studied using the quality control data collected by the ADP-system. Results: From 2016 to 2022, 1606 measurements were scheduled. BOD POD was mostly rated ‘user-friendly’, with a generally neutral evaluation on all scales of the UEQ. However, questionable reliability and validity of the results were frequently (86%) reported. We found a high technical failure-rate of the device, predominantly in stability (17%) and accuracy of the measurement (12%), especially in the ‘pediatric option’ for children aged &lt;6 years. Measurement failure-rate was 38%, mostly due to subject's fear or device failure, especially in young and lean children, and in children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. Conclusion: We conclude that ADP by BOD POD in children and young adults is non-invasive and user-friendly. However, in specific pediatric populations, BOD POD has several limitations and high (technical) failure-rates, especially in young children with aberrant body composition. We recommend caution when interpreting body composition results of pediatric patients as assessed with BOD POD using the current default settings.</p

    A study of genetic and environmental influences on maternal and paternal CBCL syndrome scores in a large sample of 3-year-old Dutch twins.

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    Background. There is increasing evidence that behavioral problems are common in very young children, yet little is known about the etiology of individual differences in these problems. It is unclear to what degree environmental and genetic factors influence the development of early child psychopathology. In this paper, we focus on the following issues. Firstly, to what degree do genetic and environmental factors influence variation in behavioral problems? Secondly, to what degree are these underlying etiological factors moderated by sex and informant? We investigate these issues by analyzing Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) data on 9689 3-year-old twin pairs. Methods. Rater Bias and Psychometric Models were fitted to CBCL/2-3 data obtained from mothers and fathers to determine the genetic and environmental contributions to the five CBCL syndromes:aggressive, oppositional, overactive, withdrawn, and anxious/depressed behavior. Results. Parental ratings are influenced by aspects of the child's behavior that are experienced in the same way by both parents and by aspects of the child's behavior that are experienced uniquely by each parent. There is evidence for high genetic contributions to all CBCL syndromes. Shared and non-shared environmental influences play significant roles as well. One exception is overactive behavior, which is influenced by genetic and non-shared environmental influences only. Conclusions. Variation in behavior problems in the very young shows high heritability. Individual raters offer unique perspectives that can have an impact on estimates of problem behavior and genetic architecture. Therefore, multi-informant approaches in the assessment of the very young will be useful to clinicians and researchers alike

    Sense of coherence and attrition during four-year follow-up in cohorts of permanent and non-permanent Finnish employees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We studied whether health resources, measured as sense of coherence (SOC), are associated with participation in a follow-up survey among permanent and non-permanent employees who responded at baseline.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Of a cohort of 5,981 permanent employees, those who after four years were still in the service of the same employer were asked to participate in a follow-up survey. Another cohort consisted of 2,194 fixed-term and 682 subsidised employees; among these the follow-up survey was posted to those whose addresses were found in the population register. Non-participation was divided into loss to follow-up (i.e., failure to locate the individual, death and, among permanent employees, turnover or exit from labour market) and non-response to the follow-up survey. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine whether the respondents differed from the non-respondents with respect to SOC and other characteristics at baseline.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among permanent employees the follow-up survey yielded 3,998 respondents, 1,051 were lost, and 932 did not reply. Among non-permanent employees the follow-up survey yielded 1,563 respondents on initially fixed-term and 467 on subsidised contracts, the corresponding figures for those lost were 145 and 38, and for the non-respondents 486 and 177. Low SOC was associated with lower response rate among fixed-term but not among permanent or subsidised employees. No association was found between SOC and loss to follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SOC is a potential source of non-random sample attrition and should be taken into account for when estimating bias due to non-participation in occupational cohorts that include fixed-term employees.</p