331 research outputs found

    Revisiting Rotational Perturbations and the Microwave Background

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    We consider general-relativistic rotational perturbations in homogeneous and isotropic Friedman - Robertson - Walker (FRW) cosmologies. Taking linear perturbations of FRW models, the general solution of the field equations contains tensorial, vectorial and scalar functions. The vectorial terms are in connection with rotations in the given model and due to the Sachs - Wolfe effect they produce contributions to the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). In present paper we obtain the analytic time dependence of these contributions in a spatially flat, FRW model with pressureless ideal fluid, in the presence and the absence of a cosmological constant. We find that the solution can be separated into an integrable and a non-integrable part as is the situation in the case of scalar perturbations. Analyzing the solutions and using the results of present observations we estimate the order of magnitude of the angular velocity corresponding to the rotation tensor at the time of decoupling and today.Comment: accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Vector modes generated by primordial density fluctuations

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    While vector modes are usually ignored in cosmology since they are not produced during inflation they are inevitably produced from the interaction of density fluctuations of differing wavelengths. This effect may be calculated via a second-order perturbative expansion. We investigate this effect during the radiation era. We discuss the generation mechanism by investigating two scalar modes interacting, and we calculate the power of vector modes generated by a power-law spectrum of density perturbations on all scales.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, minor changes in main text and new appendix added to match the accepted version for Physical Review D publicatio

    Generalised relativistic Ohm's laws, extended gauge transformations and magnetic linking

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    Generalisations of the relativistic ideal Ohm's law are presented that include specific dynamical features of the current carrying particles in a plasma. Cases of interest for space and laboratory plasmas are identified where these generalisations allow for the definition of generalised electromagnetic fields that transform under a Lorentz boost in the same way as the real electromagnetic fields and that obey the same set of homogeneous Maxwell's equations

    Shock waves in superconducting cosmic strings: growth of current

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    Intrinsic equations of motion of superconducting cosmic string may admit solutions in the shock-wave form that implies discontinuity of the current term \chi. The hypersurface of discontinuity propagates at finite velocity determined by finite increment \Delta \chi =\chi_+ -\chi_-. The current increases \chi_+>\chi_- in stable shocks but transition between spacelike (\chi >0) and timelike (\chi<0) currents is impossible.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    New Relativistic Effects in the Dynamics of Nonlinear Hydrodynamical Waves

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    In Newtonian and relativistic hydrodynamics the Riemann problem consists of calculating the evolution of a fluid which is initially characterized by two states having different values of uniform rest-mass density, pressure and velocity. When the fluid is allowed to relax, one of three possible wave-patterns is produced, corresponding to the propagation in opposite directions of two nonlinear hydrodynamical waves. New effects emerge in a special relativistic Riemann problem when velocities tangential to the initial discontinuity surface are present. We show that a smooth transition from one wave-pattern to another can be produced by varying the initial tangential velocities while otherwise maintaining the initial states unmodified. These special relativistic effects are produced by the coupling through the relativistic Lorentz factors and do not have a Newtonian counterpart.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    New Measure of the Dissipation Region in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection

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    A new measure to identify a small-scale dissipation region in collisionless magnetic reconnection is proposed. The energy transfer from the electromagnetic field to plasmas in the electron's rest frame is formulated as a Lorentz-invariant scalar quantity. The measure is tested by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations in typical configurations: symmetric and asymmetric reconnection, with and without the guide field. The innermost region surrounding the reconnection site is accurately located in all cases. We further discuss implications for nonideal MHD dissipation

    Relativistic MHD Simulations of Jets with Toroidal Magnetic Fields

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    This paper presents an application of the recent relativistic HLLC approximate Riemann solver by Mignone & Bodo to magnetized flows with vanishing normal component of the magnetic field. The numerical scheme is validated in two dimensions by investigating the propagation of axisymmetric jets with toroidal magnetic fields. The selected jet models show that the HLLC solver yields sharper resolution of contact and shear waves and better convergence properties over the traditional HLL approach.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    General Relativistic effects on the conversion of nuclear to two-flavour quark matter in compact stars

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    We investigate the General Relativistic (GR) effects on the conversion from nuclear to two-flavour quark matter in compact stars, both static as well as rotating. We find that GR effects lead to qualitative differences in rotating stars, indicating the inadequacy of non-relativistic (NR) or even Special Relativistic (SR) treatments for these cases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Relaxed States in Relativistic Multi-Fluid Plasmas

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    The evolution equations for a plasma comprising multiple species of charged fluids with relativistic bulk and thermal motion are derived. It is shown that a minimal fluid coupling model allows a natural casting of the evolution equations in terms of generalized vorticity which treats the fluid motion and electromagnetic fields equally. Equilibria can be found using a variational principle based on minimizing the total enstrophy subject to energy and helicity constraints. A subset of these equilibria correspond to minimum energy. The equations for these states are presented with example solutions showing the structure of the relaxed states.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Memory and nonlocal effects in heat transport : from diffusive to ballistic regimes

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    The authors discuss a generalized transportmodel including memory and nonlocal effects, which aims to describe the transition of heat transport from the diffusive regime to the ballistic regime. By using an effective thermal conductivity depending on the Knudsen number, they describe in a single equation the behavior of conductivity in terms of the system size and a reduction in the limit flux through nanoscale devices