24 research outputs found

    Programmable RNA recognition using a CRISPR-associated Argonaute

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    Argonaute proteins (Agos) are present in all domains of life. Although the physiological function of eukaryotic Agos in regulating gene expression is well documented, the biological roles of many of their prokaryotic counterparts remain enigmatic. In some bacteria, Agos are associated with CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) loci and use noncanonical 5'-hydroxylated guide RNAs (gRNAs) for nucleic acid targeting. Here we show that using 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) as the 5' nucleotide of gRNAs stabilizes in vitro reconstituted CRISPR-associated Marinitoga piezophila Argonaute-gRNA complexes (MpAgo RNPs) and significantly improves their specificity and affinity for RNA targets. Using reconstituted MpAgo RNPs with 5'-BrdU-modified gRNAs, we mapped the seed region of the gRNA and identified the nucleotides of the gRNA that play the most significant role in targeting specificity. We also show that these MpAgo RNPs can be programmed to distinguish between substrates that differ by a single nucleotide, using permutations at the sixth and seventh positions in the gRNA. Using these specificity features, we employed MpAgo RNPs to detect specific adenosine-to-inosine-edited RNAs in a complex mixture. These findings broaden our mechanistic understanding of the interactions of Argonautes with guide and substrate RNAs, and demonstrate that MpAgo RNPs with 5'-BrdU-modified gRNAs can be used as a highly specific RNA-targeting platform to probe RNA biology

    DNA capture by a CRISPR-Cas9-guided adenine base editor.

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    CRISPR-Cas-guided base editors convert A•T to G•C, or C•G to T•A, in cellular DNA for precision genome editing. To understand the molecular basis for DNA adenosine deamination by adenine base editors (ABEs), we determined a 3.2-angstrom resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of ABE8e in a substrate-bound state in which the deaminase domain engages DNA exposed within the CRISPR-Cas9 R-loop complex. Kinetic and structural data suggest that ABE8e catalyzes DNA deamination up to ~1100-fold faster than earlier ABEs because of mutations that stabilize DNA substrates in a constrained, transfer RNA-like conformation. Furthermore, ABE8e's accelerated DNA deamination suggests a previously unobserved transient DNA melting that may occur during double-stranded DNA surveillance by CRISPR-Cas9. These results explain ABE8e-mediated base-editing outcomes and inform the future design of base editors

    Phage-assisted evolution of an adenine base editor with improved Cas domain compatibility and activity

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    Applications of adenine base editors (ABEs) have been constrained by the limited compatibility of the deoxyadenosine deaminase component with Cas homologs other than SpCas9. We evolved the deaminase component of ABE7.10 using phage-assisted non-continuous and continuous evolution (PANCE and PACE), which resulted in ABE8e. ABE8e contains eight additional mutations that increase activity (kapp) 590-fold compared with that of ABE7.10. ABE8e offers substantially improved editing efficiencies when paired with a variety of Cas9 or Cas12 homologs. ABE8e is more processive than ABE7.10, which could benefit screening, disruption of regulatory regions and multiplex base editing applications. A modest increase in Cas9-dependent and -independent DNA off-target editing, and in transcriptome-wide RNA off-target editing can be ameliorated by the introduction of an additional mutation in the TadA-8e domain. Finally, we show that ABE8e can efficiently install natural mutations that upregulate fetal hemoglobin expression in the BCL11A enhancer or in the the HBG promoter in human cells, targets that were poorly edited with ABE7.10. ABE8e augments the effectiveness and applicability of adenine base editing

    M3: an integrative framework for structure determination of molecular machines

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    We present a broadly applicable, user-friendly protocol that incorporates sparse and hybrid experimental data to calculate quasi-atomic-resolution structures of molecular machines. The protocol uses the HADDOCK framework, accounts for extensive structural rearrangements both at the domain and atomic levels and accepts input from all structural and biochemical experiments whose data can be translated into interatomic distances and/or molecular shapes

    Encoded loop-lanthanide-binding tags for long-range distance measurements in proteins by NMR and EPR spectroscopy

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    We recently engineered encodable lanthanide binding tags (LBTs) into proteins and demonstrated their applicability in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and luminescence studies. Here, we engineered two-loop-LBTs into the model protein interleukin-1β (IL1β) and measured [superscript 1]H, [superscript 15]N-pseudocontact shifts (PCSs) by NMR spectroscopy. We determined the Δχ-tensors associated with each Tm[superscript 3+]-loaded loop-LBT and show that the experimental PCSs yield structural information at the interface between the two metal ion centers at atomic resolution. Such information is very valuable for the determination of the sites of interfaces in protein–protein-complexes. Combining the experimental PCSs of the two-loop-LBT construct IL1β-S2R2 and the respective single-loop-LBT constructs IL1β-S2, IL1β-R2 we additionally determined the distance between the metal ion centers. Further, we explore the use of two-loop LBTs loaded with Gd[superscript 3+] as a novel tool for distance determination by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy and show the NMR-derived distances to be remarkably consistent with distances derived from Pulsed Electron–Electron Dipolar Resonance.German Science Foundation (collaborative research centers 807 and 902)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant MCB 0744415