186 research outputs found

    Mathematical formulations for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines with family setup times and total weighted completion time minimization

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    This paper addresses the parallel machine scheduling problem with family dependent setup times and total weighted completion time minimization. In this problem, when two jobs j and k are scheduled consecutively on the same machine, a setup time is performed between the finishing time of j and the starting time of k if and only if j and k belong to different families. The problem is strongly NP-hard and is commonly addressed in the literature by heuristic approaches and by branch-and-bound algorithms. Achieving proven optimal solution is a challenging task even for small size instances. Our contribution is to introduce five novel mixed integer linear programs based on concepts derived from one-commodity, arc-flow and set covering formulations. Numerical experiments on more than 13000 benchmark instances show that one of the arc-flow models and the set covering model are quite efficient, as they provide on average better solutions than state-of-the-art approaches, with shorter computation times, and solve to proven optimality a large number of open instances from the literature

    The influence of MgO on the radiation protection and mechanical properties of tellurite glasses

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    Mechanical moduli, such as Young's modulus (E), Bulks modulus (B), Shear modulus (S), longitudinal modulus (L), Poisson's ratio (σ) and micro Hardness (H) were theoretically calculated for (100-x)TeO2+x MgO glasses, where x = 10, 20, 30, 40 and 45 mol%, based on the Makishima–Mackenzie model. The estimated results showed that the mechanical moduli and the microhardness of the glasses were improved with the increase of the MgO contents in the TM glasses, while Poisson's ratio decreased with the increase in MgO content. Moreover, the radiation shielding capacity was evaluated for the studied TM glasses. Thus, the linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mass attenuation coefficient (MAC), transmission factor (TF) and half-value thickness (Δ0.5) were simulated for gamma photon energies between 0.344 and 1.406 MeV. The simulated results showed that glass TM10 with 10 mol % MgO possess the highest LAC and varied in the range between 0.259 and 0.711 cm−1, while TM45 glass with 45 mol % MgO possess the lowest LAC and vary in the range between 0.223 and 0.587 cm−1 at gamma photon energies between 0.344 and 1.406 MeV. Furthermore, the BXCOM program was applied to calculate the effective atomic number (Zeff), equivalent atomic number (Zeq) and buildup factors (EBF and EABF) of the glasses. The effective removal cross-section for the fast neutrons (ERCSFN, ∑R) was also calculated theoretically. The received data depicts that the lowest ∑R was achieved for TM10 glasses, where ∑R = 0.0193 cm2 g−1, while TM45 possesses the highest ERCSFN where ∑R = 0.0215 cm2 g−1. © 2020 Korean Nuclear Societ

    Investigation of the gamma ray shielding properties for polyvinyl chloride reinforced with chalcocite and hematite minerals

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    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the most widely produced synthetic plastic polymer in the world: it has a variety of applications due to its low cost, elasticity, light weight, good mechanical characteristics and corrosion resistance. In order to protect living beings from harmful radiation such as gamma rays, novel low-cost chalcocite and hematite-based PVCs were fabricated for shielding purposes. The mass attenuation coefficient μm for various fabricated hematite and chalcocite-based PVCs was calculated using MCNP-5 code. The results were compared with the values calculated theoretically using XCOM software between 0.015 and 15 MeV. Moreover, the simulated μm parameter for chalcocite/PVC and hematite/PVC was used to calculate other shielding factors, such as the half value layer (HVL), the mean free path (MFP) effective atomic number Zeff, the geometric-progress (G-P) fitting parameters and the exposure buildup factor (EBF). The simulated data of μm for all composites is comparable to that obtained from a theoretical calculation. The results showed that the addition of hematite and chalcocite enhance the μm of PVC polymers. We also found that the μm of chalcocite/PVC is higher than that of hematite/PVC due to the copper content in the former. © 2020Materials science; Nuclear physics; Polyvinyl chloride; Hematite; Chalcocite; Shielding parameters; Radiation shielding. © 202

    An RxLR effector from phytophthora infestans prevents re-localisation of two plant NAC transcription factors from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus

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    The plant immune system is activated following the perception of exposed, essential and invariant microbial molecules that are recognised as non-self. A major component of plant immunity is the transcriptional induction of genes involved in a wide array of defence responses. In turn, adapted pathogens deliver effector proteins that act either inside or outside plant cells to manipulate host processes, often through their direct action on plant protein targets. To date, few effectors have been shown to directly manipulate transcriptional regulators of plant defence. Moreover, little is known generally about the modes of action of effectors from filamentous (fungal and oomycete) plant pathogens. We describe an effector, called Pi03192, from the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which interacts with a pair of host transcription factors at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) inside plant cells. We show that these transcription factors are released from the ER to enter the nucleus, following pathogen perception, and are important in restricting disease. Pi03192 prevents the plant transcription factors from accumulating in the host nucleus, revealing a novel means of enhancing host susceptibility

    Influence of heavy metal oxides to the mechanical and radiation shielding properties of borate and silica glass system

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    Six borate and silica glasses with varying compositions were investigated for their mechanical and radiation shielding viability. Makishima-Mackenzie elastic model was utilized to study the elastic properties of the investigated glasses. The obtained results illustrated that PbO and Bi2O3 oxides reduced the glass samples' mechanical properties. For instance, the bulks' model decreased between 68.15 and 44.10 GPa, the shear model also followed the same trend and decreased from 31.95 to 23.33 GPa, reducing the PbO and Bi2O3 ratios in the studied glass samples. Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP-5) was utilized to evaluate the investigated glasses' shielding capacity. The obtained results depict that the highest linear attenuation coefficient (LAC) occurred at 0.356 MeV; it takes values 0.618, 1.024, 1.161, 1.271, 1.963, and 2.071 cm-1 for G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, and G6. Based on the simulated values of LAC, other shielding properties such as transmission rate (TR), radiation protection efficiency (RPE), half-value layer (HVL) were evaluated. The calculated results illustrated that the shielding properties enhanced with Bi2O3 and PbO insertion ratios. © 2021 The Author(s)

    Evaluation of radiation shielding features of co and ni-based superalloys using mcnp-5 code: Potential use in nuclear safety

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    Due to their excellent heat resistance, superalloys are used predominantly in the manufacturing of engine parts and accessories for aircraft and aerospace equipment. The Monte Carlo simulation (MCNP-5) code was performed to estimate the mean track length of the incident photons inside six different alloys. Then, based on the simulated track length, other important γ-ray shielding parameters were calculated. In this study, the highest mass attenuation coefficient was obtained for alloys encoded MAR-302 and MAR-247 and varied in the range 0.035–72.94 and 0.035–71.98 cm2·g−1, respectively. The lowest mass attenuation coefficient was found for alloys coded Inconel-718 and Nimocast-75 with a range of 0.033–59.25 and 0.32–59.30 cm2·g−1, respectively. Use was made of a recently developed online program Phy-X/PD to calculate the effective atomic number, equivalent atomic number, and the buildup factors for the alloys of interest. The effective removal cross-section for the fast neutron was also calculated for the studied alloys: the highest value was found for the alloys coded with Inconel-718 (∑R = 0.01945 cm2·g−1) and Nimocast-75 (∑R = 0.01940 cm2·g−1), and the lowest value was obtained for alloy coded MAR-302 (∑R = 0.01841 cm2·g−1). Calculated data indicate that MAR-302 and MAR-247 are superior candidates for shielding of gamma-rays, while Inconel-718 and Nimocast-75 MAR-302 are suitable for the shielding of fast neutrons. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This work was funded by the Research Universiti Grant, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (GUP), code: 2018-134

    Using Simulation to Assess the Opportunities of Dynamic Waste Collection

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    In this paper, we illustrate the use of discrete event simulation to evaluate how dynamic planning methodologies can be best applied for the collection of waste from underground containers. We present a case study that took place at the waste collection company Twente Milieu, located in The Netherlands. Even though the underground containers are already equipped with motion sensors, the planning of container emptying’s is still based on static cyclic schedules. It is expected that the use of a dynamic planning methodology, that employs sensor information, will result in a more efficient collection process with respect to customer satisfaction, profits, and CO2 emissions. In this research we use simulation to (i) evaluate the current planning methodology, (ii) evaluate various dynamic planning possibilities, (iii) quantify the benefits of switching to a dynamic collection process, and (iv) quantify the benefits of investing in fill‐level sensors. After simulating all scenarios, we conclude that major improvements can be achieved, both with respect to logistical costs as well as customer satisfaction

    Assessment of the current and emerging criteria for the histopathological classification of lung neuroendocrine tumours in the lungNENomics project

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    Background: Six thoracic pathologists reviewed 259 lung neuroendocrine tumours (LNETs) from the lungNENomics project, with 171 of them having associated survival data. This cohort presents a unique opportunity to assess the strengths and limitations of current World Health Organization (WHO) classification criteria and to evaluate the utility of emerging markers. Patients and methods: Patients were diagnosed based on the 2021 WHO criteria, with atypical carcinoids (ACs) defined by the presence of focal necrosis and/or 2-10 mitoses per 2 mm2. We investigated two markers of tumour proliferation: the Ki-67 index and phospho-histone H3 (PHH3) protein expression, quantified by pathologists and automatically via deep learning. Additionally, an unsupervised deep learning algorithm was trained to uncover previously unnoticed morphological features with diagnostic value. Results: The accuracy in distinguishing typical from ACs is hampered by interobserver variability in mitotic counting and the limitations of morphological criteria in identifying aggressive cases. Our study reveals that different Ki-67 cut-offs can categorise LNETs similarly to current WHO criteria. Counting mitoses in PHH3+ areas does not improve diagnosis, while providing a similar prognostic value to the current criteria. With the advantage of being time efficient, automated assessment of these markers leads to similar conclusions. Lastly, state-of-the-art deep learning modelling does not uncover undisclosed morphological features with diagnostic value. Conclusions: This study suggests that the mitotic criteria can be complemented by manual or automated assessment of Ki-67 or PHH3 protein expression, but these markers do not significantly improve the prognostic value of the current classification, as the AC group remains highly unspecific for aggressive cases. Therefore, we may have exhausted the potential of morphological features in classifying and prognosticating LNETs. Our study suggests that it might be time to shift the research focus towards investigating molecular markers that could contribute to a more clinically relevant morpho-molecular classification.</p

    Tobacco Rattle Virus Vector: A Rapid and Transient Means of Silencing Manduca sexta Genes by Plant Mediated RNA Interference

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    Background: RNAi can be achieved in insect herbivores by feeding them host plants stably transformed to express double stranded RNA (dsRNA) of selected midgut-expressed genes. However, the development of stably transformed plants is a slow and laborious process and here we developed a rapid, reliable and transient method. We used viral vectors to produce dsRNA in the host plant Nicotiana attenuata to transiently silence midgut genes of the plant’s lepidopteran specialist herbivore, Manduca sexta. To compare the efficacy of longer, undiced dsRNA for insect gene silencing, we silenced N. attenuata’s dicer genes (NaDCL1- 4) in all combinations in a plant stably transformed to express dsRNA targeting an insect gene. Methodology/Principal Findings: Stable transgenic N. attenuata plants harboring a 312 bp fragment of MsCYP6B46 in an inverted repeat orientation (ir-CYP6B46) were generated to produce CYP6B46 dsRNA. After consuming these plants, transcripts of CYP6B46 were significantly reduced in M. sexta larval midguts. The same 312 bp cDNA was cloned in an antisense orientation into a TRV vector and Agro-infiltrated into N. attenuata plants. When larvae ingested these plants, similar reductions in CYP6B46 transcripts were observed without reducing transcripts of the most closely related MsCYP6B45. We used this transient method to rapidly silence the expression of two additional midgut-expressed MsCYPs. CYP6B46 transcripts were further reduced in midguts, when the larvae fed on ir-CYP6B46 plants transiently silenced for tw