17 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of agroforestry in reducing the erosion rate compared to the eucalyptus plantation in Wanagama I educational forest

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    Due to the increasing demand of grass for feeding the cattle, agroforestry land use was developed in the area of Wanagama I Educational Forest. As a consequence, research on erosion rates at the agroforestry land use is very important, especially by comparing its erosion rate with that of eucalyptus in order to analyse the effectiveness of agroforestry in reducing the erosion rate. The objectives of the study is to determine the erosion rates both at the agroforestry area and eucalyptus plantation and the influence of rainfall to erosion rates at the two areas. The erosion rates were measured by using the small plot 22 x 4 meters established in the field both at the agroforestry and eucalyptus areas. For measuring the rainfall, ombrometer were installed at such sites. Sigma Plot software was applied for multiple regression analysis, to clarify the effect of rainfall depth and intensity on erosion rate. The results of the study showed that the erosion rates on eucalyptus plantation land was 1445.85 kg/ha or 1.45 tons/ha and on agroforestry land was 679.82 kg/ha or 0.68 tons/ha. Rainfall depth and rainfall intensity affect erosion on eucalyptus land with a coefficient of determination of 0.585 and on agroforestry lands of 0.716. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Tingkat Erosi Dan Rancangan Teknik Konservasi Tanah Dan Air Di Sub DAS Waewoki, DAS Aesesa Kabupaten Ngada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (Erosion Level and Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Plan in Waewoki Sub Watershed, Aesesa Watershed, Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    Kajian tingkat erosi dan rancangan Konservasi Tanah-Air (KTA) telah dilakukan di Sub DAS Waewoki DAS Aesesa Kabupaten Ngada Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi tingkat erosi di Sub DAS Waewoki dan menentukan teknik KTA di Sub DAS Waewoki. Untuk memprediksi erosi, diterapkan model SWAT, dengan tahapan deliniasi DAS, pembentukan peta unit lahan, input data iklim serta data pendukung yang dibutuhkan, dan running SWAT. Dari 51 unit lahan di wilayah kajian diambil sampel tanah pada 13 titik lokasi berdasarkan GPS. Untuk merancang teknik KTA digunakan analisis klaster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat erosi yang terjadi pada enam tahun terakhir sangat bervariasi, dari tingkat erosi sangat ringan sebesar 0,11 %, kelas ringan sebesar 1,38 % dan kelas sedang sebesar 1 %. Berdasarkan model regresi ditunjukkan bahwa faktor erosi yang paling berpengaruh di lokasi penelitian adalah kelerengan, yang signifikan terhadap kriteria probabilitas yaitu 0.05. Rancangan teknik KTA dirancang pada jarak tandan terkecil dengan jumlah kelompok klaster sebayak 5 yang memiliki klasifikasi unit lahan yang berbeda-beda. Pengklasteran unit lahan menunjukkan bahwa faktor kelerengan, penggunaan lahan dan jenis tanah merupakan faktor yang paling dominan untuk terbentuknya kelompok klaster I dan V, sedangkan untuk kelompok klaster II, III, dan IV faktor yang paling dominan adalah penggunaan lahan dan jenis tanah. Model KTA yang diterapkan pada setiap kelompok klaster adalah model vegetatif dan mekanik sesuai dengan klasifikasi yang terbentuk

    Perubahan Kualitas Lingkungan Pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Babak, Pulau Lombok (Environmental Quality Changes in Community Forests in the Babak River Basin, Lombok Island)

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    Kegiatan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Babak telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2007 dan memperoleh ijin usaha pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan (IUPHKm) pada tahun 2010. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa HKm memberikan pengaruh terhadap kualitas lingkungan, baik kualitas lingkungan biofisik, ekonomi dan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui Perubahan kualitas lingkungan pada kegiatan HKm di DAS Babak dalam kurun 2007-2015, baik lingkungan biofisik, ekonomi dan sosial. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2015-2016 pada HKm di DAS Babak. Data biofisik diperoleh dari survei lapangan dan data sekunder. Data ekonomi dan sosial diperoleh dengan wawancara terhadap 102 responden yang dipilih melalui teknik purpossive sampling. Analisis data biofisik dilakukan dengan menggunakan Soil and water analysis tool (SWAT), sedangkan data ekonomi dan sosial dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kurun 2007-2015 terdapat Perubahan kualitas lingkungan pada HKm di DAS Babak. Perubahan kualitas biofisik ditunjukkan oleh penurunan limpasan dan erosi; kualitas ekonomi ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan pendapatan dan penurunan jumlah kemiskinan; sedangkan peningkatan kualitas sosial ditunjukkan oleh Perubahan perilaku dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan. Dengan demikian, keberadaan HKm di DAS Babak dapat dikembangkan untuk memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan biofisik, ekonomi dan sosial

    Land capability analysis using LCLP software in cangkringan micro watershed model

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    Each land in a watershed area has different capabilities depending on the characteristics of the land in the area. Land capability analysis is needed in land management and land use, the aim is that land use can be carried out optimally and reduce the impact of land damage. Determination of land capability class using the matching method, by matching and comparing land characteristics or land limiting factors with land capability class criteria according to the USDA classification system. This study was started by conducting field observations and taking soil samples, then analyzed using Land Capability and Landuse Planing (LCLP) software and GIS to get a map of the land capability class. The results showed that the land capability in site are consists of class II-IV and VI-VII. The limiting factors for land management are erosion (e), permeability (P), texture (t) and slope (L) © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Identification of Body Measurement of Marica Goat as Local and Native Goat of South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Marica goat is a native goat and genetic resources of livestock at South Sulawesi Indonesia which is includes the category of rare and endangered species according to FAO report. The performance characteristic information of Marica goat are limited. The objective of this research is to describe the basic information of performance characteristics of Marica goat. The limited of 23 heads of Marica goat were collected from Jeneponto, Maros, and Soppeng regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The measurements were done on five age groups for body weight, body length, chest girth, chest depth, wither height, hip height, hip width, thurl width, rump length. The data were analyzed by decriptive statistic analysis and t-test to compare between the body measurements of Marica dan Kacang goat. Results showed that the growth trend of body measurements of Marica and Kacang goat were similar. Marica goat tended slightly bigger and faster of growth at 1 years of age on body length, chest depth, and thurl width and at 2 years of age on hip hight, hip width, thurl width, rump length, and chest girth while since 3 years of age Kacang goat tended more bigger. Homogenity percentage of Marica and Kacang goat were high (CV<20%). Marica goat can be empowered as one source of meat production livestock in Indonesia

    Innovative and sustainable research-based learning & community services during lockdown by COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe human suffering and substantial damage to life throughout the world. The lockdown caused by COVID-19 also significantly impacted three main elements in UGM education processes, including teaching, research, and community service, where most of their activities involving a large group of people, field, and outdoor programs. Innovation in learning, research, and community service without mobility from home is needed to overcome the impact of Covid-19. Methods of internet-based learning, research, and community service must be established during the pandemic to generate a reliable yet efficient blended program that can accommodate their outcomes. This paper will generally look at the initiative and strategy taken by UGM in planning and developing a sustainable research-based learning and community services. It is based on integrated research-based learning and community service, which integrates former individual education, research, and community service programs. The policy of considering COVID-19 as an emergency at UGM has eliminated teaching and learning activities on campus and replaced them with online learning activities from home. The application of the Three-Centra Education concept, which consists of families, schools, and communities, is truly relevant for developing research-based learning and service programs. Besides, academic and non-academic atmospheres to support integrated education, research, and community service processes in universities in the current era must be developed under millennial students� style. The millennial approach's adjustment is possible by developing tutoring systems through student-centered learning with the edutainment process that triggers the learning system to be more enjoyable, but the quality is still maintained. This quality of online learning during an emergency in UGM has been improved based on conducted surveys indicating that the advantages of online lectures, according to students, are its flexibility and relaxation; no preparation needed to visit campus; more courageous to ask questions during lecture; most materials are well documented for rereading; time and cost-efficient. Meanwhile, online learning disadvantages covered the fact that the lectures confused with online assignments that caused an excessive workload; the lecturers need to be more interactive and communicative; the schedule should not be frequently changed until later evening, and decrease concentration ability among students. University leaders, the academic community, including alumni, have been building solidarity, compassion, and empathy through food assistance, credit, academic fee reduction, non-bureaucratic procedures for students affected by COVID-19. Co-learning system and work from home in the cyber campus 4.0 for the millennial student in the era of lockdown and destructive innovation with the support of sophisticated information technology and significant data access seems to be the most appropriate learning media. The empowerment online learning system must implement the principles of win�win solution, co-creation, co-finance, flexibility, and sustainability of the proposed programs to strengthen education's real meaning during this pandemic. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021