21 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of density functions by sk-splines

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    Reconstruction of density functions and their characteristic functions by radial basis functions with scattered data points is a popular topic in the theory of pricing of basket options. Such functions are usually entire or admit an analytic extension into an appropriate tube and "bell-shaped" with rapidly decaying tails. Unfortunately, the domain of such functions is not compact which creates various technical difficulties. We solve interpolation problem on an infinite rectangular grid for a wide range of kernel functions and calculate explicitly their Fourier transform to obtain representations for the respective density functions


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    Abstract The space of-splines is the linear span of shifts of a single kernel. In this article we introduce-splines on. It is shown that, with suitably chosen kernel, the subspace of-splines realizes sharp orders of Kolmogorov’s-widths in different important situations. 1

    Optimal cubature formulas on compact homogeneous manifolds

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We find lower bounds for the rate of convergence of optimal cubature formulas on sets of differentiable functions on compact homogeneous manifolds of rank I or two-point homogeneous Spaces. It is Shown that these lower bounds are sharp in the power scale in the case of S(2), the unit sphere in R(3). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.257516211629Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP [2007/56162-8

    Quasi--Interpolation on the 2--Sphere using Radial Polynomials

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    In this paper we consider a simple method of radial quasi-interpolation by polynomials on S 2 and present rates of convergence for this method on a wide range of smooth functions. 1 Harmonic analysis and sets of smooth functions on S 2 Let hx; yi = x 1 y 1 + x 2 y 2 + x 3 y 3 This research has been partially supported by EPSRC (UK) Grant GL41639 and CNPq (Brazil). be the usual scalar product in Euclidean 3--space IR 3 , and S 2 be the 2dimensional unit sphere in IR 3 , i.e. S 2 = fx j x 2 IR 3 ; hx; xi = 1g: Let d¯ be the normalized rotation invariant measure on the sphere, and k'k p = ( ( R S 2 j'(x)j p d¯(x)) 1=p ; 1 p ! 1; ess supfj'(x)j j x 2 S 2 g; p = 1: Let L p = f' j k'k p ! 1g, and U p = f' j k'k p 1g. The space L 2 has the orthogonal decomposition L 2 = 1 M k=0 H k where H k is the space of spherical harmonic polynomials of degree k. It is known that H k has dimension 2k+1. Let fY (k) \Gammak ; : : : ; Y (k) k g be an orthonormal b..

    Optimal Approximation On Sd

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    The asymptotic behavior of the n-widths of a wide range of sets of smooth functions on a d-dimensional sphere in Lq(Sd) is studied. Upper and lower bounds for the n-widths are established. Moreover, it is shown that these upper and lower bounds coincide for some important concrete examples. © 2000 Academic Press.162424458Askey, R., Wainger, S., On the behavior of special classes of ultraspherical expansions I, II (1965) J. Analyse Math., 15, pp. 193-244Bonami, A., Clerk, J.-L., Sommes de Cesàro et multiplicateurs des développements en harmoniques sphériques (1973) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 183, pp. 223-263Dunford, N., Schwartz, J., (1957) Linear Operators, , New York: InterscienceForst, W., Über die Breite von Klassen holomorpher periodischer Funktionen (1977) J. Approx. Theory, 19, pp. 325-331Gluskin, E.D., On some problem about n-widths (1974) Doklady Acad. Nauk. USSR, 219, pp. 527-530Gluskin, E.D., Norms of random matrices and n-widths of finite dimensional sets (1983) Mat. 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    On the Norm of the Fourier—Gegenbauer Projection in Weighted L p Spaces

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    On the problem of optimal reconstruction

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    We find lower bounds for linear and Alexandrov's cowidths of Sobolev's classes on Compact Riemannian homogeneous manifolds M-d. Using these results we give an explicit solution of the problem of optimal reconstruction of functions from Sobolev's classes W-p(y) (M-d) in L-q (M-d), 1 <= q <= p <= infinity.134SI45947