708 research outputs found

    Model Bimbingan Untuk Mengembangkan Karakter Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan ”a Guidance Model for Developing Early Chilhood Character Through Games”

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    Penelitian inidimotivasi oleh pentingnya permainan bagi kehidupan anak usia dini untuk membantu menciptakan iklim yang kondusif yang memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk: mengembangkan penerimaan diri dan orang lain, memberikan ide-ide, perasaan, dukungan untuk solusi masalah, membuat keputusan yang tepat, praktek baru perilaku, dan bertanggung jawab atas pilihan yang ditentukan sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model bimbingan untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini melalui permainan. Studi penelitian inimenggunakan dan pengembangan pendekatan dengan campuran desain metode penelitian.Penelitian ini jelaskan dalam tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) mempelajari konsep teoritis dan kebutuhan pembangunan, (2) mengembangkan model panduan hipotetis untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini, (3) menguji model hipotetis, (4) merevisi hipotesis menjadi model bimbingan yang efektif dalam mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini melalui permainan, (5) mengembangkan panduan guru untuk menerapkan model diuji, dan(6) mengembangkan program pelatihan bagi para pengguna model. Studi ini muncul dengan temuan utama bahwa model yang dibangun terbukti efektif untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini. Tiga buklet yang disediakan untuk para pengguna model yang diuji: (1) deskripsi model diuji, (2) pedoman untuk menggunakan model diuji, dan(3) program pelatihan bagi pengguna model yang diuji

    Pendekatan Problem Solving untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi

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    Penggunaan suatu pendekatan pembelajaran di kelas sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa SDIMI dalam matematika. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran inovatifyang secara langsung berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir tingkat ·tinggi siswa SDIMI dalam matematika. adalah pendekatan problem solving. Hanya saja dalam pelaksanaannya di kelas, tetap harus berpedoman kepada tahap perkembangan intelektual siswa, dengan agar tidak terjadi kegagalan. Selanjutnya dengan penggunaan pendekatan ini diharapkan terciptanya individu-individu generasi penerus, pembela agama dan bangsa yang handal, kreatifdan tangguh

    Teori Aljabar Al-khawarizmi

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    Islam generates leaders and scientists who influence and contribute greatly to the development of science. One of them is Al-Khwarizmi who is known as a scientist in the field of mathematics. He also produced many other works in the scientific world. Field of education has demonstrated that al-Khwarizmi was a prominent Islamic scientist. His knowledge and expertise not only in the field of Shari'ah but also in the fields of philosophy, logic, arithmetic,geometry, music, arithmetic, Islamic history and chemistry. His work is very fonumental and it's very well known, namely calculation and algebra. His prominent role in arithmatics of which he gave the cornerstone in mathematics combining arithmatichs and algebra forms and he introduced hindu's numerical system to Europe. For his work, he is well known in moslem and westen works of knowledge. He is named as the Father of Algebra. Islam banyak melahirkan tokoh-tokoh dan ilmuwan yang memberi pengaruh dan kontribusi besar bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Salah satunya adalah Al-Khawarizmi dikenal sebagai ilmuwan di bidang matematika. Beliau juga banyak menghasilkan karya-karya lain dalam dunia ilmu penge- tahuan. Dalam pendidikan telah dibuktikan bahwa al-Khawarizmi adalah seorang tokoh Islam yang berpengetahuan luas. Pengetahuan dan keahliannya bukan hanya dalam bidang syari'at tapi di dalam bidang Falsafah, Logika, Aritmatika, Geometri, Musik, Ilmu Hitung, Sejarah Islam dan Kimia. Karyanya yang sangat fonumental dan sangat terkenal,di bidang matematika, yaitu mengenai perhitungan dan Aljabar. Kiprah Al-Khawarizmi yang paling menonjol memang dalam bidang Aritmatika, yaitu memberi dasar dan tonggak dalam matematika, menggabungkan bentuk-bentuk Aritmatika dan Aljabar, serta me- ngenalkan bilangan-bilangan Hindu ke benua Eropa. Atas jasanya itu beliau hingga sekarang sangat dikenal, baik di dunia ilmu pengetahuan Islam dan Barat. Atas karyanya di bidang Matematika tersebut beliau akhirnya di beri gelar Bapak Aljabar

    The Effect of Ownership Structure on Income Smoothing

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    Income smoothing is an earnings management action by raising or lowering earnings to make it look more stable. This was done by company management for reasons not achieving the company's targets. In financial statements, a stable company profit illustrates that the company had good business continuity.Explained in the concept of corporate governance, institutional ownership, government ownership, and managerial ownership were believed to be able to minimize the occurrence of income smoothing. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the effect of institutional ownership, government ownership, and managerial ownership with profitability and leverage control variables on income smoothing both simultaneously and partially in BUMN companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 - 2017.The technique used to select samples was purposive sampling technique. In the process, 10 research samples were obtained with a period of 6 years, so that 60 sample units were obtained. Then, to carry out the analysis, the analytical method used logistic regression analysis with the software used SPSS 23.0.After the analysis of this study, the results stated that simultaneous institutional ownership, government ownership, and managerial ownership with profitability control variables and leverage had a significant influence on income smoothing. Furthermore, partially the results of this study stated that government ownership had a significant effect on the negative direction of income smoothing. While the other two independent variables, namely institutional ownership and managerial ownership variables did not have a significant effect on income smoothing

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Askes (Persero), Cabang Boyolali)

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    The main objective of this research was to determine the influence of work motivation on job satisfaction, determine the effect of work motivation on employees performance and determine the effect of job satisfaction on employees performance. Types of research used in this research is the explanation (explanatory research) with a quantitative approach. The samples totaling 34 employees and a saturated sample. Analysis of the data in this study using descriptive analysis and path analysis. To analyze the data using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. Based on the results of path analysis showed that work motivation variable (X) has a significant influence on job satisfaction (Y1) with a value of 0000. Job Motivation variable (X) has a significant influence on Employee Job Performance (Y2) with a value of 0.041. Job Satisfaction (Y1) has a significant influence on Employees Job Performance (Y2) with a value of 0.037

    Analisis Interdependensi Neraca Transaksi Berjalan – Neraca Modal Indonesia Pendekatan Model Vector Autoregressive Dan Vector Error Correction 1981.1 – 2002.3

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    This paper analyze interrelations between current account and capital account of Indonesia based on quarterly data from 1981.1 to 2002.3. Indonesias' Current Account defi¬cit had been financed by huge capital inflows. A positive net capital inflow implies a higher stock of financial claims by the rest of the world against the resident and hence larger profit remittances and dividend and/or interest payments in the future.Johansen Cointegration test applied in this analysis shows that there is a cointe¬gration between current account and capital account with one cointegration equation. The result is consistence with Granger causality test, which shows that there is a bilateral cau¬sality between them. Through Bivariate Vector Autoregressive (VAR), it also could be seen that positive net capital inflows will cause deficit pressure on current account at first, third, fifth, and seventh quarter in the future (one-quarter break). Impulse Response Analysis also shows that positive net capital inflow will cause deficit pressure on current account one-quarter break after. But response of current account to the capital shock will not cause per¬manent impact on the current account. Current account will response to the capital shock till eleventh quarter after shock. After that, it will be back to its' long term equilibrium. Through the analysis of variance decomposition, it could be seen that the response of current account to the shock is mostly caused by the shock of current account itself. Based on vector error correction model (VECM), there is short term and long term adjustment processes. The speed of adjustment of current account towards its long term equilibrium, shown by the coefficient of ECT is 36.05% per quarter, but that of capital ac¬count is faster, 109.9% per quarter (shorter than one quarter).This research concludes that there is interdependence between current account and capital account. Positive net capital inflows could be a major cause of current account defi¬cits in the future, so stabilizing of balance of payment has also come to include stabilizing of capital account

    Kerentanan Pulau Terluar Dalam Menjaga Kedaulatan Negara Dalam Kerangka Hukum Laut Internasional

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    Negara pantai dan negara kepulauan memiliki tantangan atas pulau terluar yang memiliki kondisi jarak dan pelaksanaan penegakan hukum juga pengawasan terbatas. Keterbatasan ini mengeskalasi potensi masalah atas pelaksanaan kedaulatan hukum. Metode penelitian secara normatif melihat masih belum jelasnya pengaturan pulau yang tersebar yang kenyataannya memiliki karakter berbeda. Hasil peneltian bahwa, perlu adaya perhatian dan perlindungan negara pantai atas wilayah pulau terluar dengan pengaturan kolaborasi dalam kerangka peraturan hukum laut kontemporer, perlindungan pulau tersebar perlu kolaborasi antar negara pantai yang berdekatan dan negara kepulauan di wilayah perbatasan. Pulau terluar menjadi objek terekspose untuk dimanfaatkan dengan kekurangan bila pengawasan negara pantai dan negara kepulauan tidak dibenahi. Perlu pemikiran kembali pengaturan pulau dengan karakteristik terluar dan menawarkan opsi kolaborasi untuk kepentingan bersama atas pulau terluar dengan tetap penghormatan kedaulatan negara
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