70 research outputs found

    Predicative model for investigation high-temperature evaporation processes of water droplets

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    A predicative model has been developed to study the processes of high-temperature heating and evaporation of water droplets, taking into account the main interconnected processes of heat transfer and phase transformations. Typical profiles of temperature and velocity in the system "high-temperature gases - a droplet of water" are established when the temperature of the external gas medium varies from 100 to 800 0С. Various statements of the problem are considered, which differ substantially in the type of processes and factors taken into account. The analysis of temperature regimes of heating and evaporation of water droplets is carried out, at which simplified models can be used, and in which all complex interrelated processes of heat and mass transfer (including convective, conductive and radiant heat transfer in droplets, and also in the near-surface vapor-gas layer) need to be taken into account

    Исследование влияния криогелей на проведение работ по укреплению грунта при строительстве и реконструкции трубопроводов в условиях Крайнего Севера

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    Повышение прочностных характеристик грунта откосов и днищ траншей при строительстве и реконструкции трубопроводов в условиях Крайнего Севера. В процессе исследования проводились: анализ существующих методов укрепления грунта, лабораторные испытания прочностных характеристик суглинистого грунта, расчет трубопровода на прочность и устойчивость, Анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния трубопровода в программном комплексе ANSYS.Increase strength characteristics of the soil slopes and bottoms of trenches in the construction and reconstruction of pipelines in the Far North. In the process of research were conducted: analysis of existing methods of soil consolidation, laboratory tests of strength characteristics of loamy soil, calculation of pipeline for strength and stability, Analysis of the stress-strain state of the pipeline in the ANSYS software complex

    Ди-мюонное фоторождение в эксперименте NA64

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    В работе проанализированы основные процессы, вносящие мюонный вклад в статистику эксперимента NA64. Рассмотрены методы моделирования случайных величин. Разработан Монте-Карло генератор процесса ди-мюонного фоторождения, позволяющий получить энергетические и угловые распределения мюонов.The main processes involved in the muon contribution to the NA64 experiment statistics are analyzed. Methods for modeling random variables are considered. A Monte-Carlo generator was developed for the process of di-muon photoproduction, which makes it possible to obtain energy and angular distributions of muons

    Оценка эффективности рециркуляционной технологии использования метанола при подготовке газа методом низкотемпературной сепарации

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    Объектом исследования является технология подготовки газа на Мыльджинском газоконденсатном месторождении. Цель данной работы – повышение эффективности использования метанола при подготовке газа методом низкотемпературной сепарации. С помощью моделирования в среде программы UniSim Design проведено исследование вариантов реализации рециркуляционной технологии использования метанола на УКПГ Мыльджинского месторождения. В результате исследования выявлено, что предлагаемый вариант рециркуляционной технологии позволяет сократить расход метанола на 110–140 кг/ч (40–45 %) за счет уменьшения уноса метанола с нестабильным конденсатом. Добавленная в технологическую схему установка ректификации метанола позволяет вернуть в технологический процесс еще 85–120 кг/ч метанола.The object of the study is the gas preparation technology at the Myldzhinskoye gas condensate field. The goal of this work is to increase the efficiency of methanol use in gas preparation by the low-temperature separation method. Using simulation in the UniSim Design program environment, a study was carried out on options for the implementation of the recirculation technology for the use of methanol at the gas treatment unit at the Myldzhinskoye field. As a result of the study, it was found that the proposed version of the recirculation technology reduces methanol consumption by 110–140 kg / h (40–45%) by reducing the entrainment of methanol with unstable condensate. The methanol rectification unit allows to return another 85–120 kg / h of methanol to the process

    Single Cycle Structure-Based Humanization of an Anti-Nerve Growth Factor Therapeutic Antibody

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    Most forms of chronic pain are inadequately treated by present therapeutic options. Compelling evidence has accumulated, demonstrating that Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is a key modulator of inflammatory and nociceptive responses, and is a promising target for the treatment of human pathologies linked to chronic and inflammatory pain. There is therefore a growing interest in the development of therapeutic molecules antagonising the NGF pathway and its nociceptor sensitization actions, among which function-blocking anti-NGF antibodies are particularly relevant candidates

    A role of nitric oxide in neurite outgrowth of neuroblastoma cells triggered by mevastatin or serum reduction

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    Neuroblastoma cell lines are commonly used as a model to study neuronal differentiation as they retain the capacity to differentiate into a neuronal-like phenotype. It is of great medical interest to understand the signalling pathways biasing differentiation versus proliferation. Neuroblastoma cells differentiate in response to serum reduction or addition of the cholesterol synthesis inhibitor mevastatin. The responsible pathways are not well characterized. In Neuro2a neuroblastoma cells, we found that mevastatin and serum withdrawal triggered the production of nitric oxide (NO). In addition, the differentiation of Neuro2a cells and the activation of Akt/PKB triggered by serum withdrawal could be blocked by addition of the NO synthetase (NOS) inhibitor l-NAME. Moreover, mevastatin and serum withdrawal rapidly increased the expression of the neuronal NOS isoform nNOS. However, addition of an NO donor SNP per se did not trigger neurite outgrowth. Taken together, we report for the first time a role of NO in neurite outgrowth of neuroblastoma cells triggered by mevastatin or serum reduction. © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved